affiliate bootcamp review

Affiliate Bootcamp Review: No-Bull**it Analysis

If you’re passionate about earning money online and wish to find out how you can make some extra cash with the Clickfunnels Affiliate Program, then you’ve come to the right spot.

In this Clickfunnels Affiliate Bootcamp Review, I’ll discuss what it takes to become a Clickfunnels super affiliate and expand on the benefits of becoming one. 

There are plenty of affiliate marketing opportunities out there, but there’s something that makes the Clickfunnels one stand out more than the others. l’ll go into more detail on what’s inside the training program and tell you a few tips and tricks on how to achieve success with it.


Please Note: If you’re here because you think the program is a get-rich-quick scheme and will make you an overnight millionaire success, then leave. It’s a legitimate approach to making money online that requires you to put in some effort if you wish to see results.

This is a no-bulls**t analysis of the program where we debate what makes the program favorable, but also point out some of the bad sides of it. 

Please Note (2): You will fail if you’re not ready to treat this as a business. The materials inside the Bootcamp are admirable, but they won’t do the work for you. If you’re serious about succeeding as a Clickfunnels affiliate and want to make money online, then you can sign-up and consume the 4-Day Training Series.  

Please Note (3): If you want to learn how you can earn $500 per day in less than two months, then you might want to have a look at my number one recommendation for making money online with affiliate marketing.


What is the Clickfunnels Affiliate Bootcamp?

The Clickfunnels Affiliate Bootcamp is a training program that teaches you how to promote Clickfunnels as an affiliate and earn recurring monthly commissions for a longer period of time. If you haven’t heard about Clickfunnels, then I propose you read the following post where I clarify what the program is and how it works. 

In a nutshell – Clickfunnels is a useful marketing tool that helps businesses to better promote, sell, and deliver their products online. It’s a sales funnel builder that allows users to effortlessly create funnels with the help of pre-made and previously tested funnel templates.
affiliate bootcamp review

It’s considered to be a great affiliate marketing product to promote due to the “special thing” I teased you with earlier (which I’ll discuss later on), but also because of the popularity of the program itself. 

If you’re already familiar with Clickfunnels, then you must know that it’s one of the leading funnel builders in the industry, which means it offers a wide range of testimonials from satisfied customers (which is a good thing if you’re an affiliate). 

Russel Brunson – the co-founder of Clickfunnels, came up with a brilliant idea to create an in-depth training program that teaches and gives his affiliates everything they need to become successful at promoting Clickfunnels. What better way to learn how to promote the software then from the guy who created it, right? 


How Does The Clickfunnels Affiliate Program Work? 

The procedure is the same as any other affiliate program. First- you will need to sign-up as an affiliate for Clickfunnels, and once that’s done, you can start promoting the software. For every referral you make to Clickfunnels, you will get %40 monthly recurring commissions as long as the person that got under your name stays and uses the program. 

At the moment, Clickfunnels has two subscription plans: the Starter $98 per month and the Enterprise at $297 per month. For every person that sings-up to use the starter package under your affiliate link, you will earn $38 monthly recurring commissions. If they decide to upgrade to the higher plan, then you’ll get $118 per month. 


Question: How long would it take me to start making $4000 per month? 

Quick Math: If it took you three days to get one person to use Clickfunnels, then it would take you an entire year to cross the $4000 mark. If it takes you less than three days, then you’ll get there much sooner. You will only need to sign 106 people to reach the 4K per month paycheck. 

The Equation: 38 dollars × 106 people = $4028 per month

And it’s not just that
Clickfunnels will continuously pay you %40 commissions for everything the person that got under your link buys. For example: If the person decides to purchase the Funnel Builder Secrets Package ($2,997), then you’ll get $1,198. 

This is an excellent thing since you’re getting commissions for stuff you’re not even promoting. After a while, it all starts to add up, and it becomes like a snowball effect.

Clickfunnels even host their affiliate contest called “What’s Your Dream Car?” How does it work exactly? The more users you sing-up to Clickfunnels – the more money you get.

Clickfunnels will pay you $500 per month for your dream car once you have 100 active Clickfunnels members under your name and when you pass the 200 marks, they will bump it up to $1000. It’s their way of expressing gratitude, which is quite refreshing.


The Snowball Effect Explained 

Remember the snowball effect we mentioned earlier?

The snowball effect is a metaphor for something that initially starts out small, but begins to build upon itself. To visualize it you will need to imagine a snowball being released from the top of a mountain. It starts out small but grows bigger as time does the clickfunnels affiliate program work

I’ll try to explain it as simple as possible. Let’s say the average Clickfunnels user stays and uses the program for 3 months. Let’s also assume that it takes you 10 days to get a single user to sign up for Clickfunnels.

By the time the first user leaves, you have already signed-up a second one. After a while, the memberships start to overlap, and you’re making more and more money each month. snowball effectAnd all of this is based on an assumption. Some users quit after the 14-day free trial period, while others continue to use the program for years. Russel addresses this inside the Affiliate Bootcamp.

He wants you to be successful, and that’s why he teaches how to promote Clickfunnels the correct way – so you have higher retention rates. The more money you make – the more money he makes.


What Makes the Clickfunnels Affiliate Program Exceptional?  

It’s time to discuss the “special thing” that makes Clickfunnels one of the most exceptional programs to promote. It is something that will help you make more sales and will get the snowball effect started. 


The thing that makes Clickfunnels unique is the “sticky cookie.”

If you’re new to affiliate marketing, then you’re probably wondering, “Why the heck are we having a conversation about cookies?” 

The cookie I’m addressing is called a web cookie and is very different from the chocolate chip one. The Clickfunnels sticky cookie is one of the best-kept secrets of all time, and that’s why so many people don’t understand how it works.

The sticky cookie is a small piece of code that is inserted into a person’s browser when they visit a website, and it serves for tracking purposes. It helps Clickfunnels understand where the sale came from. Each affiliate has its own uniuqe piece of code that they use to promote Clickfunnels. sticky cookie

How does it work?

When someone decides to click on your affiliate link, they will get “cookied.” The code will stay on their browser, and if they choose to purchase something from Clickfunnels down the line, you will get a commission for it. 

Most affiliate programs have cookies that last no longer than a month or two. What makes the Clickfunnels one so unique is the fact it’s a lifetime cookie. That means if a person clicks on your affiliate link and buys something 16 months later – you will still get a commission. 

Clickfunnels invest so much money into acquiring new customers, so they basically do the selling for you. Even if the person that clicked on your link doesn’t buy straight away, chances are you will still get a commission because Clickfunnels will bombard them with ads, and the sale will happen sooner or later. 

It only took Clickfunnels six years to reach the 360 million dollar mark, and that alone is enough to convince you that they’re good at advertising. So you basically have to worry about getting people to click on your link, and after that let Clickfunnels do most of the work for you. 



If you want to see what’s inside the Affiliate Bootcamp, then all you need to is visit this page and enter your e-mail address. The Affiliate Bootcamp summit is a four-day training series where you get access to Day-1 instantly and after that Clickfunnels will grant you access to the following three days (Day-2; Day-3; Day-4) by emailing you the links. 

Please Note: The content inside the training is entirely FREE, but there’s a catch. The practice closes after four days, so make sure you finish it by the time it’s gone. You have 24 hours to watch each part, and then it disappears. You can still get unlimited access to the content, but you’ll have to purchase the One Funnel Away Challenge upsell. 

The content contains interviews from 15 experts and teaches you how to turn this hobby into a full-time career in only 100 days. All of the instructors are seasoned affiliate marketers who have made a ton of money using the methods discussed inside the Bootcamp, so you can rest assured that you will be taken care of.  


As I said, you will learn how to become a Clickfunnels Super Affiliate in the next 100 days.

Russel hand-picked some of his best-performing affiliates to walk you through each step of the process and show you how they’ve built up their affiliate marketing businesses, what they’re doing, how they are driving traffic, and all the pieces you need to know about to become a successful affiliate yourself. 

Here are some of the supper affiliate instructors: 

➜  Steve J. Larsen 

➜  Dave Gambrill 

➜  Rachel Pedersen 

➜  Jim Edwards 

➜  Greg Jeffries 

➜  Jacob Caris 

➜  Dana Derricks 

➜  Joe Marfoglio 

➜  Spencer Mecham

➜  Marley Baird 

➜  JR Rivas 

➜  Josh Rhodes 

➜  Tyler S. Clark 

➜  Billy Gene

➜  Peng Joon 


Please Note: I don’t want to make this review into a book, so that why we’re only going to cover the first day of the Bootcamp. We’re going to break down and analyze some of the videos inside the training. If you want to gain full access, then it might be best if you sign up for the four-day training series. 


Intro Video with Russel Brunson 

The first thing you will see inside the training is the introduction video, where Russel wants to get your foundation set and get everything right before he introduces you to all of his hardcore super affiliates. 

Russel states that to succeed with the Affiliate Bootcamp, you will need to take it seriously. He emphasizes the importance of staying focused and wants you to pay close attention to everything that’s being said inside the training and then decide which gameplay you want to follow. russel brunson blue ocean tacticEach supper affiliate has a different gameplan that they use to rack up affiliate commissions, and it’s impossible to follow and execute all of them. Russel adds that it’s best to follow the plan that resonates with you the most and makes you want to say: “That’s the plan I want to follow

He wants you to pay close attention to everything that’s said inside the training and decide which route you want to take. All of the gameplans are profitable, but they are different.

He also shares with you the best way to consume the interviews without getting overwhelmed and also reveals the “blue ocean tactic” that is likely the fastest way to becoming a Clickfunnels Super Affiliate.


Steve J. Larsen – Create an Irresistible Offer 

Steve Larsen is the first supper affiliate that you will meet inside the training and was the lead funnel builder at Clickfunnels for more than two years. He eventually left Clickfunnels and went out to win his 2 Comma Club Award.steve j larsen He runs a podcast and teaches you the little dirty secrets that go behind running a successful podcast and promoting affiliate products.

Steve is also known as the “offer guy” because he has mastered the skill of creating irresistible offers for his target audience. He shares with you his accumulated knowledge and teaches you how to create an offer that is hard to refuse. 

He also shares his secret on how he used influencers to do most of the work for him. He’s been running a successful podcast for the past couple of years and has personally used this tactic to grow his channel and presence online. 

– There are more key takeaways under his video inside the Bootcamp. –


Dave Gambril – Higher Churn Rates = More Money  

The second guy you’re going to meet is Dave Gambril. He’s an executive coach, leadership consultant, and serial entrepreneur that’s on a mission to help people unleash their “awesome” on the world. dave gambrilDave shares his tips on longevity in the affiliate marketing industry. He wants you to learn the keys to long term affiliate success and teaches you how to build a strong foundation that will last a lifetime. His goal is not just to get Clickfunnels trials, but to give his users enough value, so they stay and use the program for a more extended period. 

He also points out the importance of building trust and establishing healthy relationships with your audience to get more sales. People want to buy stuff from people they know, like, and trust. He’s content is first-class, and it’s worth watching. 

$ Monthly Recurring Income – one of the main topics that Dave discusses


Rachel Pedersen – The Queen of Social Media 

The third person you’re going to meet is the queen of social media, Rachel Pedersen. She’s the CE0 and owner of her social media marketing agency, The Viral Touch, and a full-time social media consultant. She was a 9-5 struggler that managed to replace her income as a Clickfunnels affiliate in less than six months. rachel pedersenRachel is going to teach you how to leverage the power of social media and use it to your advantage. She’s been doing this for years, so you would assume she’s very good at it. She highlights the importance of building genuine relationships that serve the buyer and help you extract more value from them. (value = money) 


FAQ Section:

These are the most common questions that are asked by people who are willing to participate in the Affiliate Bootcamp. I gave my best to answer them, so I hope you like them and find them helpful. 


Question: Is The Affiliate Bootcamp Legitimate? 

Answer: We must first decipher what legitimate means. Legitimate is something that is considered as the real deal and delivers what it promises. The Bootcamp promises that it can make you a successfully Clickfunnels affiliate in 100 days – which is entirely possible, but only if you stick to the gameplan and execute. There is a big difference between CAN and WILL. 

Question: When Does Clickfunnels Pay Its Affiliates? 

Answer: Commissions are paid on the 1st and 15th of each month. To get paid, you need to earn the bare minimum amount of 100 dollars. If your account balance is $99.99, you won’t be able to withdraw the money, and there’s nothing you can do about it. Clickfunnels has paid millions of dollars to their affiliates, so you don’t have to worry about them scamming you. 

Question: Where Can I See The Top 60 Clickfunnels Super Affiliates? 

Answer: First, you will need to visit the What’s Your Dream Car page. Once you’re redirected, scroll down to the middle of the page where Clickfunnels shows their list of super affiliates and dream-car winners.

Question: What’s The Best Thing About The Training Series?  

Answer: Without a doubt – the fact that Russel himself created it. He wants you to succeed with the program for a very simple reason. The more money you make as a Clickfunnels affiliate – the more money he will make as a Clickfunnels owner. This is one of the reasons why he went hardcore at it and gave it his best.

Question: What’s The Worst Thing About The Training Series? 

Answers: Using the word “worst” seems harsh. The Affiliate Bootcamp teaches you how to promote Clickfunnels and recommend their funnel builder to help you be more successful. This is understandable since Clickfunnels wants to make money from your monthly payments for using the software. You don’t necessarily need to use the software to be a Clickfunnels affiliate, but it definitely helps. 

I’ve read some complaints about this, but I think its complete bollocks since you only need to sign-up 2 Âœ people to use Clickfunnels for free.

Question: Is It Beginner-Friendly? 

Answer: The Affiliate Bootcamp was designed both for newbies and seasoned marketers. If you’re a beginner, then you might benefit the most from this Bootcamp. You will learn tons of new stuff but might have to go through some of the videos twice. And if you’re a seasoned marketer, then we’re sure you’ll pick up some valuable tips and tricks on how to promote Clickfunnels.

Question: Does The Program Offer Customer Support? 

Answer: You can contact the Clickfunnels support team once you have signed up for the Affiliate Bootcamp. They respond to messages quickly, and most of the time they give out great answers. They also have a huge interactive Facebook group called Clickfunnels Affiliate Avengers.

Question: Who Is The Bootcamp For? 

Answer: For aspiring affiliates who are having a hard time succeeding online and have no idea where to start. It’s also handy for seasoned marketers because the methods and strategies inside aren’t discussed anywhere else.


Final Thoughts: Clickfunnels Affiliate Bootcamp Review 

The Clickfunnels Affiliate Bootcamp is an excellent choice for people who are on the search for a legitimate way to make money with affiliate marketing. It’s not for people who want to cut corners and become millionaires overnight. I hope you liked this review, and I wish you great success on your journey to becoming a Clickfunnels Super Affiliate. 


  1. Navjot Singh March 5, 2022
    • Gorjan March 6, 2022

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