Alison Online Courses Review: Are They Even Worth It?

As we usher in a new decade filled with hope, many people probably have added New Year’s resolutions related to upskilling themselves for a new job or even an entirely new career! 

I want to help you out on your journey, especially if you are considering enrolling on MOOCs, which is why today’s post will be a thorough review of Alison Online Courses. 

There is no denying that MOOCs are on the rise, mainly because of all the things in recent years. 

Back in the days, we perceived education as something that you can only achieve from the confines of a four-walled classroom – where there is a physically present teacher, and you get to interact with your classmates. 


However, the very concept of education has evolved. 📚📈

Instead of the typical ones like math, science, and history, many courses are being made available today. Most of them are skills-based, meaning that you can learn just about anything you are keen on. 


Want to get your hands on photography, music, or even arts and crafts? 📷🎶🎨

Instead of following DIY videos on YouTube, you can actually take advantage of exceptional lessons and get verified certificates from registered MOOCs instead.

You see, MOOCs or Massive Open Online Courses have been around for a long time now, but millions of people have only recognized them during the pandemic. 

Unlike traditional classes, MOOCs’ courses are readily available and are flexible enough that anyone can enroll and learn at their own pace for free. 

You can even take certificate courses, master’s degree programs, professional certificates, and even get a verified diploma depending on where you will enroll online.

Alison Online Courses ReviewLike actual paid courses, MOOCs are influential because they offer comprehensive lessons where most of these are taught and developed by faculties from esteemed universities. 👨‍🎓🏫


Some of the best include UdemyCourseraLinkedIn LearningedX, and Skillshare. I know that enrolling in one is tempting, but let me just share a few tips before you do so.

You see, I have also been expanding my skills online since 2015, where I learned many valuable skills related to programming, designing, affiliate marketing, and even took a course on how to keep my plants alive. 

I understand that it can be pretty challenging for beginners to sort through all the courses and find the best ones for themselves. However, if I were you, I’d probably do the following: 

  1. Determine what type of learner you are – and be sure to check if the courses you are interested in are text-based, video-based only, or do they follow a guided or self-guided structure.

  2. Be clear on how much time you can devote to studying – to filter courses based on the duration you will set.

  3. Determine the reason for learning –  are you learning just for the sake of it, or are you upskilling with the idea of using this skill in your career? If you are only in the course to learn, there is no need to pay for the verified certificates. However, if you plan to make a career out of it, I highly suggest investing in the certificates.

  4.  Understand exactly what skill you want to focus on – depending on it, you can sign up for online platforms with specialties – Udacity for programming or Coursera for a secondary diploma or degree.


With this in mind, if you are still unsure of what type of class you want to enroll in, but you want to get a feel of what it’s like to learn under MOOCs, then that gives me a clue as to why you landed on this page. 

You probably encountered Alison’s extensive collection of courses and wondered if it’s a wise move to take some classes and see if it is worth your time. 

To spare you from the hassle and simultaneously save you some time, let me share my Alison Online Courses review with you.

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Nonetheless, before we dive right into it, let me just clarify that I am in no way connected to this company, nor am I being compensated to write this post. 

What you will read here are my honest opinions regarding the educational platform and nothing more. In other words, you can expect me not to hold back.

If this is okay with you, then prepare as I analyze one of the most prominent names in the world and ultimately answer the question of whether Alison Online Courses are a scam or a true leader in the field of online education. 


Alison Online Courses Review

As much as we want to think that all MOOCs are created equally, some are just a total waste of time.

Trust me when I say that I’ve done my fair share of reviews in the past couple of years. I even had the chance to review the ever-popular Shaw Academy, only to find out that it’s a complete waste of time and money.


The key question is – how does Alison compare to it? 🤔

Alison’s beauty lies in the fact that it was established in 2007, and it remains one of the most substantial firms in the e-learning industry. 

Ever since its debut, students flocked over the site since it is easy to navigate, offers free certificates, and the platform had some of the leading courses back in the days. 

Additionally, these courses are available in many languages, which has greatly enabled the site to target users worldwide.

Unlike other MOOCs, Alison is also one of the most recommended sites to people of all ages since their website is relatively easy to use, and there are no rampant upsells all over the place. 

You won’t even be prompted to purchase the certificates from time to time, and you can access the checkpoint exercises free of charge (this depends on the course since not all of them have activities).


My reason for reviewing Alison Online Courses? 😊

I am interested in sharing with you all that I know about this because many of my readers are becoming interested in this, especially since it is well known online and recognized by UNESCO and WISE

It has also gained popularity over the years since it has been connected with universities such as:

•  Columbia University

•  Lund University

•  Stanford University

•  University of Pennsylvania

•  University of Texas and Austin

•  University Wisconsin

•  University of North Carolina


Let’s dig into what it is actually all about and see whether it is a legitimate provider or not in the following few sections below.


What is Alison All About?

While its brand name does not scream anything related to education, you might be surprised to know that Alison is actually an acronym for Advance Learning Information Systems Online. 

It mainly focuses on teaching job-applicable skills, meaning that the courses under its belt are contemporary.

2005 was the year when the whole idea of bringing education online was conceptualized. Still, it is only in 2007 when Mike Feerick officially showcased to the world what Alison is all about. 

Is a scamIt started its journey by offering six free courses about technology. Fast forward to today, the whole platform already has around 2000 courses, and all of these are updated to fit current industry standards. ⭐✅


In a nutshell, all the lessons are free, and they allow you to get a learner record, certificate courses of completion, and learning guidance. 

If you want to get an attestation letter or formal proof from Alison, you’ll have to pay $19 to order one. There are also certifications that you can purchase through the standard rates below:

•  Digital Certificate – €8.00

•  Printed Certificate – €13.00

•  Framed Certificate – €20.00

•  Digital Diploma – €39.00

•  Printed Diploma – €59.00

•  Framed Diploma – €75.00

•  Printed Certificate (Learning Path) – €149.00

•  Framed Certificate (Learning Path) – €165.00


I have seen how much the platform has changed over the years, and I have to say I have this feeling of respect and amazement towards it. 

Back when I was using it in 2010, the concept was simple, but I found some of the courses a bit unengaging – you just had to watch tons of videos and answer a few assessments here and there.

Nevertheless, I was surprised when I logged into my account again a few months back. Alison is now applying gamification, a fun, motivational website element for those trying to learn.

Today, you can earn medals, receive points, and even earn discounts (for your certificates) simply by sharing your course progress on social media!

I also admire that they have this helpful feature where you can set study reminders and receive emails and in-app notifications for the days and exact hours you will place on the study reminders tab.


However, as we all know, nothing is perfect, and Alison is no different. 🙂

While the courses remain free, and each of the lessons still has a complimentary completion certificate, you should also note that the site now has a premium option included. 

By paying $9.82 per month, you can remove all the advertisements from the site, get access to a resume builder, and even get a few discounts. 

While I was using it in 2010, the site didn’t have any of the features mentioned above, and the ads were casually sprinkled around on the sites’ banner areas. 

Today, the advertisements are almost everywhere – to the point that before you land on the target page, you will have to close an ad first manually. 

While it may not be a problem for some, it is worth mentioning since most of them might not like encountering tons of advertisements while navigating the platform.


Are Alison courses accredited?

Considering that the whole platform is free and that all of the courses are based on what’s hot and happening in various industries, you can rest assured that the content can help broaden your skillset. 


Basically, the courses are divided into three: 🔽

  1. Certificate courses (which last for about 2 to 3 hours)
  2. Diploma courses (8 to 10 hours)
  3. Learning paths or a combination of niche courses (18 to 20 hours)

In terms of course categories, they have courses for the following: 🔽

  1. IT
  2. Language
  3. Science
  4. Health
  5. Humanities
  6. Business
  7. Math
  8. Marketing
  9. Lifestyle

But are the certificates accredited? No, they are not. ❌

What I applaud about Alison is that they are transparent that any scholastic authority does not accredit the company. 

While they may have good courses, high-quality lessons, partnerships under their belt, the lessons you’ll take with them are not accredited by any college or university.


This is where Alison is lacking. 😕

Unlike some of its major competitors, it’s like you’re only paying for a certificate that will let you ‘brag’ about finishing a course under Alison’s name. 

In this sense, the certificates and diplomas here cannot be used as a substitute for an actual diploma. 

Whereas if you take a similar course under Coursera, you might earn virtual university credits from the university offering the course.


This probably makes you question whether Alison is a timewaster. ⏱️

There is nothing more exciting than investing in self-development. There are two ways by which I will answer this one. 

If you are merely interested in learning the basics and are just simply trying to test the waters if you like a particular field or the idea of online learning, I highly suggest signing up.

At the same time, if you’re genuinely interested in earning credits and getting an accredited degree from a top university, then I suggest that you check out edX or Coursera instead.


Is A Scam Or A Legit Online Course Provider? is not a scam. ✅

Instead, it’s a legitimate online course that offers base-level information about some of the latest skills that one should have to function well in the modern world. 

Of course, since the classes last for a few hours or so, we can only label this as a self-development platform instead of a full-fledged educational platform like its competitors.

Is LegitimatePersonally, I recommend this to those who are just starting out and are interested in learning a thing or two without the hassle and extra cost. 👍🆗


However, please note that I recommend that you do not spend on any of the certificates or diplomas since they’re just under Alison’s name, and they cannot be used when applying for real jobs.

If you are a freelancer, you might add it to your portfolio or even showcase it on LinkedIn, but trust me when I say that it is still better to skip this and attend a reputable institution online.


Do You Want to Make Money Online? (a proven Blueprint!

Why exactly are you interested in upskilling? 💭

You see, I have always been drawn to the fact that people upskill not just because it is needed but also because they see an opportunity in a specific career. 

There’s a good chance that they can be earning a hell of a lot more by simply enrolling in similar courses like the ones Alison provides. 

With this being said, I think that now would be a perfect time to introduce you to an opportunity that can help you create your first passive source of income, but only if you’re willing to set aside time and invest yourself fully. 


This opportunity comes in the form of an online business. 🙂

It represents the same business model that made it possible for me to become financially independent at such a young age. 

Believe it or not, I’m only 24, and I’m telling you this because I firmly believe that it can help you do the same, no matter your age. 

I’m not sure if you’ve heard about it, but the business model I’m referring to is known as affiliate marketing

It’s a very straightforward revenue model in which you get paid to promote other people’s products and services in exchange for a predetermined commission.


The concept of how it works is quite simple. 👇

  1. You partner up with companies worldwide. 
  2. They share unique affiliate links with you. 
  3. You promote those links on your website. 
  4. You earn a commission when someone buys through you. 

It doesn’t get any simpler than that. 😄

However, please don’t get the wrong idea and start thinking that I’m talking about some magic DFY type of system. 

Despite its simplicity, affiliate marketing still entails a lot of effort, perseverance, and commitment. Only then will you be able to rip the rewards that this business model has to offer. 

See a list of my favorite success stories and go through some of the reasons that explain why this business model is so tempting. 

I’m an affiliate myself, and here are some reasons why you should consider becoming one too: 

  1. Affiliate Marketing has been around since 1989. 
  2. It still works just fine today, making it very reliable. 
  3. It’s a beginner-friendly way of earning online. 
  4. Two in three online earners are affiliate marketers.
  5. You can get started with less than one dollar per day
  6. You don’t have to be an expert at anything. 
  7. It’s a low-risk, high-return investment. 
  8. As seen by my success stories, anyone can do it. 
  9. If so can anyone, so can you! 

I can go on and on for days on why I recommend affiliate marketing, but it might be best to save us both some time and have you read my ultimate AM beginners guide instead. 


Inside I’ve outlined everything there is to know about it. 👌💯

You’ll have a chance to see how it works, the passive potential that it has, and even some great recommendations on how to get started. 


Suppose you’re interested in learning more about AM. 💡

In that case, I encourage you to join me on tour inside Wealthy Affiliate as I show you why it has been the go-to educational platform for affiliate marketers of all levels across the world. 

I’m a premium member of this community myself, and without it, the site you’re on wouldn’t have existed, nor would I be sitting here and writing this Alison Online Courses review. 

I’d be probably another ‘lost soul’ on the web trying to figure out how this making-money-online thing works and how to get started without throwing my money away on some crappy overpromising course. 

Alison Online Courses Alternative It’d be my pleasure to welcome and mentor you inside and show you how average folks like ourselves are making a living online, and even better, why I think you should try it yourself. 🤟🏆


It even may seem too good to be true, but you don’t have to go through this alone as I can help you establish your first successful online business and give you all the tricks and formulas that have helped me earn throughout the years.

You see, the blog you’re currently on is a perfect example of what a successful affiliate marketing business should look like. It’s pretty, simple, and earns me a steady four figures each month. 

I barely work 20 hours a week (it wasn’t always like that), but I’m able to provide for myself because I’ve built something known as a passive income source. 

This site works for me 24/7, and I can enjoy and spend more time on things that I’m passionate about. 

It’s time for me to end this post, so if you have any questions, just shoot me a comment down below, and I promise to give my best to get back to you in a timely manner.

I hope you liked my Alison Online Courses Review and that I could help you in forming your decision on whether this platform is a scam or not and if you should pursue subscribing as a student under it. 

If you liked this post, it would mean a lot to me if you can share it on some of your social media channels to help me in my advocacy in exposing the truth about online opportunities. 👋


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