Adam Enfroy Review



Hi, and welcome to my Blog Growth Engine review. 🙂

Unlike some of the other Blog Growth Engine reviews you might have read by now, I am in no way, shape, or form associated with Adam Enfroy. Nearly all Blog Growth Engine reviews on Google’s first page promote the course. Unlike them, this is an unbiased review by someone who has actually had the chance to dip his toes in this business model, so I have firsthand knowledge and understanding of what it takes to be a successful affiliate. I hope you like my review! 



Suppose you want to start your blogging and affiliate marketing journey and came across Adam Enfroy’s Blog Growth Engine course. This course is not only costly but also very tempting to start, so you now wonder whether it is a scam or not.


Don’t even worry about it cause I got your back!

I will review this course, discuss its pros and cons, give my two cents, and ultimately let you know if you should consider investing your time and money in it.

Not only that, but I’ll also introduce you to, what I’m convinced, is a much better, more reliable alternative for starting your online business. My recommendation is not only much cheaper than Adam Enfroy’s course but also offers a free starter membership, so you can test drive the training and see if it’s a good fit or not.

Although it deals with a freemium model, please understand that the starter plan is not meant as a permanent tier, understandably. Obviously, to succeed, expand your knowledge, and start making money consistently, you need to be trained.

By upgrading and unlocking all the core training, you will have all the necessary training, tools, and support at your disposal, which is way more than what you really need to mature into a full-blown affiliate marketer. From keyword research and market analysis to building content that converts. In addition, you’ll get access and a better understanding of all the possible ways to monetize your traffic and create a consistent, scalable revenue stream. Oh, and the best part?

You get a website completely free of charge, which, honestly, is probably the closest thing to a miracle nowadays. Usually, course creators in the make-money-online sphere tend to “force” their students to go after their recommendations, whether it’d be a “special” hosting package deal or some deluxe funnel software, only so they can profit off of the commissions in the backend.

My recommendation, on the other hand, does the total opposite, and instead of luring you to spend your money, it actually covers the cost. The website that you’ll be given isn’t free. It may be free to you as the end user, but the cost of getting it online and keeping it hosted is literally being covered for you by the platform owners, showing the platform’s excellence and how much individual attention is given to each student. – so keep that in mind when making your final decision.


So, you want to know whether the Blog Growth Engine course is legit? 🤔

Gorjan here, and in today’s review, I will let you know if it’s really possible to build and scale a successful blog from scratch with Adam Enfroys’ Blog Growth Engine course. This course supposedly teaches you how to create your profitable affiliate marketing blog from scratch by showing you how to choose a niche, set up your blog pages, generate traffic, and monetize it in the end. If you want to get into blogging and make money, I see why this course might excite you. 

Personally, this course got my interest because it was created by Adam Enfroy, an affiliate marketing expert with proven experience in digital marketing. From experience, I understand why you would consider making money as a blogger and seek to achieve freedom in the modern world by pursuing the laptop lifestyle.

I mean, what’s there not to like, right? You get to live life on your terms, all while being able to travel full-time, work from wherever you want, experience new cultures, and, my personal favorite benefit of them all, not having to waste half of your free time commuting to work every single day. It’s truly a blessing, I must say!


However, Adam Enfroy’s course is quite pricey…

…so if you are someone who’s not willing to commit fully, please do not take this course because you will most likely lose your money. Moreover, I believe courses that teach people how to make money online shouldn’t even be that expensive in the first place, regardless of whether you can commit to them or not. 

Adam Enfroy’s Blog Growth Engine Review I’ve tried my best to understand why these so-called “experts” are asking for such ridiculous amounts of money. The way I see it, charging a lot of money to teach others how you got started and succeeded is the epitome of exploitation.


The fact that not everyone enjoys the luxury of money when they are new and looking for a source of income should be evident to you as a course creator since you know how it feels to be lost when breaking into any field. From where I’m standing, asking people for that kind of money when you clearly understand their struggles and pain points is a bit absurd, to say the least, don’t you think?


But hey, I guess not everyone feels the same. 

Adam Enfroys’ Blog Growth Engine course is not the only one available, so I would advise you to review your options carefully before making a final decision.

There are countless other similar courses you can take for a significantly lower price, so frankly, I’m having a hard time accepting the argument that Adam doesn’t want to saturate the market with his exclusive techniques and whatnot.

As said, the recommendation I’ll introduce you to is significantly less pricey and overflowing with a supportive community. I am also an affiliate marketer, and the step-by-step platform, which, by the way, has been active for more than 16 years now, is the very same one that currently helps me earn anywhere between $4,000 to $6,000 monthly online. It may not be much compared to Adam’s lifetime career earnings, but I assure you it’s more than enough for me to live my dream life!


Hi, my name is Gorjan, and I’m making a full-time income working from home. Feel free to read my about page if you wish to learn more about my story, past experiences, and how I can help you set up your 1st passive revenue source.



Adam Enfroy’s Course Review

Adam Enfroy launched the Blog Growth Engine course, where he teaches his students how to do affiliate marketing via blogging and treat it like a business.

You probably want to know if he’s qualified to do so, right? Well, to answer your question, he has been blogging since 2018 and is also an affiliate marketer who has made over $1 million in affiliate commissions. So, it is safe to say that, indeed, he has the credentials to call himself an “expert” in this business model.

I also like that both beginners and pros can benefit from this course, where beginners can start their blogging journey and learn all the fundamentals, and pros can accelerate their growth. The training will primarily be delivered through Adam’s over-the-shoulder training videos, along with downloadable content to complement the tapes and a private group for peer support. There are three lessons you are expected to go through and learn: the fundamentals on how to start and launch your blog; how to monetize your blog through affiliate marketing; and how to grow your blog like a CEO and treat your blog like a business.


If you didn’t know, Adam’s “blogging like a startup” approach…

… which basically is treating a blog like a business helped him succeed as a blogger and affiliate marketer. If you are someone who wants to go through the path of blogging because it is your passion, then this course is not for you. 

Adam started his blogging career because he wanted to make a business out of it; it was not his passion that drove him to publish written content. His course, which includes strategies like creating a content assembly line for production and publishing MVP blog posts quickly to gain topical authority in Google before monetizing the content, is thus inextricably linked to the “blogging like a startup” philosophy. And honestly, you can’t blame the guy for wanting to earn some cash.


In fact, I feel the same way, and that’s me speaking from experience!

When I created my first website, I had no idea what I was getting myself into, so I chose a niche that I wasn’t very familiar with. The first ever blog I started, which turned out to be highly profitable, by the way, was related to chess strategies, where I promoted all kinds of chess boards, chess strategy books, etc.

The only reason I went with it is that there wasn’t a lot of competition, and it seemed like an easy hit at that time, which it ultimately turned out to be.

I was earning decent money with this website, but I ended up selling it because it became too tiring and monotonous to write about things I was not interested in. Choosing the right niche is important because it can make things easier for you down the line, but it’s not crucial, so remember this when the time comes!

Is Adam Enfroy a scammerAs I like to tell all my fellow affiliate marketers, we’re in the solving peoples’ problems for money business. With that in mind, it’s best to choose a niche in which you can offer value because providing value is the only way you’ll be able to earn your readers’ trust, ultimately leading to sales. Additionally, it would be best if you are slightly knowledgeable about the topic or have some interest in it, so you don’t find it hard to learn more about it! At least, that’s how I feel.


From what I’ve seen, there are two types of people (groups) when it comes to choosing a niche, and it’s entirely up to you to decide which group you belong to. Each group is different and has its own set of strengths and weaknesses.

The first group only wants to write about topics they’re passionate about. Group number two, on the other side, doesn’t really care what they write about as long as it makes them money. Clearly, Adam Enfroy belongs to the second group!

Because you will spend a large part of your time writing and producing content, the whole process will be much more comfortable for you if you belong to group ONE since there’s a great probability that you’ll find enjoyment in writing about the things you’re passionate about. However, if you belong to group TWO, you’re most likely as determined as I am and would write about just about anything as long as it’s profitable. If you belong to the second one, you’re my kind of guy!

I initially belonged to the first group at the beginning of my blogging career. Still, I ended up adopting the “blogging like a startup” philosophy, which turned out just fine for me. At the end of the day, everyone’s different, and the sooner you figure out which group you belong to, the easier it will be for you to make progress.


But do I really think “anyone” can replicate it?

Yes, anyone can become a successful blogger and affiliate marketer without any previous experience; I am living proof of that. But you cannot be successful in that market if you follow the exact steps taken by other people. There is no guarantee you can replicate what Adam did because he was no beginner; he was a digital marketing director when he started his website. But yes, it’s achievable! 



Blog Growth Engine Review 

What Blog Growth Engine guarantees is that you can create, develop, and monetize your own blog from scratch. The course was launched in the summer of 2021 and is taught by Adam Enfroy and Colin Shipp, both well-accomplished bloggers. If you noticed their domain names, it is basically their own name added with dot com. They show you how to use the methods and strategies they personally used to monetize their blogs and how to apply them to your own.

Affiliate marketing is the only content monetization method they used, which essentially involved promoting other people, businesses, or services in exchange for a commission for each successful referral. No other blog monetization strategies, such as native display ads, digital product offerings, or comparable techniques, are discussed in the Blog Growth Engine course.


I don’t think the cost of this course is worth it…

… considering that they only teach you one method for making money from your blog. If it were inexpensive or if you could sign up as a new member for free, I could understand if they only taught one method. Still, this course is so pricey, teaches you one approach, and only offers a 14-day refund period.

The course will be divided into modules, each containing video lessons, PDFs, and some other resources—this will all be flexible in style, meaning you can study at your own pace, which is great. You also gain access to the private Facebook group, and there is coaching for members, but the coaching will not be conducted by Adam or Colin but by some other experts in the matter.

easily the best way to make money online!

best way to make money online


Adam and Colin reply to any questions you post inside the Facebook group by answering them through Loom video links, which makes their answers and insights really personalized. Sometimes, other members of the group or other mentors would answer your questions or give you feedback. You can be assured that this group will guide you and give you any improvement points.



How Much Does the Blog Growth Engine Course Cost? 

Normally, the Blog Growth Engine course is $2,997, but you can also pay for it in two or three monthly instalments. The price is the only difference between each option’s access to the same content. You’ll need to be ready to put your time to good use to make the most of your investment because the training is both costly and relatively intensive. Otherwise, you risk failing and losing your money.

The good news is that there are no upsells in this course, meaning there are no lessons you need to pay to unlock, but you will be responsible for setting up and maintaining your blog. Adam Enfroy also recommends using blogging tools such as Ahrefs, SurferSEO,, Grammarly Pro,, and ClearScope to boost your content. This can get pretty expensive fast, and you’d have to bear all the costs even if you already paid thousands to enrol in the course.

Furthermore, Blog Growth Engine offers a 14-day money-back guarantee. However, you are only eligible to receive a refund if you take classes with them for 14 days, have a 1:1 coaching session, and join their private community.



Is Adam Enfroy a Scammer?

I understand that Adam Enfroy has a reputation as a highly successful blogger and affiliate marketer, given that his success story is quite compelling. Still, I don’t want to waste your time, so I’ll tell you that I consider Adam Enfroy somewhat of a scammer due to how he concealed important bits of his story.

When Adam started his blog in 2019, he built over 500,000 monthly readers and $100,000 monthly revenue in about two years. But he wasn’t clueless or a beginner since he had already worked for a big e-commerce brand, where he mastered his affiliate marketing manager skills. So, even if he says that when he started his blog, he had “zero content, zero links, zero subscribers – zero everything,” let me tell you he had tons of experience.

Before becoming a full-time blogger and affiliate marketer, he collaborated with his company’s affiliates to develop promotions and contests and optimize traffic for search engines and sales. When he saw the model’s success, he started his blog and quit his job after earning a good living from his own blog.


Is Blog Growth Engine a scam It’s just that I don’t buy his story. What he reveals and conceals genuinely makes me reconsider his legitimacy, especially when purchasing his course, and the after-costs that come will most likely cost you an arm and a leg. 


I don’t doubt that he creates good content, but I don’t believe that he grew his blog through blogging and affiliate marketing alone. This course is his primary source of income, and he not only expanded through multiple networks like YouTube but also spent a lot of money on backlinks. So, no, you don’t earn so much through two approaches alone in a bit of time, especially when you’re a total newbie with no prior experience. I just don’t see it happening!

Yes, you can earn a lot of money through blogging, and you can indeed scale a blog to such heights that fast. However, you’d only be able to accomplish that if you invest a lot of cash in building high-authority Editorial and Private Blog Network links, which, from experience, can get quite pricey in the long run.

Even if you had the money, you’d still need to be very careful because, although buying backlinks is standard practice, scaling a blog too fast with such tactics can cause Google to flag your site and sink it to its last page, where it will most likely never get found again. Such extreme link-building strategies are super effective, but only if done correctly. I highly doubt that you, as a beginner with no prior experience, will be able to pull that off without Google blacklisting you.


But hey, you do, you boo!

Another problem with Adam Enfroy’s website is that he loves to rank products or services based on how much he can earn from them, so his reviews aren’t genuine. He also advises Blog Growth Engine students to do this strategy as well.

This is equivalent to lying to your readers; why would he employ that strategy? Because he wants to treat blogging as a business? From what I remember, in business, you must be the most genuine person to build a reliable connection with others. Trust matters in blogging, and if you’re serious about building a healthy, beneficial, long-term business relationship, you must leave a memorable impression. The best way to do that is through complete transparency.


Now, that’s not the only suspicious thing.

You see, Adam Enfroy loves—and I mean LOVES—to tell the world his story, which is his way of gaining people’s trust. You probably think there is nothing wrong with that. Let me tell you; it’s so unfair to let people buy the story of him being a “newbie” when he was most certainly not one when he started. He does this to let people believe that “if he can do it, I can too!.” Adam Enfroy’s strategy is not his own because these sleazy tactics certainly existed before he did. But he won’t give credit to anyone who has come up with that first.


But it doesn’t stop there.

Anyone who tells you that you can make six figures fast by following their exact steps should be taken with a grain of salt. Since Adam’s course is high-priced, you must invest time and effort. While you get the basic outline of his course, I’m not convinced it’s worth the money. I mean, let’s not pretend here that spending $2K on a blogging course is an excellent investment cause it’s not!

There’s so much competition nowadays, especially in the make-money-online sphere. As you might know, basic economic theory demonstrates that a lot of competition leads to lower pricing, so I assure you that you can find double the value for half the price. – you just have to know where to look, that’s all! 

You can learn a lot from Google alone. If you did your due diligence, you surely know that you can pursue other affiliate marketing strategies instead of following Adam’s route. Blogging is perhaps one of the best ways to make money with affiliate marketing, but how much you spend will depend on how you do it. 

Is Blog Growth Engine Legit Adam suggests the pricier route, so if you think you’re financially stable enough to endure the risks and probabilities that lie ahead, then be my guest!


Also, Adam has YouTube content where he shares insightful tips and tricks on affiliate marketing, blogging, SEO, link building, sales funnels, passive income, and online business. Maybe you can utilize that one instead because it’s free.




Is Blog Growth Engine a Scam?

Blog Growth Engine is not a scam, but I wouldn’t necessarily recommend you take the course because it is ridiculously expensive, even though you can get the same information they teach online for one-tenth of the price, and unbelievable as it may seem, even for free. Adam Enfroy even has a YouTube channel, so you can watch those videos instead of paying him thousands of dollars. Trust me; it’s not worth knowing that significantly cheaper courses and free resources are available.

The promotion of this course involves selling Adam’s story to make you believe that he had no clue what he was doing, but you know by now that that’s not the case. I am not saying you can’t succeed because you know nothing, but it will never be a “get-rich-quick” strategy. It would take time, and you would have to invest a lot of your time and energy, but if you stay persistent and stick with it, it will be well worth it. If you are okay with paying thousands of dollars for a single course, feel free to do so if you believe you can replicate Adam Enfroy’s system.

Adam Enfroy’s approach is “blogging like a startup,” so if you want to blog for passion and skills alone, I suggest sidestepping this course. He treats blogging like a business, which means he makes sure that his recommendations or reviews will be ranked according to the amount of money he makes. The more money it makes him, the more likeable the review will be. I consider this lying to your readers, but if you could care less, no one’s stopping you! As I said, you do, you boo!

So, in conclusion, while Blog Growth Engine is legit—being run by well-known and successful bloggers—I do not recommend enrolling in the course. It is too expensive, and you can learn and do much more if you use that money instead on a cheaper course and invest the remaining money in building out your blog.



How I Make a Living Online

Please feel free to check out this step-by-step program if you want to discover the exact insightful strategies that enabled me to escape the 9 to 5 rat race and start my own business at just 19 years of age. I now make anywhere between $4,000 to $6,000 per month thanks to the continuous support I get from this community, and I’m really just getting started. – it’s free to start with! 

It does require a lot of work initially, but to be totally honest, so does any other long-term, scalable business. Although it’s unlikely that you’ll make thousands of dollars overnight, things start to snowball once the money starts coming in, allowing you to outsource most of the work, thus automating %90 of the process.

Before starting this line of work, I had yet to learn how this online money-making thing actually worked. I came across this platform when I was almost bankrupt, and since it didn’t involve much investing, I figured I’d give it a shot.

This all-inclusive platform also teaches what Adam Enfroy does, but it takes the less pricey route. On top of that, it guides you on launching a successful affiliate marketing business related to your passions, interests, and hobbies while still treating it like a super scalable, profitable business. No prior knowledge or expertise is required, and it is incredibly affordable, as all courses should be!


Adam Enfroy course review scam I suggest you read my ultimate money guide, where I go into more detail about my background and experiences, share some great advice on how to move along more quickly and avoid having to go through the same learning curve as I did and discover how you can get started with practically no money at all.


I believe it’s time to end my Blog Growth Engine review, so hopefully, my arguments convinced you that you should think twice about wasting your time and effort with this course. If you think I’ve missed something, or there’s anything you’d like to ask, feel free to comment below. I usually reply within 24 hours.





  1. Anna March 5, 2023
    • Gorjan March 29, 2023
  2. Dale February 15, 2023
    • Gorjan February 17, 2023
  3. Vai February 12, 2023
    • Gorjan February 17, 2023
  4. Michel Maling February 6, 2023
    • Gorjan February 6, 2023
  5. Jennyse Velez February 2, 2023
    • Gorjan February 3, 2023

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