Grant Cardone's 10X Marketing Program Reviews

Grant Cardone’s 10X Marketing Program Review: LEGIT OR HYPE?


Hi, and welcome to my 10X Marketing Program review.  

In the world of business and marketing, the name Grant Cardone has become almost synonymous with success. Yet, so many people are skeptical about his programs and what he brings to the table. Frankly, you can’t really blame them!

With so many marketing programs on the market, it can be hard to know which ones are truly effective and which ones are overhyped. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at Grant Cardone’s 10X Marketing Program to determine whether it lives up to the hype or falls short of expectations. Besides taking a closer look at what’s inside the program and examining its key principles, I’ll reveal the dirty little secret behind this program that Cardone doesn’t want you to know. – this little-known fact could change how you view the 10X Marketing Program.



So, you want to know if Grant Cardone’s 10X Marketing Program is legit?

“From rags to riches,” as they say, is a relatively familiar and famous quotation, but only a few can experience it. It’s admirable how these individuals can be so “lucky” to pull their lives from poverty, making thousands of people die of envy and jealousy. Humans are blinded by resentment towards these successful individuals, despite not knowing what and how it takes to be in their position. It takes extraordinary effort, commitment, and determination to be in their spot.

Sadly, these are the aspects they typically lack, thus making them more disappointed with their companions’ accomplishments. These sentiments became the sole basis of Grant Cardone for producing his 10x Marketing Training Program.

Come with me as we review this money-making strategy to put an end to your curious minds. As a reviewer who’s reviewed hundreds of similar money-promising opportunities, my goal is to always provide my readers with unbiased feedback on various products, services, and programs. That said, I want to be upfront and disclose that I’m affiliated with Grant Cardone’s 10X Marketing Program.

Despite this affiliation, I assure you that I will remain impartial in my review and honestly evaluate the program’s strengths and flaws. As an ethical reviewer, I prioritise offering transparent and comprehensive feedback. I want you, as my reader, to make informed decisions based on the information I provide.

I understand that joining a program like this can be a significant investment, which is why I want to analyse the program thoroughly, including both the positive and negative aspects. As an affiliate marketer, I rely on commissions to maintain and grow my platform. Knowing this, I would be very grateful if you could support me using my affiliate link if you decide to enrol in the 10X Marketing Program.



Grant Cardone 10X Marketing Program review Doing so will help me keep my content biased-free and continue providing you with truthful and fair reviews. In conclusion, I’m excited to share my thoughts on the 10X Marketing Program and help you determine if it’s right for you. So, without further ado, let’s dive into my review and see if the 10X Marketing Program is worth your investment. So, without further ado, buckle up and let’s get started!



Hi, my name is Gorjan, and I’m making a full-time income working from home. Feel free to read my about page if you wish to learn more about my story, past experiences, and how I can help you set up your 1st passive revenue source.



Grant Cardone’s 10X Marketing Program Review

Hi there! Gorjan here, and in today’s review, we’re going to talk about Grant Cardone’s well-known revenue-generating system, the 10x Marketing Program. Don’t get me wrong, but we all have the same question in mind “is it genuinely worth the hype?” For some, yes, it is, but a part of the world claims otherwise.

As an expert affiliate marketer who’s always curious and expert when it comes to exploring the latest, best and legit money-making platforms, I’m intrigued by the demand and popularity this program is getting. Its high reputation led me to break down all the facts and lies (maybe) about this trending topic.



Who Is Grant Cardone?

Before dropping the bomb, let’s first talk about the mastermind behind this marketing strategy, the one and only Grant Cardone. Cardone has been gaining public attention since 2011 after joining the American Business Reality TV Series, the Shark Tank. He became one of the most successful sharks on the show by investing in more than 85 different companies, which led to his undying stardom.

He’s a “self-made billionaire,” as the public describes him, with an inspirational backstory of being a drug addict to the successful businessman he is now. Don’t get me wrong, but the same old story, isn’t it? I guess embodying the worst version of yourself is the key to achieving the popularity and wealth we are all trying to uncover. Just kidding! But it could also be part of it.


Cardone’s Life Traumas

Life was rough for Grant to the point that it felt like all the odds were not on his side at all. Sadly, his father died at a young age, forcing his mother to strive and support him and his four other siblings. In short, he lived in a poor and unideal environment with a slimmer chance to create his own rags-to-riches story.

After years of continuous struggles, Cardone found himself addicted to drugs while being part of an unimaginably awful company, constantly making the worst decisions. The next thing he knew was his mother disowning him and kicking him out of their house to put him in a rehabilitation centre.


But, little did he know that these negativities would…

…become his most significant turning point in life. At 25, Cardone was determined to get his life back on track by living a sober life. His traumas and experiences as a human became his greatest motivation to give his potential a chance. Because of this pursuit, he chose to cut all the negative influences around him because he knew deep down that he was meant for something bigger and greater.


Cardone’s Struggles Towards Success

Grant decided to turn his life around by abandoning his vices, expecting significant and positive feedback. But life turned out to be the complete opposite; the change he wanted didn’t become full of sunshine and rainbows instantly. Maybe the world was trying to tell him, “it wouldn’t be that easy, brother.”


Kidding aside, Cardone finished a degree in accounting.

But during this time, jobs were limited, and the unemployment rate was high. With this, he didn’t have the time to be choosy, so he landed a job as a car salesperson. Little did he know that this would be the path toward his success.

Is Grant Cardone’s 10X Marketing Program legit Throughout his career, he learned and understood the “smart” strategy behind sales and marketing. Later, he took advantage of this applied knowledge by encouraging people to purchase his offers. With his continuous efforts, he became the most sought-after car salesman in the industry.




In turn, he successfully managed to double his income.

Despite his ravaging success, he was unfortunately fired from work after telling his boss that someone was trying to steal from him. But this setback didn’t let him step back from his momentum. He revived his life and career by starting his own sales consulting business with the aim of sharing his aggressive sales and marketing tactics across the globe. His company did well, but he didn’t stop there – he became wise and careful with his money, as everyone should, right?

Cardone played his cards right and made his money work for him by investing much of it in other businesses and real estate. Because of his millionaire mindset, he expanded his earnings by taking advantage of these money-making strategies.


The Unfolding of Cardone’s 10x Marketing Program

So, here’s the question: Has Cardone’s tragic life story inspired him to develop this program? Maybe yes, maybe not. Who knows? But, in his video advertisement about the 10x Marketing Program, he did mention his struggles. So, I can say that his past experiences and battles became a big part and motivation for everything he’d made so far. It’s an inspiring story, to say the least.


Let’s talk about his controversial marketing program – the 10x Marketing.

People have been sceptical of this strategy, and the many mixed reviews online prove that. They kept wondering, “does the 10x marketing program work?” or “is 10x conference worth it?”. Just like you, I also have the same question! So, without further ado, let’s unfold the concept behind his 10x Marketing Program.



What Is The 10X Marketing Program?

The 10x Marketing Program is a comprehensive training system developed by Grant Cardone, together with a world-class team of business experts. It was created to help people build their own empires the way Cardone built his own.


The Promise 


“Teaching you the biggest shortcut to achieving business success.”


Grant Cardone was able to build his own empire, making his name one of the most sought-after personalities in the world. He did this all on his own and without proper guidance and formula. Unbelievable, isn’t it? His perseverance and commitment to everything he does to reach his dreams are on top of this world.

He became successful in his own way and will and unselfishly wanted to share how he did it with the world. (for a profit, of course) Grant doesn’t want you to suffer as he did; he wants to spare you the time and effort it takes to find the perfect formula to achieve your life-long business dreams and goals.


Is the 10X Marketing Program worth it In other words, Grant Cardone CLAIMS and PROMISES that his 10x Marketing Program is the SOLUTION to your BUSINESS PROBLEMS. But is it, though?



The Concept


“Grant Cardone 10x Marketing Program Done-For-You”


Building a highly-profitable business as fast as humanly as possible is the concept that became the sole basis of Cardone and his team in creating the program. It is a 3-day online course that teaches people how to generate an increasingly-flowing revenue stream step-by-step, from basic to complex ideas.



The 3 Courses Under The 10x Marketing Program:



1. Your First Million in Business 


Decrease your stress and increase your earning potential.”


●  Initially, Grant wanted to tackle and discuss the right way to build a successful business. So, in this course, he did everything in his power and knowledge to break down the steps in structuring a business from scratch.

●  In this course, you’ll master the perfect formula for creating your own empire and making a name in the industry despite having no background in sales and marketing. I found many golden nuggets in this part of the course.


2. 10X Marketing Crash Course


“Learn the best from the best in a short period of time.”


●  Identifying and understanding the basics wouldn’t be enough. It would help if you felt that “urge” to do this and that. Doing this will inspire you to get motivated to step up and start working on your progress.

●  In this course, you’ll learn the best strategies to jumpstart your success with the bit of knowledge you’ve gained from the first course. Once done, you’ll be more knowledgeable and advanced than most (90%) business owners.


3. 10X Marketing Mastery


Level up your game to be the best in the industry.”


●  Business creation steps identified ✅. Marketing wisdom ✅. It’s time to up your game and apply what you’ve learned from the first two courses into action!

●  In this course, you’ll learn the most advanced business tactics and strategies that Grant has developed himself. With a billionaire mindset and these solutions, you can build a world-class brand that generates more leads and highly-flowing revenue than you ever imagined.



The knowledge you’ll gain from this 3-day course will be a blast. Imagine, you’ll have a chance to capture the marketing details you need to successfully build your own empire in 3 days! The business concepts and schemes you’d be crying out for are all simplified in one program. Thanks to the legendary Grant Cardone for making this all possible. He spared us from having information overload due to continuous research and from being lost in the process.

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The Offer


My number one regret in business was that I didn’t learn marketing earlier.”


Like most of us, Grant Cardone has many regrets at some point in his life. We all know how he was before being famous and wealthy. Because he’s been through a lot, he overlooked a lot of concepts, one of which is the importance of marketing.


He doesn’t want the same thing to happen to us.

With this in mind, he was kind and considerate enough to develop ten (10) marketing systems that are 100% ready and equipped for outsourcing purposes.

He laid it out all for us; all we have to do is practice “consistency” in connecting our goals and objectives to these strategies. Here’s a rundown of the systems that you can get once you’ve registered for the 10x Marketing Program:

  1. 10x Sales Funnel System
  2. 10x Email Marketing System
  3. 10x Facebook System
  4. 10x Instagram System
  5. 10x Youtube System
  6. 10x Podcasts System
  7. 10x Meta Ads System
  8. 10x Google System
  9. 10x Search Engine System
  10. 10x Statistics System


Today, entrepreneurs can efficiently market their brands and offer online; they just have to choose the right strategy suitable for their end targets. Honestly, it’s hard to odd one out with the many available options and alternatives.

All marketing strategies are practical and efficient; it only depends on the entity using them. Because of this, Cardone firmly believed that Systems are more valuable than skills.” He wanted to convince people he was right, so he developed the ten outsourcing systems above. It encourages us to employ each system in our marketing efforts, so we don’t have to choose from which. What a strategy, isn’t it? Doing this can introduce our brand on not just one online platform but 10.

In turn, make our businesses be recognized all over the world, because why not?


The Action 


“Experience the billionaire perks with little work.”


The 10x Marketing Program offers so much, from the 3-day online courses to the ten outsourcing systems. Name it all, and they have it! But did you know that it doesn’t end there? Cardone doesn’t want to leave us hanging despite having these amazing resources, so he added a few extras just in case.



Is Grant Cardone Legit He provided the information and resources we needed. But something is still missing – the action. So, in connection with his 10x Marketing Program, he laid out three hyper-focused systems to help people outsource their work, obtain leads, and close deals, which I personally found extremely valuable.




The 3 Additional Systems Included in The Program:


1. 10X Lead Program 

●  Learn how to execute your marketing strategies like the pros efficiently. This all-in-one system teaches you all the dirty little secrets behind building successful sales funnels, lead magnets, emails, ads, and social posts.


2. 10X Closing System

●  Embody professionalism when creating marketing agreements and videos. Master the art of curating sales scripts, graphics, recordings, rebuttals, proposals, and contracts. Let these strategies do most of the selling for you!


3. 10X Outsourcing System

●  Manage your business without paying a single penny or having to lift a finger by employing the value of outsourcing. Sit back, relax, and let the experts do the hard work. This is a system you want to pay special attention to because, from experience, outsourcing can help make your business more flexible and agile. This will allow you to adapt easily to changing market conditions and challenges while providing cost savings and service level improvements.


The Solution 


“Achieve an increasingly-flowing revenue stream in 90 days with $100.”


Living in a third-world country isn’t an exception when it comes to money problems. Imagine what $100 can do these days; it costs nothing! So, it’s hard to guarantee the effectiveness and reliability of a product or service if it only requires a hundred dollars from our pockets. However, Grant Cardone’s 10x Marketing Program may be an exception to this generalization.

With your $100 bill, you can obtain all that information and resources to finally jumpstart your dream business and become the billionaire you’re aiming to be.

All you have to do is register, pay $100, undergo the 3-day online course, and master each of the ten outsourcing systems. Once successful, then expect to:

  1. Generate tons of leads even with zero skills and experience with technology.
  2. Close the deal you’ve been eyeing for a long time through video marketing.
  3. Drive results with little work by letting the professionals do the hard work.


Working with the information and resources provided in this marketing program can unravel the promise of building a highly-profitable business as fast as humanly possible. So, if you decide to take advantage of this marketing program, then be ready yourself because the best is yet to come!



Is The 10X Marketing Program Legit?

With the success of the marketing information and strategies under the 10x program, is it safe to say that this isn’t worth the hype? Again maybe yes, maybe no. We still don’t know, considering the diversified opinions of a lot of people.

After careful research, discussion, and consideration, here’s my take on Grant Cardone’s 10x Marketing Program: 50% legit and 50% promising. Here’s my justification for blunting out this statement:


%50 Legit

For the record, the program is incredibly structured and worth the price. How amazing is it to gain tons of information and resources in one marketing program, right? But, at the end of the day, we all have the same question in mind:


“Is it really effective? Would going through the 3-day online course and mastering the systems provided in this program really help me achieve my lifelong billionaire business dream or is it yet another overpromising course that underdelivers?”


Let me answer your question:


“Yes, the course is extremely useful!”


The program is effective ONLY if you’re the type of person who has patience, devotion, and determination, like Grant Cardon. Bust off the “one-day billionaire” concept that promises people that if they did this, they could achieve this in a day; there’s no such thing! It would help if you had the will to get things done.

It takes time, power, and dedication to be in the place or state where you want to be. The 10x Marketing Program is not for people who are used to giving up so easily. If you’re not ready to up your game, you won’t succeed either.

The program is designed to fast-track your progress, so you must be willing and prepared to keep up with the demanding pace. If not, you’ll fail, and the success you’ve longed for will continue as a dream, and that’s just me being real with you!


%50 Promising 

The only problem with this program is the slight lack of transparency and the fact that it hides all the upsells that come later on. I don’t know about you, but I believe obtaining all that info and resources for $100 is skeptical, don’t you think?

You’ve probably noticed that everything is already super expensive in this world. Yet, Grand Cardone is a one-of-a-kind marketing genius, so it’s only expected that he will try to sell you more expensive products down the line. Knowing this, you have full control over whether you want to buy them or not.


Is 10X a pyramid schemeTo have access to all these sales and marketing strategies for just $100? It sounds too good to be true, so, NO, I don’t think so! How Cardone and his team introduced and advertised this program is so promising that it takes two to tango before you can convince a lot of experts in the field. Why did I say this, you’d ask?



Because after spending time and effort attending the first course, they’ll ask you to pay again to be eligible to enter the second course. The $100 I initially spent became a registration fee to qualify me to enter the first online course.

Moreover, I couldn’t find the solutions I’d been dying to know after undergoing the courses. Instead, the facilitators will convince you to register for the next class to unravel the necessary answers, which is a bit irritating.


Let me clear the confusion here:

I’m not the only one reacting this way; many of us are! Because of this, people, including me, have been calling Cardone a confidence trickster. He and his team are a bunch of money hoarders who prey on the weak to get what they want. It’s not that they don’t provide value. In fact, they give a lot of it, but what good is all that value when they’re not upfront about all that happens in the backend?

The truth is that they can’t really convert the poor and middle-class business owners into a billionaire in 90 days with just $100. They can only help those who already have the money and resources to do so. Still, when it’s all said and done, it would be up to you to give this money-making strategy a shot! It may be overpromising, but I still believe it’s worth the price.


The Verdict

Grant Cardone’s 10x Marketing Program has transformed many business aspirants into successful entrepreneurs. For some, yes, but for others, no. There are always two sides to the story. This review, it’s from the people who’ve experienced the positive and negative outcomes of taking advantage of this money-making strategy. As I’ve said, it’s 50/50, but I’ll leave the final verdict to you.

But before spending a penny to register for this program, take all your time researching and reading reviews about it. I want to spare you from splurging on unworthy things. If you have questions or clarifications, feel free to reach out to me in the comments. As someone who’s seen it all, I’d be happy to help you have an informed decision on how to generate money online.


How I Make a Living Online

Thanks to affiliate marketing, I’ve been able to generate a steady income online for the past couple of years, making thousands of dollars each month. You’ve probably heard of this business model by now, but just in case you haven’t, I’ll gladly tell you a bit more about it and the benefits that come with it.

Affiliate marketing is a simple yet efficient and scalable business model where you promote other people’s products or services and earn a commission for every sale made through you. The beauty of this business model is that you’re only the middleman, meaning that you don’t worry about creating your own product, handling customer service, or dealing with any shipping or handling.

Your “job” as an affiliate, if you can even call it that, is literally to find a certain someone with some sort of a problem and connect him to a product or service that will solve that problem for him. This business model provides exceptional flexibility and freedom, allowing you to work from anywhere worldwide as long as you have a stable internet connection. Plus, with a wide variety of products and services available to promote, it’s effortless and almost impossible not to find something that aligns with your personal interests and niche.

If you’re interested in starting your own affiliate marketing business, there’s no need to go it alone. Speaking from experience, it likely won’t end well, and you’ll spend lots of money without making any actual progress. By signing up for a step-by-step platform that provides you with all the tools and resources you need to succeed, you can fast-track your way to earning a significant income online.


Is the 10X Marketing Program a scam As a seasoned affiliate marketer with years of experience in the field, I can confidently say that Wealthy Affiliate is the ultimate platform for anyone looking to succeed in the world of affiliate marketing. This platform has given me all the tools, resources, and training I need to become a successful affiliate marketer. If you’re interested in following in my footsteps, I suggest checking it out.



With Wealthy Affiliate, you get access to…

…top-notch training on how to start and grow your own online business and a supportive community of like-minded individuals who are always more than willing to lend a helping hand. Whether you’re a complete newbie or an experienced marketer, Wealthy Affiliate has something for everyone.

One of the things I love about Wealthy Affiliate is that it offers a free membership, meaning that it is 100% risk-free. With this free membership, you can test the platform and see for yourself how it can help you achieve your financial goals. Unlike Grant’s 10X Program, there are no hidden fees, and you don’t need to provide any payment information to sign up for the free membership.

So, if you’re serious about taking your affiliate marketing business to the next level, I highly recommend giving Wealthy Affiliate a try. It’s a platform that has been proven to work time and time again, and as it did for me, I also believe it can help you achieve the financial freedom you’ve always dreamed of.


You should note the fact that WA is not a get-rich-quick scheme.

Instead, it serves as a platform that stresses the necessity of perseverance, commitment, and hard work in order to succeed financially. The program teaches individuals how to build their own successful online businesses through a step-by-step approach that covers everything from choosing a niche to creating high-quality, valuable content and driving traffic to a website.

As mentioned earlier, WA provides you with all the tools and resources to help you succeed, including website builders, keyword research tools, and expert advice from experienced entrepreneurs. It takes time, effort, and devotion to succeed, but those willing to put in the work have the potential to achieve long-term financial success. Please feel free to check out my full review of the platform, where I share some of WA’s most-notable success stories.


Grant Cardone 10X Marketing Program alternativeI think it’s about time I end this review, so to sum it up, Grant Cardone’s 10X Marketing Program is not a scam. While it may only be suitable for some, those who are willing to invest the time and effort to learn and apply the strategies taught in the program can significantly improve their marketing skills.



With a focus on mindset, strategy, and action, the program provides a comprehensive approach to marketing that is both practical and effective. While some may find the program’s emphasis on upselling and high-pressure sales tactics off-putting, it is essential to remember that these techniques are widely used in business and can be helpful when used ethically and responsibly.

Overall, even though Grant has been labeled as a controversial figure, I still believe his 10X Marketing Program is a legitimate system that can help individuals and businesses achieve their marketing goals with the right mindset and effort.





  1. Brenda April 21, 2023
    • Gorjan April 25, 2023
  2. Joseph February 28, 2023
    • Gorjan March 4, 2023
  3. Hawumba February 23, 2023
    • Gorjan February 25, 2023
  4. Eric Abbott February 19, 2023
    • Gorjan February 24, 2023

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