How Long Does it Take to Write a Blog Post

Answered: How Long Does It Take to Write a 1000 Words Blog Post?



So you might think that writing a 1000-word blog post is no biggie since it’s not a crazy-high word count. But let me tell you, in reality, it can take up a ton of your precious time and energy, especially if you’re new to the blogging scene or don’t have much experience in freelancing writing.

For starters, coming up with a suitable interesting topic that your target audience will find engaging is challenging. But for the sake of this post, let’s assume that you already have an idea about what you want to write about.


Once you’ve got your topic nailed down, that’s when the fun begins.

When I say fun, I actually mean spending a reasonable amount of time researching the topic at hand since good preparation is crucial if you’re looking to increase your writing speed and write overall better posts with accurate facts and figures to back up your points.

Nobody, and I mean NOBODY, wants to sit around and read a blog post full of gibberish, which is why it’s super important to find credible sources of information and ensure you’re presenting the most up-to-date and relevant info.

On top of that, researching will help you come up with new angles and ideas to include in your article to make it even better and more valuable so it ranks even higher in Google. Also, you’ll get familiarized with your audience’s wants and needs, making writing more relatable content for your readers easier.


This can take up significant time, especially if unfamiliar with the subject.

But it will be much easier if you’re an expert, given that you’ll already have all the necessary details stored in your noggin! Then comes the actual writing part.


Ah, the writing

Depending on your experience level, it can be a thrilling adventure or a nerve-wracking rollercoaster ride. I still remember the early days I began blogging when writing a new post was like taking a plunge into the unknown.

Because of my writing style and level of (in)experience back then, it took me a few good hours to get my thoughts down on “paper” clearly and coherently, which brings me to my next point


Like any other skill, you can get better at writing with time and practice.

I kid you not, I used to suck at it, but the fact that I’ve captured your attention this far proves that I’ve come a long way since those early days.


So if you’re struggling with writing, don’t give up.

With practice, perseverance, and a willingness to learn you, too, can improve your skills and become a master wordsmith. If I, a non-native English speaker with no writing background, could do it, then anybody can!

And once you’ve done all the writing, let’s not forget the editing and proofreading phase, which is crucial to ensure that your post is error-free and polished.



HOW LONG DOES IT TAKE TO WRITE A 1000 WORDS BLOG POSTI personally use Grammarly for this, but you might avoid it at first, depending on your budget. However, I highly suggest jumping on the premium plan whenever you get a chance if you’re serious about blogging or freelance writing!



Trust me; it makes all the difference in the world!

Writing a 1000-word blog post requires time and effort to ensure it meets your standards and resonates with your audience. But don’t worry; with the right mindset and approach, plus implementing a few tips and tricks I will share with you in this post, you can streamline your writing process and become a more efficient and productive writer in no time. I can almost guarantee it!

Optimizing your writing process for greater efficiency is key to becoming a successful and productive writer. It’s all about finding ways to work smarter, not harder, so that you can produce high-quality content in less time.


Optimizing your writing process can help you:

  1. Save time
  2. Improve content quality
  3. Increase productivity
  4. Reduce stress
  5. Enhance creativity
  6. With staying consistent


Optimizing your writing process can be as simple as creating a comfortable workspace, setting realistic deadlines, and establishing a routine that works for you. I’m a night owl and prefer writing when everyone’s asleep, but everyone’s different, so pick what time and place works best for you.

Another important aspect of optimizing your writing process is using the right tools and resources to help you work more efficiently. I like using ChatGPT and Harpa AI, but again, everyone’s different, so choose what works for you!

Overall, optimizing your writing process can make a world of difference in how you approach your work and how much you can accomplish.

By looking at your current process and finding ways to improve it, you can work more efficiently and produce higher-quality content in less time. Plus, it can help reduce the stress and overwhelm of writing.


So, don’t be afraid to experiment and try new things.

Whether setting up a distraction-free writing space or creating an outline before you start, finding what works for you can make all the difference.


Here are some of the topics we’ll be covering in today’s post:

  1. How long does writing a 1000-word blog post take?
  2. What are the factors that affect the writing time?
  3. How can you write faster without compromising quality? 
  4. What are some tips and tricks for improving writing speed?
  5. Does the blog post’s topic affect the time it takes to write it? 
  6. Should you outsource blog post writing to save time? 
  7. How can you find a reliable and high-quality writing partner? 
  8. Does typing speed really matter for blogging?
  9. Can writing templates help you write faster? 


These are just some of the key questions we’ll be exploring in this article. My goal is to help you become a more efficient, productive writer, so you can create awesome blog posts that your audience will love and want more of!



Hi, my name is Gorjan, and I’m making a full-time income working from home. Feel free to read my about page if you wish to learn more about my story, past experiences, and how I can help you set up your 1st passive revenue source.



How Long Does it Take to Write 1000 Words?


So, when it comes to writing a blog post, whether it’s a short 1000 one or a slightly longer 5000-word one that’ll put Tolstoy to shame, the average time it takes to finish it varies every time and depends on a few different factors. In the next few paragraphs, I will kindly break down all the factors that play into it!

Generally speaking, a seasoned blogger such as myself with years of experience writing in a particular niche shouldn’t have any issues producing a masterpiece in a couple of hours. On the other hand, someone that’s just starting or tackling a more complex topic may take a few extra hours or perhaps even days to come up with the same word count. So, it’s kinda hard to tell.


In other words, there’s no one-size-fits-all answer to this question.

Still, if you’re looking for a ballpark estimate, producing a 1000-word blog post would take you anywhere from 2-4 hours.

But as I said, it all comes down to how complex the topic is, your experience level, the amount of research required (some topics require days, especially in the health niche!), and your writing speed and efficiency.

Speaking of word count, the goal here is not to rush through your writing to finish it quickly but to find a balance between quality and efficiency.



Does Word Count Matter In Blogging? 

The short answer is, it can. In general, long blog posts tend to rank higher on Google, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that writing a 10,000-word blog post will secure you that number-one spot. It’s just not how Google works!

Yes, Google favours longer content because it sees it as more informative and valuable to your readers, but what really matters to Google is the average time spent on your pages, meaning how good you actually are in providing value and keeping your audience engaged and hungry for more.

So, at the end of the day, providing value is what truly matters, so before you hop on to write your next post, remember that quality always trumps quantity.


How Long Should a Blog Post Be

It’s better to have a shorter, well-written blog post than a long one that’s written for the sake of word count. So, never focus on hitting a specific word count. 


Instead, write in a way that flows well and sounds natural and always aim to create content that satisfies people’s needs, not Google’s. Focusing on high-quality content that provides value is the best way to succeed long-term, so rather than worrying about pleasing Google, put your audience first!

With that said, there are some helpful guidelines to keep in mind regarding word count. In general, aim to write blog posts that are at least 600-700 words long. Based on personal experience, shorter posts are unlikely to rank well in search results unless you’re targeting a very specific long-tail keyword like “How long does it take to write a 1000-word blog post with no experience?”



What Are Some Factors That Affect Writing?

Many factors can affect your writing speed and productivity; first, your experience level. If you’re a seasoned writer or even able to think like one, you’ll be able to pump out high-quality content more continuously than someone just starting.

However, you being here reading this post kind of tells me you’re new to all of this. As mentioned earlier, another factor that can impact your writing speed is the complexity of the topic you’re writing about. Completing your blog post will take longer if you’re writing about a topic you must familiarize yourself with or require extensive research.

Distractions also play a crucial role in slowing you down, so having a dedicated writing space is always a good idea. Also, it’s super easy to get sidetracked by e-mail, messages, and social media notifications, so always make sure that you leave your phone aside and focus on the task at hand.

I’ve also found the Pomodoro technique quite effective, so feel free to implement it in your own routine. It’s a time management strategy that can help you be more productive and focused, and it basically works like this:

  1. First, choose a task that you need to complete.
  2. Set a timer for 25 minutes.
  3. Work on the task without any interruptions.
  4. When the timer goes off, take a short 5-minute break.
  5. Repeat the process!
  6. After 4 “pomodoros”, take a longer 30-minute break!


Setting aside a dedicated writing time and place and minimizing distractions can go a long way in helping you write more efficiently.

Lastly, research time is another factor that can impact your writing speed. Depending on the topic, gathering some good info might take a bit longer.

Writing can be challenging, no doubt, especially when tackling complex or unfamiliar topics, such as those in the health niche.

Without realistic deadlines, it’s too easy to lose track of time and either rush through your work or become overwhelmed and put it off entirely.

So, it’s essential to set achievable goals for yourself and stay focused on making sure you’re making steady progress towards your writing goals.

Setting realistic timeframes allows you to break your writing tasks into manageable chunks and make steady progress towards your goal.


WHAT ARE SOME FACTORS THAT AFFECT WRITINGSo basically, to sum it all up, it can take 1 to 4 hours to finish a 1000-word blog post, depending on how fast you write, how much you know about the topic, the research required, and how detailed you want to be. Please remember that this is just an average estimate and that everyone’s writing process differs.



How to Write Faster Without Compromising Quality

If you’re looking to improve your writing speed, a few tips and tricks can help you get more words on a page quickly. I personally do these things, which have helped me drastically, so I believe you can also benefit from them.

The first suggestion is to set a clear outline for your article before you start writing. My writing speed and overall article quality improved quite a lot since I implemented them in my routine, and using outlines can help you stay focused and avoid getting sidetracked by tangents or unnecessary details.


Not only that but a great blog outline can:

  1. Help you organize your ideas better.
  2. Save you time on revisions and rewrites.
  3. Lets you focus on the actual writing part.
  4. Make it easy to rearrange sections and add new ones.
  5. Keeps you on track and prevents you from going off-topic.
  6. Improves the readability and coherence of your writing
  7. Provides a roadmap for your writing and boosts productivity.


Also, as I mentioned earlier in this post, eliminating distractions is by far one of the easiest ways to speed up the whole writing process. Not everyone’s easily distracted like me, which is why I like finding a quiet place to write, which usually happens to be my home office. You might be different, but we can both agree that setting our phones aside is a great starting point.


Another suggestion I have is to use writing tools to your advantage.

There are loads of them, but the ones I use daily are Grammarly, Thesaurus, and ChatGPT. The tools you use are entirely up to you and depend on your specific needs, but I’m sure you’ll find these three helpful.

There are a lot of free tools as well, but I recommend investing in a Grammarly membership. Although Google loves to see some pesky typos and human errors once in a while (especially nowadays since there’s so much AI content), websites that prioritize proper grammar tend to rank higher in search results.

Plus, it’s super easy to use and really helpful for catching silly mistakes like misplaced commas, all while boosting your writing confidence.



How Often Should You Take Breaks When Writing?

If you’re new to writing, you’re probably starting to realize that sitting in one place and typing for hours on end can sometimes be mentally draining, so taking breaks occasionally is important. Writing can be mentally taxing, and I’ve found that it’s so easy to get caught up in the flow of ideas and lose track of time.

Although being able to work for longer periods is great, taking short breaks every now and then can help you avoid burnout and improve your overall productivity.


As for how long a break you need, only you know the answer to that!

For me, a 5-minute break every half an hour of active writing is more than enough to recharge my batteries. Ultimately, the goal is to give yourself enough time to rest and recharge, whether by going on a short walk or just getting up and stretching your legs for a bit. You know what works best for you!

Not only will it help you clear your head, but it will also greatly impact your creativity and content quality. So, short breaks are non-negotiable.



Can Writing Templates Help You?

Writing templates can definitely help you produce higher-quality content faster. Trust me; they will save you a ton of time and energy by eliminating the need to develop a new blog post structure every time you write.

By using a pre-determined structure, you can focus on the thing that really matters, which is the actual writing part. Not only that, but they also help you keep your content more organized. In a way, it’s like having a well-laid-out content map, where all you need to do is fill out the blanks.


A good old-fashioned writing template goes a long way and helps you:

  1. Save time
  2. Ensures consistency
  3. Provides guidance
  4. Improves organization
  5. Increases productivity
  6. Enhances quality


I don’t use a template for all of my blog posts.

But since I also have a lot of product and service reviews on my site, I’ve found that by having a template for those, I can save a lot of time since I already have the base structure of my review article ready to go!

Besides that, it helps me stay consistent, meaning that I can write all my reviews pretty much the same way, making it easier for you, my reader, to compare the products more easily and make an informed decision.


HOW OFTEN SHOULD YOU TAKE BREAKS WHEN WRITINGProduct reviews are a massive part of what I do on my blog, so it is a good idea to have a template ready to go. Here are a few reasons why that is:



They Improve Writing Speed and Efficiency 

If you want your product review article to rank, you must make it as detailed and thoughtful as possible, which I always aim to do! (as should you!)

If you plan on writing review posts anytime soon, remember that a template can be a lifesaver! All you need to do is copy and paste your review criteria without wasting any precious time trying to remember what headings you normally use, where they usually go, and then even more time having to type them out.

A good template also means fewer errors.


A Writing Template Helps With Consistency and Equity 

Let’s say you have a review website comparing different types of pizzas and pizzerias in Chicago, for example. For the sake of this post, we’ll assume that you reviewed Pizza Place #1 under the headings:

  1. Cheese quality
  2. Crust thickness
  3. Toping variety


and then a few days later, you reviewed Pizza Place #2 under the headings:

  1. Price
  2. Delivery speed
  3. Sauce flavor


Now let me ask you something: how the heck is your reader supposed to compare these two pizza joints when you’ve used different criteria for each one?

Now you know what I mean when I say that staying consistent with your writing is a must, especially if you own a review site with 1000s of product reviews.

By using a template, you can keep your criteria consistent across all your reviews, which will help you stay fair and objective when comparing different places.

I will now share my “review” template with you, so you can get an idea of how a template should look like in the first place. Feel free to use or adapt it however you want; remember, different businesses have different needs.

Generally, it doesn’t matter how you structure your articles as long as you provide detailed, helpful information that flows nicely for your readers.

Here’s what my template looks like in a nutshell:



A Free Review Template You Can Use! 

First comes the introduction.

As the name suggests, this is where I introduce the product to my readers and highlight its key features, flaws, or benefits. This is where I would usually tell you where I’ve found the product, trying my best to relate it to you as much as possible, trying to give it a “real feel” and make it personable.

The introduction of any article, whether a regular or a review, is your chance to hook your readers and connect with them on a more personal level. This is where you want to reassure them that you know what they’re looking for and that you’re here to help. Remember what I said earlier? Providing value is what truly matters!


SHOULD YOU OUTSOURCE A WRITER TO SAVE TIMESo, try to create a bond with them, show them you understand their problems, and let them know you’ve got the solution to solve those problems. That will make them more likely to keep reading and trust your recommendations.


That being said, in the first few sentences, please make sure to:

  1. Spark their curiosity.
  2. Tell them what you will be covering in the article.
  3. Provoke them so they want to read more.


For example, you can say something like:



“I’d give this product a 10/10, but I have to be real with you. Although it’s pretty amazing, and I was super impressed, there was this one little thing that I couldn’t get over, which I believe you should know of



Using the same structure each time, you can create a recognizable style and tone that readers associate with your writing, improving brand recognition. A good-old template goes a long way and can be an extremely effective tool for streamlining your writing and saving time and effort.


After the introduction, I usually continue with the following:

  1. The benefits of the product
  2. The drawbacks of the product
  3. An explanation of how to use the product
  4. Product description and features
  5. An explanation of who the product is for
  6. What I like about the product
  7. What I don’t like about the product
  8. Final thoughts and recap



Should You Outsource a Writer to Save Time?


Both of us know that writing can take up a lot of time and effort, which is why you’re probably thinking of hiring someone to do all the heavy lifting for you. But is it a good idea to outsource content writing? Well, it depends.

Hiring a writer can undoubtedly be a valuable investment, and speaking from experience, it can free up your time significantly, allowing you to focus on other aspects of your business or produce as twice as much content, leading to more traffic, exposure, and ultimately sales.

Plus, let’s face it, there are some really skilled writers out there, most of which are probably better than yourself. There’s no shame in admitting that!

The sooner you acknowledge this, the sooner you can take advantage of that special someone’s level of expertise, talent, and experience you may not have!

Having a certain somebody who can help you with writing will allow you to produce content consistently and bring you a fresh perspective, along with tons of new ideas and insights. But, of course, there are some cons to consider as well!


The first con I can think of is the price.

Hiring a professional writer can get quite expensive, especially if you need loads of content. If you’re looking to hire a solid native English writer, you can expect to pay around $50/hour or $50 per 1000 words on average, which is a bit steep.

Keep in mind that a writer of this caliber likely won’t require any “babysitting,” but it will be a big burden for you, especially if you’re a newbie blogger who ain’t making that much money yet. Sure, a writer of this caliber likely won’t need any “babysitting,” but it will be a huge burden for you, especially if you’re just starting as a blogger and not raking in tons of cash yet, so think about it!

And even if money is not an issue, there’s always a risk that they won’t deliver exactly what you’re looking for. Having said that, it’s always a good idea to train your writer for the best results. Even then, the guidance and feedback you provide may not be enough, so, in a way, you don’t have full control over the final product.


Where Can I Find a Good WriterYeah, hiring a writer can be a game-changer, but if you’re a control freak like me, maybe outsourcing isn’t such a great idea after all. But you do you! 


On top of everything, communication can be a hassle since you’ll likely work with a remote freelancer from another country at a different time zone.

So, at the end of the day, it really just depends on your situation, the type of person you are, and what you’re comfortable with.

Ultimately, the decision is yours to make. But weighing the pros and cons is always good, considering what will work best for you and your business.



Where Can I Find a Good Writer?

Hiring a writer isn’t difficult, but hiring a good one is. You can find high-quality, reliable freelance writers in many places, but please keep in mind that they will need to check a few boxes before hiring them.

The first place I would start looking at if I were you would definitely be some of the top freelance platforms like:


  1. Freelancer
  2. UpWork
  3. Fiverr
  4. Writer Access


If that doesn’t work, I would then try:

  1. Facebook Writers groups
  2. LinkedIn Writers groups
  3. National Writers Union
  4. American Societ of Journalists
  5. Association of Writers & Writing Programs
  6. Ask around if you know any other writers or bloggers
  7. Contacting writers on competitors’ websites


I also have another site you can check out if you’re looking to hire a writer for cheap called, a Philippines freelancing platform that connects employers who need help with workers who need jobs.

I’ve used this website to hire writers for my sites before, some of which still work for me to this day, so, therefore, I would highly recommend it if you live on a shoestring budget. I don’t know why, but many people seem to think that hiring a non-native English writer is a bad idea. I could not disagree more!

In fact, what’s funny is, as a non-native writer myself, I’ve had some fantastic opportunities to write for others who loved my work! So, let’s not assume that being a non-native automatically makes you a bad writer.


How to write a blog post fast Plus, did you know that the Philippines is considered one of the world’s biggest English-speaking countries, with most of its population having at least some degree of fluency in the language?


I assure you many skilled writers in the Philippines are highly capable of producing great content for all kinds of different niches, all for a fraction of what you would pay if you were to hire a writer on any of the other freelancing platforms.

The cost of living in the Philippines is lower than in many Western countries, meaning writers from there may charge way less and are still happy with what they get. Some consider this labor exploitation, but I couldn’t disagree more!



What Makes a Good Writer?

Before choosing a writing partner, they need to tick a few boxes first so you’re sure you made the right choice. It’s important to look beyond just their writing samples to determine whether they’re the right fit for your business.


The first thing you should pay attention to is their communication skills.

Are they polite, timely replying, professional, responsive to your needs, etc? Ideally, you’d be looking for someone to build a long-term relationship with, so you must kick things off on the right foot. If they don’t check this box, I suggest moving on to the next candidate. Secondly, it would be very beneficial if they’ve worked on a similar project or have some knowledge of the topic.

A writer capable of doing proper research (also a must-have skill!) can skip this box because they can compensate with their research skills.

Your ideal candidate should also be an excellent storyteller with a keen sense of grammar and word choice and be able to keep your readers engaged from start to finish, all while writing smoothly and concisely.


Besides that, it would also be great if they had:

  1. Attention to detail.
  2. Ability to write for different audiences and purposes.
  3. Imagination and creativity.
  4. Good time management skills.
  5. Strong work ethic and discipline.
  6. Ability to handle constructive criticism.
  7. Excellent listening skills.
  8. Awareness of current events and trends.
  9. Confidence in their writing.
  10. Adaptability to different writing styles and formats.
  11. Passion for writing.


Last but not least, your writer should be highly trainable.

This is the most important box they must tick to be considered for the job. They can have all the other boxes ticked; however, if they fail at this, it would be in your best interest not to give them the job. Being trainable means a writer is open to feedback and willing to adapt to your wants and needs.

Remember, each business differs, so being trainable is an important quality for a writer to possess to stay competitive and produce high-quality work.



I Hope This Helps You Write a Blog Post Fast! 


Throughout this article, I shared a few tips and tricks that will hopefully help you improve your writing speed without compromising quality, so you can finally start putting out that top-notch content in no time. I hope you found it helpful, and by all means, please feel free to reach out to me if there’s any way I can help.

In conclusion, writing a 1000-word blog post can take anywhere from an hour to several days, based on all the various factors mentioned in this article.

Ultimately, the key is to focus on quality, as hitting a certain word count is not enough to rank your content. By following the strategies I shared, you can increase your productivity and write higher-quality blog posts in less time.

If you want to increase your writing speed, please remember that there’s no one-size-fits-all solution and that what works for me might not work for you and vice versa. It’s simply a matter of practice, trial, and error, that’s all.





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