How to Add Images to Clickfunnels

If you’re experiencing difficulties using the program and wish to find out how to add images to Clickfunnels, then this is the right post for you. We are glad to assist you in any way possible, and in this step-by-step guide, we’re going to show you how to insert images to your funnel pages using the Image Element.

By the time you are finished reading this post, you will know how to upload images to your Clickfunnels account and use them to design better-looking sales pages that will improve your conversion rates. Images are quite crucial since they get your audience’s attention and help the reader understand the written content more clearly. To put it in simple terms, pictures make everything online better, so you would want to use them. 

 You will need two things to get started: 

 1. Clickfunnels Account

2. Clickfunnels Page


How to Add Images to my Clickfunnels Page

Adding elements to your funnel pages is an easy task, thanks to Clickfunnels. The program is very user-friendly and allows users to include any element with just a couple of button clicks. Here is what you need to do:

  1. Step #1: Access your Clickfunnels account and find the funnel that you wish to add the images to. Once you have found the desired funnel page, click on the “Edit Page” button to open the page to add images to clickfunnels
  2. Step #2: Find the best spot to embed your image. Once you have made up your mind and know where you want to place the image, click on the orange “+” that has “Add New Element” written underneath it.
    how to add images to a clickfunnels page
  3. Step #3: Browse the element list until you find “Image” You can always use the search bar to make things run faster. Once you have found the image element, click on it to add it to the page.
  4. Step #4: You are not quite finished yet, because you still need to edit the image settings. Hover over the image block to reveal the orange border. Once the edge is shown, click on the “Gear Icon” to open the sidebar menu.
  5. Step #5: From the “Settings” tab, click on the orange image button to select an image from your image library. The Image Library is a place where all of your images are stored inside your Clickfunnels account.

Please Note: Don’t stress if you haven’t uploaded any images to your Clickfunnels account because you have the option to add new stock photos from sites like Icon Finder and Pixabay. The opportunity to upload pictures directly from your computer is still available; you need to upload some images by clicking on the “Upload” button or move images directly from your desktop to the “Drag and Drop Images Here to Upload” field.

Step #6: You’re almost finished. Once you have found or uploaded the image that you wish to use, double click on it to add it to your funnel page. Once the image has been added, you can still play around and modify the properties of the image.

Note: Be careful when you’re adding images from outside third-party image links, because they will not be saved inside your Clickfunnels account. This means the image will not appear inside your Image Library, and you won’t be able to use it afterward. If you want to keep your pictures safe and available for further use, our recommendation is to always upload them directly to the Image Library.


How to modify the Images

The image properties can be edited in many ways, including the following: 

 Basic Image Settings:

•     Top Margin – Set height and add some extra space, or remove the unnecessary one on top of the image.

•     Image Width – Choose the preferred image width.

•     Image Height – Choose the preferred image height.

•     Link URL – Send the visitor to a new page when they click on the image

•     Link URL Target – Should the link open in a new tab or not?

•     Alt Text – This is the text that appears when the image is unavailable

Advanced Image Settings:

•     Align – Select how the image is positioned on the page.

•     Radius – Pick between three image edge types: rounded, regular, or a circle.

•     Gray Scale Fix – Set the image tone from colorful -> black and white.

Remember the saying, “A picture is worth a thousand words”? It’s accurate and for an apparent reason. Using images inside your funnel pages can visually inform the visitor and therefore increase conversions. Having pleasant visuals will give your customer a push and will put him in the correct buying state. They can also be used on various social media channels and marketing campaigns to attract new visitors and drive traffic to your funnels.

 The human eye prefers visuals, and that’s why it is vital to use images. They create connections and are easier to remember. Make sure the actual image that you want to use is matching the story that you’re trying to tell.

Adding an image with Clickfunnels is a piece of cake because the program uses a simple drag-and-drop feature that has made it super easy to add images to your sales pages. The program is very straightforward and used by many to acquire new customers and grow their business. If you haven’t had the chance to use it, go ahead and sign-up for their Free 14 Day Trial to test it out and find out what the program can do to take your business to the next level.  

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