How to Clone a Funnel In Clickfunnels

Use this helpful article to learn how to clone a funnel in Clickfunnels the fastest and easiest way possible! It is always advised to preserve a substantial volume of incoming traffic and high conversion rates on your landing pages.

You can quickly achieve that by implementing sales funnels into your daily marketing routine. Sale-Pipes will help you achieve your desired marketing or sales objective a lot faster and in a more efficient way.

Funnels are a series of steps that every visitor has to go through to become a paying customer. They nurture and guide the prospect through a series of steps that are called the customers’ journey. It is fair to say that a sales funnel has completed its mission when a sale is made. 


Why Clone Sales Funnels In The First Place  

One of the main reasons to clone funnels is to duplicate what already works. Think of the funnel as a successful blueprint that has proven to work time after time. The best thing to do is to avoid experimenting and use the same blueprint for your other products or services. 

Creating a new funnel from scratch will be time-consuming, and it’s probably going to need lots of testing before it’s put to use. You will have to adjust your duplicated funnel to suit your business needs best by doing some minor design and element tweaks. 

We intend to try and duplicate the same results from our previous successful funnels. 



How To Clone Funnels With ClickFunnels 

To do this, you will have to be a Clickfunnels Active Member and own at least one successful funnel. The funnel should have a high conversion rate and enough data to prove its functionality. 

Clickfunnels is a helpful tool that lets you create and duplicate different types of successful sales funnels in less than five minutes.

You don’t even have to clone an entire funnel because the option to duplicate an individual page or page element is always present. how to clone a funnel in clickfunnels

We’ll go through all three cloning options: 

  1. Duplicate Single Page Element: You can choose to duplicate a single page element instead of the entire funnel. This is a cool feature because it lets you test out different aspects from different tubes and combine them into a fully-functional funnel. You may duplicate page elements like columns, sections, rows, and even entire lead magnet blocks. It’s a pretty simple task and requires no-time whatsoever. Select the feature that you wish to duplicate, and you should see a clone button at the top right corner of your screen.

  2. Duplicate Entire Page: The second cloning option applies to an individual page of a sales funnel. Pick the funnel that you want to duplicate and select the “Clone Funnel Step” option at the bottom right corner of your screen to copy the funnel page. If you have more than one successful funnel, you can try and create a “brand new” one by combining separate pages from different tubes.

  3. Duplicate Entire Sales Funnel: The entire process is very similar to the last two. Find and select the funnel that you wish to duplicate. Click on the “Setting” tab you should see a “Clone Funnel” option on the top right corner of your screen. Select that to duplicate the entire funnel.


Watch the entire process in video format:


A well-structured and carefully designed sales funnel one of the most effective tools that any business can possess. It helps measure the important metrics which you can later use to improve your business performance and create new opportunities for growth. 

They will show every stage of your funnel that is converting well and will help you expose all of the leaks and less-efficient funnel sections. You can predict outcomes based on past performance, which will put all the guesswork aside. 

Clickfunnels has an in-built feature that lets you clone entire funnels in less than five minutes. It will save you tons of time and money compared to building a sales funnel from the ground-up.

I myself was skeptical about my funnel building capabilities because of the “zero” previous knowledge on building funnels. In the end, it all worked out thanks to the helpful guides and videos that the platform provides you with.

To Your Success! 

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