How To Integrate Clickfunnels With Mad Mimi 

If you’re here to find out how to integrate Clickfunnels with Mad Mimi, you’re in the right spot. Joining the two platforms together is a smart move because it will ensure you have enough valuable data to make wiser business decisions in the future. 


Mad Mimi is one of the most unusual and cheapest e-mail marketing tools available on the market today. The platform has a very user-friendly dashboard and is used by its users to send over 40 million e-mails per day. 

The marketing platform makes it easy to create, share, and track e-mail newsletters and is specially designed to suit people that want to keep e-mail marketing simple. Don’t let the name fool you; the tool is very robust and has plenty of helpful features to satisfy your marketing needs. 


Connecting Mad Mimi with Clickfunnels will help you reach more subscribers and will likely strengthen the relationship that you have with your customers by providing you with a reliable communication channel to help you maintain a healthy bond.

On top of that, you can sort your contacts into different categories, which makes it easy to send highly-targeted e-mails. Track and correct the entire sales process by analyzing the reports that are displayed in the analytics report feature. 

Creating and managing sales funnels can get quite expensive if you decide to hire a professional to do it for you. Clickfunnels, on the other hand, makes the entire funnel creation process seem like a walk in the park and can be used by people who don’t have a marketing or coding background.

To put it in simple terms, joining the marketing programs means double the features and can mean double the sales if used correctly. Use this simple guide to figure out how to connect the two programs in a matter of minutes. 

This is what you need to proceed: 

  1. ClickFunnels Account 
  2. Mad Mimi Account 

How to connect Clickfunnels to Mad Mimi

The Application Programming Interface Key (API) is a crucial part of the entire integration process because it tells software components on how to interact and work with one another. You will need to extract the key from your Mad Mimi account if you wish to proceed with the integration process. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to do it: 

  1. Step #1: In your Mad Mimi account, click on the “Account” tab. how to integrate clickfunnels with mad mimi
  2. Step #2: Select the “API” tab from the “Setting & Billing” section.
  3. Step #3: Click on “Regenerate API Key” to generate the code. This code is private, and you should keep it safe because you will need it later.
  4. Step #4: Access your Clickfunnels account and hover the cursor over your profile picture to reveal the dropdown menu. Click on the first option that says, “Integrations”
  5. Step #5: Select the “Integrations” option from the left navigation menu and click on the yellow “+Add New Integration” button.
  6. Step #6: Browse the entire Clickfunnels integration list until you find “Mad Mimi.” Click on it to move on to the next step.
  7. Step #7: Here you will need to name your integration and paste the API key that you previously obtained from Clickfunnels. Enter the necessary details in the correct fields. Once that is done, click on the “Add Integration” to proceed to the last step.
  8. Step #8: If you’re not currently logged into your Mad Mimi account, you will be redirected to a login page where you’ll be asked to enter your login credentials. By doing so, you will grant Clickfunnels access to your Mad Mimi account. This is required for the integration to succeed.

You have now successfully connected your Clickfunnels account to Mad Mimi.

Every single lead that is generated inside your Clickfunnels funnel will be directly transferred to your Mad Mimi’s account database. Promote and sell your products or services by nurturing your contacts by sending out appealing e-mails. 

Hopefully, you found this guide helpful and it put your business on the right path to having success online. I wish your business many profits and new achievements. Good Luck! 

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