


Hi, and welcome to my Atlas Earth review. 👋

Although Atlas Earth is a legit app in the sense that it will pay you once your balance reaches $5 or more, I still wouldn’t recommend it to you because it’s relatively unsteady and unsustainable, meaning that it might collapse at some point down the line. You’re better off spending your time on something that will eventually pay off, like pursuing a proven blueprint for generating passive income. 


So, you’re looking to determine whether Atlas Earth is a scam? 🤔

If you’re seeing this, you’re probably already well familiarized with Atlas Earth, a new mobile-first gaming experience that claims that you can buy ‘real-world’ virtual land on the actual planet that will pay you rent for the years to come.

It’s essentially a passive-income promising app that has been getting a lot of attention lately, so I thought I’d check it out, see what it gets me so that I can then, later on, write a review on it and share my finding with you to help you make an unrushed, well-informed decision on whether you should invest in it.

I’ve been using it for like a month now, and so far, I’ve invested roughly $100 and bought more than 20 parcels of land. In todays’ review, I will walk you through my experience with it and answer any questions that you might have, including:

  1. What is Atlas Earth all about? 
  2. How does Atlas Earth work? 
  3. Can Atlas Earth make you money? 
  4. How much money can you really make? 
  5. Is Atlas Earth a scam? 

… and lastly, give you a clear rationale on why you should either put some thought into this or avoid it altogether, even if it comes out to be a %100 legit metaverse.

By the end of this review, you will have more than what you need to decide if this app’s for you or if you’re better off spending your time and money elsewhere.

I’ll also show you a better, more convenient alternative for making money online, which, unlike Atlas Earth, will provide you with a really unique opportunity to go out there and establish your first real passive revenue source with confidence.

is Atlas Earth a scamI’ll be introducing you to the same platform accountable for my success that practically made me go from earning almost nothing to earning $1000’s online. 💰


Hi, my name is Gorjan, and I’m making a full-time income working from home. Feel free to read my about page if you wish to learn more about my story, past experiences, and how I can help you set up your 1st passive revenue source. 

Atlas Earth Review

Okay, so the first thing you should know about Atlas Earth is that it’s a totally legit app in the sense that it will really pay you once your balance reaches $5 or more. However, just because it’s legit doesn’t mean you should jump right into it.

From experience, Atlas Earth is still in a grey area because the business model they’re dealing with is fairly uncertain and unsustainable, meaning that it might collapse at some point down the line if people start losing interest in the app.

You’re practically investing in something that’s pretty much non-existent and has no value in the real world. Some people argue that this is very similar to cryptocurrencies, but it really isn’t when you think about it because cryptos live in real markets and can either be exchanged for cash or used to buy stuff online.

My biggest issue with this platform is that it’s very risky because what you’re buying is neither a valuable service nor a useful product – just a virtual piece of land that has the potential to grow in value, but only if the apps’ popularity increases and more and more people jump in on the bandwagon.

The only way this stays on its feet and doesn’t tumble is if people show more and more interest in it with time, somewhat similar to how Ponzi schemes work.

Atlas Earth ReviewIf the flow of new investors starts to decline, or even worse, stops, no funds will be left to pay out existing partners, eventually resulting in a collapse. 


With Atlas Earth, you’re basically encouraged to invest in virtual real estate with the hopes that eventually, you’ll make a little bit of extra money from renting out your properties. Take the ‘rent’ and ‘land’ out of the equation, and you’ll understand why this is somewhat of a Ponzi scheme in disguise.

One parcel of land costs only five bucks, but if you stop and think about it, you’ll soon realize that it will likely take you ages (more than 100 years actually) just to get a return on investment, let alone something more than that. I actually did the math, and I’ll share my results with you in just a second.


How Does Atlas Earth Work? 

For the last four years, Atlas Reality, the well-established, reputable company behind the app, has been operating as a mobile game technology focusing on integrating real-life and digital interactions – this company’s games allow you to walk around in your area and experience augmented reality in 3D. 

With Atlas Earth, you’re ‘virtually’ able to buy your neighbors’ property, and not just that, but you can also grow your virtual real estate empire far and wide on real-world land, which you can then, later on, flip and sell at a higher price. 

What’s fun about it is that your bragging rights increase the more properties you own, implying that land ownership plays a major role in this game’s future. 

As soon as you install the app, the game will ask you to enable location sharing, which will let the game see where you’re coming from so it can show you who has the highest rank within your area. – currently, there are three ranks: 

  1. Major – owns most land in the city. 
  2. Governor – owns the most land in the state. 
  3. President – owns the most land in the U.S.A. 

The entire United States has been split into 30ft x 30ft parcels, where each parcel starts at just $5 – the more parcels you own, the faster you can cash out. 

Besides owning regular pieces of land, like your neighbors’ porch, for example, you can also unlock and buy rare, epic, or legendary parcels of land like the Statue of Liberty. – buy enough of these, and you’ll soon find yourself climbing the global leaderboards of top landowners and someday maybe even become a Tycoon.

The rent’s in $USD, where a standard parcel of land pays you $.0000000015 per second, 365 days a year, no matter if you’re online or offline. Your rent will permanently increase if you invest a little bit of money in leveling up your passport or by watching ads once an hour. – ads boost earnings x 30. 


How Does Atlas Earth Make Money?

Atlas Earth makes money by selling pieces of land to users like yourself. A single piece of land costs $5 and can be bought using Atlas Bucks, an in-game currency – 100 Atlas Bucks will only buy you one piece of land, and the more A.B. you buy, the more inexpensive they get. – similar to how most pricing packages work.


You can also earn in-game currency by watching ads. 

Atlas Earth has previously teamed up with an advertising network. Its profits are generated by allowing the AD Network to display advertisements to its users – the more ads you watch, the more money Atlas Earth makes. 

Other users do not pay you rent. Instead, Atlas Earth shares a portion of its earnings with you, the virtual landowner in this remarkable, unusual universe. 

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Now you know why I consider this to be a risky investment.

If the flow of newcomers starts to decline or, even worse, comes to a complete stop, there would be no one to watch the ads, and therefore the AD Network will stop paying Atlas Earth, resulting in you not getting your slice of the pie.

It’s hard to be certain of this, but it’s likely that Atlas Earth also generates revenue by selling your location data to developers. – here’s how all of that works


How Much Money Can You Really Earn?

As mentioned, Atlas Earth has created a unique cash-back system that rewards you with a portion of their advertising income in the form of rent per second.

When people watch ads and spend money within the game, Atlas Earth sets aside a portion of their revenue instead of ungenerously pocketing profits.

If $0.0000000011 is all you’re getting from one parcel per second, then $0.00000066 is what you’ll earn per minute = $0.00000396 an hour.


If you invest $100 as I did, you’ll be able to purchase 25 parcels.

$0.00000396 an hour x 25 parcels = $0.000099 an hour.

$0.000099 an hour x 24 hours = $0.002376 per day.


1 BOOST = the amount you’re earning + %1500

$0.002376 x %1500 = $0.03564


$0.03564 a day is all you’re getting with 1 BOOST & 25 parcels.

$0.03564 x 4 BOOSTS per day = $0.133056 per day.

13 cents x 100 days = $13.

13 cents x 356 days = $47.45 per year from 25 parcels.

Please remember that this is the lowest guaranteed return you’ll earn within a year if you invest $100 and boost at least four times a day. Some rare, legendary parcels cost and pay more than others, so when it’s all said and done, it really all comes down to how good you are at finding the best properties.


Is Atlas Earth a Scam?

Atlas Earth is not a scam – it’s a legit mobile-first gaming experience that allows you to buy ‘real-world’ virtual land on the actual planet that will pay you rent.


However, although legit, I still wouldn’t rush into things if I were you.

Metaverse real estate investing took us by surprise, so it’s only expected that people would doubt its worthwhileness. The real question here is whether or not it will rise in value as time goes by or flop like many other promising trends. 

It’s not that Atlas Earth doesn’t have potential. It’s just that the app is still in a very early development stage, and there are many things they can improve on. 

is Atlas Earth legitThe game’s only been out for a couple of months, yet the number of people who expect to become overnight millionaires never ceases to amaze me. 


There’s a 50-50 chance that this skyrockets, so you’re always better off testing things first and focusing on long-term rather than short-term goals. 

I wouldn’t go too crazy yet because, at the end of the day, virtual real estate is still at a grey line, just like Bitcoin and many other trends were at one point.


The best thing you can do is INVEST and FORGET. ✅

Yet, before you do that, you should know that this game has its flaws, as there were many instances when the app was lagging, which, as you may know, can be very annoying, especially when you’re dealing with apps of this sort. 

I’m sure the developers could have done a better job, or better, taken another year to just really work on everything – many updates are coming, so only time will tell whether this will grow into valuable something because it sure isn’t at the minute.

At first, the game was perfect, but it worsened – the thing that bothers me the most is that you aren’t making money if the app is off unless you have the boost on. – they’re kind of forcing you to have to go back to it every now and then.


The bottom line is – Atlas Earth is not worth it. ❌

Your success literally depends on whether or not it will rise in popularity with time, and even then, returns aren’t guaranteed because there are many external factors at play. – take this with a pinch of salt, and you should be just fine.


Here’s a Better Alternative to Atlas Earth! 

As promised, I’ll be showing you a much better, more reliable alternative for making money online that, unlike Atlas Earth, will actually provide you with all the pieces of training, tools, and support to go out there and set up your first actual passive revenue source with confidence. – it’s the same platform I now use.

Thanks to it, I’ve made thousands throughout the years, and I’m absolutely sure that anyone that wants it bad enough can achieve the same, if not better, outcome – it requires some time, perseverance, and a little bit of elbow grease, and I just want to make sure you’re okay with that.

This well-thought-out, step-by-step program is why I get to spend more time with family and friends, doing what I love the most. Because of it, I no longer have to commute to work every single day since a stable internet connection is all I need, meaning that I’m able to work from just about anywhere in the world.

is Atlas Earth a good investmentThe platform is free to start with, has been committed for more than 17 years now, and in my view, it’s by far one of the best places to transform your ideas into profits and master affiliate marketing with industry-leading education.


You’ll be learning all sorts of things like how to build simple stunning yet profit-ready websites and promote other people’s products and services on them. The income-generating method is very beginner-friendly, and if done correctly, it will slowly but surely mature into a full-blown online source of passive income.


I’m not forcing you into it. 🙂

It’s up to you what you want to do, just make sure you do yourself a favor and read my full review on it, where I detail its features, pros, cons, and share my thoughts on why I believe it might be the best thing you’ve seen in a while.


You literally have nothing to lose but everything to gain.

I believe it’s about time I end this Atlas Earth review, so hopefully, I could provide you with an apparent reason why I think you should disregard virtual real estate investing for now and focus more on proven money-making strategies instead.




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