is douglas james a scam

Is Douglas James a Scam? 3 Latest Revelations (September 2020)


Let me guess…

You’re probably here because you’re interested in one of Douglas James’s courses and you’re asking yourself:


Is Douglas James a Scammer or an honourable “guru” that I can trust? 


There are a lot of courses online that aim to help entrepreneurs in building their online presence. (and for a good reason)

Having an online presence is essential for any business because it lets the owners showcase their product and services in front of huge audiences that usually consist of people that don’t have a problem with pulling money out of their pocket to pay for something they desire.

And when we’re talking about this type of courses, it would be silly not to mention the guy that goes by the name of Douglas James, or as some like to call him – “The High Ticket Client Guy.”

Whether you’re beginning a business venture or looking for ways to revamp your brand, we all know that it can be challenging to know where to start. A quick Google search will result in hundreds (even THOUSANDS) of available books, self-claimed gurus, “never before” seen methods, courses, and pieces of training online.


But how exactly can you choose the best route to success?

I accidentally stumbled upon Douglas James’ website as I was searching for educational courses related to brand enhancement and strategic marketing. You see, what sets him apart is that he actually has hands-on experience himself.

Thus, he guarantees that students of the Douglas James Academy will be thriving on the best platform for entrepreneurs to have a reliable and knowledgeable network.

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More importantly, his courses and coaching program are packed with promises which suggest that a successful entrepreneur has made them for upcoming successful entrepreneurs.


That is the first guarantee that instantly got my attention. 

If you are interested in digging out more details on whether you can make real money with his courses, then stick around as I reveal to you the shocking truths about his courses that will ultimately help you decide whether you should stick with them or find something better instead.


Oh, and before I proceed…

Let me just highlight that I am in no way connected to the company. My review of his courses is purely based on my research and opinion. So, rest assured that I’m not here to pitch or sell anything to you.

Instead, I am here to present to you three updated revelations that will help us uncover the truth and answer the question: “Is Douglas James a Scam?”


Who is Douglas James?

Reddit and Quora pages can attest to the hype that is in the name of Douglas James in the field of marketing. He is popularly known as the “High Ticket Client Guy” due to his marvellous adventures in the field of digital marketing.

Before he became a world-renowned marketing professional, he worked as a Navy Corpsman and was even deployed on the USNS Mercy. Part of his duty consisted of asssisting health care professionals in providing medical care to impoverished communities in countries like the Philippines, Fiji, and Guam.

who is douglas james

According to Douglas, the humanitarian missions from the Navy opened his eyes to the idea of using his life to elevate people and guide them towards success. Due to that, he entered the field of entrepreneurship by enrolling in The George Washington University-School of Business.

Based on one of his interviews, he shared that his main reason for offering digital marketing courses is that he wants to give entrepreneurs the opportunity to land high-ticket clients on their own. For Douglas, high ticket clients can mean the difference between struggling or experiencing financial freedom.

In addition to that, Douglas created a marketing business to help launch a successful online presence for his fellow entrepreneurs. He put up a company called Amped Local in 2011 with the primary aim of empowering business owners by creating advanced digital marketing strategies for specific brands.

Is Douglas James a Scam?

He immersed himself in the world of Facebook and YouTube Ads, which later on became his speciality. In his courses, he significantly highlights the importance of using those platforms to reach global audiences.

I’m not sure if you knew, but Douglas has used Facebook Ads to help numerous local businesses to succeed, and then ultimately, expanded his scope to online coaching.

Known as “The High-Ticket Client Guy”, Douglas has already trained and coached over 2,000 entrepreneurs on how to turbo-charge their earning potential with his time-tested and proven sales and marketing strategies.

He also has a consistent number of followers on all of his social media platforms, including his YouTube channel. If you are interested to know more about his journey from Douglas himself, then I suggest you watch the video below.



What are Douglas James Academy Courses About?

If your business lies in the market for educational content, then there is a big chance that the name Douglas James is somewhere on top of your list.

Based on his websites, the Douglas James Academy offers a wide range of courses for all sorts of entrepreneurs. One of these courses caught your attention, which led you to click on this review, right?

The fundamental courses revolve around online marketing and advertising concepts such as SEO, Clickfunnels, and Facebook Ads. This is due to Douglase’s idea that high-ticket clients are using those platforms; thus, entrepreneurs should also use them to reach out and try to attain them as clients.


Course 1: The High-Ticket Experience

This course is the general go-to since it provides insights on how to engage and dominate deals via phone successfully. It is available through his website, and it covers a comprehensive system for booking sales calls for high-ticket coaching courses.

Course 2: Local Business Funnels and Ads

The second course focuses on marketing funnels and active campaigns that get leads (includes name, emails, and numbers) as well as how to create custom advertisements.

Course 3: The Expert Academy 

In this last course, Douglas claims that those enrolled in his courses will learn the secret weapon in dominating Facebook ads in their advantage. The Expert Academy course includes 50 plug and play industry funnels, ads, and marketing materials.


Should I Join Douglas James Academy Courses?

So, are his courses worth joining? 

If you are new to the industry of digital marketing, then you can learn a thing or two from Douglas James’ courses. In addition, if you join his Expert Academy class, you will be invited to a private Facebook group so that you can have a direct line and support from other learners and Douglas himself.

One thing that you should note though is that the courses seem to be advertised as an all-in-one digital marketing package and as one of the best marketing courses for Facebook. But with all sincerity, I can say that you’ll learn the same things if you watch a couple of YouTube videos.

I’m serious, a couple of them.

Douglas James Courses’ Ugly Truths Revealed!

Revelation 1: The High-Ticket Experience is Low on INFO

This training is available for free on James’s website. However, it doesn’t offer much relevant information since most of the concepts are outdated and will not show you how you can get started with your online business. Instead, what you will hear is some small sales talk that will further encourage you to sign up for his other two courses.


Revelation 2: The price of the course is…steep!

To get started with the Douglas James’ courses, you need to pay a one time fee of around $3000 if you wish to gain access to all of his modules. To be honest, it is neither the cheapest nor the most expensive, but there are other training courses online that will not require you to shell out that much.


Revelation 3: The content of the courses are not that special

I have to be honest with you…

The content is not robust enough to give you relevant information to succeed in the online world. You can substitute it by watching videos on YouTube reiterating the same process and techniques for free. I guess the only bonus here is that Douglas shares his real-life experience in the courses.

After all, one mans experience can be a learning paradigm for others, right?

But is it enough to make me purchase the course? Probably not.


Is Douglas James a Scam?

So, is Douglas James someone that you should trust or is he just another over-promising scammer? 


The truth is – he’s far from being a scam artist, but I am not really sure if he’s worthy of your time and money. There are many better alternatives for building a sustainable online business, and I will gladly share them with you. 

I understand that running successful Facebook ads is not as easy as many people think it is, but I’m also sure that with the proper research and all the free valuable content that’s lying around, you can do it on your own. 

Because honestly, Douglas James’ courses appear like an over-hyped package and for me, that is a problem because it raises false expectations. It’s true that there are some reviews available on his site and social media, but that is not enough to convince me to buy from him. 


Take note of the word “some.”

For someone who is deemed as a marketing genius, his courses aren’t that popular with the modern crowd. YouTube videos are discussing similar content to his courses, and they have a higher number of views than his actual videos.

Also, I’m an active member of some of the most well-known “make money online” forums, and I seriously haven’t seen many people talk about his courses and how it helped them succeed. 

Moreover, his approach to teaching Facebook Ads is just too bland and generic. I mean, Douglas may have succeeded in creating his 7-figure digital marketing business, but there is no promise that it will work for others. 


How I Make A Living Online

Now that you’ve found out whether Douglas James is a scam or not, you might be wondering if there are any other legit and investment-worthy platforms available online. The answer is yes, and as promised, I will gladly show them to you.

Similar to you, I was once one of those who spent countless hours looking for genuine income opportunities online, and luckily, I found a better system which allows me to generate enough money to sustain my day-to-day expenses and live life on my terms.

Unlike the courses of Douglas James, this platform shows you the exact formula for succeeding in this online chaos by building a website inside a niche you’re passionate about. 

The close-knit community of WA enables you to have the much-needed support to jump-start your business even if you have never earned a single dollar online before.

Besides, it does not ask you to pay a massive sum of money outright to join the program. It even allows you to access their robust training materials and tools that can aid you in succeeding with the program. If you wish to find out more about this caring community, then read this review.

As I end this post, I hope that I was able to shed light on Douglas James’s courses, and if you happen to like my review, then I would highly appreciate it if you can share this post on some of your social media accounts. Also, if you have any additional question, don’t be afraid to ask them since I’m an easy-going guy and I wouldn’t mind giving you a hand. 

Wish you the best of luck 👋


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