Is GetClients a Scam

Is GetClients a Scam? The Secrets Of The $10K Club

I am absolutely sure that one of the reasons why you clicked on this review is because you are dying to find out the answer to the question: 


Is GetClients a scam, or can I really hit the $10K mark with Dan Henry’s course?


If I guessed correctly, then I would like to take this chance to applaud you for taking the time to do your research and ultimately land in the right place.

Embarking on the research train allows you to get a clearer view of the journey ahead and makes it easier for you to decide whether the Get Clients course is a suitable target that you should aim for.

For whatever reason, some people ride on the trend without arming themselves with the relevant information to help them make wiser and more calculated decisions.


I am deliriously happy that you are not one of them. 🙂

Just like you, I spend most of my time searching for the finest sites that will help me to expand my skillset, deepen my passion, and ultimately earn from those skills.

From the way I see it, setting up a business is not just about facts, sales, and figures. Rather, it is about turning your business into a vast achievement based on your existing or developed skillset.


Let’s take this one, for instance

If you are exceptionally good at cooking, it’s a no-brainer to start a business based on that. Of course, you will still need to figure out how to run the company, but at least you have established something that plays to your strengths. 

With that being said, one of the significant skill-courses that entrepreneurs should focus on, in my opinion, is online marketing. 

The very concept of marketing has significantly changed over the recent years, and we can comfortably say that our consumers are within reach now more than ever due to the internet.

In line with this idea, the online learning business practically evolved from offering traditional courses to modern and more specialized ones.

At present, specialized courses related to Facebook advertisement and marketing seem to garner a huge number of enrollees. One example of such studies are Dan Henry’s Get Clients: 

1. 30-Day Agency ✔

2. Sold Out Courses. ✔


These two courses have sparked the interest of online entrepreneurs and small business owners who are seriously looking to reach out to their clients by leveraging the power of social media. 

In this article, I will guide you as you make up your mind on whether Get Clients is worthy of your time and money. 

I want to be perfectly honest with you and tell you that I am in no way shape or form connected with Dan Henry or his Get Clients courses. 

I am simply here to set a more realistic expectation about these well-loved and highly popular training classes. 

I also encourage you to stick around because there’s something I would love to share with you once I finish with this review


Who is Dan Henry?

Reddit and Quora pages have been buzzing about Dan Henry’s name for years now.

You see, if you’re someone new to the field of marketing, then there is a great chance that someday you’ll come across his name online whether it be through a Google search, a YouTube video, or a social media post. 

He’s quite popular in the internet marketing sphere and for an apparent reason. He’s the publisher of The Digital Millionaire Secrets Book, and he also hosts his educational podcast known as The Dan Henry Show. 

Additionally, he is notorious for his goal of mentoring his Get Clients students until such time they reach the “$10K a month” success benchmark.


But who exactly is this Facebook guru? 

I honestly think that one of the reasons why several people enrol in his course is because they can relate to Dan’s story.

Unlike the stories of other entrepreneurs, he did not come from a well-off family. Contrary to that, he was a college dropout who used to deliver pizza so that he can pay his bills. 

His professional career in the field of sales started when he landed a job selling pots and pans in New Jersey. What’s even more resonating in that is when he shared that he found this job through Craigslist. (One of the places I’ve searched for a job before) 

While he was working, he also taught himself some technical skills such as online marketing, web design, and search engine optimization basics. He eventually decided to play on his skills and ventured to create his first content marketing and SEO agency.who is dan henryOf course, Dan also had his fair share of challenges like most entrepreneurs, but he managed to face them all by adapting.

He learned a new skill on his own- paid advertisements on social media. With his newly acquired skill, Dan managed to land six clients in 30 days, which is not something you see that often. 

As more and more people reached out to him, asking him about the trade tricks and how they can get started, he finally decided to create an online course that will act as a system targeted for total beginners in the field on Facebook advertising.

With that being said, he founded Get Clients with the primary aim of simplifying the complexities of social media marketing that many struggling entrepreneurs face nowadays. 

He streamlined the process of configuring such ads online through his quick 10-minute tactics!

If you want to know more about how he was able to establish his 8-figure business, you might want to hear what he has to say on some of his podcast episodes or check out his origin story below.


What is GetClients.Com?

GetClients is basically an educational platform that seeks to coach entrepreneurs in growing a hyper profitable online business.

The company is running its operations straight from downtown Saint Petersburg, Florida, and currently has around 11-50 employees.

Its community is continuously growing day by day as more people get to realize how online advertisements can augment their businesses.

Judging by Dan Henry’s YouTube videos, I can comfortably say that he’s passionate for what he does, knows his craft, and is a legit instructor that can surely spice up your knowledge when it comes to online marketing.

This can be reflected by the number of views he has on each of his videos – one of his tutorials got a whopping 35k views! (It’s actually a lot with that kind of engagement rate)

Community-wise, going over Dan Henry’s social media feeds made me realize that many people are following him due to his motivational posts.

His contagious passion for success (through GetClients) and constant engagement online kept the number of followers in his Instagram account growing.

The company offers three ways by which you can get support if you ever decide to become a part of their program. You can reach them through their private group on Facebook, direct email support, or by leaving a comment on some of his YouTube videos.

Upon checking out his personal social media accounts, I believe he engages well with his followers; thus, you may directly send him your message or comment.



To help you decide on whether you should purchase GetClients’ courses, I will discuss here the two major products under its belt – the 30 Day Agency and Sold Out Courses. I will also add some of the pros and cons of each.



This course is tailored-fit for total beginners and entrepreneurs who aspire to set up their own advertising agency. It is also ideal for people who want to help out local businesses to get more clients by improving their marketing strategies.

The 30-Day Agency is a course that focuses on paid advertising, and in my opinion, it’s one of the best courses you can find when it comes down to running an effective local marketing agency. 

If this is the business model you want to get into (and you’re okay with paying the $1000 joining fee), then be my guest and go ahead.🙃

Just please know that you may need to manage the customer support on your own at the beginning, but if that doesn’t bother you, then you’re good to go.



GetClients promises that those who are starting from scratch will gain an understanding of the online marketing concepts within 30 days.

Its comprehensive curriculum heavily delves on social media advertisement and on how small business can reach out to their target customers.

The pacing is easy to follow and will cover all the relevant information you need to jump-start an online campaign. What I love about this is that Dan will encourage you to reach out to local businesses so you can try to apply what you are learning from the course. 



With all honesty, the hype that you can finish the course in 30 days is indeed real but remember that realistically, setting up your own business and making it operational can take some time.

While the course is practical and easy to digest, you may see that applying what you have learned and instantly earning from it may not be that easy



This course is tailored-fit for entrepreneurs who aspire to impart knowledge online and sell their own systems. So, if you’re someone that feels comfortable and self-assured in preaching your expertise to others, then this course is for you. 

Take note that for you to take part in this course, it is recommended that you have some sort of expertise in a specific field. It doesn’t matter if it’s SEO, football, or gardening as long as you’re well briefed in a particular area.



As an extension to the first product, the Sold Out Courses is basically a mentoring program which aims to discuss how one can create and sell their digital products online.

As online mentors, you are expected by the course to create your curriculum based on the niche you are passionate about. 



To be honest, I have no cons for this one as I believe that the comprehensive course enables aspiring coaches to scale their business online on their own (without the need to hire an online marketer).


How do I join GetClients?

If you are serious about entering the online marketing sphere through Dan Henry’s courses, you will have to register for an account on their official site.

You are also expected to attend a webinar where each of the courses mentioned above will be discussed to help you in gauging the system to get in line with.

Upon joining, you will also get unlimited access for a coaching session and become invited to their private online community.


So, is GetClients a scam?

GetClients is not a scam as it can teach you a legitimate way on how you can level up your online presence. I’ve bought and used his 30-Day Agency Course, and I can personally vouch for it. 


The content of the courses is fresh and is applicable in today’s modern world. 

I should note, however, that this is just an educational platform and that the results you will get depend on several factors – you and your passion, the chosen niche, and the products that are being offered. 

As I have stated in my recent posts, investing in yourself is still the best way to go.



If you are not yet ready to shell out a massive chunk of money ($997) for each of the Get Clients’ courses, you might want to check out my low-cost alternative which can help you plant and grow a $6000 a month source of passive income.

The business model I’m referring to is called affiliate marketing and is perhaps one of the best ways that you get started online, and here’s why:

1. It works great for beginners.
2. Low startup costs (Get started for FREE!)
3. Becomes passive with time (you make money while you sleep)
4. You don’t need to be an expert at anything.
5. Flexible working schedule!


It’s one of the most commonly used methods for earning online, and it’s what helped many rookies to make their first four figures of passive income online. (in their first year of starting)

You see, the platform that taught me everything I know about affiliate marketing is called Wealthy Affiliate and is undoubtedly one of the top communities you can be a part if you’re just embarking on your online journey.

Inside, you’ll be able to learn all sorts of valuable skills such as how to build a website, how to drive traffic to it, how to find winning keywords, and most importantly, how to set up your site in a way that earns you money while you sleep.

All the training and tools you need to thrive as an affiliate marketer is right here at Wealthy Affiliate. 💯 💯 💯

I will personally welcome you and guide you until you reach the $1000 a month mark. I won’t keep any secrets from you and will share my knowledge selflessly. (And that’s a promise)

As I end this GetClients Review, I sincerely hope that I provided you with enough valuable information for you to conclude whether Dan Henry’s courses are a scam or not.

And if you think you’ve got what it takes to succeed as an affiliate, and you want to get mentored by me until you reach the 1K/Month mark, then you know where to find me

As always, all the best to you & good luck! 👋


  1. Michael October 5, 2020
    • Gorjan October 6, 2020
  2. Femi October 5, 2020
    • Gorjan October 6, 2020
  3. Brendaliz October 4, 2020
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  4. Delyana October 4, 2020
    • Gorjan October 4, 2020
  5. Ivan October 4, 2020
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  6. Matea October 4, 2020
    • Gorjan October 4, 2020

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