project prophecy review

Is Jim Rickards’ Project Prophecy a Scam or a Real Game Changer?

Whether you landed on this review out of curiosity or you’re genuinely interested in this newsletter, I guess we can say that you are pondering on the question: 


Is Jim Rickards’ Project Prophecy a scam or a real “prophetic” newsletter? 💭


Aaaah, the stock market. A fantastic opportunity that comes with a massive set of responsibilities and challenges. 

It doesn’t matter if you’re a pro or not, I highly recommend subscribing to financial newsletters because they basically function as a cheat sheet to guide you in navigating the whole field. 

However, let me clarify once again that these tools are only just for reference and that you should never follow the recommendations blindly.

If you have been interested in the stock market concept, I am 100% sure that you have at least heard about the man capable of calling the 2021 market crash shots. 

If you still can’t decide whether you’re a fan of his or a basher, then this post is perfect for you.


You see, this isn’t my first Jim Rickards newsletter review. 🙂

If you have been a follower of this site, you probably have come across the Strategic Intelligence post where I practically poured my heart out as I gave my honest opinion on his $199 service. 

What I have here for you today is another similar financial-related service review for his product that has been around since 2014. 

The bi-weekly Project Prophecy newsletter is not a new thing as it is one of the oldest standing financial newsletters out there. 

What I personally like about it is the fact that Jim and his team of professionals have continuously updated it. 

Just a month ago, he was interviewed during the 2020 Sprott Conference, and he stated that he included new prophecies related to the coming economic depression.Is Jim Rickards Project Prophecy A Scam In my business line, I know how important it is to get updated news and details about the market. There are many financial newsletters, but not all of them are as updated and transparent as Project Prophecy. 

If this seems like your cup of tea, then I suggest that you continue with my review as it will help you decide whether you should sign-up or a look for a different, more suitable newsletter instead. 


Before I start, allow me to clarify that I am not connected with Jim, nor am I affiliated with Agora Financial, the newsletter’s direct publishing company. 


In line with this, you can rest assured that what you’ll read here are my honest opinions regarding the program and nothing else.

At the same time, if you feel that you are not yet ready to dive into the market, I also have added my most recommended way to earn online in the latter part of the review. 

If that is something that you’d enjoy, then let’s get right into it. 🚀


Jim Rickards Project Prophecy review

Let me start this review by saying that Jim Rickards is the real deal. He is not some new guru with questionable experiences in the field, nor is he a financial god who came out of nowhere. 

In his book the Aftermath, he described the Project Prophecy as one of the CIA’s strategic studies to understand the applicability of predictive analytic systems in censoring new attacks.

So, if you wonder how he recommends his stock picks and how he forms his financial advice, let me answer that real quick – Science! đŸ€– 🧬


Science supports all of his decisions which means that all the recommendations are accurately predicted and computed by artificial intelligence. 

In other words – the AI is the one who gives the forecasts while Rickards is tasked to input all the necessary data for the analysis. Some of the inputs are:

  1. Latest news about companies and their management ✓
  2. Stock prices (and historical data) ✓
  3. Data feeds regarding the company’s financial standing ✓
  4. General news (that may affect the market) ✓


If that alone doesn’t sound critical to you yet, then allow me also to state that he uses four scientific disciplines to cross-check the AI output.

This includes the Bayes’ Theorem, the Complexity theory, historical analysis, and behavioural psychology, which analyses sentiments that can affect the general market. 


So, are you telling me that the whole newsletter is backed by science? 💬


Yes! And if you take a look into other financial newsletters, I can bet that you won’t find another one that is as exclusive and safe as this one. 


When I say “safe” I do not mean that you won’t take risks, okay? What I am saying is that with a newsletter like this one, you can limit the risks by at least 30-50%

Based on my experience, the stock market is not something that you can vividly predict 100% of the time. However, with the help of science and information technology, you can have more confidence in positioning your stocks. 

Not all of the Project Prophecy recommendations may be accurate, but at least you can rest knowing that the picks are not based on some hocus-pocus fairytales. 


What is Project Prophecy all about?

The Project Prophecy works just like any financial newsletter where it recommends stock picks and predicts market events that can shake the most profitable companies.

What sets it apart is that it uses science behind its recommendations to make sure that you have at least a 50% chance of striking the right deal. And that 50% chance is already a good one!

Since it uses additional computing power, the complete advisory is structured on the idea of making money in the soonest possible time.

Thus, it is recommended for people with medium to aggressive risk appetite and those who have a short to medium investment horizon.

Given that the market is still pretty unstable based on the things going on globally, please note that the advisory is not some easy silver platter handed out to you.

JIM RICKARDS PROJECT PROPHECY REVIEW You have to fully understand how the market and the system work so that you can maximize the earning potential. 📈


If you are keen on investing, I highly suggest that you make your own technical analysis based on the Project Prophecy recommendations.

I mean, AI is a great thing, but it is still possible for systems to make mistakes, right?


Is the Project Prophecy under a legitimate company? đŸ€”

In terms of legitimacy, I am happy to report that its mother company, the Agora Financial is one strong private company which has been in the industry since 1979. 

It is recognized by Bloomberg, Crunchbase and has been featured countless times by BusinessWire. On social media, they have 25.8k followers on Facebook, 3.k on YouTube, and 5k on Twitter.

The company is suffering from a mixed rating for the customer reviews since not all of the financial newsletters under Agora are performing equally – some are doing great while others are on the red. 

While BBB does not accredit them, they have garnered 262 complaints, and most of these are regarding the newsletters. On Trustpilot, the company has a low 2.8 rating.

Even if there are many complaints, I can see that most of those who wrote a review are not knowledgable of the products they subscribed to. 


I mean, not all newsletters are the same. 💯

Some differ based on goals, risks involved, traded accounts, etc. I guess it all boils down on whether the customer understands the newsletter he/she is signing up with.

To make it clear, allow me to clarify these for the same Project Prophecy:

‱  Investment horizon: 1-3 years ✓

‱  Risk appetite: medium to aggressive ✓

‱  Stock recommendations: Across industries (You can also expect to trade gold) ✓


How does Project Prophecy work?

Signing up for the Project Prophecy newsletter is easy. All you have to do is call them at tel:+18552516925  and tell the salesperson of your interest to subscribe to the $199 (annual fee) newsletter. 

I am not sure whether this is the usual way of signing up for the program, but as of writing, the order link sends me to this page. Maybe they are just revamping their website. 

Once you have successfully subscribed, you will finally have instant access to a range of bundled services and get actionable recommendations. Here are the included items:

  1. The Project Prophecy X-Files – a handbook explaining how to execute trades in a more safe secured manner.
  2. A video series with six parts – explaining how you can turn $100 into a profitable investment
  3. The bi-weekly newsletter – every Tuesday which houses the buy and hold recommendations
  4. An alert phone call – for emergency buy/sell opportunities
  5. A dedicated app – for notifications and news about the market
  6. A sample portfolio – to see historical data and projected prices
  7.  A “sell” email – where you’ll get instant announcements on when to sell your stocks and the best prices.


I think it is indeed worth it for its price since it has a complete range of tools that no other newsletter from rival companies can ever compete with. 

For its low price of $16.58 per month, the Project Prophecy can be the best investment for any pro or beginner trader out there. 


Is Jim Rickards’ Project Prophecy a scam?

The Project Prophecy newsletter is not a scam, and I highly recommend it to those who want to invest by starting small (in as little as $100).

While it may have a fantastic AI behind it, please note that the stock performance is something that we can only predict but not accurately foresee.

So, in this sense, remember to only use the recommendations here as a reference and do not entirely follow them just because you want to or you’re feeling too lazy to do your research.

I love this because it is after getting quick profits, so you do not have to be tied down on your investments for months or years. Trust me, I know what it feels like to stay invested for years without seeing some gains.

If only I could turn back time, I would have subscribed to Project Prophecy instead of venturing in the world of trading on my own.


How I make a living online (and how you too can!) 

I’ve been involved in trading before and realized that the stock market is not my favourite because you need to devote so much time analyzing the prices and the whole business field.

I mean, it’s great that you have newsletters like the Project Prophecy, but sometimes subscribing to one is not enough.


The truth is – you are not solely focused on analysis, but you also need to take into consideration and be in line with the global stock market news.

I know that many articles and videos online seem to portray the stock market as an easy opportunity, but I feel though they are merely revealing the tip of the iceberg.


There are still many unresolved and hidden stories behind this money engine, and it is up to you to decide whether you can profit from it.


Now, if you feel like you want to partake in something that is considered more beginner-friendly and more comfortable to understand, then you might want to give my number one recommendation a try.

My most recommended way of earning online holds the number one spot for several reasons. It’s the most common way people earn online, it doesn’t require substantial upfront costs, and it’s infinitely scalable.

The opportunity I’m referring to is widely known as affiliate marketing, and it represents a business model in which you get paid to promote other people’s products and services in exchange for a commission.

This type of business model has been around for more than a decade now, and it has proved to be one of the most effective ways to make money online.


However, don’t get things confused. 🙃


WHAT IS PROJECT PROPHECY ALL ABOUTI’m not talking about some get-rich-quick scheme where you get to press a button and earn a thousand bucks by the end of tomorrow, okay?


Instead, what I’m trying to say is that it’s entirely possible to replace your current income working as an affiliate from home, and these success stories only reinforce my claims.

As an affiliate, you’ll be expected to establish, grow, and manage your digital property (you’ll be building a website) by promoting specific products and services that you’re more often than not passionate about.


Like any other business, affiliate marketing is also very competitive. 😯

Given its long-standing popularity, a significant number of people will try to hop on this opportunity in the upcoming years.

That means that in order for you to succeed, you will need to follow a proven blueprint, and luckily, I have the most suitable one for you.

Believe it or not, the blueprint for success was put together by the very same affiliate platform that provided me with all the training, tools, and support to innovate and thrive in this online world.

The platform that I’m referring to goes by the name of Wealthy Affiliate, and without the support of the community that backs it up, I wouldn’t have been able to build the site you’re currently on.

My blog is currently earning well over four figures of passive income a month, and all of that success is owed to the platform I just introduced you to.

Within this platform, you’ll be able to communicate with some of the top-earning affiliates in the world, pick up their brains and find out more about their money-making tactics.

What’s even better is that WA is one of the few platforms that offers a forever free starter membership, meaning that you can partake in the first nine lessons of the course without paying a single cent.


You won’t be automatically charged at the end of your trial period, nor will you be asked to enter your credit card details. 😊


My advice is to sign-up for the free membership, take advantage of it, and ultimately decide whether a career in affiliate marketing is something you would want to pursue.

As I end this review, I hope I could give justice in explaining the very nature of Jim Rickards’ Project Prophecy and shed light on whether it is a total scam or not.

As always, feel free to ask any questions whether they’ll be about Jim’s newsletter or WA, and I’ll make sure to answer them within the next 24 hours.


All the best & keep on thriving. 👍


  1. Delyana Markova January 27, 2021
    • Gorjan February 1, 2021
  2. Rick January 22, 2021
    • Gorjan January 24, 2021
  3. Carol January 21, 2021
    • Gorjan January 24, 2021
  4. Yvonne January 21, 2021
    • Gorjan January 24, 2021

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