Social Rebel Review



Hi, and welcome to my Social Rebel review. 🙂


So, you want to know whether Social Rebel is legit? 

Gorjan here, and in today’s review, we’ll be analyzing and assessing Social Rebel, an application that claims that you can earn up to $500 per day in real money just by testing out free apps, voicing your opinion, sharing your link, and inviting friends. 

It’s basically a site that states that you could earn hundreds from anywhere, whether in school, office, or work, as long as you have a stable internet connection.

I wrote today’s review because I thought you’d be curious to hear more about whether this site is an excellent way to make a little bit of extra money in your downtime.

You probably came upon it while searching for legit ways to make money from home, and you were pretty clever to research further to find out more about: 

  1. What is Social Rebel all about? 
  2. How does it work? 
  3. How much money can you make? 
  4. Is Social Rebel a scam? 

and last but not least, find out if this fishy place is really worth putting your effort in, even if it turns out to be a fully legit, respectable, paying platform.

So, in a nutshell, I’ll be reviewing this promising platform, guiding you through its pros and cons, and breaking down some surprising facts I think you should know of.

By the end of this review, you’ll be able to make a well-informed decision about whether you should really do this or if you should avoid it at all costs. 

I’ll also be showing you a much better, more reliable alternative for making money online, which, unlike Social Rebel, will actually provide you with a unique opportunity to build your very own, lasting, profitable online business with confidence.

Is Social Rebel Legit I’ll actually be introducing you to the exact same course responsible for my success that practically made me go from earning almost nothing to earning $1000’s online.


Also, before I continue, I want to let you know that I am in no way, shape, or form affiliated with Social Rebel, meaning that frankness and honest belief are all you’ll get.

I’m only writing this because I want to help you steer clear of scams online by providing you with all the information you need to make a wise, reasoned decision. 

Hi, my name is Gorjan, and I’m making a full-time income working from home. Feel free to read my about page if you wish to learn more about my story, past experiences, and how I can help you set up your first actual source of passive income online. 


Social Rebel Review

Okay, so the first thing you should know about Social Rebel is that it’s an outright scam from start to finish and that there are many pieces of evidence to support my claim.

First off, let me start by saying that you’d have to be as mad as a March hare even to think that you’d get an extra $50 just for signing up to a platform.

Secondly, you should know that this site is full of many untrue, overpromising claims, one of them stating that you could earn $2 just by having someone click on your link.


If this were true, we’d all be millionaires by now.

Although many legit PTD sites will pay you for your efforts, you should know that they usually pay a tenth of a cent per click, let alone something more than that.

Social Rebel claims that you could share your invite link with friends and family and earn $2 when they click it and an additional $20 if they end up joining.

Receiving $2 just for having someone click on your link doesn’t really make sense because if it did, everyone would be doing it, myself included.

It makes no sense because the company would be losing so much money since thousands of people would be clicking on the links at any given moment if it were true.

If you don’t believe me, do the math, and you’ll soon realize that Social Rebel needs to pay out $50.000 for every thousand new members it gets. – which is a lot.

This site can’t pay you that kind of money because their revenue model is broken and pretty much non-existent, meaning that they aren’t making income at all.

Social Rebel reviewThis is nothing more than just a well-thought-out, scammy site that acts as a mediator between you and other well-known, established 3rd parties legit survey sites.


These guys are affiliated with these 3rd party sites, and they get paid every time they lure someone clueless like yourself to sign up as a user under them.

Another way I know this site is making money is by collecting and selling your personal info to big enterprises on the black market, usually for a handsome price.

Thirdly, all the testimonials you see on this site are false, paid, and manufactured, made by fake actors selling their characters through stock photos.

If you actually look these people up, you’ll see for yourself that they’re made up and that hundreds of other sites are using the exact same stock photos.

If you’re not convinced yet, all you have to do is choose any of the testimonials, right-click your mouse, and select – search images with Google Lens.

Google will then spit out a massive list of all the sites and platforms using these exact same photos, proving once more that Social Rebel is nothing more than a big fat scam.

If you go down even further on their sales page, you’ll also find video testimonials that aren’t much different from the stock photos, meaning they’re also fake.


They may be harder to notice at first.

Still, I’ve reviewed 100’s of similar sites before, and I’m pretty familiar with what they’re doing to know that they’re hiring actors on sites like Fiver to deliver fake testimonials.

There are literally hundreds of gigs from people who are offering their spokesperson services, and you’re free to hire any of them for a small fee, usually less than ten bucks.


Still not convinced that Social Rebel is a scam? Listen to this. 🙃

If you visit their about page, you’ll see that they claim that they were founded in 2018 by two experienced and successful businessmen, Ralph R. Lawson and Chad Evans.

Unsurprisingly, after thoroughly researching for hours, I still couldn’t find any records of these people existing, which is another significant indicator that Social Rebel is a scam.


This is where it gets good.

You can actually go to a site called, which is basically a tool that gives information about a website and keeps an internet record listing that identifies who owns a particular domain and all the ways you can get in contact with them.

All you have to do is insert the company’s domain name to see who the real owners are and learn more about the website’s history and when it was created.

After doing that, I saw that was actually registered on the 17th of August 2021, which is literally a few months ago, and not years as they say.

Is Social Rebel a scamThe made-up owners, Ralph R. Lawson, and Chad Evans, never founded the site in 2018, and that just proves that all of this is just a cleverly-designed trap.


The last real heavy piece of evidence is all the dislikes you’ll find on actual reviews from people who’ve tried and failed to make money using this site.

Whoever made this site is purchasing Youtube dislikes making it seem like the people who say that Social Rebel doesn’t work are actually lying, which is not the case.

You’ll also see many bot-made comments under different Social Rebel review YT videos claiming that the app works just fine and that it’s possible to make some money with it.

There are a lot of sites where you can buy well over 500 dislikes for less than $20, proving once again that you shouldn’t trust everything you see online.


Is Social Rebel a Scam?

Social Rebel is a scam – it’s an outright fraud from start to finish and nothing more than a well-designed mediator between you and other 3rd parties, legit survey sites. 

Hate to break it to you, but you won’t get a $50 signup bonus, and neither can you earn $2 just by having someone click on your link. They’ll make you go through the entire process, hoping that you’ll get paid once it’s done when in reality, nothing happens.

They’ll make you wait for months until you finally realize that this Social Rebel is nothing more than a well-thought-out trap made for those seeking overnight riches.

It would help if you were very careful with websites that promise such stuff because, most often than not, they’re trying really hard to scam you. (%99 of the times) 

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All of the Trustpilot reviews are negative, saying that this site never paid them and that it’s honest as just about any politician. – and you know how sincere politicians are. 

I’ve reviewed hundreds of similar sites like this before, and I’ll tell you this much – it’s impossible even to guess how many people have actually fallen for them. 

Whatever you do, just please don’t waste your time on shitty sites like these, and be smart enough to use your time more wisely by learning actual, valuable, practical skills to make money online. – something that I can teach you and will if you let me.


Is Social Rebel Legit? My Alternative. 

I’m a man of my word, and as promised, I’ll be showing you a far better alternative for making money online which, unlike Social Rebel, is actually %100 free, legit, and safe. 

It allows you to build your very own, long-lasting, prospering online business with support every step of the way, and it’s by far one of the best, most sophisticated pieces of training materials that I’ve ever come across. 

I’ve made thousands of dollars thanks to it, and I’m absolutely sure that anyone can achieve the same results as me, only if they put in the time and effort. 


It would be best if you check out my review on it. 👈

I detail why this well-structured, cleverly designed method is my number one recommendation for making money online and discuss some of the benefits it provides.

I’m not a special somebody, nor am I a native English speaker. Still, that doesn’t stop me from racking up between 4-6 grand each month, and I’m sure that anyone who follows a proven blueprint like the one I just showed you could do the same. 

At least see what the venue offers, and always feel free to ask any questions by leaving a comment just about anywhere on this blog. 


I promise I won’t keep you waiting, and reply ASAP. 

I think it’s about time I end this Social Rebel review, so hopefully, I was able to provide you with a clear explanation on why I believe that Social Rebel is not legit. 


Chat to you soon. 👋



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