The Single Stock Retirement Plan Review

Is The Single Stock Retirement Plan a Scam? The Truth About The $3 Stockā€¦

For traders, picking the best stocks in the market entails loads of research and chart analysis. But what if I tell you of this once in a lifetime stock opportunity best known as The Single-Stock Retirement Plan.Ā 

Would you be willing to risk it all? In that sense, this article is dedicated to answering the question:


šŸ•µļøĀ Is The Single Stock Retirement Plan a scam? šŸ•µļø


Whether you are a beginner or an expert trader, I am sure that you understand the consequences of not doing your homework about a particular company.Ā 

You see, research is the foundation of your investment portfolio, and it can play a significant role in whether you will earn or lose money in the process.

Picking stocks is not just about quick Goggle searches or short visits onĀ Bloomberg.Ā Instead, it involves constant monitoring of prices, news, charts, and historical data.Ā 

As I have highlighted inĀ my previous post, investing or trading without a plan is basically gambling at its finest.

If you are an active social media user, I bet that you have encountered lots of grossly hyped posts about ā€œmaking it bigā€ overnight or in a short period of time through stocks.

Donā€™t get me wrong. Iā€™m not saying itā€™s not possible to become an overnight success, but instead, Iā€™m trying to say that itā€™s only possible if you play your cards right.Ā Is The Single Stock Retirement Plan a scam?However, gaining maximum profits in such a short period can be too risky!Ā Recent researchesĀ even reflect that there are people who develop emotional and psychological stress due to it!

And if the risk is something that you are not comfortable with, you might have to think twice about investing in stocks.

On the other end of the spectrum, investors encourage people to invest in an asset for the long term.Ā 

They basically say that investing in the long term minimizes the risk of losing your hard-earned money, but honestly, the reality is quite different.Ā 

If youā€™re a beginner who is intending to park your money without really understanding how the market works, or if youā€™re someone who does not know when to cut their losses, then there is a big possibility that you will lose all of it, even if itā€™s on a long term basis.Ā 

Believe me you, I fully support the concept of investing. Itā€™s just that I genuinely want the readers of this blog to understand that it is not as easy as how others define it.Ā 

It has its dark alleyways, and the fact that you landed on this post suggests for me that you get my point. You are here to research, and I am here to reveal to you the ugly, bloody truth.

With that being said, The One Stock Retirement Plan probably made you curious due to its promise of giving you the ULTIMATE stock that can serve as your lifeline as you retire.Ā 

The program basically urges you to invest in this ultra ā€œsecretā€ stock that is comparable to leading brands such as Amazon and Microsoft.

If you have raised an eyebrow on this one, allow me to share what I found out. So buckle up, and off we go!


Who is Alexander Green?

I am positive that if you did your research before landing on this article, you were able to take a peek into the Oxford Club released video teaser of Alexander Green exciting this secret stock investing scheme with charts and numbers.


But who exactly is Alexander Green? šŸ§

Alexander Green is the chief investment strategist of The Oxford Club and the Liberty Through Wealth. He found himself working as a financial advisor, investment and research analyst, and portfolio manager on Wall Street for 16 full years.

Besides being a licensed financial advisor, he finds joy working as a writer for The Oxford Communique, the Oxford Clubā€™s official investment newsletter.Ā 

Additionally, he has five published books available at Amazon: Beyond Wealth (2011), Gone Fishinā€™ Portfolio (2008), The Secret of Shelter Island I and II (2009; 2011), and An Embarrassment of Riches (2013).WHO IS ALEXANDER GREENIf you are a regular reader, you know that I usually add the exact number of social media followers of the people under my microscope.Ā 

Unfortunately, I cannot find Alexanderā€™s professional or personal accounts, but I happen to come across hisĀ LinkedIn Profile, but it does not really offer much information about his persona.

So, Is Alexander Green a scam, or is he a real person?Ā 

Of course, heā€™s as real as a person can get! Maybe he is not that fond of social media, but you can see him as the face of The Oxford Club on their YouTube account. If you want to, you can check him out now.Ā 


What is The Single Stock Retirement Plan?

Seriously what exactly is The One Stock Retirement Plan? Is it a course, a program, or merely an overpromising platform that you should stay away from?

Well, personally, I can say that it is more of a prophecy on a newsletter.

It doesnā€™t really teach you how to build a retirement stock portfolio. It just outright gives you the name of a stock and urges you to invest in it.

The One Stock Retirement, also known as The Single Stock Retirement Plan, made rounds in the internet sphere due to Alexanderā€™s pitch regarding this $3 stockā€™s possibilities.

Believe me, as soon as people learned that it only costs $3.00; they practically flocked over the market looking for the special ticker.WHAT IS THE SINGLE STOCK RETIREMENT PLANAccording to Alexander, this mystery stock trades under a secret name and has the potential to double or triple your investment in the future exponentially.

I find it weird, though, that he seems to be keen on saying that diversification is not a good idea.

Contrary to that, a REAL investor knows that diversification is crucial since it allows one to increase odds of earning and spread the risk of losing money.

Ever heard of the saying, do not put all your eggs in one basket? Well, Alexander is asking YOU to do so. Given the marketā€™s volatility, believe me when I say that no professional investor will invest in just one stock.

If you are a beginner in the investment industry, you may, of course, focus on one stock, but this specific stock must be from a blue-chip company.

A blue-chip stock refers to companies that are best known for their outstanding track record and reliable growth. Some examples are Disney, PepsiCo, IBM, and Wal-Mart.


What is One Stock Retirementā€™s Special Stock?

So, is this mystery stock a brand that the masses already know?Ā Unfortunately, the answer isĀ NO. Based on my research, the company thatā€™s being hyped is called Foxconn.Ā 

It is a legitimate technology manufacturer based in Taiwan. This particular stock is traded as Hon Hai Precision Industry Co. with stock ticker HNHPF HON HAI PRECSN IND ORDF.

Foxconn is one of the leading electronic manufacturers for computers, consumer electronics, and communications.Ā 

It even works with brands like Apple (its biggest customer), Linksys, and IBM. Heading over to the market screener available atĀ MarketWatch, you can see that the company actually has strong financial banking. Its stock price went as low at $4.36 but as high as $6.17.

With this, I personally do not doubt its legitimacy, but in terms of its actual performance, I do not see how this can be a big lifesaver.Ā 

Alexander kept on emphasizing that this stock can even run head to head with Microsoft in the future, but I find it alarming that there is not much news about the company.Ā 

As a matter of fact, even Market Watchā€™s last news on HNHPF HON HAI PRECSN IND ORDF was back in 2014!

So, as advice, you may buy this stock, but please do not expect to become a millionaire from this alone. It is better to just trade on it actively rather than on invest.


Is The Single Stock Retirement Plan A Scam?

Hereā€™s the thing, there is no one ultimate stock that can help you achieve financial freedom. Remember that in investing, itā€™s all about diversification ā€“ helping your portfolio grow through investing in different assets in the market.

There are two ways by which I will answer whether this is a scam or not. First, I believe that the stock being promoted by the company is NOT A SCAM. šŸ™‚

It is legitimate, and you can actively trade it without any complications. HNHPF HON HAI PRECSN IND ORDF seems to be strong on its own and does not have any complaints.

As for The Single Stock Retirement Plan, I believe that the entire marketing is very misleading. One Stock Retirement IS A SCAM in terms of promising loads of money out of one stock. šŸ™ƒ

Also, the very nature of its presentation is wrong on many levels. Alexander kept on showing figures after figures of popular charts from big brands, but not of the historical map of the stock he is promoting.

Also, One Stock Retirement insisted that the stock they are promoting is really ā€œundiscovered,ā€ wherein the truth is, anyone can discover it as long as they listen carefully to how Alexander is describing it.


Is There a Better Alternative? Yup, and Here it isā€¦ šŸ˜Š

Contrary to common belief, investing in the stock market offers different profitability levels depending on the personā€™s stock choices and risk appetite.

For one, I have experience investing in a prominent local company once, but I have not experienced the exponential growth that other investors have experienced.

I believe that there are much better and safe ways to make money online without stress, drama, and occasional tears. šŸ˜Ž

You see, the marketā€™s unpredictability is definitely not something I (or you) want to ride with.Ā 

This is why I chose to go in a different direction and look for a more less-aggressive type of earning opportunity. Luckily, I stumbled upon affiliate marketing, and that was a turning point for me.Ā 

Iā€™m not sure if youā€™ve heard of it before, but affiliate marketing is one of the most common ways people earn money online.Ā 

Itā€™s a very straightforward business model where you get paid a prefixed commission every time you make a sale by promoting someone elseā€™s product.Ā 

It is one of the sure-fire ways that you can earn without trapping your hard-earned cash into some sort of market, system, or platform.

It is perfect for those who would like to build their passive income source and become the boss of their own time.Ā 

Iā€™m an affiliate marketer myself, and I can personally vouch for this business modelā€™s legitimacy. Many benefits come with it, but I love it due to the following reasons:Ā 

  1. Unlike investing, there is lesser risk involved.
  2. Small upfront investments involved ( Get started for FREE! )
  3. No networking!
  4. I choose when and where I want to work.Ā 
  5. Becomes passive with time! (you earn money while asleep šŸ˜“)Ā 
  6. Itā€™s very novice-friendly, and anyone can do it. (even you)


You see, this simple (yet useful) blog youā€™re currently on is a perfect example of what an affiliate marketing blog should look like.Ā 

It may look unsophisticated, but itā€™s more than enough to support my day to day expenses, and I would have never been able to build it without the support of one of the best affiliate marketing platforms on the market today.Ā 

The platform Iā€™m referring to goes by the name of Wealthy Affiliate, and itā€™s the same platform that gave me all the much-needed training and tools to succeed in this online chaos.Ā Ā 


And guess what? It can help you do the same. šŸ¤©


Some of the top affiliates within Wealthy Affiliate earn more than four passive income figures online, while others are just at the starting line and making their first $100 days.Ā 

If youā€™re looking to get started but donā€™t know how to or which community, program, or course you should join (and donā€™t want to waste money on things that donā€™t work), then you got to check out Wealthy AffiliateĀ for yourself.

The platform is free to sign up with, and that should give you more than enough information to decide whether you want to continue to use it or look for something else instead.Ā 

As I end this article, I hope that I was able to shed light on the truth about the $3 stock hype by Alexander Green.Ā 

Is The Single Stock Retirement Plan a scam? Well, no, but there are many better alternatives that you should consider going for.Ā 

If you have further comments and suggestions, feel free to reach out in the comment section below, and Iā€™ll get back to you in an instant. Thanks for taking the time to read through my entire blog post (I appreciate it šŸ˜‡), but itā€™s time for me to call it a night šŸŽ¬


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