
Is Writeappreviews.com a Scam? I Have a Better Alternative!

Hi, and welcome to my Writeappreviews.com review. 🙂


So, you want to know whether Writeappreviews.com is a scam or not? 🤔

Gorjan here, and if you see this, you’re probably interested in hearing more about Writeappreviews.com, a cool-looking site that claims that you can start making money by testing out and writing reviews on some of the newest apps available. 

Maybe you’ve stumbled upon this site while searching for ways to make money from home, and you were smart enough to do your research to learn more about: 

  1. What is Writeappreviews.com all about?  
  2. How does it work? 
  3. Is Writeappreviews.com a scam? 

…and most importantly, is this site really worth putting your effort in, even if it turns out to be a %100 legit opportunity that can make you a little bit of extra cash. 

So, in a few words, I’ll be reviewing Writeappreviews.com, guiding you through its pros and cons, and letting you know whether you should give this one some thought. 

At the end of this post, I’ll also be showing you a much better, more reliable alternative, which, unlike Writeappreviews, will give you the much-needed pieces of training, tools, and support to go out there and prosper as a reviewer with confidence. 

Is Writeappreviews.com a scamIt’s actually my number #1 recommendation for making money online, and as you can imagine, there are a few reasons why it holds the number one spot. 


It’s free to start with, has million active users on it, and it’s one of the best places to transform your ideas into profits and learn from experts with +16 years of experience. 

It’s the same course I used to go from $0 to earning $ 1000’s online, and I honestly don’t see a reason why you too can’t achieve the same, if not better, results. 

It will basically teach you everything that Writeapprevies.com will, but only better. At least check it out – it’s free, and you have nothing to lose. 

Hi, my name is Gorjan, and I’m making a full-time income working from home. Feel free to read my about page if you wish to learn more about my story, past experiences, and how I can help you set up your first actual source of passive income online. 


Writeappreviews.com Review

So, the first thing you’ll need to do once you visit their site is to sign up by paying the $27 fee and sharing your name and e-mail address with them. 

Once that’s done, they’ll apparently show you how to: 

  1. Make money writing reviews no matter where you’re from. 
  2. Succeed even if you’re not a native English writer. 
  3. Succeed even if you’re not an expert affiliate marketer. 
  4. Make money writing reviews just by using your phone or tablet. 


The way this works is quite simple. 

Once you’ve paid them, they’ll give you access to their app database, which is the initial part of the process where you’ll need to choose an app and test it on your phone, tablet, computer, or just about any device to see if it’s working correctly. 

They’ll also provide you with full access to their website builder, which offers nothing out-of-the-ordinary and is one of the best things they give. 

You’ll then need to write reviews on the apps you test. These reviews will eventually begin to rank on Google and start making you money – more about this later. 

Let me clarify that you don’t actually make money from Writeappreviews.com, but from the reviews, they’ll supposedly teach you how to write. 

I’ll tell you more about this in the next part of this review. 


How Does Writeappreviews.com Work? 

I’ve been reviewing apps for ages now, and I’m very familiar with how this business model works since it’s pretty similar to my way of making a living online. 

In this part of the review, I’d like to walk you through the entire process to understand better how everything works and what to expect. 


I’m guessing you know what banners are. 

Well, the path to riches is slow, and it starts with you signing up with an affiliate mediator, also known as an affiliate marketplace, like Clickbank or JVzoo. 

Once you have an account with them, you’ll be able to access the marketplace filled with thousands of products and apps and grab a unique affiliate link for the particular product you’ll choose to review, which you can then place within your site’s banners. 

The link they’ll share with you has a special code that will help Clickbank and JVzoo reflect where the sale came from and whether it was from you or not. 

Writeappreviews.com reviewsIf someone chooses to buy one of the products, they’ll either click on the banner or any of the links within your review article, resulting in you getting a commission.


You can also make money by inserting a box within your articles, where readers will need to enter their e-mail addresses for you to make a sale. 

All of this is basic affiliate marketing stuff, so I suggest taking a look at my ultimate beginners’ guide if you wish to learn more about it. Also, hang on tight and read carefully if you want to find out what my problem with this site is. 


Writeappreviews.com Reviews!

Before I let you know what my biggest issue with this site is, I want to discuss some of the reviews found on Trustpilot, a place where actual users share their experiences with apps to help others make better choices and help other companies up their game. 

Just by taking a sneak peek at it, you’ll notice that most of the reviews are negative and that there are many instances where people label Writeappreviews.com as a scam. 

There are many causes why people are saying this, but the best thing to do is visit the site yourself and thoroughly read through all the comments. 


Here’s my biggest issue with this site. 

First of all, let me start by saying that I believe that Writeappreviews.com is a legit site, but at the same time, there is one major downfall to it. 

Yes, there are actually people making some money with this, but the platforms’ training leaves out one crucial step, which is Search Engine Optimization. 


Allow me to clear up what SEO is if you’re unfamiliar with it. 

This business model is based on writing high-quality, detailed reviews that will eventually rank on Google and earn you commissions. 

You must understand that these articles won’t rank themselves and that there are a few things you need to do for your review article to appear on Google’s first page. 

The process of improving your sites’ quality and quantity of traffic from search engines like Google and Bing is called Seach Engine Optimization, and it’s the most critical thing you should master before even considering starting a review site. 


Don’t get me wrong. 

Focusing solely on writing reviews will be enough to get some traffic, but it will likely not be anything meaningful for you to make a full-time income. 


I’m sure you’ll make a sale now and then, but that’s about it. 

I entirely understand why Writeappreviews.com would want you to think that this is an easy way to make some money online, where the only thing you’ll need to do is download an app, analyze it, write a review on it and drive sales. 

It’s easier said than done, to say the least. You could have the best, most helpful product in the world, but how can someone buy it if no one sees it, right? 

I didn’t actually read through all the Trustpilot reviews, but I can only imagine why most people failed to make any money with this product. 

Is Writeappreviews.com legitI know that $27 is not a lot, but I’m really trying hard to save you from wasting your money, but the choice is all yours at the end of the day. 


It’s not even about the money. Writing reviews is not rocket science, but you’ll still need to dedicate a few hours per day if you wish to see some results. 

I’d hate to see you waste your precious time only to realize that what you’ve been doing is wrong. Do yourself a favor and find a better alternative. 


Is Writeappreviews.com a Scam?

Writeappreviews.com is a scam – I have no choice but to label it as such because of that one crucial training component they left out.

While it’s legit in the sense that they’ll provide you with a list of apps to review and a platform to review them on, I still believe that it’s not worth it whatsoever.

I’m speaking from experience because, as I said, this is a legit business model, and many people, including me, are making a sh*tton of money with it.

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There’s more to starting a review website than just writing articles. The content business is specific, and you’ll never see results if no one sees your content.

There’s nothing wrong with earning money by writing reviews online, but I believe that Writeappreviews.com is not the best resource to learn this type of stuff.


How I Make a Living Online

As I previously noted, writing reviews and ranking articles is my bread and butter, so I consider myself qualified enough to tell you more about it. 

If you bothered to read my about page, you probably know that I own multiple sites, with the one that you’re currently on being the one that I write most of my reviews on. 

So far, I’ve managed to rank hundreds of articles on Google’s first page and even managed to get you to land on this site and read my Writeappreviews.com review. 


An obvious indication that I’m a master of my craft. 

I’m telling you this because you somehow weirdly remind me of myself back in the day, and I wish to help you out by showing you the ropes. 

By no means am I an expert, just a guy that believes that anyone’s trainable and highly capable of doing just about anything they put their minds to. 

Writeappreviews.com ReviewI was hoping you could check out my alternative to see why I prefer it over this site and learn more about the countless benefits it provides. 


I also encourage you to go through my money guide, as it clearly explains everything there is to know about me and my past experiences as a reviewer. 

As I end this review, I sincerely hope that I was able to provide you with a clear answer to whether Writeappreviews.com is a scam or not. 

If there’s anything you’d like to add, comment below. 



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