Jumptask app review

JumpTask Review: Is This Crypto App Truly Remarkable?


Wondering if JumpTask is an effortless way to earn crypto or just a time-waster? I put it to the test and am excited to share my experience in this JumpTask review.

Let’s delve into the nitty-gritty of JumpTask and find out if it’s worth your precious time! While I’m at it, I’ll introduce you to the platform that personally taught me how to earn a full-time income from home, so stick around until the end!



So, you want an answer to the question: is JumpTask worth it? 

Have you considered doing freelance work to earn extra cash while studying or working full-time? It sounds like a great idea, but traditional freelancing requires specific skills. But what if there was an easier way to earn money on the side?

Micro jobs are becoming more popular nowadays, and there’s a new micro freelancing platform on the block that could help you get a foot in the crypto world even if you don’t understand jargon like blockchain or crypto wallet.

Hey there, Gorjan here! Today, I’ll talk about JumpTask, a platform that provides an opportunity to earn by completing easy tasks, even if you have no prior experience or expertise. What sets it apart from other money-making platforms is that it pays its users in JumpToken (JMPT), a cryptocurrency created by JumpTask.

Instead of the usual rewards like points, credits, or cash, JumpTask takes a unique approach. They pay their users with digital assets instead. It’s worth mentioning that they operate on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC) network, which allows for quick transfers of your earnings. This feature can be quite beneficial if you’re interested in exploring the world of cryptocurrency with minimal risk.


JumpTask reviewIn this in-depth review of JumpTask, I’ll walk you through everything this platform offers. We’ll delve into its core features, uncover how it operates, and explore its realistic earning potential. By the end, you’ll have all the insights you need to determine if it’s the right choice for you at this particular time.



Hi, my name is Gorjan, and I’m making a full-time income working from home. Feel free to read my about page if you wish to learn more about my story, past experiences, and how I can help you set up your 1st passive revenue source.



JumpTask Review

To ensure complete transparency and honesty in my review, I want to clarify that I have no personal connections or affiliations with JumpTask or its competitors.

I will only provide you with an unbiased assessment of the platform so that you can decide whether it’s a viable way to earn money. That said, let’s get started with this JumpTask review to see if it is worth your time and effort!



What Is JumpTask?

JumpTask is a get-paid-to (GPT) platform offering various ways to earn crypto by completing simple tasks. However, unlike traditional GPT platforms, it pays in its own cryptocurrency called JumpToken (JMPT), a Binance Smart Chain (BSC) network-based coin that allows for quick and cheap transfers of your earnings.

You can start earning and collecting cryptocurrency without buying or investing anything upfront. It’s a fantastic way to dive into the world of digital currency, in my opinion. Despite being a new platform, JumpTask has gained a lot of attention and already has over 2 million users worldwide.

JumpTask can be accessed via a mobile app and a web-based member dashboard. Although the app is currently only available on Android devices, the web-based platform is optimized for mobile viewing, making it accessible.


While the app can be used worldwide…

…it’s important to know that some countries may have legal restrictions that could affect your ability to join in on earning opportunities. It’s good to keep in mind that there are certain limitations you should be aware of, as they could impact your participation in the earning options provided by JumpTask.



is JumpTask legit The website doesn’t provide a list of restricted countries, so it’s best to research the laws in your country to ensure you can participate legally.



Starting with JumpTask is simple.

Just grab a crypto wallet like MetaMask or WalletConnect. If you don’t have one, no worries. When you sign up, you can easily create a new wallet using your Google, Twitter, or Facebook account. Once you’ve given permission and set up your account, simply log in to the dashboard and start earning JMPTs right away.


Earning Opportunities

To better grasp how the app works, let’s delve into the different earning opportunities it offers. This will give you an insight into the tasks you can anticipate to start earning JumpTokens.

Experienced gig workers may find the earning opportunities too basic and the rewards too low. However, the company has mentioned in its whitepaper that they plan to introduce more advanced earning options in the future.


Paid Offers

If you want to earn from JumpTask, one way is by checking out the paid offers. Log in to the app or web-based dashboard and head to the Offerwalls section. You’ll find many paid offers waiting for you to explore and earn from.

From there, you can choose which paid offer you want to work on and click on it. The offer will have specific instructions on what you need to do to complete it.


Usually, you will be asked to:

  1. Answer a survey
  2. Sign up for a website
  3. Play a mobile game


Each offer has a set of objectives that you need to complete. Once you’ve fulfilled them, the offer will be marked as completed, and you will receive your reward.

While testing JumpTask, I found that only a limited number of offers were available to me. This was likely due to my country of residence and may not be true for users in other regions. However, I did encounter some issues with certain offers not responding or functioning properly. This is definitely a back-end concern; hopefully, they will work to address these issues.



Bandwidth Sharing

JumpTask offers another earning option that involves passive income through bandwidth sharing with Honeygain, a separate app that allows users to earn extra cash by sharing their unused internet bandwidth with Honeygain clients. When you log in to JumpTask, you can see Honeygain in the Earn Now section. 

Just download and install Honeygain on your computer or mobile device to kickstart your earnings. Let it run in the background, and you’ll automatically share your unused internet bandwidth with Honeygain clients, earning JMPT without lifting a finger. Passive income at its best, right?

In my opinion, this is the best way to earn from JumpTask, especially if you are already using Honeygain. Using Honeygain in JumpTask mode can even boost your Honeygain earnings by 50%, making it a very attractive earning opportunity.



is Jumptask safeThis was actually why I joined JumpTask in the first place. I think it’s worth considering for anyone wanting to earn extra cash passively.



JMPT Staking

JumpTask recently introduced a new earning option for its users: to stake the tokens you earn. If you are unfamiliar with crypto staking, it works similarly to a savings account in a bank, where you receive interest for your deposit.

In this case, you can earn rewards for your existing JMPT holdings, which is another way to generate passive income and maximize your returns on JumpTask.

To stake, you simply need to withdraw them to your wallet and then click to stake them. By doing so, you will earn interest on your tokens while they are staked without needing to do anything else. This is a great way to earn extra if you plan to hold on to your JMPT for longer.

The amount you can earn through staking will depend on how much you stake and how many people are staking overall. However, the percentage is relatively high, and you can see your earnings added to your account every 10 minutes.

Additionally, you can withdraw your tokens from the staking pool whenever you want, allowing you to manage your funds as you see fit.


Payment Method

If you’re already familiar with withdrawing cryptocurrency, JumpTask’s payment system will be relatively easy. However, it may be confusing if this is your first time dealing with crypto. Once you get used to it though, it will become simpler.


Since JumpTask deals with crypto, you’ll need a crypto wallet to get paid.

The JMPT coin already has a monetary value and can be traded for cash or other cryptocurrencies. As of writing, 1 JMPT is worth $2.13, which will be stored in your JumpTask account balance. To withdraw your earnings, simply transfer them to your MetaMask or WalletConnect account. Unlike other platforms, JumpTask doesn’t have a payout threshold that you need to reach.

However, remember that every time you make a transaction, a gas fee will be charged. For example, when you withdraw your JMPT, a gas fee of 0.03425 JMPT will be charged, though this can change depending on the market.


Give Branded Surveys a try if you’re determined to make some easy money fast. Compared to its rivals, it pays generously and is incredibly user-friendly and convenient. Additionally, your earnings will grow over time in direct proportion to how active you are. It also has one of the best customer service teams ever.



Is JumpTask Legit?

JumpTask is a legitimate GPT site that allows you to earn crypto. With it, you can complete microtasks during your free time, such as waiting for appointments or riding the bus. Although it has limitations, it also offers a few good features.

When it comes to earning potential on a platform like JumpTask, there are two main factors to consider: the number of earning opportunities available and how well the platform pays. While JumpTask does have a decent number of offers available, it’s not enough to keep you earning consistently.


Is Jumptask worth it?

However, it’s important to note that microtasks won’t make you a crypto millionaire. It’s there in the name—micro! But you can earn $50 or more per month depending on the number of tasks you complete.



From my own experience, I noticed that there weren’t many offers to earn from, so relying on JumpTask alone for income isn’t practical or stable. However, one thing I really like about JumpTask is that the company understands that its offers aren’t meant to replace a full-time job.

Although the earning potential is low, it may significantly increase once they add more earning options. Additionally, JumpTask offers airdrops occasionally that allow you to earn free JMPT. Overall, JumpTask bridges casual users’ gap with the crypto world, so I give it the green light!

It’s a great way to get into cryptocurrencies and learn more about them while earning money. In addition, the platform is user-friendly and helps make the crypto world less intimidating for new users.



How I Make a Living Online

I wanted to let you know that some really practical and efficient ways to make money online are even better than JumpTask. For the past few years, I’ve been working full-time from home as an affiliate marketer, promoting other people’s products and services in exchange for commissions.

Remember when I mentioned earlier that I found this amazing program that has been a game-changer for me? Well, I’d be more than happy to share it with you!

It’s the exact step-by-step program that taught me how to do all of this, and I owe all my success to it. Honestly, I think it’s the best training platform for anyone looking to build a profitable online business in 2023 and beyond.


Plus, it’s free to start! 

Living the laptop lifestyle is achievable when you have the proper tools, support, and mentorship. Still, please don’t get me wrong and start to think I’m saying it’s easy. Success doesn’t come without putting in some effort, and I want to make that clear! I had to work hard to get to where I am today.

I’ve tried out so many systems in the past that promised to replace my income, but most of them weren’t very beginner-friendly and required a hefty upfront investment. If you’re curious and want to learn more about this platform and what it offers, I’ve written a full review.

In it, I explain the step-by-step process in detail. It’s worth checking out if you’re interested, and of course, feel free to ask me anything.

I hope my review of JumpTask has been useful in helping you figure out if it’s a legit and worthwhile platform for earning. If you have any questions, please ask them in the comments section below. I usually reply within a day!





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