Modern Millionaires Review

Modern Millionaires Review: A BIG WASTE OF TIME AND MONEY


Hi, and welcome to my Modern Millionaires review.


While it is genuinely enticing to know that you could be a millionaire using only your computer and basically be an officeless agency, I want to remind you that success is never achieved overnight. I believe you’re aware of that by now.

Even though Modern Millionaires is a legit course, I wouldn’t necessarily recommend you to take it, especially if there is a much cheaper and more reliable alternative, which, by the way, is the same established step-by-step program that helped me start a successful, scalable, semi-automatic business at 19 years old and that has continuously helped me generate over $5,000 each month.


So, you want to know whether Modern Millionaires is a scam? đŸ€”

Gorjan here, and in today’s review, we’ll discuss and explore the overhyped, well-advertised online money-making program Modern Millionaires – another online course that pledges to teach you how to earn a hefty amount of money while earning your freedom and becoming your own boss. However, I found in my extensive research many reasons why this course might not be worth it.

As you know, I have been reviewing a lot of these digital courses for a while now, so you can trust me when I say whether a program is worthwhile or not.


Modern Millionaires has a lot of promises

 including building an online business from nothing through lead generation. It also claims that the program is a unique opportunity for anyone to create passive income, which I have a lot of doubts about because running an effective agency, officeless or not, requires you to be present in every process of your business. 

Modern Milionaires ReviewPlease remember that with this line of work, you are required to spend hours of your day managing everything, which, by no means, is passive.


You will be taught all sorts of things, like how to set up your online business, find clients, and generate targeted leads for them. The thing about this course is that they make it sound like lead generation is easy by saying that they tried to “automate everything” and it worked or that they’ve offered “plug-and-play” campaigns as well as “pre-built templates,” and it was their best strategy.


But the problem is that the market is volatile and always changing.

Let’s say that Modern Millionaire is indeed the best money-making program, as they claim. However, if it has already drawn thousands of other students and they all implemented the same “plug and play” campaigns after training, there is a considerable chance that tens of millions of other internet users have already seen them, which reduces the strategy’s effectiveness, understandably. 


At the end of this post

 I will also introduce you to a much better and more worthwhile program, which, in my opinion, is the best because it has been around for a long time and has a business model that has proven sustainability. It’s extremely user-friendly and provides much more secure, less controversial investment opportunities.


Hi, my name is Gorjan, and I’m making a full-time income working from home. Feel free to read my about page if you wish to learn more about my story, past experiences, and how I can help you set up your 1st passive revenue source. 



Modern Millionaires Review

Abdul Samed and Chance Welton created this online training program, and quite frankly, it wouldn’t surprise me if you’ve never heard of these guys before because they are pretty much unknown in the internet coaching business.

They might have produced many thriving businesses from scratch in the past. Still, as shown in many other examples, the fact that someone has managed to build a successful business doesn’t necessarily mean they’re an effective coach. 


Aside from their YouTube channel

where you can see them actively promote Modern Millionaires, nothing you can find about them would serve as a stronghold of their ability to coach.


Speaking of their YouTube channel

 note that the testimonial videos have no date attached to them. How can we ever verify if these videos are up to date and not just recycled from the past? Also, almost all of their videos report revenues and do not mention the profit. Additionally, their training recommends and focuses on paid advertising which is sus because that can get very expensive. (I’m telling you this from experience) 


How much does Modern Millionaires cost?

This part makes the whole course even more questionable and dishonest because, on their YouTube ads, they offer the course for only $9.95 per month, but many students need to be aware that there’s yet another upsell course to come.

The actual price of their training course ranges from $5000 to $25000, which is way too expensive considering that you can get the same information the course provides for a lesser price. Believe it or not, you might even learn what these lessons are teaching for free on YouTube or blogs with just a little effort.


They have $5000, $10000, and $25000 packages.

Depending on whether you want to build the agency by yourself but need the guidance of coaches at first (the Do-It-Yourself package) or you want extra mentoring and accountability from them (Done-With-You) or if you’re too busy and want others to set up the business for you (Done-For-You).

Do note that these prices are only the entry point, which means you will have to pay extra money for paid advertising, building your own agency website, hosting package and domains, and prospecting and email automation technology.

During the call with one of their salespeople, they will try to sell you the price rather than their services. They offer three price points depending on how much money you have and your needs. However, the “good” thing is that if you ever find yourself no longer interested in Modern Millionaires but you’ve already given them your money, you can’t get your money back because they have a no-refund policy.


In my honest opinion

you could learn a lot from this course, but you have to ask yourself if you are willing to pay that much. If you’re someone new to the e-biz world, then you’d learn a lot from their modules because they would help you build your business from scratch by assisting you in picking a niche in building your agency site.

The modules also teach you about cold emailing and driving traffic with Google Ads and Facebook—which not many online courses offer these days (at least not any good ones). The last module suggests that you go into automation and will most likely start earning money by then. You don’t even need to have any background in online advertising or marketing to get into this program.

is Modern Millionaires a scam You will learn PPC management as well as how to perform lead generation with this course. However, as previously mentioned, you’re more likely to find the same topics they teach on blogs and YouTube videos for free. 


Moreover, several complaints state that the Facebook group that serves as your community and support has no activity or interactions with the founders. They might offer weekly coaching calls from their top students who share their experiences and how they’ve become rich with Modern Millionaires, but they’re nothing but admins in disguise at the end of the day. 


But what about the founders?

Do they even interact with their students, who spend thousands of dollars to learn from them? Honestly, if I were to spend that money, I would expect them to go above and beyond to deliver what I’m paying for. (just saying)

I’m sorry to rain on your parade; I don’t believe you’ll get your investment back in this training. Yes, there’s a great chance that you will learn a lot of new things, but I assure you that there are courses three to four times cheaper that still offer the same amount of information, if not twice as much. 


There needs to be more transparency on how much

you actually need to pay the company for their training. Even if the starting price stands at $5000, that’s already an expensive price tag for what it offers. 

You can choose to invest that $5000 towards this course, but in all frankness, I doubt that is a smart decision because, from what I was able to see, you don’t get enough value in return for that investment to be worth it.

Moreover, there are hidden additional costs that are not disclosed during your assessment phone calls. These costs do not even stop with the training because you still have to pay for the digital advertising on your own, meaning that you’ll have to spend an indefinite amount until you land a client. 


If you’re somebody who is just starting out

 in the online biz world, then I highly doubt that this is something you should aim for. I highly advise you to reconsider your decision because, as you may or may not know, managing paid ad campaigns can get quite costly, especially if you’re a rookie who’s never had the chance to mess around with paid campaigns. 

While an overview of the course will make you think it offers so much value, many claim it lacks substance. It tells you that you can earn a lot of money easily through Google services, but these services are not easy or cheap.

While there are testimonials from their students, there is no guarantee for success. Their disclaimer states that results may vary from one individual to another and that the figures displayed on their website are theirs. They aren’t implying that you will duplicate those results or achieve anything close to them.


or anything for that matter. 

It also continues to say that the average person who buys any “how-to” information gets little to no results. Your results will vary and depend on many factors, including but not limited to your background, experience, and work ethic. 

They also mention that all businesses entail risk and consistent effort and action. If you’re unwilling to accept that, please avoid opting in for their training.


Even if

Modern Millionaires is not a scam, they’ve already sold the same training to thousands of individuals who are now vying for the same clicks on the web. That said, the more time passes, the harder it will be for you to protect your profit.


Here’s a more shady thing about their name, Modern Millionaires. 

Believe it or not, as ridiculous as it sounds, it’s the third money-making training agency built by Abdul and Chance. In the past, they were called Officeless Agency, then changed it to Millionaire Middlemen before settling with its current name.

The thing about company rebranding is that it usually occurs when the founders are trying to cover up the bad reputation they gained with the old name by repackaging the same training under their new name. So, the real question here is: why would Modern Millionaires rebrand multiple times? Are they hiding a scam?


Is Modern Millionaires a scam?

The business model that Modern Millionaires is based on is legit, but the course itself could be better. Truthfully, I expected a lot more for those steep prices. 

We’ve all probably seen social media marketing gaining popularity nowadays, but buying Google and Facebook ads can be problematic. Additionally, running an agency is an active income, not passive like what Modern Millionaires is advertising. You cannot make millions after training for only a month or two. 

While it’s indeed very true that you can make a lot of money managing paid ad campaigns for business owners, it is not easy as Abdul and Chance make it seem. There is a lot of work and processes need to be done, and you’d have to be involved in all of those but without a real guarantee if it’s going to be a success. 

easily the best way to make money online!

best way to make money online


You see, Chance and Abdul are geniuses because they know how to bait people into thinking that being their own bosses is a much easier lifestyle to maintain. They target people who are already worn out with their 9 to 5 and are looking for an escape route to save their income as well as their futures.



they don’t help you achieve the same results as their top students. You won’t even see them interact with students inside their private community. If you want to build an online business, there are better options than Modern Millionaires.


How I Make Money Online

You are probably familiar with my struggles to succeed online if you read my about page. It took me years to figure out how this making money online thing works, and in those few long couples of years, I got scammed multiple times and lost all of my savings, not once, but two times.

Speaking from experience, it is possible to earn a four-figure salary and have a better work-life balance, all while having the freedom to work whenever and how much you feel like it. Please don’t let there be a misunderstanding, though.

is Modern Millionaires legit There will still be days when you will need to work long hours, but for the most part, once you reach a certain point, you will achieve time freedom, meaning that you will have complete control of your time, location, and schedule.


It’s important that you know all of this because, as mentioned at the beginning of this review, I want to share with you the exact step-by-step program that helped me find my way and gave me all the much-needed pieces of training, tools, and support to succeed in this somewhat wicked online world.


The program is free to start with.

However, the freemium membership has limitations, understandably. You literally have nothing to lose, so please check out the first few lessons and see what they offer. You will be amazed at how much attention is given to you.

Upgrading and unlocking all the core training will give you everything you need to succeed in my line of business (blogging), from keyword research to building content and monetizing your traffic to create a consistent revenue stream.

I believe it’s about time I end this Modern Millionaires review. Hopefully, you found it helpful, and it answered any questions you might have had about this program. If you feel like I’ve missed out on something or want to ask me anything, please feel free to comment below. I’m a busy guy, but I usually reply within 24 hours.




  1. Jonson January 24, 2023
    • Gorjan January 28, 2023
  2. Parameter January 6, 2023
    • Gorjan January 20, 2023
  3. Matt January 4, 2023
    • Gorjan January 20, 2023
  4. Marita January 3, 2023
    • Gorjan January 19, 2023

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