The Pawns App Review



Hi, and welcome to my Pawns App Review.


Are you looking for another get-paid-to (GPT) app so you can earn extra cash for playing games or answering surveys? Pawns App is one of the many passive income apps you can try if you want to put some extra cash in your pocket, meaning this is not an app you can depend on for your daily living. If you want a full-time income working from home, I do have a more reliable alternative that you can try for free before committing to them for a long-time. This is the same platform that helped me leave my 9-to-5 and start building my online presence.


So, you want to learn whether Pawns App is a scam? đŸ€”

Gorjan here, and in today’s unbiased review, we’ll examine whether the Pawns App is a legit GPT or if you should avoid it. Pawns App is a passive income app founded by Karolis Toleikis and was released on February 15, 2021. It is considered one of the top money-earning apps that allow users to make passive income online. I have tested Pawns App, so you don’t have to, and I will walk you through my experience with it, ultimately revealing whether it is worthwhile or not.

The central premise of the app is to share your WiFi or data connection with them, for which you will be paid $0.20 per GB. You can also make more money by answering surveys or referring friends for payment. While that amount is not much, it will pile up over time to generate a more decent amount.

There are a lot of these apps you can try, but you can barely make a dollar from them. This is just passive income that will work on your device’s background, but by no means is it a lot. That said, you can invest your time in more worthwhile endeavors that would generate more money in the long run.

Also, I want to remind you that even if the Pawns App is legit, it will not make you rich, nor will it be able to provide for your day-to-day living. If you want to earn thousands of dollars monthly, you will have to put in the effort, time, and energy, so there is no gain in sitting and doing nothing if you’re determined to be rich.

Pawns app review You can check out this step-by-step program that has helped me develop a strategy to quit my tedious 9 to 5 corporate job and grow my online business. I had no prior experience, nor was I knowledgeable of the online market, but thanks to this program, I have been making a full-time income since 2018. This program is also free to start, so you can assess first whether it is for you or not.



Hi, my name is Gorjan, and I’m making a full-time income working from home. Feel free to read my about page if you wish to learn more about my story, past experiences, and how I can help you set up your 1st passive revenue source. 




Pawns App is yet another attention-worthy app that allows you to make some extra cash online by sharing your internet connection with others. You need to create an account first to be able to use the app and earn a passive income. If you are familiar with Honeygain, Pawns App operates in a similar way.

In a nutshell, this application will use your unused bandwidth to enhance the testing process of some companies so that they can improve their apps for a better user experience. Some companies will use your shared connection to gain access to geo-blocked content, and others will use it to check whether their apps are running correctly and if it is showing on the right websites.


You can also answer surveys in exchange for a monetary reward.

It works similarly to all other best-paid survey apps on the Internet: once you’re done creating an account, you can pick the survey available, submit your answers, and earn points. However, there are times when you will not be eligible for the survey because of demographics or depending on their requirements, so you will not get any rewards. Some surveys are also unavailable in all countries, which can impact your earnings since you cannot take every survey there is.

You can also participate in their referral program, where you can earn 10% of every earning that the users you refer earn. If you want to download the app, I would really appreciate it if you could do so through my referral link. It would mean a lot to me since it’s one of the ways I’m able to keep things running and keep on providing you with unbiased opinions about apps like these. 

When Pawns App was first released, it was called IPRoyal Pawns, and after some minor changes, it is now called Pawns. So, if you’ve encountered IPRoyal Pawns before, it is the same platform as the Pawns App. Now, I must warn you that any app or programs that love to rename themselves might hide something unpleasant associated with their last name. It is a good thing that Pawns App is transparent with these changes, so there is no need to worry.


How to Withdraw Money from the Pawns App 

Once you earn $5, you can withdraw your earnings, and the maximum amount you can make is $140 per month. Your amount will depend on your location, network speed, and ping. You can withdraw these earnings through PayPal, Bitcoin, and virtual gift cards. However, the Pawns App no longer offers Payoneer.

Countries like the US and others in Europe have a better-earning potential than other countries. Your internet speed also plays a role since a high network speed means that you can sell more of those bandwidths. Pawns App is also designed to reward you for every hour you run their program—they will add an extra $0.02 per gigabyte shared if you spend a complete hour running the Pawns App.

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There are no ads on this app, and it’s fairly easy to use. You would also not find any hidden charges or in-app purchases, but you do need to have a fast internet connection which would be the main source of cash in this platform. One more thing is that you need to keep the app open in the background to earn more. Every two weeks, new countries are added to the platform.


Even if the payout threshold is low, there are no direct withdrawals to banks.

You can also withdraw with virtual gift cards, and these would depend on the country that you live in. There are some countries that don’t offer Visa virtual gift cards, and other countries offer 50+ different gift cards. There are gift cards that charge processing fees, and if you choose to withdraw with PayPal, you will be charged a 4% fee which is really high. Other than that, their payment system is relatively straightforward and works just like any other GPT app.

Initially, the Pawns App only worked on laptops or desktops, but since rebranding, they have already developed an app so you can earn from your phone. However, Pawns App is only available on Google Play Store, which means that only Android devices can download the app. You can use mobile and desktop devices simultaneously, but you need to ensure that each other is connected to a different network. Being connected to one network can slow down your internet connection and therefore affect your streaming routine. (and your earnings)


Is the Pawns App Legit?

Yes, the Pawns App is a legit app that will pay you for unused internet bandwidth for commercial purposes such as product development, pricing research, brand protection, content delivery, and surveys. However, even if you run multiple devices with different IP addresses, you won’t make much money from this app because they only pay in cents, which is probably not what you’re looking for.

Most surveys won’t be available for you because of some specific requirements like location or living standards. So, if you click one survey and answer their initial questions to see if you are fit for answering their survey, and they find out you are not the right person, the other surveys will no anymore be available for you when you exit. Additionally, you have to keep the app open to see if there are surveys available because they don’t notify you outside the app if there are any.

Is the Pawns app legit You also have to keep the Pawns App running for extended periods if you want to earn more from them. This can cause your device to use more battery since the Pawns App has to run in the background while you use other apps on your phone.


Moreover, your profits will largely depend on how strong your Internet connection is, so your earnings will be insignificant if you have a delayed loading and limited Internet connection. A wired connection is preferable to a wireless one since it guarantees a faster Internet speed, so please keep that in mind.

Pawns App is a legit app from which you can make a little bit of extra cash without really doing much as long as you don’t mind companies or other people using your bandwidth. It’s just that you earn so tiny, so you can’t depend on this app to support your everyday expenses. – it comes down to what you want.



If you are genuinely passionate about working online full-time and becoming financially independent, stop wasting your hours on apps or sites that only pay you modest amounts. Instead, I would like to introduce you to one of the best business models out there that will guide you on how to make a living online.

This is the same opportunity that has helped me change my life from working a tedious 9-to-5 to working whenever and wherever I want, all while enjoying the comfort of my pajamas. It took me months before I reached this level of success, but I was determined and showed grit, so I was able to make it. Please understand that this is not a get-rich-quick scheme because this will require you to work hard, stay persistent, and put in your time and effort to be successful.

I did not become successful right away when I encountered this business model; I spent months learning before I became fully capable of launching my first online business. At 19, everything might seem impossible, but if I did it, you could too!

This online earning model is undoubtedly considerably better than the Pawns App but is also more challenging. You don’t need to panic, though, because I can assure you that there is a lot of money to be made with this model. Just be prepared to experience a roller coaster ride because, just like any other job or venture out there, nothing will ever be easy and pan out according to plan.

Is the Pawns app worth it Without further ado, I advise you to read my money guide, which thoroughly explains everything you’ve ever wanted to know about making money online, to understand better how I make a living online. This will explain everything you need to know about making money online. -this guide should only take you about six to seven minutes to finish reading everything. 💾



I believe it’s about time I end this Pawns App review, so hopefully, I was able to give you a clear answer as to whether this app is legit or not. Please comment below if you feel like I’ve missed something or want to share your experience with this app. I’d be happy to hear from you. – I usually reply within 24 hours.




  1. Stephanie January 31, 2023
    • Gorjan February 3, 2023
  2. Michel Maling January 25, 2023
    • Gorjan January 28, 2023
  3. Priscilla January 22, 2023
    • Gorjan January 28, 2023

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