Mike Dillard Review

Mike Dillard Review: The Secret of How He Went From 0 To Hero!

Hi, and welcome to my Mike Dillard review. ⭐


Are you wondering how most millionaires got rich? 

In today’s Mike Dillard review, I will walk you through the exact steps he took and share the most profitable opportunities he became a part of. 

After all, who wouldn’t want to follow the steps of the wealthy, right? Maybe one day, the same path can also position you towards success. 


I’ve always been a firm believer in the concept of lifelong learning.

One common notion that people usually associate with that thought is that you should get formal education at a school or university. 


As stated on my about page, I don’t see it this way. 🙂

The “learning” I’m about is not about racking up on expensive degrees, seminars, or certificates. The type of learning that is most beneficial in today’s day and age is the one that is practical and in demand.

You see, there’s nothing wrong with having a master’s degree or a Ph.D., especially if you are in the academe. But if you are in the corporate world or self-employed, having expert skills in some of the newest and popular areas at what you do will give you a clear edge over other employees. 

For instance, you can never go wrong with learning cybersecurity, data management, and programming if you are in IT. The same goes if you are an animator who needs full proficiency in technical software.

Mike Dillard ReviewHowever, there is one major skill that you can benefit from, no matter what age, type of work, or industry you are in, and that’s marketing. 


Even if you’re just a student or a seasoned professional, you’ll always be faced with the idea and the tendency to promote yourself and your brand to the people around you, both in real life and online. 

With skills in marketing, you’ll get to sell your idea, affect the lives of others, and perhaps, hopefully, influence how they think and act. 


And this is what made Mike Dillard successful! 

He absorbed all the top minds’ ideas and beliefs like a sponge and used network marketing to begin his entrepreneurial journey. 

Want to know more about how he made it big? 


Exactly what we’ll be discussing in today’s Mike Dillard review. ✅

Before we begin, let me just clarify that I’m only writing this post to let you know how his road to success actually looked like and nothing more. 

I am not connected to him, nor will I be rewarded if you follow him, listen to his podcast, or purchase his book and mentorship program. 

As much as we do not want to admit it, the online world is filled with pretenders and scams, so I want to help you make an informed decision and be prepared if you ever consider him as “the guy” to learn from. 

Also, suppose you’re interested in finding the best ways to make money from home and wish to start a real, scalable online business. 

Is Mike Dillard a scammerIn that case, please feel free to check out my #1 recommendation, as it is truly one of the best platforms to get started in this online ‘biz’ industry. 💰


It’s the same course I used to go from $0 to earning $1000’s online, and I see no reason why you, too, can’t step in my shoes and do the same. 

Whatever you do, just please don’t start to think that I’m just another guru that’s trying to lure you into buying yet another never-seen-before, underdelivering, shitty course that will make you an overnight millionaire. 

If you bothered to read my about page, you probably already know that I despise those types of mentors, as they’re the ones that stole my money when I was first starting out myself. Cockalorums are what I call them. 

You can indeed make a lot of money doing what I do; just please understand that you’ll likely fail if you don’t make an effort. That’s just me being honest with you, so don’t make me say – I told you so

It’s up to you what you want to do. 


Mike Dillard Review

Mike Dillard is one of the top influencers in today’s skills-based economy.

Unlike other gurus out there who are milking on the idea of scaring people about how they NEED to join the stocks/trading game before it’s too late, this guy is more focused on motivating aspiring entrepreneurs and marketers to take action right now. 

He has created one book over the years, businesses, a podcast, and even mentoring programs to help people reach their full potential and live life according to their terms. You could say that “freedom & independence” is what he’s selling. 

In his early life, Mike Dillard was a self-confessed shopaholic, with most of his money being spent on financing a truly luxurious lifestyle. 

In most of his podcast episodes, he shared that becoming an entrepreneur was his childhood dream because he thought it was the easiest way to build wealth and influence the people closest to him. 

In one of his interviews, he even shared that he was so fed up with the cycle of being dictated how long his work hours should be and the maximum amount of money he can make. Relatively similar to my story


Chances are, you too can relate to this. 

I may not be waiting tables anymore, but I got sick and tired of doing my best in a 9-5 and not being paid enough for my efforts and concerns. 

Just like Mike, you are probably also looking for better ways to make money while not missing out on how life is meant to be lived.

Fueled by the desire to become more than what he was back then, Mike decided to jump into a career in marketing and never look back. 

By the age of 20, he started learning how the network marketing industry works, even though it was still not the craze back in the 90s. 

Following the footsteps of his idols Tony Robbins and Carlton Sheets, he invested in himself and decided to learn about the emerging skills in the direct response industry such as Google ads, led generation, and copywriting.

Within months, he created pitches that converted and had sold products with the help of direct response copywriting. Within just a year or so, he was able to turn himself into a serial 7-figure business owner. 

By the time he was 26, he had grown his wealth when he had got his first-ever book, known as Magnetic Sponsoring, which he had published and sold more than 200,000 copies in an instant.

The next thing he knew, that book became a bestselling one, and it has wholly given him a new opportunity. By 27, he became a millionaire!

is Mike Dillard legitLike most of us who think that money will continue to come after such a success, he burned his cash and decided to live extravagantly. 


As you can see from his Instagram profile, he remains a fanatic of jaw-dropping cars, yachts, and luxury world tours. 

He also gave in to his desire to join drive-car racing and has even won the Mint 400 in 2014 along with his co-driver, Ryan Johnson.

From then on, he became a mentor and have produced several coaching programs targeted at different age groups and levels. 

With so much money falling out of his pocket, he also focused on financial education and established the Elevation Group. The Elevation Group is a members-only website that went live in 2010. 

The website is free to visit, but if you want to get the whole experience, you can pay the $2497 price tag for the Black Box Investing knowledge. 

However, Dillard had to sell this one to his partner as he was found guilty of marketing an investment fund that was pure fraud!


Mike Dillard As An Author

To date, Mike Dillard only has one book under his belt: Magnetic Sponsoring. The book has a massive 5-star rating on Amazon, 4.3 on GoodReads, and has been featured and mentioned by Forbes and PRWeb.  

The book has 123 pages, and it mainly deals with how network marketers can focus on being the ones who are being chased by opportunities and not the other way around.

From the inside, it will not teach you about the plain old tactics, but it will give you a glimpse of the blueprint that worked for him. 

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He will not tell you that you should follow him by the book, but he merely writes what worked for him and how you too can apply it. 

I read a few chapters, and I have to say that it was pretty interesting to see someone bold enough to say that: 


Network marketing is an industry of marketing and promotion pursued by people who usually have no idea how to market or promote.”


 I find it quite funny since I know numerous people in multi-level marketing businesses who seem to be getting stressed, although a considerable chunk of their profit must come from this type of marketing.


Mike Dillard As An Entrepreneur

In 2015, Mike decided to open a new venture known as EverGrow with the goal of introducing fully automated hydroponics for homes. 

The main goal is that every family can build their systems for a fraction of the price and have fresh produce grown right inside their home. 

Due to the testing and prototyping needed for such, we can only expect it to cost him a huge chunk of his money, right?

And we proved to be correct because he instead invested all the money from EverGrow into Click And Grow by the following year. 

Click And Grow is another company that shares the same mission and goals; the only difference is that it has a more stable financial backing.

Aside from this, he also has the Mike Dillard Media company, which is an education platform where you can take courses such as the following:

  1. 7 figure sales presentations
  2. Cryptocurrency 101
  3. List-grow
  4. Mike Dillard Mentoring

He is also an investor and supporter of the following companies:

  1. Onnit – field of health and fitness 
  2. Click & Grow
  3. Drop Funnels – for marketing funnels and websites 
  4. Charity Water
  5. Make-a-wish
  6. Tiger 21


Mike Dillard As The Self Made Man

As an entrepreneur, I have to say that Mike is a visionary. I mean, instead of taking loans just to start his million-dollar business, EverGrow, he instead wanted to make enough money on his own for his venture. 

Such a move ensures that he will not be exposed to debts, but it also makes me worried since this is EverGrow’s only source of cash flow. 

But as luck would have it, his Self-Made-Man coaching program and podcast became such a hit that it was able to sustain EverGrow for quite a time. The Self-Made-Man coaching is an ideal service for those looking to start and grow their businesses from the ground up. 

It alleviates the pressure of aspiring entrepreneurs and moves them from the hamster wheel through his one-on-one expert advice, instructor-led videos, and informative podcast.


Is Mike Dillard a Scammer?

Mike Dillard is not a scammer, but at the same time, I somehow believe that he’s not as good of a guru to follow. I mean, I understand that he made it big through digital marketing, but I don’t understand why he did not try to expand his business there.

Why focus on hydroponics which is a field that is way way too different from marketing and tech, right? Why not just start a digital marketing agency or create mentoring programs focused on direct response copywriting?

I think Mike Dillard is a legit and great guy but seems to have so many balls up in the air, and he has no real focus on what he wants to achieve.

Given the lack of clarity, there is no surprise that most of the businesses he started are being sold to other companies or shut down.

Instead of becoming a mentor under him, I genuinely suggest you check out his podcasts instead to see if he is up to your standards.


How I Make A Living Online?

While Mike did have a great start early on in his career, I hope you will consider creating a business or pursuing a career in something you are truly passionate about. Trust me; every great dream begins with a dreamer, and passion is the energy that will push you towards success. 

I’m telling you this because I want to share the exact step-by-step blueprint of how I make a living online and let you know that with the right amount of dedication and perseverance, you, too, can transform your ideas into profits and earn your freedom doing what you love the most. 

Mike Dillard ReviewsI want to introduce you to a business model that will allow you to do just that and offer a helping hand at any point throughout your journey. 


It’s the same business line I owe my success, and thanks to it, I no longer have to clock out, nor do I stress about losing my job or any of that. 

Please understand that what I’m about to introduce you to demands work, and only then can you enjoy and value the benefits it provides. 

I hate to keep you waiting, so I suggest you go over my money guide to understand better what I’m dealing with on a day-to-day basis. 

My guidebook is relatively short, well-written, and it clarifies everything there is to know about my line of business and how I make a living online. 

I believe now would be a great time to end this Mike Dillard review, so hopefully, I was able to provide you with a clear answer to whether he’s a scammer or not.

If you have any questions or simply want to share something, please don’t hesitate to leave a comment down below. 



  1. T-Rx January 12, 2022
    • Gorjan January 18, 2022
  2. Randi January 11, 2022
    • Gorjan January 18, 2022

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