How to Upgrade Your Clickfunnels Account in 3 Easy Steps

This short post will provide you with all the needed information to upgrade your Clickfunnels account and take your sales funnel game to the next level. Hopefully, it comes in useful and teaches you how to update your membership so you can experience the funnel builder in its fullest potential. 


The fact that you want to upgrade your account lets me know that you’re serious about succeeding online and you want to earn more money on the internet. That’s why I decided to include a few pointers on how you can enrich your marketing arsenal, so you grow as a marketer.


The premium subscription plan comes at a hefty price, so you might want to downgrade your Clickfunnels account at some point if things don’t go as planned. For that reason, I decided to spice up this article and point you to another post that teaches you how to cancel, upgrade, pause, downgrade, and delete your Clickfunnels account in no specific order.  


How To Create Your Clickfunnels Account

This section is for those who haven’t created an account yet, so you might want to skip this part if you already have an active account. I’ve broken down every single step on how you can set up your Clickfunnels account and divided the entire procedure into five simple steps. 


Step #1: First and foremost, you need to click on this link to start your 14-day free trial, where you’ll be redirected to a page that looks like the one underneath. After you’ve landed on the page, you need to click on the bright blue button so you can start filling out all the necessary information for your account.

how to upgrade clickfunnels account
Step #2: Once you’ve clicked the blue button, you should see a page that asks you to enter some necessary account information like full name, e-mail address, and the password that you want to use for this account. Double-check if everything’s okay and click on the button that says “Start Building My First Funnel” to proceed to the next step. 

how to upgrade clickfunnels accountStep #3: You’ve reached the third step, and you’re halfway there. Choose the subscription plan that you wish to get started with, and please keep in mind that you can downgrade your account if you’re not satisfied with the premium membership. 

how to upgrade clickfunnels account
Step #4: This is the fourth and final step where you need to finish setting up your account. Although it’s a free trial, you will need to fill out some necessary billing information, which includes stuff like your credit card number and county of origin. how to upgrade clickfunnels account

Please Note: They ask you to enter your credit card information to prevent interruption of your Clickfunnels account and funnel pages should you decide to keep it active once your free trial ends. 


Step #5: Your account is ready to go, but before you begin building your first funnel, you’ll be asked to join the One Funnel Away Challenge. You should consider signing up for this challenge if you’re serious about funnel building, and you want to learn how to do it correctly from some of the top experts in the industry. 


This challenge will serve as your guide and will teach you how to launch your first successful sales funnel online. Consider it as an owner’s manual that spells out everything you need to know to thrive with this software. I’m sure you will benefit greatly from it and come up with a ton of new funnel ideas. upgrade clickfunnels account

The upsells comes at a fair price, but if you want to get ahold of something that has a similar value at a lower price, then I suggest you grab a free copy of Russel’s book DotCom Secrets. 


How To Upgrade Your ClickFunnels Account

Step #1: The first thing you need to do is log into your Clickfunnels account and hover the cursor over your profile picture that is located at the top right corner of your screen. Choose the first option that says “Account Setting.” 


Step #2: You will land on a page that looks like the one underneath. Once you’re on this page, you will need to select the Account Billing tab from the left navigation menu and click on the whitish “Choose a Different Plan” button to proceed to the next step. upgrade clickfunnels account

Step# 3: Since you want to upgrade your account, I’m assuming that you’re already subscribed to the basic one. This means that you should either select the Platinum plan or the Pay as You Grow one. upgrade clickfunnels account

If at any moment you feel like you’re stuck or need some assistance, feel free to contact the Clickfunnels support team through the 24/7 live chat feature that is located at the right bottom corner of your screen. 


 How To Update Your ClickFunnels Account Profile 

This part of the article is for those who have just created their first Clickfunnels account. Once everything is set and done, the first thing that you should do is update your Clickfunnels profile by clicking on the tab that says My Profile Setting. 

update clickfunnels accountYou can find this tab if you hover the cursor over your profile picture at the top right corner of your screen. Here you can edit your profile picture, account name, e-mail address, and even choose the right size for your shirt (The one that Clickfunnels sends you once you sign up with them). 

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