the school of genieus review

What is Billy Gene Marketing About? Can You Go From ZERO to Marketing HERO?

Welcome to my School of Geneius review, where I will uncover all the details that might interest you regarding this high-level marketing training. 

We will rummage through this course until we answer the most commonly asked questions to determine whether this course is a good fit for you or if you should go another route and look for something more superior instead. 

What is Billy Gene Marketing about, what’s inside his course, and who is it meant for are just some of the matters that I will discuss in this in-depth investigation of Billy Gene’s School of Geneius. (NOT Genius) 🙃

However, before I go into all of that, I want to congratulate you on being the smart folk you are and for taking the time to jump on the research train before actually wasting a huge chunk of your hard-earned money. 

And trust me when I say, a huge chunk it will be since the price for this course is ridiculous when compared to some of the courses I have reviewed in the past. 

Researching and reviewing any product before spending money is absolutely a wise decision, and I applaud you for it. You’re saving a ton of cash, and you avoid getting scammed on top of that. 


Smart move! 🙂


The School of Geneius is an online course designed to teach you social media marketing by a guy who claims that he’s one of the top online marketing influencers in the world. 

But is that true, or is Billy Gene just another scammer that you should stay away from?

According to his LinkedIn page, Billy is a graduate of the University of San Diego and has worked and built some companies that are focused on online business.

He founded Billy Gene Marketing in 2013, a marketing firm that generates leads for small businesses, especially real estate.

A couple of years late, he introduced The School of Geneius course, intending to teach important and necessary entrepreneurial skills that schools are not teaching.


What is The School of Geneius About?

The School of Geneius is a comprehensive online social media marketing curriculum that focuses on teaching marketing professionals ways to ameliorate and grow their businesses.

Besides marketers, it is also meant for entrepreneurs who struggle to acquire customers and those who want to learn how to use paid advertising to attract customers.What is Billy Gene Marketing About?Billy Gene uses his experience and teaches them how to leverage social media advertising to gain customers. Several of his topics include:


•  Getting clients using social media ads ✓
•  Strategies on sales automation ✓
•  Techniques on getting customers who want to spend for your product ✓
•  Ad templates for social media ✓
•  Tech tutorials ✓


The course aims to give their students the skills to become better marketers online using social media platforms and the knowledge to upscale their online campaign.


What is Social Media Marketing?

Social media marketing uses different social media platforms, such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube, to reach out to your desired market and promote your brand. You can use it to increase awareness and bring traffic to your website, which, in return, will lead to an increase in sales.


Details of The School of Geneius Course…

1. Training 

The School of Geneius does not publicly list their course training syllabus, but they do offer a list of benefits that all students would receive when they enroll in the course: 

•  Complete access to all step-by-step courses, such as Facebook and Instagram customer acquisition and YouTube advertising. ✓

•  1-on-1 calls and mentoring from over 500 campaign managers ✓

•  4 Live weekly pieces of training with Billy ✓

•  Database of templates for online advertising campaigns ✓

•  A vibrant online student community ✓

•  Invites to their semi-annual conferences ✓

•  Certification from Billy Gene Is Marketing ✓


2. Tools

There are no specific tools or software that the course is offering. However, they do require that you have at least a working computer and a decent internet connection.

You would need to have or create social media accounts on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and other social media platforms.

Other tools typically used for social media marketing, such as scheduling posts and content creation, are also available online but require paid subscriptions to utilize their features fully.


3. Support

The website stated that they offer weekly live training sessions with Billy himself – where he reviews student campaigns, answers questions, teaches marketing and business skills, and many different things along those lines. 

There is also a support team that you can get ahold of either through e-mail or chat, plus a private Facebook group with over 500 members that can offer support. 

Billy Gene also has a semi-annual conference where students can meet up and exchange ideas.


4.Price 🤑

Billy Gene seems to be a great offer on paper, but here comes the shocker: The Billy Gene School of Geneius is a $5000 per 6 months, or $7500 if you pay annually. 

You will have to pay big money, upfront no less, to be enrolled and gain access to their resources. I don’t want to sound disrespectful to Billy, but I can think of so many better ways to spend 5K. 😵


Who Should Take the School of Geneius Course?

The School of Geneius is designed for aspiring entrepreneurs, digital marketers, and small business owners who have little or no online marketing experience.

It is designed for beginners who are clueless about creating ads and wish to learn more about the basics of online advertising.

This course is NOT suitable for people without a business or those who don’t wish to pursue a career in advertising.

Furthermore, if you do not have any money, this course is absolutely not suitable for you. Paying a subscription of $5000 bi-yearly or $7500 annually is not a joke.

If you do not have the patience to persevere through hard work, you might just consider that money lost.

This course is not a guaranteed get-rich-quick scheme, and neither it is an investment that will net you money without any action. You will pay the $7500 to learn, and then you will have to exert effort to earn.


Good Things About the School of Geneius

I would recommend The School of Geneius for those who have an existing business and want to utilize the power of social media to gain more clients and therefore attract more sales.

I would also recommend it to those interested in beginning a career in social media marketing and advertising.

But before you sign up, know that you must have the grit to get through the difficulties that lie ahead. Here are the three things the I really like about the course:


A) Skill Building

There is no doubt that you will learn a lot in this course. If you have no experience in advertising and marketing, you will clearly gain loads of knowledge as you go along with the lessons and that in itself is priceless. 

You will also gain skills in internet use and content creation by looking through their template library. You can use that to gain insights and inspiration to create your own designs. 


B) Straightforward ( NO Bull💩)

Billy Gene’s teaching style is no-nonsense and straightforward. He will tell you if what you’re doing is wrong, and what better way there is. He uses your time efficiently to impart the maximum amount of knowledge in the least amount of time. 


C) Convincing

Billy Gene is an experienced marketing expert, so he has the skills and talent to rope you in. The way he talks will keep you engaged and inspire you to do better.

His actions and teaching style will make sure that you will not get bored, making you feel as if his lessons are plain and simple. This is something I truly admire about him as a teacher. 


Bad Things About the School of Geneius

A) Money, money, and more money 💸💸💸

Enrolling in the course will set you back $7500 for the annual payment or $5000 if you decide to pay semi-annually. If you choose the latter, you’re shelling out $10000 a year!

That is no small amount, and there are many other things that you could invest in that will offer less risk.

Furthermore, once you’ve learned the lessons, you will still have to pay Facebook or the other social media platforms that you intend to use to run your ads.

This might be a perfect course for you if you have a client who is paying for your skills to run ads for them, but if you are using this to learn how to run ads for yourself, you’ll be paying double.

The are several free courses out there that you can use to learn how to do social media ads. Even Facebook has its own how-to section that will show you the basics.


B) No Specific List of Tools

The course does not specifically say what tools you will need to run those ads and how much they will cost you.

They only say that you need a computer and internet access, but in reality, you will need to have access to content creation software, such as Adobe Photoshop or Canva.

You will also have to pay to run ads, and that is an additional expense that you will have to deal with.


C) Very Informal Setting

Billy Gene speaks very informally during his classes. While that is not a bad thing per se, it could be a turn off to some students, especially those sensitive to profanity. His courses are definitely not for children.


D) a Large Number of Students

Because of his course’s supposed popularity, there are hundreds, if not thousands of students who will be dying for his attention during live classes.

That is one thing to consider when signing up for this – he may claim to give everyone his time, but a man only has a limited amount each day.


So, Is the School of Geneius a Scam? 

Absolutely not!

The School of Geneius is not a scam and offers actual skills to its students. There are many benefits to taking this course, and I’m sure you’ll agree with me if, at some point, you decide to sign up. 

They also have many testimonials of students who say that they have earned using the techniques taught by Billy Gene, but here are a few things that should give you a pause:

1. With that many students, Billy Gene may not give you a lot of time for mentoring. If that’s what you expect, then you might be in for a big disappointment.

2. There have been several reviews claiming that Billy Gene is a scam – though unsubstantiated, it may be a bad sign if you’re unhappy with the course. Some of their issues include:


 a. Difficulty canceling membership and membership fees (Big NO-NO for me 🤔)

 b. No refunds

 c. They do not deal with and rectify negative customer experience 


If you really want to learn social media marketing without spending that amount of money, there are several resources online which you can use. The first thing you should do is to read Facebook’s guidelines – this is the official directions that will teach you the basics. 

For the rest of the information, just do a quick search on Google, and you’ll find what you need. All for free! 



It’d be nice if you can borrow me a few minutes of your time to share my most recommended way of earning online with you. 

The method I’m talking about is called affiliate marketing and is undoubtedly one of the best ways to get started online, and here’s why: 

  1. You don’t have to be an expert at anything
  2. It doesn’t require you to have a huge budget (Get started for FREE!
  3. You can work whenever and wherever you want
  4. It becomes passive with time (you make money while asleep 😴) 

Affiliate marketing is simple. All you have to do is promote other people’s products or services and earn a commission every time someone decides to purchase something using your affiliate link. 

The blog you’re on now is an affiliate marketing blog, and I built it with the help of one of the most supportive affiliate marketing communities online – Wealthy Affiliate

Wealthy Affiliate is a platform that provides you with all the training and tools to kickstart your very own affiliate marketing business, and it’s the very same platform that has helped many beginners to earn their first four figures of passive income online. (in their first year of starting 🤩)

Inside, your marketing arsenal will flourish since you’ll be learning a bunch of cool stuff like how to build a website, how to drive traffic to it, how to leverage the power of social media, and most importantly, how to set your site in a way that earns you money while you sleep. 

In other words, they’ll shape you into an affiliate marketing superhero. IS THE SCHOOL OF GENEIUS A SCAMSo if you’re ready to embark on this online journey, know that I’ll be more than pleased to welcome you on the other side. As always, I wish you all the best, and I sincerely hope that you’ll make the right choice.


  1. Tom October 10, 2020
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  5. Cheyenne October 8, 2020
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  6. Alyse October 8, 2020
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  7. Kathy October 8, 2020
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  8. Natalie October 8, 2020
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  11. Rick October 8, 2020
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