Affiliate Marketing With Facebook Groups: Get Millions Of Leads For Free


How’s it going, my friend? 

In today’s article, I’m going to teach you how to drive traffic to your offers by promoting your affiliate links in Facebook groups for free. 

Doing affiliate marketing with Facebook groups is one of the most effective ways to drive highly targeted traffic to your offers and showcase the product you’re promoting in front of a massive crowd that, in most cases, is eager to buy from you.  


I think there’s no need to remind you that Facebook is huge. 

It literally has millions and millions of people on it every day, and each person on the platform is a potential someone you can market to. 

You’d be a fool to miss out on the opportunity to leverage this platform and use it to steer these people to your landing pages, your affiliate links, and benefit from them by creating a lasting bond that will be reflected in sales. affiliate marketing with Facebook groupsThe promotional technique that I’m about to speak of applies to foreign Facebook groups that aren’t yours, but that shouldn’t concern you much because the same principles would apply if you’re the group’s owner. 

The only difference is that you’ll need some time to grow your Facebook group in contrast to using someone else’s group, which has continuously been taken care of for quite some time. 



I’ve divided the entire procedure into three simple steps, so it’s easier to understand. I’ve even added a special section on how I used Facebook groups to promote CPA offers back in the day, and even better, how you can too. 

So, without further ado, let’s begin. 🙂     



Okay bud, so the first thing you would want to do as an affiliate on Facebook is to join relevant Facebook groups to promote your product. 

I think that you’d be surprised to find out that there are Facebook groups for just about any product you can think of. 

It doesn’t matter if you’re trying to sell a mole catching equipment or a venomous snake pendant. There are hundreds of affiliate marketing niches out there, and there are even more niche-specific groups that you can join. 

So, if the affiliate product you’re trying to promote is in the woodwork niche, you would want to go and join Facebook groups associated with woodworking. It’s that simple.  JOIN RELEVANT FACEBOOK GROUPSOnce you get approved, you’re given a golden key that can open any door, and I promise you that if you play it smart, you can make you a lot of money with it.

You are now a member of a Facebook group filled with like-minded people passionate about woodworking, which means that most of them will be interested in the affiliate product you are promoting.  

The people inside this group will be more prone to buy your ‘woodworking related product’ than people that might be a part of a fishing community, so you’re already one step ahead by getting your target group right. 

Please don’t try and spam your link all around Facebook, because it doesn’t work like that. There’s a considerable chance that you’ll get banned by the admins, or even worse, get your Facebook account suspended. 

Making money with affiliate marketing and Facebook groups is a genuine income opportunity, but only if it’s done the correct way, by adding value to these groups and not just throwing your affiliate links all over the place. 



The second thing that you would want to do once you’re a member of these groups is to provide value to other fellow members. 

The formula to succeeding with affiliate marketing and Facebook is that simple because, as we all know, value leads to trust, and trust leads to sales. 

Get this step right, and I promise you that you’ll make a name for yourself within these mini-communities in no time. Soon you’ll be seen as an authority in that particular niche, and people will be glad to buy something from someone like you. 


So, how will you be providing value? 

By interacting heavily with others and becoming one of the most active members inside these groups. 

The best way to do it is to reach out to other people, try and help them out by answering some of their questions, adding them as friends, messaging them, and even slipping an affiliate link in the comments now and then. 

My suggestion is to turn on the group notification bell, so you’ll be the first one that gets the chance to answer the question when someone posts it in some of these groups. 

That way, you’re always going to be that helpful person who always tries to give a helping hand to everyone, and people will soon start to recognize that. 

Some of them might confuse you with the irritating kid that the teacher loved so much in high school, but that shouldn’t bother you because you’ll be making a lot of cash when the time comes.

Please Note: Don’t try and come across as a pushy salesman because many people are not going to like that, and there’s a considerable probability that they’ll get turned off by it. 



By the time you get to step number three, you would have already gained their trust, putting you in an ideal position to promote your affiliate offers.

You want to push your affiliate links subtly and not just spam them everywhere because all your hard work may go down the drain. 

The most effective way to do it is to mention your “magic product” in some of your comments and let other members come to you. You can share your affiliate link with other members once they start reaching out to you. how to promote cpa offers in facebook groupsThat way, the group’s admin won’t know that you’re luring people and stealing his leads from the groups, which will put you on the safe side and allow you to make sales for months if not years. 

People won’t hesitate to buy from you, because you already built up that trust relationship and established yourself an authority in that particular niche or Facebook group. 

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As promised, I’m going to share the exact grey-hat technique that I used to promote CPA offers in Facebook groups. Not many people know about this method, so please copy it and use it for your needs. 

I’ll be using a survey offer for this example, but know that this method works with any type of offer. You just have to find the right Facebook group and make sure that the demographics inside it match the offer you are promoting. 

Don’t promote a “free diapers” offer to the elderly because it won’t work. Instead, try to find the right target market, which in such a case would be single moms and dads or something along those lines. 

Survey offers are really easy to promote since everyone loves to make an extra couple of hundred dollars per month, right? 

That’s why I decided to promote my CPA offer in Facebook groups that crammed with people who need money – student groups. 



Since this is a grey hat method, the first thing you would want to do is ask a question or make a statement that has nothing to do with the offer you promote. This might sound silly to you, but you’ll soon realize why I’m doing this. 

I wrote this “Affiliate Marketing with Facebook Groups” post in the time of the Covid-19 pandemic, so I thought I use the Corona virus to mask my post and write a caring statement like the one to promote affiliate links in facebook groups I intentionally disguised my post with such a statement because I wanted the group admin to approve it. Make it sound as natural as possible so it appears as you’re an actual member of the group and not just someone who joined to promote survey offers.

If you appear pushful and try to slam your affiliate link from the very beginning, the admin might refuse to endorse it and ban you. That’s why you need to do it trickily – the way I’m showing you. 

Once the admin has approved it and your post has enough social proof in the form of likes and comments, it’s time to use the edit feature and paste your bride page link to your existing post. how to post on facebookI’m using one of the cheapest page builders on the market Get Response, but you can use whatever one you like. Just make sure you use a bridge page to camouflage your traffic source since most affiliate networks don’t accept leads from sites like Facebook. 

You would still want to keep your ‘new’ post related to the Covid-19 virus because, without it, your post won’t make any sense and raise a bunch of red flags for the leftover students that will be seeing it. 

I didn’t get any comments on my post, so it was easy for me to slip my landing page link without anybody noticing that I did something that’s not permitted.

Your case might be different and you might get a bunch of reply comments, so it’s always recommended to stick with the actual conversational theme you started with.

Now you have successfully placed an affiliate link inside a Facebook group filled with hundreds of students who could use some extra cash during any time of the year.

Now that’s what I call a professional affiliate marketer. 😉 

Please Note: I’m not sure if you noticed, but I didn’t have a domain name connected to my Get Response landing page. This is completely fine and it will still work, but it might be best to keep things professional and buy a domain from Namecheap.

It’s literally cheaper than a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and that way you have a lawful-looking page that people will want to click on and go through the offer that’s behind it.



Affiliate marketing with Facebook groups is undoubtedly one of the best ways to push traffic to the offers and products you are promoting and I promise that you will achieve great success if you stick with the game plan that I just taught you. 

You can easily make up to a thousand dollars per month with this method. Still, if you’re serious about building a real, sustainable online business, I encourage you to join me and a bunch of other cool affiliates inside this helping community. 


  1. Donovan Moyo September 6, 2021
    • Gorjan September 15, 2021

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