affiliate secrets 2.0 review

Spencer Mecham’s Affiliate Secrets 2.0 Review: I Wish I Found It Sooner…


Is Spencer Mecham’s Affiliate Secrets 2.0 worth your time and money? 

Instead of wasting an enormous amount of time finding and organizing the information you need, sit back, relax, and have a read of what I have gathered for you first.

Simply put, affiliate marketing is a business model that makes it possible for you to earn money by selling other people’s products, and it’s currently one of the best ways to generate passive income online. 

And if you are somewhat familiar with affiliate marketing, you have heard of the name Spencer Mecham, and if you haven’t it would be my utmost pleasure to introduce him to you.who is Spencer mecham Spencer Mecham is known as one of the most accomplished veterans in the affiliate marketing industry, coming from years of struggling, to becoming an expert in his field of work.

With 5+ years in the industry, Spencer Mecham is the first affiliate marketer to go from $0 to over one million dollars in commissions by just promoting one single product that goes by the name of Clickfunnels


But there’s more to his story. 

After achieving success in the online marketing world, he decided to change the game and pave the way for the new up and comers and affiliates who are struggling to see real results with this business model. 

That game-changer ladies and gentleman is The Affiliate Secrets 2.0 Program.  🤑🤑🤑


What is Affiliate Secrets 2.0?

It’s an affiliate marketing course where Spencer teaches you all of the things that he’s done to get to where he’s right at now. It’s a revamped version of Spencer’s first affiliate marketing course – Affiliate Secrets, and I must say that I see it as a juiced-up version of the old one. 

The thing that makes the newer version better than the previous one is that Spencer has recruited some very high-level people in teaching you the dirty little secrets that go behind successful affiliate promotion. 

You are given a chance to learn from some of the top experts in the industry, such as John Ryan, Rachel S. Lee, Jeremy Atkinson, and many others. spencer mecham affiliate secrets 2.0 reviewI think that this course is for anyone that wants to succeed with affiliate marketing, meaning that even the most skilled marketers can learn a thing or two from it.

Still, it will be especially helpful for beginners that are just embarking on their affiliate marketing journey and taking their first steps into the blue.


He’s going to teach you the little specific details that he does, and I genuinely think that this course is filled with secrets that nobody else is teaching, not to my knowledge at least. 

One of the things that Spencer teaches inside this course is how to promote Clickfunnels and earn monthly recurring commissions by doing so. Nonetheless, his course is so complete that he managed to fill it up with additional modules that will teach you about any type of affiliate marketing, whether it’s Amazon, Clickbank, and so on. 

The thoroughness of this course is unparalleled, and if you decide to buy it, you will get access to eight separate modules that will teach you all kinds of different things. 

From picking a profitable niche to driving traffic, email marketing, outsourcing, creating a high converting landing page, and lots more. With this course as your guide, you will have the following at your disposal: 

  1. Lifetime access to 8 modules specifically focused on building your passion into a profitable and fully automated business
  2. Video walkthrough by Spencer Mecham himself
  3. Lifetime access to the Affiliate Secrets courses that are in the works 
  4. A full-spectrum of bonuses worth thousands of dollars 

With the $897 price tag on this course, I urge you to have this in mind:


Price is what you pay; Value is what you getWarren Buffet


And in my personal opinion, the value associated with this course steeply outweighs this one-time investment. While it is at a high price tag, I can promise you it is worth every penny that you pay for this course, and you will make your money back a lot quicker than you think. 


Is Spencer Mecham’s Affiliate Secrets 2.0 for you? 

I have to be frank with you; most of you out there will probably end up failing. However, failing is a fundamental part of the journey. And as Spencer says, the only way to succeed is to entirely abandon yourself to being consistent and following the right formula. 

Jumping into something so comprehensive can be overwhelming. Having to organize an absurd amount of data while choosing the best possible strategy for your business is not an easy task. 

This is where Spencer Mecham’s Affiliate Secrets 2.0 comes in handy. Spencer has already done the brunt of the work for you and what’s left for you to do is run through the training and implement what’s being taught. 

Case Study: How Spencer Made $10K In 30 Days As a Clickfunnels Affiliate  ✔️


What’s inside Affiliate Secrets 2.0?

As previously mentioned, this is an affiliate marketing training course fully packed with eight separate modules wholly focused on building your successful, fully automated online business.

It is jammed with tips, tricks and the invaluable bits of advice given by Spencer and his honourable friends. Furthermore, its user-friendly interface makes for a captivating learning experience, and you will have a complete video walkthrough on top of that. 

This program will not only aid you to grow your knowledge but also gain quality and grasp the bigger picture of affiliate marketing. It’s a great alternative to Wealthy Affiliate, and it’s going to be even better if you make it a follow-up course. 


The Game Plan – Module #1

In a nutshell, this module is pretty much a prolonged introduction to the course that also takes a deep dive into the big picture of affiliate marketing.

You will stumble upon lessons that will teach you how to get into the right mindset and how to take advantage of what is to come.

What that means is, in this section, you will most likely hear Spencer talk about shaping your realm and implementing the right thinking to deliver the most effective business strategy. 

Also, Spencer goes over the difference between inbound and outbound marketing. Don’t be surprised though; there are no groundbreaking revelations, just the raw things you need to hear.

The contents of the module are the following:

  1. An Introduction to The Program
  2. How Affiliate Marketing Works
  3. Searching vs Selling
  4. Long Term Empire


Finding Hot Buyers – Module #2 

The focus of this module is choosing the right niche and by extension, the right audience, which is of the utmost importance, something that will make or break you.

Although, when accomplished, you can kick back, unwind, and enjoy the benefit of having a stress free traffic drive. 

Apart from this, Spencer teaches the importance of generating high-value lead magnets that will help you to grow your subscribers’ list at an exponential rate.

This section also emphasizes funnel psychology, getting an insight into the creation of efficient automated funnels along with methods to keep the readers moving forward and further down your sales pipe. 


Traffic Legion – Module #3 

In this lecture you will learn all there is to drive traffic to your offers, which we all can agree that it portrays the lifeline of your business. 

You will learn about many different traffic sources and how to divert traffic from these platforms to your offers. The traffic module is a separate course in itself, and the sub-modules in here are divided into YouTube, AdWords, Solo Ads, Quora, Instagram, and Facebook Ads. 

At the beginning of this module, you will discover the full process of establishing your own Youtube channel as well as how to rank your videos. 

Furthermore, Spencer being the considerate person that he is has decided to introduce five of the most successful professionals in their fields to deliver the best education possible.WHAT’S INSIDE AFFILIATE SECRETS 2.0? The Instagram sub-module is one of my favourite modules, and it’s being taught by Josh Ryan, who is an Instagram monster that is incredibly knowledgeable with this platform. The things that he teaches will make you differentiate yourself easily from other affiliates within the Instagram marketing community. 

The old-fashioned solo ads are one of the most underrated methods of generating traffic out there. Although, if utilized correctly, they can be instrumental and bring as much traffic as the more popular traffic sources. 

As said, there’s also a sub-module that covers everything you need to know about Facebook Ads. 

This module is being taught by Jarem Atkinson who is paying $25.000 a year to be a Clickfunnels Inner Circle member, so you can imagine that he’s got some real gold nuggets to provide you with. 

The only thing that has been noticed missing in this course is the SEO method, also known as Search Engine Optimization.

SEO can be beneficial though it’s known as one of the slowest ways to produce traffic which contradicts Spencer’s mission on getting you a quick-paced traffic drive. 

Lastly, I will mention the last section of this course, which is Google Adword. Now, this part of the course is one of the more detailed lectures with eight subsections, so pay attention, because it will aid you in becoming an expert in the field.


Make More, Spend Less – Module #4 

This module, like any other in this course carries a particular value, and in this case, I would say one of imminent importance. 

Having learned how to drive traffic to your offers is just a small part of the equation. Still, it’s time to find a solution to one of the biggest problems affiliates face, and that is enticing customers to take the envied action of clicking on your link and generating those high commissions.

In this module, Spencer gives a thorough explanation and covers three fundamental principles throughout the whole lesson. The three core principles are the following:

  1. Constructing Your Offer to Make Your Customers Feel Connected to You
  2. Providing Them With Their Needs at The Time They Want Them Most 
  3. Capturing Leads In Exchange For Value 


Automation Templates – Module #5

As previously mentioned, the goal of the Affiliate Secrets 2.0 is to teach you how to create a fully automated business. 

In this section, Spencer breaks down the complete steps on how to fully automate your affiliate business, or in other words, this is the module where you finally learn how to make money while you sleep. 

While many of you understand the emphasis on automation, a great deal don’t know how to correctly automate their business so that they can harvest the outcome of one’s hard work and efforts. is spencer mecham affiliate secrets 2.0 a scamMost of the superior affiliates out there earn their share through an extensive subscriber list as a result of email marketing and all the fun stuff that happens on the backend. 

That is why Spencer has decided to devote this module on teaching you how to compose your newsletter to captivate your readers and motivate them to read your emails thoroughly. 

Besides, Spencer shares invaluable tips and tricks alongside his exact email sequences that are used by him and many of the specialists in the email marketing module to earn those recurring commissions. 


The Products – Module #6

I believe that by now, you have a clear picture of how the Affiliate Secrets 2.0 course is structured. It is a step by step program carefully designed to walk you through the whole process of becoming a successful affiliate.

Up until this module, you would have learned how to choose the right niche, to drive traffic to your offers, and to convert that traffic into paying customers. 


However, there is much more to it. 

In this module, you’ll learn how to boost your return on investment, which we can all agree that it’s a crucial step for every start-up business.

Here, Spencer talks about choosing the right products, one’s that are backed up by an affiliate program, and how to find those extremely lucrative repetitious offers.


Long-Term Business – Module #7

This is the module you’ve all been waiting for – the section where the hobby becomes your full time paying job. 

The goal of the lesson is simple; getting you prepared to set-up your business for long-lasting success. Spencer goes through his personal experiences in constructing the right campaigns that will proceed to sell for months, even years. 

He also speaks of the experiences of others and related ideas that you can implement in your strategy to achieve your objective much faster than usual. 


Creating a Team – Module #8

Congratulations, you’ve made it to the very last module of the Affiliate Secrets 2.0 course.

This is one of the most crucial parts of the training where you’ll learn how to create a team that will get most of the job done for you. This module covers everything about the hardest part affiliates face nowadays. 

This is truly one of the most noteworthy lessons in the program, where you will be learning to build your team, multiple methods on hiring, and teachings on how to recruit and delegate the simpler tasks to your personnel so that you can focus on the higher valued one’s.

Spencer goes through a series of tips and tricks on how to grow your future and spread your business correctly. He also talks about the importance of the method of hiring the right people for the job. is affiliate secrets 2.0 legitFortunately, Spencer includes the involved benefits of working with freelancers in contrast to hiring employees, and how to make sure you find the most reliable colleagues out there. 

Lastly, you will learn how to manage your associates to get a productive workforce and generate the desired passive income. On a final note, there is the last surprise stored for everyone that takes part in the Affiliate Secrets 2.0.

As mentioned before, Spencer has made sure that his students get the best education possible, and that is why there is an extra module fully dedicated to this topic.

This module is taught by Rachel S., who does an excellent job in providing an expository lecture, diving into details ensuring you don’t miss out on any of the crucial points. 


Is Affiliate Secrets 2.0 Legit?

Absolutely yes. Everything you ever wanted to know about growing a sustainable affiliate marketing business is inside this course. It has proven to work for many people, and it can do the same for you if you make an effort, of course.

is affiliate secrets legit

The modules are created by some of the finest men in the industry, so there’s no doubt that you’ll learn something new from them, even if you’re a seasoned veteran who’s been doing this for affiliate secrets 2.0 a scam My Affiliate Secrets 2.0 Review is coming to an end, so I thought it would be great to wish you the best of luck and lots of cash on your journey to becoming a super affiliate.

Join Affiliate Secrets 2.0 Here!  💲💲💲

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