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Clickfunnels Review: How Can it Help You Earn More?

Hey there bud! 

Would you believe me if I told you that there is a smarter way to outrun yourself and increase the amount of money you earn from each visitor you are bringing in? The solution is very simple, and it requires two things: a sales funnel and your attention for the next five minutes. 

We all know that turning clicks into conversions can be a hideous task, but it’s also one that needs to get done if we wish to stay in business. That’s why I created this Clickfunnels review, so I can enlighten you and help you understand that using a personal attractive sales funnel can drive your companies’ sales and the value provided to each customer.


Without further ado, let’s kick-off. 

Clickfunnels is a popular platform that makes it possible for you to build cool looking sales funnels and earn more money from them. Besides that, it acts as a landing page builder that also has a hosting solution gives as a package of all features. 

It can create highly optimized landing pages and funnels that are conversion-focused and made to provide your customers with the most amount of value possible. Simply said, it helps you in promoting, selling, and delivering all of your products and services online.clickfunnels review With this funnel building software, you will effortlessly manage each individual step in your sales process, while still maintaining full control of it. It will help you to follow-up properly on your leads and make more money by doing so. 

I’m pretty sure that you’ll be happy to hear there’s no need to take a class on funnel building, nor will you need to hire anyone for assistance. So if you’re a tactical learner like me and want to see Clickfunnels in action, then I suggest you take it for a test-drive and sign-up for a free fourteen-day free trial. 

You’ll get a chance to play around with the tool and see what the puff is all about. If you like it, hurray, and if not, you can easily cancel your subscription, and you won’t pay a dime. 

Please Note: I’ve also answered some of the most frequently asked questions from non-users. You can find the answers at the bottom of this post – don’t forget to check them out. And if you think that the price of Clickfunnels is a little bit too much, then don’t hesitate to try this tool instead. 🙂🙂🙂


An Overview of Clickfunnels

Clickfunnels was initially created in 2014 by Russel Brunson and Todd Dickerson and it used to be a humble project created by these two. However, the company itself is now worth over four hundred million dollars, which is a clear indicator that these guys know what they’re up to. 

The tool was initially designed to make the process of creating sales funnels a lot easier. You do not need any technical knowledge or expertise to make it work. All you need to do is pick a winning funnel template and apply it to your own business with just a few clicks.  

 I don’t want to sound like I’m hyping up the product, but it really is one of the most ideal tools for running an online business. This statement is supported by the fact it’s used by so many different people with different backgrounds, from solo-entrepreneurs to high-end companies and start-ups as well. 

Whatever your goal is, you can achieve it a lot faster and in a more efficient way, by applying sales funnels into your marketing routine. Doing so will help you to delight your leads by making them go through a seamless buying experience. 


Done For You Funnels 

Clickfunnels provides a broader range of readymade funnels too. You can use the landing page templates and make proper edits with the feature of drag-and-drop that aids in having a smooth funnel design process. 


Great Onboarding Process – training provided

What good is a tool if they don’t teach you how to use it? 

Luckily, Clickfunnels boasts of having an impressive knowledge base and an extensive range of support documents that go along with it. This will help you to navigate through the platform and get the most out of the features available. 

You can even grab a free copy of Russel Brunson’s books and use them to fuel your knowledge on how to create a funnel that almost guarantees sales. I’ve read the first two, and I must say I was impressed with the content that I found inside. 

Russel will send you the books free of cost, but only if you cover for the shipping cost that shouldn’t cost you more than a sandwich. The content inside applies to sales funnels in general, meaning that it will help you out even if you’re not using Clickfunnels as your go-to choice.

Have a look at them:

  1. DotCom Secrets
  2. Network Marketing Secrets 
  3. Expert Secrets 
  4. Traffic Secrets 


What are the best features of Clickfunnels?

•  Funnel template blueprints: they make the whole process easier because even if you do not have any experience in creating funnels, the templates are there to get the job done. 

•  The customers of Clickfunnels have identified twenty-two types of different funnels that they can use to create their own online business successfully.

•  You can also benefit from the membership funnels. There are three types of funnels that you can choose from: Lead Capture Funnels, Sales Page Funnels, and the Event Funnels as well.

•  There are also some simple funnels called the Squeeze Page Funnels. These funnels can help you in collecting the e-mail addresses of your visitors and once the e-mail address is received, the funnel sends them a Thank You message for signing up, which works as a feedback notification. 

•  There are also some highly sophisticated funnels like the 2-step TripWire Funnel, which is a front-end funnel and sells low-ticket products. After that, you can upsell them to the more expensive products by using the Order Forms and the one-click upsells.

•  When you use Clickfunnels, you get to use a set of free templates, but you also have an option to use paid ones as well. This makes things easier for you since you don’t have to worry about having any proper design or funnel building skills to end up with a proper funnel. The Clickfunnels set of tools allows you to create consistent funnel pages that have a very professional design and are conversion focused. 


How does the Funnel Building Process work? 

I’m going to break it down for you, step by step, how the entire funnel building process works. Frankly speaking, building a funnel with Clickfunnels is a child’s play and can be done relatively quickly. 


Step 1: 

What you need to do first is to select the appropriate funnel type you want to have. This helps in narrowing down your options from the wide variety of templates available. You can choose the ideal template for yourself that provides all the key features you are looking for. 

Step 2: 

After that, you have to customize the selected template. By making the necessary changes, you can make each page fit in properly with your business. After you have made those changes, you can start adding products to it. You will need to make sure that all your e-mail and payment integrations are properly set up as well.

Step 3: 

After that task is done and dusted, what you need to do next is to set a domain name for your new funnel. Keep a title you want it to have and then save your funnel. Once your sales funnel is live, you can start sending traffic to it.

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The Clickfunnels Drag and Drop Editor                      

Clickfunnels offers a useful feature of Visual Drag and Drop Editor for you. This is one of the most basic features that Clickfunnels has, but it’s one I enjoy a lot and have the most fun with. While it is there to provide you with a starting point with its helpful funnel and page templates, the Clickfunnels editor is a point where you can truly make each page your own. clickfunnels drag and drop

How do the pages inside Clickfunnels work? 

Pages in Clickfunnels are presented forward in sections. These sections have a number of rows and columns. After you’re finished setting them up, you can then use your mouse to drag the elements and place them around where ever you want them to be. 

While it may not be the most impressive feature, it is still a good one that can be used to achieve any kind of appearance you want. It will help you to make things more personal and designed in a way that you want them to be. 

The editor itself is very intuitive to use too. You can select the components on the page and move them around very seamlessly. All the text elements can be edited inline, and then you can modify any element properties through the fly-out sidebar. 

Related Post: Clickfunnels vs Get Response Conversion Funnels: Who Wins?  ✔


What makes it different from other page builders? 

Unlike the other editors out there, everything you want to have is organized in a very logical way. This way, you are not wasting a lot of time hunting for the things you want to do.

What makes the editor truly useful is that you can use it without learning how to code. This way, you don’t have to spend time learning the HTML or CSS languages along with other technical stuff. 


Nice Selection of Elements for the Pages 

Elements are also known as widgets. They are essential aspects that allow you to have the flexibility you need to design the exact pages that you wish to have. Clickfunnels also provides you with a wider variety of them to use as well.


Basic Elements: 

The most basic elements that people use include the headline, an image, text, buttons, input forms, and video widgets as well. These are the most basic building blocks that you can use to create a landing page for yourself and they are present in every funnel building software nowadays. 


Advanced Elements: 

The difference here is that Clickfunnels does offer not only these basic elements but also the advanced widgets as well. They include the SMS Sign-up, Surveys, Pricing Tables, Progress Bars, Facebook Comments, FAQ Blocks, Countdown Timers, and the Customer HTML as well.


Specialized Elements: 

Apart from these, there are some specialized elements too. These include the widgets for membership pages and the order shipping for those kinds of pages as well.

Each of the elements that you are working with can be changed and altered with the help of the editor in the sidebar. With most of the elements, you can change some of the common properties like the background colors, margins, fonts, and alignment of the texts. 

Apart from these, these are also several properties that are specific to the elements. These can be the URL of the Image elements or the button text for any button you wish to place in a page itself.


The Affiliate program of Clickfunnels

This program is one of the many reasons why Clickfunnels has managed to grow into the company that it is today. Russel understood the benefits of having a bunch of affiliates promoting his product online, and that’s why he decided to set up his own affiliate program. 

There is no doubt that the affiliate program offered by Click Funnels is one of the best out there, but it is also important to know that it is a legitimate marketing program that you can easily be a part of.the affiliate program of clickfunnels If you sign-up as an affiliate for Clickfunnels and promote it, you will get forty percent of the recurring commissions for every single referral you fetch. I’m an affiliate for Clickfunnels myself, and I must say I’m quite happy with the amount of money I’m making from this product.  

You can also win attractive prizes such as the five hundred dollars in cash once you hit around a hundred active referrals. Apart from that, you can also win about forty percent of the commission on any of the other products that Clickfunnels has. This includes the DotCom Secrets, the Traffic Secrets, and even the Expert Secrets one.   

If you’re interested in becoming an affiliate and want to get trained by Russel himself, then I suggest you take a look at my Affiliate Bootcamp Review. 


The Clickfunnels Lifetime Sticky Cookie 

Clickfunnels has this special thing called a sticky cookie. If you ever decide to become an affiliate for Clickfunnels, know that thing will help you make a shit-ton of cash. 


So, why are we talking about cookies, and what are they? 

It’s a line of code that gets stuck to your referral when they click on your affiliate link. Every company that has an affiliate program uses sticky cookies for tracking purposes, but most of them set their cookies to expire in a month or two. the clickfunnels lifetime sticky cookieWhat makes the Clickfunnels one special is the fact it’s a lifetime one. This means when the referral that clicked on your link decides to upgrade his membership or buy some other product that Clickfunnels has (even ten months down the line), you will still get a commission. 


You can Share Your Funnels 

This is the secret sauce that many Clickfunnels affiliates use to get referrals under their name. It’s a feature that makes it possible for you to share your funnels with other people. (and vice versa) 

This is found in the Settings Tab of any of your funnels, and you can get your hands on the Share Funnel URL too. When someone visits this URL, they will be able to add this funnel directly into their account.

This works when they are an existing member of Clickfunnels. However, if they are not a member yet, they can sign up for the Clickfunnels free trial, and then they will get the funnel added to their account in no time. 


Guess what happens next? You get a commission (if you’re an affiliate) 

An example of this can be the way Doug Boughton was able to use the share funnel in order to get his Dream Car. What really does the trick here is that this share funnel URL also acts as if it is your affiliate link too. You will also get recurring commissions as long as the new user that got under your name stays and uses the program. 

There are also several other ways in which you can make more commission through the Clickfunnels affiliate program with the help of the share funnels. It just takes a little creativity to come forward on your part. 

There are several guides available online that you can use to obtain more information on how the affiliate programs are used to gain more money by ways that are highly creative and relatively new. 


What is Funnel Flix?

This sums up the built-in training that is included in the package of the platform itself. Do you wish to present yourself up as a leveled marketer? If so, then Funnel Flix is a fantastic resource you can take advantage of. what is funnelflixFunnel Flix was announced as part of the Clickfunnels upgrade and presented you with an entire training collection that keeps the focus on one thing – making you a better marketer. 


What will I find inside?   

Inside, you will find highly informative courses that are very hard to come by anywhere else, so make sure you pay close attention to them because I’m pretty confident that you can learn a ton of new stuff. 

I just finished the Tony Robbins Private Collection and was amazed by the simple, but yet very effective tricks that Tony shares inside of his module. The content is remarkable and filled with golden nuggets that I’m absolutely sure anyone can benefit from.

Even if you are not interested in Clickfunnels itself, you can still opt-in for a free trial just to watch those episodes and learn more from them. It truly is a legitimate training platform that you should consider signing up for if you want to expand your knowledge and learn more from some of the top experts in the industry.

And the best part about it? It’s FREE! 


What’s the best Clickfunnels training? 

I would say, without a doubt, it’s the One Funnel Away Challenge. It’s an intensive 30-day training series made and taught by Russel himself. You also get a chance to learn from other top-notch marketers such as Julie Stoian and Stephen Larsen. The price of the training is ridiculous and totally worth it. 


Functionality Membership Sites on Click Funnels

The membership funnels available on the platform are created to let you sell the access to your membership site or the premium content areas. And a crucial thing when considering a membership funnel is to note that it starts with the promotion of your website.

Once this is done, you can then come up with the creation of your top content. With this out of the way, you can explain why the users need to subscribe to your membership site. After that, the funnel leads to a sign-up page where they can have access to the content you are giving them.membership funnel clickfunnelsApart from that, Clickfunnels also provides you with exclusive access to the membership funnels and all of the templates that come along with it. They are fully functional and practical, and most importantly, very easy to integrate with your sales funnels – resulting in a seamless experience for your members. (or soon to be members).

You also have the option to build a membership funnel from scratch using a blank template. This is cool, and it gives you a lot of space to experiment, but you might be better off if you stick with the premade ones. 


E-commerce through Click Funnels

It’s no secret that funnels have taken the “selling online” game to a whole new level, and in my opinion, this is the reason why Clickfunnels is so huge amongst the e-commerce community.ecommerce with clickfunnels When Russell was creating Clickfunnels, he was focused on one thing, and one thing only – to create the most up-to-date selling machine that anyone can use without having any previous funnel building experience. 

He realized that if you promote your products through a multi-stage funnel, you’ll also be able to showcase them properly. This is highly effective in generating interest for your product and clinching the sale. 


So, what can you sell with this tool? 

To be honest, just about anything you can think of. Not only are you able to sell digital products, but you can sell physical ones as well. You are not limited to anything, and I’ll even prove it to you by sharing Russel’s potato gun story.


Btw, it’s a real story, and you can fact-check it through Google if you like.

He created a guide on “how to make a potato gun,” and he tried to sell it online by running Google Ads. Long story short, he wasn’t profitable until he added an upsell and made his first two-step funnel. 


My point?

If Russel was able to sell potato guns with the help of funnels, then what’s stopping you from going out there and making it happen for your business? I’m pretty sure you can manage it on your own, but if you happen to need any help, then don’t hesitate to reach out to me by shouting me out in the comment box at the end of this post.                                                                                                                    

Another exciting factor about Clickfunnels is that it can easily integrate with Ship Station. This is a fulfillment center of e-commerce as it also takes care of all the packing and shipping tasks, which would prove to be time-consuming otherwise. The other payment gateways Clickfunnels can integrate with include:

  1. PayPal
  2. Stripe
  3. Authorize.Net
  4. Click Bank
  5. Infusion Soft

Because of this, it does not matter what your preference for e-commerce is because Clickfunnels is here to cater to all of your needs to ensure that your online business is a success.


You can make Webinars

Webinars have proven to convert at a very high rate, and that’s why they are the go-to choice for people who are looking for a more efficient way to sell their stuff online. With the help of Clickfunnels, you can create webinar funnels and use them to grow your brand online.webinar clickfunnelsNot only does the platform enable you to sell your products online, but it gives you the appropriate features to sell them with proper marketing. There are two ways for you to use the webinar feature: 


Webinar Method 1: 

The first method would be to create the webinar with the help of services like Go To Webinar or Zoom. You can later use a Clickfunnels event funnel to customize the process of registration and increase the number of webinar attendees. 


Webinar Method 2: 

However, the second process deals with producing a webinar that has already been recorded. With the play on-demand, you can have the whole webinar run automatically for you, so you can have more time to focus on more crucial aspects of your business. 


E-mail Service Providers For Clickfunnels

It’s a good thing to know that Clickfunnels offers excellent e-mail services to its users. It can integrate with several popular e-mail responders, and some of them include platforms like Aweber, MailChimp, Salesforce, Hubspot, and other famous names.              

However, apart from that, Clickfunnels also offers you its own automation platform for e-mail marketing – Actionetics. You’d get full access to both Actionetics and the Backpack feature if you subscribed to the Etison Suite Plan. e-mail service providers for clickfunnelsThe thing I love the most about Actionetics is the fact you can connect it with any funnel you please with ease (that rhymes very well ha-ha). This aspect helps you to keep everything simple and contained within the dashboard of Clickfunnels. 

There are several ways in which you can use Actionetics, and they include setting up the e-mail lists and the smart lists as well. Besides that, you can create more intelligent e-mail campaigns by combining Actionetics with Click bots. (great if you’re a Facebook page owner) 


Analytics and Split Testing with Clickfunnels

The platform itself encourages you to try split testing with your funnels. When you do this, it ensures that all funnel leaks are fixed, and there are maximum conversions taking place.

A/B testing is crucial for you to understand what parts of your funnel functioning properly and what aren’t. After you’ve run a couple of tests, you can determine where your funnel is failing and fix the issue. 


What can you test? 

Any element on your page can be scanned through split testing to ensure that it works properly. These are some of the items that can undergo the test: 

  1. Pages
  2. Headlines
  3. Copy
  4. Images and Videos
  5. Buttons

Once you are done with split testing, Clickfunnels will automatically track the analytics of your funnels. After that, it gives you the proper statistics on how your pages are performing. There are specific statistics that you can access on your dashboard; they include:

  1. Page Views
  2. User Behavior
  3. Conversion Rates
  4. Comparisons Between Funnels
  5. Metrics over Time

You need to view and monitor all your analytics very carefully for an undeniable reason. When you screen them, this helps you to understand the way your funnel visitors are responding to you. 

You can detect a pattern immediately and see what kind of changes need to be made. You can also see if you can make any improvements to the funnels in the future so your conversion rates can improve alongside your earnings. 


Support and Documentation of the Platform

Excellent customer support is the number one thing you should be on the lookout for when you’re thinking of buying something online. At some point down the line, you’re going to bump into a problem that needs to get fixed, and the Clickfunnels team is probably the first line of support you’re going to reach out to. 


Does Clickfunnels offer great support? 

I’ve personally never had any issues with their helpdesk, and all of my reported issues have been answered in a timely fashion. However, I have come across several sites online that claim they’ve had to wait a couple of hours to get theirs answered. 

It’s fair to say Clickfunnels can be a hit or miss, but they are continually improving and trying to serve their users with the most reliable support possible. I rarely reach out to them via e-mail because I usually address all of my issues inside their Official Facebook Support Group, which I mention below.  


Do they have an active community I can learn from? 

This is probably the goldmine when it comes to providing support. Having an active community to learn makes it easier for newcomers to digest the learning materials and ask all of their questions inside the group. 

Clickfunnels has a very supportive community, and I’m sure you can solve all of your issues by reaching out to other members in the official support group on Facebook that has over 230k active members or in the Clickfunnels Avengers FB group if you’re an affiliate. clickfunnels supportFeel free to ask anything you please, and I have no doubt you’ll get your question answered since the groups are filled with plenty of people who are looking to interact for inspiration and ask other members for help. 

Most of the questions you’re going to ask as a beginner Clickfunnels user have been answered, and you can find them very easily inside the two groups mentioned above. 


Any other line of support I can take advantage of? 

There is a wide collection of helping videos and descriptions available on the Clickfunnels dashboard. These videos will provide you with tutorials along with the best practices, tool explanation, and the best tips out there for numerous features. 

Clickfunnels also posses an active YouTube channel. It is filled with informative videos that can help you in getting the most out of their product. 


Stuff I don’t Like about Clickfunnels.

Part 1: I find it absurd that adding funnels sometimes takes too long. 

After you’ve decided which funnel you want to use, then it needs to get added to your account. I don’t know why, but the adding process sometimes takes too long (10 -15 seconds), which can be quite irritating, especially when I have lots of stuff I need to take care of. 

It’s a slight snag, but it’s something you should be aware of. 

PS: I think the bugging happens because sometimes I have issues with my network connectivity. Hopefully, this is the problem, and I’m not hating on Clickfunnels for no reason. 


Part 2: You’re limited to a certain number of funnels and visitors. 

If you subscribe to the Basic Plan, you are going to be limited to 20 funnels, 100 pages, and 20,000 visitors per month. This probably won’t make a difference if you’re using Clickfunnels just for yourself, but you might find it annoying if you’re running an agency, and you’re building funnels for others. (or you’re using the share funnel feature as an affiliate)

If you want to have an unlimited number of funnels to use, then you’re going to have to upgrade your membership to the Platinum Plan. 


 Part 3: Bazillions of learning materials 

I’m not saying that this is necessarily a bad thing, but it can be intimidating for some. The Clickfunnels team spends so much time trying to give their users the best onboarding experience, but as it seems, it comes at a cost.  

Don’t let this stop you from trying out the software. I’m sure you’ll learn tons of new stuff that will make your life more comfortable in the future. You don’t have to go through the learning materials just to use Clickfunnels, but it sure helps if you do. 


Part 4: No 24/7 chat support

This is probably the thing that pisses me off the most. They’re announcing to fix this issue, but it’s still something you should know about. Please note that if you ever decide to use the tool, you will get the most amount of support from staff members and other active Clickfunnels users inside the two Facebook groups that I mentioned earlier. 


Clickfunnels Pricing Plans

The Clickfunnels pricing plan has evolved and changed over the years. It used to have three separate subscription plans, and now it only has two: the basic and the premium. 


The cheaper plan, also known as the Starter plan, starts at $98 per month, and it limits you to 20 funnels, 100 pages, and 20.000 funnel visitors. I’ll even share a method that can help you get Clickfunnels for cheaper, but it will require you to invest a bigger sum upfront.

Please Note: This plan doesn’t allow you to use Actionetics and create follow-up funnels. You’ll need to integrate Clickfunnels with a 3rd party e-mail service provider. You also won’t be able to create your own affiliate program with the Backpack feature. 


The more expensive plan, also known as the Platinum plan, starts at $297 per month, and it does not limit you to a certain amount of funnels or visitors. This plan is ideal if you’re running an agency or you’re building funnels for others. 

Please Note: You probably won’t need to subscribe or upgrade to the Premium Plan if you’re running a one-man show (or girl, sorry). My advice is to opt-in for the free trial, which will give you plenty of time to decide whether you want to use the software or not.  


How to get it at a lower price

As promised, I’ll tell you how you can get Clickfunnels at a lower price, but this method requires you to invest a larger sum in advance. You can take advantage of Clickfunnels for six months for FREE if you purchase the Funnel Builder Secrets Package. 

The package is definitely worth buying if you’re thinking of subscribing to the premium plan. For a one-time payment of $2,997, you’ll get to use Clickfunnels for free for an entire year, which would typically cost you $3,564 – if you paid for it at a usual price. 

If you decide to buy this package, know that you will also get access to the following bonuses and training modules: 

•    Funnel Hacks Masterclass 

•    Traffic Secrets Membership 

•    Funnel Builder Secrets Training 

•    12 Months FREE access to Funnel Scripts 


How to make the most out of Clickfunnels

First and foremost, let’s get thigs clear. Clickfunnels was built to be the perfect selling machine, so don’t even bother buying it if you don’t have anything to sell. The only exception will be if you want to promote it as an affiliate. 

If you’re a complete rookie and you just heard about funnels like a week ago, then I suggest you find more about how funnels work and how you can make the most out of them by reading some of Russel’s FREE books. (I mentioned them earlier). 

Dotcom Secrets is the first book I read (from Russel’s collections ha-ha) and is the one I recommend the most. When I was reading the book, I had numerous ‘aha’ moments that made me realize I’ve made the right choice, and I’m pretty sure you’ll have them as well. 

Don’t get me wrong; the other books are just as fine, and I propose you go through all of them at some point but listen to me when I say that you should start by reading this one first. I’m pretty confident you’ll like the book and will thank me for it.


Should You Buy it? – Clickfunnels Review Wrap-up

It really just depends, and the choice is entirely yours. I’m using this tool almost daily, and I must say I’m impressed with the way it’s served me so far. Just because it serves me well, does not mean it will do the same for you. 

My business and your business are entirely different, but they do have one thing in common – both of them can benefit from the use of sales funnels. 

That’s the thing I like the most about this funnel building software, its easily applicable to any type of business. It does not matter if you’re running a local pizzeria or and e-commerce store, you need clients to function and Clickfunnels can help you get them. 

And not just that, the beauty of this program is that it allows you to take things a step further and follow-up properly on your leads. The trick is not just to bring your customers in, but to find a way to keep them as well. The longer they stay, the more money you make. 

My advice is to take Clickfunnels for a test-drive and then decide whether you want to continue to use it or not. Two weeks give you plenty of time to mess around with the tool and find out more about its features. You have nothing to lose, but everything to gain. 

My Clickfunnels Review is coming to an end. I genuinely hope that my analysis of the program helped you make the right choice and set you on the right path to success. 

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