the clickfunnels affiliate program

The Clickfunnels Affiliate Program: Replace Your 9-5 in Less Than a Year?

If you’ve ever wondered how you can make money as an affiliate with the Clickfunnels Affiliate Program, then I’m quite sure you’ll find this article helpful. 


I’ll go into all the details concerning this program and help you conclude whether it’s for you or not. I’ll also share a piece of advice on how you can succeed with it and share a couple of my favorite few funnel resources that you can use to make things easier for yourself.


These are troubling times, and before you undergo all the details regarding this review, I want you to know that it’s not going to be easy and that you’ll stumble upon a lot of obstacles along the way. 


It was pretty easy for me to write this article since I remember every single frustration that I’ve gone through to get where I am today. It was quite an emotional journey for me, and that’s why I want to offer a helping hand that you can grab if you feel like you need it at some point. make money clickfunnels affiliate program

All you have to do is ask a question in the comment section underneath this post or use the contact form that you can find on my about page. I’d be happy to help you out, and you don’t need to concern yourself whether I’m going to as ask for money or not, cause I won’t. 


If there were one single piece of advice that I would share with you, it would be not to quit and stay persistent. I promise you that if you put in the work and stay consistent with your efforts, you will be fine. 


Since this is a make money online topic, I would also like to share my number one recommendation for making money online with affiliate marketing. This is the very same program that helped me establish this blog, and I’m sure you can learn a ton of new stuff from it, even if you’re a seasoned affiliate. 



Affiliate Marketing 101

You’re not the first one that wants to make money online, and you’re certainly not the last either. I must take into consideration that you may be a freshman at this, and that’s why I want to take things slow so that you can understand everything as clear as day. 


If you’re full of questions and don’t know where to begin, then the tips and tricks in this article should help you start your online marketing journey and should set you up for long term success. 


Affiliate Marketing 101 – Affiliate marketing has been around forever, and it’s indeed a legit method to make money online where you promote someone else’s product for a previously agreed fee. A company will pay you once someone decides to purchase something from them using your affiliate link. 


It’s quite simple, but still many people manage to screw it up, and I promise that if you hear what I have to say, I’ll make sure that you’re not one of those people. If you want, you can take a look at the top 3 most common affiliate marketing mistakes and how to avoid them. 


Don’t get me wrong; I’m not saying that I will magically transform you into a super affiliate since the results are not typical, and they’re entirely dependent on your work ethic. affiliate marketing 101

 I can only promise you this – if you take this seriously and manage to succeed with this business model, you will live a happier life with an additional source of income that can be more than enough to replace your 9-5 job.


In other words, consider this opportunity a chance to get away from your current, pointless, average, and possibly a low-paying job. You need to understand that it’s an ongoing process that requires a lot of effort, persistence, and most importantly, patience. 


I must warn you – There are many sites, books, courses, and newsletters online that overpromise and under deliver. Please don’t fall for this quick make money online scheme’s, since there’s a huge possibility that they’ll derail you off track and prolong your success. 


The best I can do for you at this point is to offer you a couple of great resources that should give a strong core foundation on how to succeed as a funnel builder and as an affiliate with Clickfunnels. 


The resources come in the form of a book, and they’re called Expert Secrets and Traffic Secrets. You can grab both of them for less than the price of a sandwich, and it’s probably going to be the best investment you make this year. 


What Is The Clickfunnels Affiliate Program?

It’s a program that’s created by Russel Brunson himself, and it’s currently one of the hottest topics in the affiliate marketing world. He developed it so he can get a ton of affiliate to promote Clickfunnels for him. 


If you decide to partner up with him, know that you may be on your way to creating an additional source of income for yourself for years to come. He also offers you the chance to learn from some of the top-earning Clickfunnels affiliates in his Affiliate Bootcamp. 


Make sure you read my review on it, where I’ve gone into more detail on what it is and how you can make more money with its help. 


How Does The Clickfunnels Affiliate Program Work? 

This is how it goes – you will get paid forty percent for each sale that happens through your affiliate link, meaning that will get paid $39 for each customer that subscribes to the basic $98 per month membership. 


The same goes for the premium plan, the high-ticket items, and all the other products that Clickfunnels tries to sell to its members on the backend. 


In my opinion, the best way to promote it is to teach people how to use the platform efficiently, and to get them to jump on it using your affiliate link. My best advice is to use the share funnel feature and to offer your pre-made funnel to other people. 


You can either promote the program with free traffic or run paid ads, as it pairs well with Google Ads. HOW DOES THE CLICKFUNNELS AFFILIATE PROGRAM WORK?

The worst thing you can do is spam your affiliate link all over the place. Instead, you need to focus on providing value and helping people in a particular industry to improve their businesses with the help of funnels. 


Providing value will help you make more money with Clickfunnels since it will keep your retention rates at a high level. It’s better to have one person under you that uses the program for a couple of months, instead of having three that would leave straight away. 


Become a member of the Clickfunnels Affiliate Program. 


What Software Does ClickFunnels Use For Affiliate Tracking?

Clickfunnels have their affiliate tracking system installed that allows you to track all of your sales within your dashboard. It’s quite simple to navigate, and it has incredibly precise reporting features on top of that. 


Listen to what I have to say – Clickfunnels puts so much effort in keeping every single user on their platform after their fourteen-day trial period ends. You just need to focus on getting trials and let them do all the hard work for you. 


Clickfunnels wouldn’t be the company that it is today if it weren’t for their strong advertising skills. Once you get your referrals to jump on the free trial, you can relax and watch them get ‘bombarded’ with ads from Clickfunnels. 


How To Sign Up For The ClickFunnels Affiliate Program

This short guide will show you how you can sign up for the Clickfunnels Affiliate Program in three easy steps. The link that I posted above was meant to be used if you’re not a member of Clickfunnels, and you can use this one if you’re already subscribed to the platform. 


Step #1: First things first, you need to access your Clickfunnels account. You won’t need to fill in the affiliate sign-up form since you’re already an active member of their platform, and they have all the details they need to pay you. 


Step #2: Once you’ve logged into your account, you need to hover the cursor over your profile picture that is located at the top right corner of your screen and click on the option that says “$ Affiliates.” sign up for clickfunnels affiliate program Step #3: Click on the “Login Into Your Dashboard Now” button where you’ll be taken to the official affiliate dashboard. There you will find all of your affiliate links and the necessary promotional materials to absolutely crushing it with the Clickfunnels Affiliate Program. make money clickfunnels affiliate


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