How to Use Clickfunnels with Google Ads?

Would you like to find out how to use Clickfunnels with Google Ads? Running ads on Google is an active, scalable, profitable, and measurable practice for driving vast amounts of targeted traffic to your site or product. It’s one of the most cost-effective methods of paid advertising available today and can impact your business positively if used correctly.

Google AdWords is a flexible marketing platform that increases leads, customers, and offers a high return on investment at the same time. You can see fast, transparent results and tap into substantial-high-quality traffic sources. It also gives businesses like yours a chance to get into the minds of the ideal customers and find out more about their needs and desires.


How do Google Ads work?

Advertisers identify keywords they want to bid on, how much they want to spend, and create groupings of these keywords that are paired with ads. Google then displays advertisements that are relevant to what the user was searching for. Advertisers connect with potential customers at the lowest possible prices and profit from the products or services they sell.


How to maximize ROI with Google Ads? 

How can you as a Google advertiser have the best bang for your buck? The answer is simple – by applying sales funnels into your advertising routine and doubling the amount of value that you pass out to your potential to use clickfunnels with google ads

Using a simple landing page is not enough anymore. Having a concise landing page that gets the message across and an influential follow-up series is vital for your success as an advertiser and can make or break your Google Ads campaign. It’s not how many people you bring, but how many people you keep.

With Google Ads, every penny counts and what better way to achieve a higher return on investment than to use a platform like Clickfunnels as a system that allows you to keep a close watch on your prospects and track how they behave through each stage of the funnel. It will enable you to analyze and optimize each stage based on the behavior from previous funnel visitors.

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Does Clickfunnels work with Google Ads? 

Clickfunnels works excellent with Google Ads, but there are also many other funnel builders that can produce similar, if not better results. I tried Clickfunnels and it worked great for me, but I still think that Autofunnel by GetResponse might be the best option after all. 

You can launch a successful search campaign with Clickfunnels as a page builder, but I have no doubt that you can achieve the same success if you use Getresponse as your page and funnel builder. It offers the same features as Clickfunnels does, but it comes at a cheaper price. DOES CLICKFUNNELS WORK WITH GOOGLE ADS? It enables you to take things a step further and create a funnel that allows you to do all of your smart marketing on the backend. It will guide your funnel visitors’ through the entire sequence one step at a time and therefore maximize the click-through and conversion rates.


How to use Clickfunnels and Google Ads Together? 

Use the two platforms together to drive highly targeted traffic to your offers and extract the most amount of money from each customer. This section of the post will help you set up your Google AdWords account and launch your first search campaign with Clickfunnels. 

It’s the same procedure is you choose to use GetResponse as opposed to Clickfunnels. The choice is entirely yours, but I think that this comparison article may help you reach a conclusion much faster.


Step 1: Create Your Google Ads Account 

If you’ve previously launched search campaigns, then you should already have an account set up and ready to go. If not, visit the following page and create your first Google Ads Account.

After clicking the blue Start Now button you’ll be directed to the first step where you’ll be asked to fill out some essential information regarding your Google AdWords account.


Step 2: Manage Campaign Settings 

•  You’ll be qualified to launch your first or next campaign after you have created your Google Ads account. The first thing you want to do is click on the whitish +Campaign button to create your first or next Google Ads 

•  Select the goal that would make this campaign successful to you. You can choose between the following goals: sales, leads, website traffic, brand awareness, reach, app promotion, and product and brand consideration.

•  If you’re not sure which goal to choose then go-ahead and create a campaign without a goal’s guidance. This might be the best option at the beginning because you always have the option to come back and edit your campaign goal once you have gathered enough data.


Step 3: Select Campaign Type 

The next step is to select a campaign type. Campaign types determine where customers see your ads and all the settings and options that available to you. You can choose from the following campaign types:


•  Search – Reach customers interested in your product or service with text ads

•  Display – Run different kinds of ads across the web

•  Shopping – Promote your product with shopping ads

•  Video – Reach and engage viewers on YouTube and across the web

•  App – Drive app promotions across Google’s networks

•  Smart – Reach your business goals with automated ads on Google and across the web

Since we’re talking about search campaigns, the reasonable thing to do is select the search campaign type. Once selected – click on the blue Continue button to proceed to the next step.


Step 4: Select General Campaign Settings 

•  Name Your Campaign 

•  Choose Network – tell Google where you want your ads to appear.

Helpful Tip:  Make sure you do not include Google search partners when going for the Search Network option. Google search partners are sites in the Search Network that partner with Google to show ads on their search results. Google doesn’t publicly share their partners, so there’s no point in wasting your ad money.

•  Targeting and Audiences – Choose who you want to reach and where you want to reach them. Locations help you target your ads to people located in, or who show interest in, a geographic area. 

Example (1): a Roman coffee shop owner can target people located in Rome. 

Example (2): An online business owner who ships to Canada and the U.S can target both countries. 

•  Budget and Bidding – Define how much you want to spend and how you want to spend it. 

•  Ad Extensions – Extensions can help you get up to %15 higher click-through rate by showing additional information on your ads. 


Step 5: Set Ad Groups 

Ad Groups are collections of related keywords, ads, and bids. They work best when they’re focused on one particular theme. Ad Groups make it easy for the advertiser to select the right keywords to reach customers searching for the things in their store. For best results, try to focus all the ads and keywords in an ad group on one product or service.  

•  Set Ad Group Type – Ad group types determine the kind of ads and targeting options you can have within your ad group.

•  Set Ad Group Name


Step 6: Create and Preview Ads 

This is the part where you need to decide how you want the actual ad to look like. You can choose between three preview modes: mobile, desktop, and display. Over %70 of the entire traffic will be coming from mobile, so make sure your ad looks appealing and clickbaity (especially for mobile users) before launching it.  


Step 7: Create Landing Page + Backend Funnel  

Don’t worry if you’re not a high-level designer, Clickfunnels makes it possible for you to select a premade funnel template and connect it with your Google Ads account in a matter of seconds. The templates are previously tested and built to deliver high conversion rates. 

As said earlier, the largest share of the magic happens on the backend of the funnel. With Clickfunnels, you can easily choose a premade template and use it to guide your potential customer through the entire buying process. You will get a chance to grab their e-mail address, redirect them to the offer you’re promoting, and make an upsell on top of that. 

Helpful Tip (1): Whenever possible, try to make an upsell for your offer. Upsells are a great way to boost your average order value and can cover a massive chunk of your advertising costs. 

Helpful Tip (2): Make sure you grab your funnel visitors’ e-mail address. E-mail marketing is still one of the hottest and most converting communication channels available today. To have someone’s e-mail address will earn you the right to remarket to them repeatedly and increase the LTV – lifetime value of the customer. 


What makes a good Google Ads Campaign? 

Google Ads are an effective way to reach your target audience and get your message across. At the same time, they can be very poisonous and hurt your advertising budget if not done correctly.

Launching a Google Ads campaign is not an easy task. Several things can go wrong, and that’s why it’s important to mention some of the things you should look out for when launching a campaign.


Understand Your Target Audience – It’s essential to research your target audience and identify their pain points and desires. Look at some of the sites your audience spends most of their time on and analyze how those sites look like, what tone of voice are they using, and find out if they’re running any ads that you can duplicate and improve.

Targeted Landing Page for Your Ad – Don’t use the same ad for every Ad Group. Continuously test and spin different types of landing pages to find out which one works the best. This is crucial if you want to optimize your AdWords campaign.

Spy on Your Competitors – Spying on your competition is an excellent method to find out what you should be doing, and more importantly, what you shouldn’t be doing. See what type of landing page are they using, what font, how they address the visitor, are their landing pages image-heavy, and try to figure out how you can make your sales page better.

Create Compelling Ads – Your ad appeared in front of your audiences’ eyes, now what? Strive to create appealing advertisements that evoke interest, attention, and most importantly provoke the visitor to want to click on them. There is a high chance the visitor wasn’t even looking for an ad in the first place, so that’s why it’s essential to write something that grabs their attention and sparks their curiosity.

Irresistible Offer –If you’re trying to avoid having a high bounce rate, then make sure you craft a tempting offer for the product or service you’re promoting. Not being profitable straight away doesn’t mean you won’t be profitable at all.

Try to lure the visitors inside your funnel, and if that means giving out something for free, then do it. You will make most of your money back on the backend down the line.

If you want to learn a thing or two about running profitable Google Ad campaigns, then I’m quite sure you can get all the help you need from this helpful community. I’ve been a member for a little while now and I must say that support that I get from this community is unmatched and has helped me to take my business to the next level.

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