best online quiz maker software

Best Online Quiz Maker Software’s – Build Awesome Quiz Landing Pages

If you’re on the lookout for the best online quiz maker software, then you landed on the correct page. I will gladly tell you the secrets that go behind a captivating quiz landing page and share with you some of the tools that I’ve used in the past.

When considering building a website for yourself, you must have come across the term “landing pages.” But do you know why they are so important? 

A landing page is the web page format that carries a specific aim that it has to fulfill. It is a web page that can easily encourage visitors to take specific actions that is required. However, a quiz landing page has a purpose that is even narrowed online quiz maker software Quiz landing pages are known to clearly specify the instructions to your website visitors. They are fun, interactive, and make the whole process of data collection easier for you. You also avoid a lot of hassle to get the correct information needed.  

Please note: The Quizzes can be aimed for anything. If you are making a quiz that has to test someone’s knowledge, then you need to keep in mind what your target audience expects. Take a minute or two to come up with an engaging series of questions and don’t just ask random ones just for the sake of filling out the survey. 

Please Note (2): Building a quiz landing page can help you extract some vital information from your website visitors. You can then use that information to segment your visitors into specific audiences and display appropriate content based on the answers that you got from your audience. 

For example: Let’s say you’re running a site in the Health niche. If you did a survey and asked the visitor if he likes protein shakes (and he answers YES), then you can use that information to redirect the visitor to content that is related to protein shakes. You can quickly grab his e-mail at the end of the survey and use it to set up a beautiful and high-converting e-mail campaign. 

I have one sentence for you: Money in the bank.  

Related Post: What is a Survey Funnel and How to Use it?


What Makes a Great Quiz?

Quiz landing pages have grown in popularity, and part of the reason is their effectiveness. However, before you sit down and make your mind to construct an ideal quiz landing page, you should know the criteria that the page has to meet.

 There are a few questions your page should answer:

  1. Does your quiz landing page provide a clear description of what the reward for the quiz is? Highlighting the prize always gets quicker answers. It is the most basic human psychology! This reward can be in the form of scores, valuable advice, possibility to view the right answers for the questions they did wrong, etc.

  2. Does your final quiz landing page have graphics? Attractive visuals grasp a user’s attention immediately. But you must ask yourself, ‘What do these graphics show?’ The simple answer to that is viewing a teaser preview. The visuals can easily hint for the people at what they might be getting in the end.

  3. Does your quiz landing page point out any investment on behalf of the visitor on your site? This can be any general information that lets the viewers know that if they take the quiz, they have to invest in time, the number of questions, any personal information, e-mail, etc. It makes their response even quicker and enthusiastic.

  4. What kind of side CTAs do you have? Would your website look a lot clearer if there were fewer CTAs? Consider their number if that is the case.

  5. When you create your own quiz landing page for a website, does it look too bland or ordinary? Consider adding a personal touch to it. Many landing page builders allow you to personalize your final webpage to make it more noticeable for the visitors. A unique visual that is different from the pre-defined template always carries more appeal.

  6. Does your Quiz landing page have a compelling headline? If it does, then be assured that you will be able to attract more visitors to your site than usual. A compelling and persuasive headline can easily convince visitors to take a glance at your quiz. If the topic is interesting, then it wouldn’t just be the headline pushing people to try the quiz, but their own excitement to know the results would play a part as well. 

    Another factor that plays an important role here is how convincing you actually sound. Have a great call to action, and make it strong. If you waste time with unimportant information, then you might lose a visitor. Get them to solve the quiz and get them to do it quickly!

  7. Does your web page have any trust elements? You may not consider them very important at first, but they are very convincing to the visitors. When you put on trust elements when building your quiz landing page, your visitors would trust the results more. This would actually convince them to take the quiz. You can easily have quotes displayed on the web page, and you can also show the number of social shares you have received as well. They go a long way in leaving a lasting effect. 

My friend Zenicek from Wealthy Affiliate can teach you a thing or two about using quizzes on your website. If you want to read his post, then you can do so by clicking this link.


Create Your Own Quiz Online

There are plenty of options to consider when you’re looking to create your own quiz online. I tried my best to provide you with some quiz building tools that I’ve tasted and these are tools that have proven to work for me in the past.

Each and every one of these tools has its strong features, which you can prefer above the rest, but some have their own varying limitation. These builders like Clickfunnels, Thrive Themes Quiz Plugin, Leadpages, Get Response, etc., will help you to create the best possible landing pages to attract more visitors and convert them into longtime paying customers. 


Using Clickfunnels to build Quiz landing pages

In the market where there is a wide bunch of options available to build quiz landing pages, the features of Clickfunnels is one that you should have an eye on. All of the quiz templates have been previously tested and guarantee a high conversion rate. 

The thing that I like the most about Clickfunnels as a quiz builder is the fact that it allows you to combine it with sales funnels and therefore provide your quiz attendees with more value down the line. More value will eventually lead to more sales and make your investment a profitable a quiz with clickfunnels The only downfall of Clickfunnels is its price. Some find the funnel builder to be a bit pricy, while I personally justify the price since it’s only $20-30 higher than the average cost of most quiz builders on the market.

Remember that Clickfunnels allows you to build quizzes, but it’s not actually a quiz builder. Your investment in this software might be worthwhile considering you’ll get a chance to use the other powerful features as well. 


Using Get Response to build Quizzes 

If you want to have attractive quiz landing pages and your pocket does not provide much spare cash to spend, then Get Response is a preferable choice for you. The software can be tested out for free, which gives you plenty of time to see if it’s the right fit for you or not. 

You just need to have in mind that in order to use Get Response as a quiz builder, you’ll need to connect it to Lead Quizzes first.


Use of Leadpages to build Quiz landing pages

While there are more costly options available on the market, you also have the choice of Leadpages. This is a cheaper alternative that enables you to create an attractive quiz landing page without having to invest a ton of money. 

It offers a great number of templates for you to choose from. They are unique in appearance and offer seamless flow when shifting from desktop to mobile view. However, the only drawback of using Leaadpages is that your visitors will have to connect with external sources to create the quizzes.leadpages quiz builder These external sources can be Survey Monkey, Try to Interact, or even Playbuzz. They are popular on their own and they will force you to make some extra clicks in order for your survey to work. Apart from that, your visitors can easily solve your given quizzes and help you obtain the answers you need. 

Remember what I told you earlier? Answers = data = wiser decisions in the future = more money in the bank. 


Use of Thrive Themes Quiz Plugin to build Landing pages

Many of the websites and blogs these days are made on WordPress, and for these users, the Thrive Themes plugin for Quizzes is an ideal option. By using this, you can easily create different kinds of quizzes that are very engaging to your users. 

These quizzes can be complex or simple, depending on your choice. The benefit of using Thrive Themes is that you can also view how your final quiz will look like before launching it to the public. This will help you avoid mistakes or unnecessary errors.thrive quiz builder Please Note: This is an ideal option for you if you prefer to recheck your work repeatedly. With this WordPress plugin, you can effortlessly review all of your questions and answers to check how the quiz works exactly. It will also let you go over what kind of information will be provided to you and how this data will be delivered to you once your visitors start answering the live quiz. 


Do you prefer to have simple quizzes or the branching quizzes?

Simple quizzes provide you with the answers that your visitors to the site have picked. Studies show that people sometimes get bored halfway during the quiz. If this happens, there’s a huge chance that you’ll be provided with faulty information from visitor who did not complete the questionnaire.  

This is where branching quizzes can come in handy. They help you in obtaining more accurate results and getting the data that is more specific to the choices of your users. The questions can be slightly varied in a branching quiz, and they depend a lot upon how the visitor has answered the previous question given to him.


You Are In Charge

There are several options for online quiz maker software’s in the market, but the final choice depends on your own decisions and requirements. They all have their key features and certain drawbacks that influence the way your final web pages turn out to be. 

Some options require you to invest more money, while other options have free features that fulfill all the necessary needs of a useful quiz landing page. The final choice is all yours, but it is always wise to consider all the pros and cons of your options before settling for a final choice to construct the ideal quiz landing page. 

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