what is a survey funnel

What is a Survey Funnel and How to Use it?

You can have the best product in the world, but if you’re showing it to the wrong audience, then nobody will ever buy it. Not matching the right type of content with the right kind of audience is a recipe for disaster. 

The website visitors that you worked so hard to get will get agitated because they’ll start feeling like your spamming them with content that they’re not interested in. This will likely force them to unsubscribe from your mailing list and never come back. 


 The result? Your revenue will suffer, and your hard work will go down the drain. 

That’s why I decided to share with you a tactic that you can put into practice for your own business and will help you to serve your audience better. Soon you will share appropriate content that your visitors are gladly going to consume and appreciate.  


The “thing” I’m going to talk about today is called a survey funnel. 

A survey funnel is a powerful system for e-mail marketing, and it is also very simple to understand. It’s composed of two things, a survey and a user that can effectively answer it. This user is going to be someone who has just subscribed to your mailing list.

The survey will be presented to them after they click to be added to your subscribers’ list and before they can gain access to your lead magnet. They will be taken to a page where they’ll be asked to fill out a shorty survey for their own good.best survey funnel software Feel free to tell them that the information you collect from the survey will be used to provide them with better and more relevant content and I’m sure they’ll be happy to complete it. 

The information that the survey funnel tool collects from the survey form is then utilized in personalizing the e-mail content that is sent to that particular subscriber.

Speaking from experience, you might want to keep the survey short and simple, so it converts better. If you’re asking difficult questions or you’re being too needy for information, you might agitate the user and force him to leave. 

Trust me, it’s very common for site owners to behave in a greedy manner and ask too many unimportant and half-assed questions. When that happens, the user starts to feel like it’s not worth it to waste his time answering the questions and leaves. 


What is a Survey Funnel?

Using a survey funnel is a straightforward e-mail marketing strategy, but it is also a very powerful one. As mentioned earlier, it requires the users to answer a short survey after they click to receive your newsletter.

This helps to make the list of subscribers more specific in terms of what e-mails they are expecting. The subscribers will get access to your lead magnet once they’re finished with the survey and the data that is gathered from the form will be then used to direct them to the appropriate follow-up content. what is a survey funnelRemember what I told you? Keep the survey short and simple.

Please Note: keeping the list of questions short is effective. You can have around one to three questions and perhaps include a video that sells the subscriber on why he or she should complete the form at this time. 

Within the modern market, personalized content has proved to convert better. I promise you if that if you try to settle the tone, content, timing, and language of the survey, it will result in a better quality response from the survey attendee. 

Because of this, the survey funnel has become a natural choice for people who are looking for a way to collect valuable data from their visitors and find out more about what their prospects are interested in. You can even personalize the survey, so it matches the theme of your business. 

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What Are Survey Funnels Made of?

These days, everyone and all businesses are trying to find more ways in which they can grab the attention of their prospects and site visitors. They are trying to come up with more creative ways to shout as loud as they can to grab the maximum amount of attention on the vast community of the internet. 

All the businesses here are trying to push the freeline as much as they can. In a competitive environment, they are trying to be better than their market rivals and come up with better offers. With all the noise combined, it is becoming more difficult to properly stand out and get noticed. what are survey funnels made ofThat’s why it’s essential to sort and adjust your content properly. So you can target the right audience with the right type of content. Doing so will likely grow two things, your conversion rate, and bank account. 

As promised, I’ll even share with you a tool that you can use to create surveys and funnels at the same time. It’s a helpful tool that has several funnel designs available to help you find out exactly what your visitors want. 

The funnels you’re going to be creating will be customized and built depending on the demographics, traits, behavior, and preferences of your audience of visitors. 

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When and where to use them?

Surveys will give you the best results if you use them at the very beginning. This means placing a survey form in front of your visitors’ eyes just before he or she becomes a subscriber. Doing so will ensure your subscriber gets relevant content right from the get-go, resulting in more trust, thankfulness and sales down the line.

You even have the option to send an e-mail to your current subscribers and ask them to fill out a short survey. They are probably going to be hesitant at first for the reason that they might feel like it’s not worth their precious time, so that’s why I suggest you entice them with a free gift.

The gift doesn’t have to be anything special. You can offer them a free e-book, coupon code, case study, or even a good piece of content that they might find amusing or beneficial.


Advantages to Prospects from Survey Funnels

With the proper engagement of incoming traffic, you can understand more about their preferences. You can introduce better quality products or services in response to the given feedback. 

It is an important fact to consider that in order to have the customers believe they are being listened to, you have to provide the proper evidence that you are listening to them. You will provide the proof by serving your subscribers with content that they’ll gladly use up. 

You will be able to provide better quality service or product. This is a long term benefit given to your customers to keep them updated with your improved offerings to them. 

Survey funnels also help in the improvement of engagement. You can find out what your readers are into and continuously provide them with content that they will want to read. All of this is automated and set in the backend of your e-mail autoresponder. survey funnel benefitsPlease Note: It’s not just getting your visitors to subscribe to your mailing list, you need to find a way to keep them pleased, so they stay longer and make you more money. You can achieve this by keeping all future content related. If they want to read about cupcakes, give them cupcake related content. (as simple as that)  

The major benefit here is that the survey funnels help in list building and lead generation very effectively. This is particularly useful when you match it with a gift (simple e-book is just fine) that the brand-new subscriber can download at the end of the survey. 

This would also have the responders complete a lead capture form. This form is appropriately placed at the end of the given survey. This would serve as a reward for the time spent in completing the form of the survey. It can be considered a way for you to thank them for sharing their perspective with you.


My personal best survey funnel software

Quick Update: I’m no longer using Clickfunnels as my go-to tool and I have switched to Get Response instead. It comes at a much cheaper price and it offers almost identical, if not better, features as Clickfunnels does. Don’t get me wrong, I still think that Clickfunnels is a phenomenal tool, but Get Response suits me better.


Finally, the big moment you’ve been waiting for, the tool that you can use to build the survey funnel. I have been using this tool lately, and it has helped me quite a lot. Besides survey funnels, you can create all kinds of different stuff.

From landing pages, pop-up forms, countdown timers, etc. You name it, and I’m pretty sure this tool can make it. The tool is called Clickfunnels and is one of the best survey funnel builders available on the market today, and for a good reason. 

➜      With the use of Clickfunnels software, you can easily set up funnel pages. You can also create complete workflows, which are quite easy to do. And of top of that, it’s quite a timesaver, to be honest. 

➜     It provides a better and more flexible option that allows you to make free edits and modifications later on as well. 

➜      When you create a survey funnel, you would want to integrate some of the popular e-mail systems into it. Not only does Clickfunnels allow you to do this more easily, but it also lets you integrate payment systems into it as well. There are also several auto responding features that enable lead gathering. 

➜     You don’t have to be a tech professional to use Clickfunnels or do you need to hire one to work for you. Not only is it easier to learn, but there are also several pre-designed templates available for you to use and alter to better fit with your business. 

➜     Clickfunnels even has an in-built autoresponder known as Actionetics. If you’re not using a 3rd party e-mail autoresponder, then you might want to take a look at the one that Clickfunnels provides you with. You’ll be saved from the hassle of having to jump from one platform to another every time you need to check up on something. 

➜     You can also do A/B testing for every page that happens to be a part of your whole funnel. This way you’ll have precise data that you can use to strengthen the funnel and fix all of its leaks. (leaks = weak spots) 

➜     You have ways to learn more about the software itself because there are free training options and webinars that are offered every week. This is particularly helpful in learning the new features that are continuously being introduced. The affiliate program makes it even more convenient, allowing you to recruit and manage the affiliates as well. 

➜     Clickfunnels is not only SSL certified and protected, but it also offers a free trial for you. This way, you can try the software out before purchasing it completely. As a user, you would be able to experience the automated webinars, the membership features, payment gateways, etc.

➜     You can leverage multiple different domains with the help of Clickfunnels. It’s also is possible to create membership designs with this software. They allow you to access the exclusive membership areas for an improved experience.

➜     You can benefit from the integration with Stripe and PayPal on Clickfunnels. Because of them, you can easily accept payments for the products and make your life much easier. 

➜     You also have different analytics at your disposal to review the campaigns, the performance of funnels, conversions, sales, etc. All these factors contribute to the improved usage of this survey funnel creator and help you succeed as an effective e-mail marketer. 


How to build it with Clickfunnels

When your customers click on the subscription option, they get added to your list of recipients. The Clickfunnels survey lets you ask your potential customers about what kind of content they would prefer to receive as part of your list of subscribers.

You can segment them into different lists or even have a pixel audience trigger depending on the kind of responses received.

1. The first step is to add the element of the survey builder on your page. After that, you click on the option to edit the page. After this part, you have to select Add Element from the Element Menu and click on the plus sign. You can add the survey element to your page through this. 

2. The second step is to add questions to the whole survey. You can start by clicking on the survey element of the page and edit the survey options. You have to click on the actual question and change it or write a whole new question itself. You also have the option of adding a subtitle. You can select between Text Only or Show Images in the drop-down for thumbnails. Your next move is to choose the layout for the answers you will collect and pick the radio icon that appears next to each answer. 

3. The third step is to specify the answering space for the question or give options for answers too. You can either make changes to the existing layout or settle an entirely new one.

The option for the next question can redirect you to the next question. There is also an option for skipping the question. You also have to set the option for ending the survey that will quickly end the survey when the answer is selected. 

For each of the questions added to your survey, you can also add Question Groups to the page as well. This is a handy method for adding conditional questions and answers to your survey.

To do this, you have to click on the Add Question Group. This lets you add additional questions and answers to the survey. In order to go back to any of the previous questions, you have to set up an Answer Redirect. This helps you in skipping to the next questions in your group of the question as required.


Survey funnel example

I’ll even share with you an actual survey funnel example that you can analyze and learn from. My advice is to see what your competitors are doing and try to replicate it, but make it as twice as better. 

I’m not saying that you should copy what they’re doing, but instead model it and add your own twist to it. Being creative and unique can pay off tremendously. Take a small risk and make it happen. 


The site that I want you to visit is: https://www.iifym.com/

The first thing that you see on their homepage is the simple macros calculator that’s, in fact, a survey funnel. Their target audience are likely people who want to lose weight, so that’s why they went with such a persuasive headline. survey funnel exampleThey are pointing the pain points that their audience has, and that’s why they are able to earn around $5K a day from this simple 10 step survey funnel. My advice is to visit their page and quickly fill out the survey so you can see it in action. You can replicate the exact same funnel, but switch up the questions with your own. 


Map out your Funnel with This Free Tool

It’s kind of hard to image an entire funnel inside your head, so that’s why I always recommend using a funnel mapping tool like Fynnelytics. It will allow you to view your funnel from a birds-eye view and make changes from there. 


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