cpa with twitter

CPA With Twitter: Any Newbie Can Duplicate This Method With Ease

I’m so worked up about today’s post because I’m going to share with you a step-by-step guide on how you can comfortably make up to a thousand dollars per month by combining CPA with Twitter. 

Twitter has worked brilliantly for me in the past, so I thought I’d reveal some of the ways that I’ve used it to drive highly targeted traffic to my affiliate links. 

Stats show that it is one of the most popular sites on the web, so it would be foolish of you to miss out on the opportunity to take advantage of it and use it to rack up some affiliate commissions. 

You will especially love this grey hat method if you are a rookie since it will set you on an excellent path to make your first or next thousand dollars online. 

And if you think that you got what it takes to succeed in this online chaos and wish to learn the ins-and-outs of affiliate marketing from some of the best men in the industry, make sure you check out my number one recommendation for making money online. 


My CPA Twitter Method

This is one of my favorite CPA and Twitter marketing methods because it’s easily applicable in any niche. This means that even if you run out of ideas on promoting a particular offer in one niche, you can always try to promote another one in a different niche. 


1. Pick a CPA Offer to Promote 

The first thing that you want to do to make this work is to pick an offer, of course. It doesn’t matter which affiliate network you choose as long it has a decent payout rate. 

It also does not matter what offer you choose, in which niche it’s in because, as I said, this method allows you to drive laser targeted traffic to any offer. 

I’ll be using Maxbounty, but you can go with whichever network you prefer. It’s doesn’t matter if it’s Cash Network or Peerfly, as long as the offer you promote pays well (and not $0.001) 

In this particular case, I’ll be promoting survey offers because they usually convert really well. Most survey offers payout anywhere between a dollar and two, but that shouldn’t concern you because you’ll still be getting a ton of conversions. 

There is nothing worse than picking a high paying offer that converts at a shallow rate. Yeah, you’ll still get a commission now and then, but you’re better off sticking to the low paying ones. 

I assume that you already know how to get your affiliate link from Maxbounty, so I’m going to skip that part and jump straight to the action. And if not, don’t be shy to watch a tutorial on YouTube or ask me for help in the comment section below. 

Please Note: If you too want to go ahead and promote survey offers, make sure you pick the ones that convert on a one-page-submit instead of a three page one. I guarantee that you’ll make more money because they’re much more comfortable for the visitor to complete. 


2. Set up a Landing Page

The next thing that you need to do is to set up a landing page with Get Response. It doesn’t have to be the best looking landing page, but you’ll still need to use one since it’s essential to camouflage your traffic source. 

Most affiliate networks don’t allow traffic from Twitter, and there’s a good chance that they’ll close your account if they find out that you’ve used it to drive traffic to your offer. Simply put, the landing page acts as a middleman, so the network won’t tell where your traffic is coming from. set up a landing pageThe image above is my example of a suitable landing page, so feel free to copy it if you lack creativity or you are lazy in general. Just make sure you keep it simple and don’t add a bunch of unnecessary stuff on it.  


3. How to Post on Twitter 

Now it’s time to create your post on Twitter. You’re going to create a simple post that looks like the one below, but whatever you do, don’t forget to add in the proof of payment part.  

Telling people that you have evidence that payments have been made will make your post most trustworthy and, therefore, more clickable. 

how to post on twitterYou can use design your Tweet for free with Canva or you can even opt-in for the Pro Version if you wish to completely nail your design. It will make your post appear more professional and lawful in the eyes of the people viewing it. 

I also recommend you mask your ugly looking Get Response landing page URL by buying a domain from Namecheap or GoDaddy.

That way, you have a site that looks legit, meaning that people will be more prone to click it and go through your offer. This step is not required, but it would definitely help if you can invest ten bucks for a domain name. 

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3. Add Social Value to Your Twitter Post 

Adding social value to your Twitter post will make the entire difference in the world. Without social proof, your post won’t look trustworthy, and there’s a considerable probability that people will not want to click on it. 

You can quickly pile up a bunch of Twitter retweets and likes by asking your friend for a favor or using a traffic exchange site like Traffup. ADD SOCIAL VALUE TO YOUR TWITTER POSTAll you have to do is score a couple of hundred points by following people in the Twitter section and then use the same points to buy a couple of retweets and shares for your Twitter post. 

You’ll be doing this until you have enough followers and likes, and once you do, it’s time to proceed to the next and final step – the part where you finally make some cash. 


4. Find People on Twitter 

People ask and want all types of different things online, and one of those things is money. All you have to do is find these people, connect them to your offer, and watch the money roll in. 

The final step of this CPA and Twitter Marketing method is finding the right people to show your offer to. You can do this by using the search tab located at the top right corner of your screen. Type something like “need some cash,” and Twitter will spit out all the people that have used that phrase in their tweet.find people on twitter Now what’s left from you to do is reach out to them subtly and tell them that you’ve found a way to make an extra hundred dollars per day and that you can help them out.

You don’t want to come across as spammy or needy, but instead, make your reply sound as natural and convincing as possible and try to avoid sounding like a robot. 

Once you reach out to them, you’ll spark their curiosity, which will force them to look at your Twitter profile and ‘accidentally’ discover your tweet. 

The accounts that you’ll be reaching out to are real people, so it’s better to treat them as such. If you are not getting any conversions, then there’s a huge possibility that you’re doing this part wrong. 

Once you’ve messaged enough people, you will start to see some money rolling in, which means that you’ve been doing it correctly and that you need to stick to the same formula. 


5. Set up an Autoresponder with Get Response 

You’ll be completely fine without this step, but if you wish to make even more money, you need to use an autoresponder. By using one, you’ll get the chance to follow up on your leads with even more surveys and ‘make money online’ offers in the future.

You need to connect the autoresponder to your landing page, and you can easily do so if you use Get Response as your go-to choice.

You don’t have to use it if you don’t want to, but I prefer it because it allows me to set up a page and connect it with an autoresponder without having to switch from one platform to another consistently. 


Affiliate Marketing With Twitter Can Pay Off 

If you put in the work and don’t just wander off after reading this post, you’ll achieve the results you’ve dreamt of for so long.

Do not hesitate to reach out to me if you need any help since it would be my utmost pleasure to help you out as much as possible and get you on the right track to success. 

I also encourage you to join me within this community and learn the ins-and-outs of affiliate marketing by some of the top guys and gals the industry has ever seen.

I genuinely hope that you see success one day, and know that I hold my fingers crossed for you until then. Now go ahead and crush it with affiliate marketing and Twitter. 

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