Hayden Bowles Course Review

Ultimate Hayden Bowles Course Review: Not What You Need?

The dropshipping business concept has been around for quite a long time now, and it still enjoys unmatched popularity amongst aspiring digital entrepreneurs. 

One of the reasons why it’s a cult favourite is that it’s perceived as profitable and a thriving opportunity for anyone worldwide. 


With this in mind – I decided to write a superior Hayden Bowles Course Review to give you an idea on whether his dropshipping course known as HSD is worth your time and money. 

During this pandemic, I’ve been seeing many friends try out various online opportunities, and one of the most commonly visited one has been, without a doubt, dropshipping. 


Somehow, this made me wonder whether if it could be as fruitful as it seems. 🍓

It’s far from a magical ‘push button’ get-rich-quick system, and it most certainly entails a lot of effort, use of particular skills, and outstanding customer service. 


It’s indeed a legitimate business, but is it a worthwhile one? 🙂

One of the primary reasons it is considered by most today is its promise of providing anyone with a stable income through selling, without an actual inventory of products. 

In dropshipping, all you have to do is focus on the selling part, as all the other common problems are already eliminated. Some of the usual ones you won’t encounter may be things such as: 

  1. Manufacturing or creation of products to sell
  2. Stocking (warehouse or an extra space depending on your location)
  3. Logistics for sending the sold item
  4. All the legal paperwork
  5. Investing enormous capital 


As a dropshipper, you can practically sell any products from some of the top manufacturers and suppliers like AliExpress, Spocket, SaleHoo, Doba, and Mega Goods. 

The companies mentioned above will handle the actual shipping once the customer has bought the particular product off your Shopify store, meaning that you won’t have to go through as much hassle. 


However, it’s not as easy as it sounds. 😁

I understand that those big numbers excite you and entice you to give this business model a shot, but the reality is not as ideal, and dropshipping’s two major cons prove that: 


1. It is highly competitive ✔ 

Let’s assume that you’re looking for an ab trainer on someone’s Shopify store and you come across five similar items.

Which one would you choose? The one with the lowest price or the one with the highest? It’s kind of easy to answer that one, right?

Since you don’t have to spend a lot of money to get started, you can already expect to meet lots of competition. It’s just basic economics where low startup costs equate to easy entry in the field.

And with that being said – if you’re a beginner who’s ready to compete with more established dropshippers, then you probably want to make sure that your pricing is either lower or competitive.


2. You have no control over the product’s quality ✔

Since you are just selling the products and not shipping them, there is no way for you to ensure that the item is of high quality or even packaged correctly.

In this sense, if a customer suddenly leaves a 1-star rating or a complaint on your shop, you cannot defend yourself, and this can significantly affect your digital business.

Hayden Bowles Course ReviewIf you are interested in dropshipping after hearing this, please know that the only way to ensure success is to invest in yourself. 📚


To maximize earning potential and your chances of becoming the next superstar entrepreneur, I support your decision in looking for the best online courses about this specific industry.

And speaking of courses, one of the most popular ones is the Hacking Shopify Dropshipping course made by Hayden Bowles, a 19-something high school dropout turned millionaire!

Before I start reviewing Hayden Bowle’s course, let me just put it out into the open that I am not in any way connected to Hayden or his company.

You can rest assured that this post will only contain my honest opinion about the service, which can help balance out all the twisted and hyped views that you’ll probably find about this product.

If that sits well with you, then off we go! 🚀


Hayden Bowles Course Review

When I was younger, I was always intrigued by the idea of selling online as I saw lots of my older friends change their lives for the better. 

From selling luxury bags, branded shoes, and t-shirts to affordable pool accessories, I realized that sometimes your profit is not just about the products themselves. 

Instead, it’s about the way you present it to your audience, and in this sense, mastering digital marketing is unquestionably vital if you wish to succeed big. 


Just look at Lazada or Amazon, for example. 👈

Type in any query in their search box, and you’ll see that there are instances where different shops sell the same products. 

While the items are all the same, you’ll also notice that some of these shops have not even sold a single thing while others have more than 300 customer ratings. 


Do you know what their secret is?

Professional looking posts.


With Hayden Bowles’ HSD course, you will get to understand better the loops on how to dominate your social media marketing and drive traffic to your professional and legit-looking Shopify store. 

This course is an instant hit among the netizens because it’s an entry-level course, meaning that beginners can fit right in. So, without further ado, let’s start with the creator himself. 👨 🔻


Who is Hayden Bowles?

Have you ever wondered what the “rich” people are up to?

If you have been following luxury-related posts on Instagram, then I sure bet that you have come across some of the posts by Hayden Bowles.

He has over 55k followers who consistently engage with him as he posts all of the posh pictures with high-end cars, dreamy hotels, and exotic travel spots from different parts of the world.

He also shares some of his motivational videos and entrepreneurship tips through his YouTube account, which has over 243k subscribers and more than 200 videos. 

Although some of the videos seem repetitive, I appreciate that he makes it a priority to provide updated content to give beginners fresh ideas and tips.

He is best known as a self-made millionaire who was 18 years old when he unlocked the full potential of the dropshipping business with a combination of social media marketing. 

Due to his apparent success, he established Ecomm Season LLC, an educational program provider, with the primary goal of helping like-minded individuals with the process of dropshipping on different levels. 

As of writing, it features the following courses:

  1. 30 Day Academy (Current offer: $7 to get the first seven videos) ✓
  2. Beginner HSD ✓
  3. Intermediate ER 2.0 ✓
  4. Advanced 30 Day Academy ✓

With two add on services named

  1. Custom Built Stories ✓
  2. Coaching ✓

Aside from that, Ecomm Season is also a full-service advertising agency.


Here’s my opinion on this. ☺️

I have always had high regard for people who have shown full transparency about their life and how they made it big in the industry.

who is HAYDEN BOWLESAs for Hayden, I find it suspicious whether he is actually making millions due to Shopify or through his educational business.


Based on his videos on YouTube, He seems to enjoy explaining sales figures, but he does not discuss the actual profit.

You see, when dealing with dropshipping, you need to take into account some expenses such as paid advertising across multiple channels, hiring influencers, buying domain a name, hiring designers, etc. 


All of those are not there! ❌


Additionally, if you go through his website, I am sure that you’ll find it pretty weird that the overall structure looks just like something made by a novice freelancer from Fiverr. 

Based on my research, there are two main ways by which you can access all of his courses:

  1. Hayden’s actual site
  2. EcommSeason


If you check out both sites, you’ll notice that even the descriptions’ grammatical structures are not on a professional level. 😕

And if you are someone who knows a thing or two about ready-made website templates, you will instantly recognize the words “lorem ipsum” on some parts of the site! 

But that’s not all! Some of the buttons do not work, too, and will most likely redirect you to a “No Page Error!” screen. 


As a digital professional, I find this to be a total red flag because how can you teach people about marketing if your own sites are not doing well? 🚩

I am not saying he’s a scammer. I am trying to point out that he needs to work on these aspects of the business since they significantly affect his business and credibility.


What is HSD all about?

The 2018 Hacking Shopify Dropshipping course by Hayden is a quick four-hour and 14 minutes video lesson which utilizes the teachable platform. 

It has around five major modules that speak about building your store, social media strategy, product research, and email marketing.

The course practically claims to give you a step by step guidance on the exact dropshipping blueprint that Hayden used to expand and establish one of his stores. 

It is chunked masterfully into 46 videos to ensure that anyone can process it at their own pace. What I like about it is that it comes with real bonuses which are quite useful:

  1. Advanced strategies for Facebook ads ✓
  2. How to test a product ✓
  3. Building a brand ✓
  4. Application recommendations ✓
  5. How to outsource ✓
  6. The future of dropshipping ✓


I think it would be a great idea to start with the things I fancy about his course. You see, he executed the job quite well as he has shown actual pictures and demonstrations showing his accounts and precise process.

From the way I see it, it is structured correctly for total beginners since Hayden made it look just like any Udemy or Khan Academy videos.

In this sense, the HSD is easy to follow; however, the content is comparable to what you can read freely from blogs and books.


What surprised me the most? 😲

Unquestionably its price. 


The course retails for $497, and for such an introductory course, I can’t seem to find anything special about it since you can hear more comprehensive discussions by listening to free YouTube videos.  

And honestly, I seriously believe that that price is more than what experienced professionals will charge for a four-hour training.


How does HSD work?

Signing up for his course can quickly be done through any of the two sites above. Upon payment, you will instantly be given access to the teachable platform, where you can view the entire course curriculum. 

However, note that despite being labeled as a course, it does not have gateway checkpoints per module, and instead, it’s just a compilation of videos.


Once you are in, you’ll get to review the four major modules: 👇

•  Module 1: This is just an understandable introduction to the course and will only run for three minutes and 26 seconds.

•  Module 2: Has five videos covering the fundamentals of dropshipping, strategy development, picking a profitable niche, finding the best products and suppliers.

•  Module 3: This one touches on the crucial things you need to establish for your digital business. It includes lessons related to planning, branding, social media setup, optimization, marketing, and pricing.

•  Module 4: To interact with paying customers, this module contains 13 videos focused on Instagram, where sellers can showcase their products through their account or with the help of paid influencers.

•  Module 5: To support social media presence, the 12-video module will guide students in analyzing, creating, and planning their own Facebook advertisements.


Is the HSD worth it?

Hayden is genuinely an inspirational entrepreneur, but I wouldn’t go out of the way to call him an expert just yet since he has only been around for less than five years. 

He may have made it big through his unique strategies, but I think that those strategies are only suitable for that specific time, meaning that the course is not applicable today. 


Believe it or not – he even paused his actual dropshipping store this year!

Well, HSD teaches precisely what it says it does, so in this sense, we should not have any doubts about its legitimacy. 

However, it might be better for you to head on over to YouTube and watch Dan Vas or Ziovo for free since their videos are almost of the same quality. 

Better yet, you can join specific Udemy courses or Shopify Compass.

I have always been an advocate of investing in yourself first before venturing into uncharted territories. 

If you are a total beginner who is comfortable spending that kind of amount, you may register with it. But in terms of practicality, I seriously do not recommend this due to the following reasons:

  1. The sales page of the product itself is filled with grammatical errors
  2. Hayden’s message is inconsistent 
  3. Hayden’s website has an incomplete sitemap
  4. His site doesn’t have that professional feel  
  5. Too expensive for a four-hour course!
  6. For its price, the content is not as it should be! 


I have something better (way better actually!) 

If you are passionate about the idea of marketing and optimization, then I have a better recommendation that is more viable, profitable, and consistent than dropshipping. 

While it may be as competitive as the field mentioned above, you can grow this purely digital business into a full-fledged passive income stream with effort and time.

The business model that my recommendation surrounds around is known as affiliate marketing. Unlike other business forms, this one is very suitable for beginners, and these success stories prove that. 

You’ll encounter many cases where affiliates have surpassed the four-figure in passive income mark in less than six months, and I assure you that none of them knew more than what you do now. 


If they did it, so can you! 🤟


With the proper training, guidance, and support, you’ll be able to achieve the same results, if not better. However, just because I say it’s doable doesn’t make affiliate marketing any less challenging. 

The success stories are indeed inspiring, but there are also cases where people have failed miserably, and you should be aware that you can easily follow in their footsteps if you’re not prepared to devote yourself fully. 


I have been making a full-time income from my blog for quite a while now.

I want to encourage you to give affiliate marketing a try knowing that I’m just a regular guy who was lucky enough to come upon one of the leading affiliate marketing educational platforms. 

The platform I’m referring to goes by the name of Wealthy Affiliate, and it’s a platform that you should consider joining if you wish to speed up the process of scaling your affiliate marketing business. 

Without them, the site you’re on now wouldn’t have existed, nor would I be sitting here and writing this Hayden Bowles course review.

make money affiliate marketingThe platform is truly one of a kind, and their freemium membership model only shows that. 


With it, you’re able to partake in the first nine lessons for free, and that should give you plenty of time to decide whether a career in affiliate marketing is something you want to pursue. 

You’ll get a chance to meet some of the top affiliates globally, and even better, speak with them and learn more about their experiences and the tactics they’ve used throughout the years. 

I’ll personally welcome you inside and help you with the onboarding process by sharing my personal blueprint to success and telling you all of the things you should (and shouldn’t) do to succeed within this industry. 

It would be best to join the community and experience all the things that I’ve been saying first hand. I could sit here and tell you all about it, but that kind of contradicts the purpose of the forever free trial. 

So, if you have questions about Hayden Bowles’s course or the Wealthy Affiliate community, feel free to leave a comment below, and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible. 

As I end this review, I hope that I was able to give you the much-needed details about HSD and the man behind this notorious dropshipping course. 

If you think this post helped you out, please feel free to share it on social media and let your friends know about this product. And as always, I wish you all the best and keep on thriving. 👋


  1. chris January 14, 2021
    • Gorjan January 14, 2021
  2. Alyse January 9, 2021
    • Gorjan January 14, 2021
  3. Michael January 9, 2021
    • Gorjan January 14, 2021

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