how to make money with canva

How to Make Money With Canva: Earning Cash Has Never Been This Easy

If you ever wanted to know how you can make good use of your mediocre or master designer skills, I’m sure you will love what I have put together for you. 

I deliberately wrote mediocre because the method you’re about to read does not require you to have any previous knowledge in design, meaning that you can start earning money just after you’re done reading this post. 

I’ll be teaching you how to make money with Canva by creating simple, but yet very fancy designs for people that might be needing them. 

Before I let the cat out of the bag, you need to realize that this tool is straightforward to learn and use, which is to say that you’ll be spitting out designs like a madman, thereby making a lot of money.  

You don’t have to be a designer to make this work because, unlike many other complicated designer packages that you may have tried before, this tool is crammed with tons of cool features that will simplify your life. 

I need to let you know that this method requires you to make an effort and is far from being a get-rich-quick scheme. You can make quite a living from home, but it’s not as easy as many fraudsters make it appear. 

This guide should put you on a unique path to success. Still, if you’re serious about building a sustainable online business, you should look at my number one recommendation for making money online. 


How Does Canva Work?

Canva is an online graphic design site with lots of customizable elements and a very user-friendly dashboard. With it, you’re able to create all sorts of things like social media posters, infographics, brochures, resumes, photo collages, and things of that nature. 


So, how will you be making money with Canva? 

Many people are building online businesses nowadays, and many of them could use an extra hand to take care of their smaller and less meaningful tasks like setting up a logo, designing an ad, or creating a thumbnail for their YouTube video. 

These folks come from various areas in the online world and have different approaches to making money online. Some of them are affiliates, while others may be influencers, course creators, YouTubers, or even e-com store owners. 

Many of them are very busy and don’t have the time to manage everything on their own. That’s why they need someone like you to take care of their more pointless duties; in this case, the ones that require a designer. 

The image underneath is an excellent example of the work that you’ll be doing as a Canva designer. As you can see, this YouTube channel has many subscribers and is producing a lot of videos each month. how to make money with canvaEach video needs a separate thumbnail, and if the guy that’s running the channel has a special someone to help him out with the design, then he’ll have a much easier time putting out new content. 

You are going to be that special someone, and this is only one of the many YouTube channels that you can partner up with to help them create awesome thumbnails, logos, covers, YouTube channel art, and that kind of stuff. 

This method will also work on Facebook groups, blogs, Pinterest accounts, etc. All you have to do is think about what kind of design these folks might need, create it for them, and sell it at an affordable price. 

You can find clients manually by outreaching to each channel separately or by hosting your services on a freelance service marketplace like Fiverr or Up Work. 


1. Sign Up to Fiverr 

For those of you that don’t know, Fiverr is a marketplace where you can buy or sell digital services of all sorts, and it’s a place where people go to hire freelancers for an accessible price. 

The first thing you need to do is become a seller on Fiverr, and once finished with the application, go ahead and type “YouTube Thumbnail” in the search bar at the top left corner of your screen. how does canva workAs you can see, many people are already selling this type of service, which means that there is a high demand for them and that you can make a lot of money by designing them yourself.

My advice to you if you are starting on this site is to keep your price point lower than your competition because your account still doesn’t have a good rating, so people are going to have a hard time trusting you if your price is high. 

The best thing to do is rack up a couple of good reviews by selling your artwork for a lower price, and you can bump it up once your Fiverr account has enough positive reviews.

And if you don’t have a clue what an attractive banner looks like, then just go ahead and see what others are doing and replicate the same thing, but try to make it better, of course, by adding your twist to it. 

Fiverr Hack: Set your price at the lowest rate, but ask your clients to leave a five-star review for the work you’ve done. This way both sides are happy, the clients get their artwork for a bargain price, while your account skyrockets in the Fiverr rankings. 

You’ll soon be popping out on the first page since the Fiverr algorithm will start to push your account because it has so much positive feedback from customers. Once that happens, you can go ahead and revert your prices back to normal. 

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2. Pick and Edit a Template From Canva 

Once you’ve signed up as a seller on Fiverr, it’s time to join Canva Pro and design your first project. You don’t have to use the Pro Version, but it helps because you get access to more features, more fonts, and game-changing design experience. 

It didn’t take me more than five minutes to design this breathtaking YouTube banner. I’m not the artsiest guy, and it if took me less than five, then it shouldn’t take you more than three. template from canvaDesigning with Canva is super easy because you can tap into thousands of pre-made templates that you can edit with just a few clicks and make the design appear as if it’s entirely yours. 

Once you’ve created your first masterpiece, it’s time to upload it to Fiverr and start to earn some money. After a while, the number of orders you get per day will increase, and you will begin to make even more money.


Making Money with Canva Can Pay Off 

It’s entirely possible to make up to $1000 per month with this method, and it’s probably one of the easiest ways to get started online. Don’t get me wrong, Fiverr is not perfect, but there’s money to be made. 

Making money with Canva is a real income opportunity, but I wouldn’t say it’s a long-lasting one. If you want to learn how to grow a real business online and turn it into something sustainable, then I suggest you join me and many like-minded people inside this helpful community.  


  1. Connie August 9, 2021
    • Gorjan August 13, 2021
  2. SAM March 29, 2021
    • Gorjan March 29, 2021

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