Binart Option Auto Trading Review

Is Binary Option Auto Trading a Scam or a Must-try?

Aside from the stock market and forex trading, there is a whole range of different financial instruments out there waiting to be discovered. 

One of the diamonds in the rough that has been buzzed around lately online is the concept of binary options. 

Please find out more about this as we answer whether Binary Option Auto Trading is a scam or a must-try platform for 2022. 

Also, suppose you’re looking to find the best ways to make money from home. In that case, please feel free to check out my #1 recommendation, as it’s genuinely one of the best platforms to get started online. 

Hi, my name is Gorjan, and for the past couple of years, I’ve been solely focused on helping people steer clear of scams online. 

If you wish to find out more about me, my story, past experiences, and how I can help you set up your first source of passive income online, then, by all means, don’t hesitate to get to know me better by reading this page. 

The platform that I’ve just shared with you is far from a get-rich-quick type of scheme, so please don’t expect to join a magical done-for-you system that will turn you into an overnight success story. 

Is Binary Option Auto Trading a scamIt will teach you how to build a real business online, and as you may know, that requires some perseverance and a little bit of elbow grease. 


Unlike the many you’ve probably seen, this one is actually a legit platform, so please don’t expect to make thousands of dollars upon starting. 

 I suggest you read my review on it, see what I have to say, and then decide whether this is something worthy of your time and effort. 

There’s no need for you to pull out a credit card since the platform deals with a unique forever-free trial period that gives you more than enough time to see what it’s all about and whether you want to be a part of it.


Since that is out of the way, let’s get this review started. 

With all the uncontrolled changes happening around the globe, one thing remains constant – we want to stay ahead of the curve. 

In terms of skills, most of us have decided to enroll in online courses and expand our talents and abilities to possibly transition to a new, more profitable career or perhaps even get a promotion down the line. 

Others have watched hours of cooking videos, crocheting, gardening, and even managed to develop a new hobby in their spare time. 

For some reason, I think we’re pretty much alike and share the same mindset. I believe that both of us agree that now is the perfect time to unlock other money-making opportunities and use the time to its fullest. 


And to be honest, there’s nothing wrong with that. 

In the lockdown period alone, most of us were able to find good side gigs and even managed to get a few hundred bucks out of them. 

From selling old stuff, taking freelancer side jobs, to even managing micro-jobs, and becoming online tutors. 

No matter what you’re passionate about, I think that there’s a profitable opportunity waiting right up at your alley out there. 

But if you’re more interested in making your money work for you, then I bet that you’ve been searching high and low for some of the top financial investments where you can earn and grow your money during the crisis.

The most widely known and loved instruments are the stock market, cryptocurrencies, ETFs, and actual gold bars. However, one thing is also gaining much attention today, and that is binary options trading.

Let me start by saying that binary options are a risky form of trading, and most often than not, platforms are a total scam. 


It is indeed the latest craze online. 

It has undoubtedly caught the attention of many people from all walks of life. Still, the thing is, I do not actually see it as an investment option but more of a gambling route, especially for complete newbies. 

Why? Well, in a matter of minutes, you can either lose your money or win big and cash in a handsome sum of money. 

Binary Option Auto Trading ReviewUnlike the stock market, where you can hold your positions and wait for the prices to rise again, binary options are in a different league.


They are so straightforward that you can get a predetermined profit based on the broker by making the right call. And this profit is the same for all users who will make the right choices.

More importantly, there are several software products and websites that operate illegally and are interested in fraudulent activities. 

Some examples include the following:

  1. Options trading platforms that are rigged to take your money by making sure that the price results are different from your position.

  2. Identity theft as you will be required to connect your credit or debit card to fund your account.

  3. Software platforms that produce manipulated signals to ensure that you will lose money.


Is Binary Option Auto Trading a scam or legitimate software that will give real updated signals for free? I was hoping you could find out more about this in the complete review I have for you today. 

But before we start, let me just clarify that I am not connected with the company, nor am I being sponsored to write this post. 

You will read the truth and nothing but the truth, as I honestly want this website to contain nothing but legitimate information. If that suits you, let’s now dive into the review and leave no stone unturned!


Binary Option Auto Trading Review

Binary Option was first introduced in 2008 and is regulated in some countries from across the world. It is a form of derivative trading where the concept is simple: yes/no proposition. 

You can use different charts, techniques, or specific strategies, but basically, all you have to do is to choose which side you are on. 


Are you on the gain or loss side? 

Depending on the outcome of the micro-moves, you either receive a pre-determined payoff or lose all of your money.

Unlike other options trading designs, no shares are discussed here, and you are not buying any stock. I actually tried it and didn’t like it much.


In as short as 30 minutes, I was able to burn through almost $200! 

While it may not be a lot for some, I know there are people out there who would literally kill for that type of money. 

And this is why I don’t really recommend this form of investment. If I were you, leave this one to the pros who actually understand the game. 

Even Forbes, the Sydney Morning Herald, FBI, Boss Magazine, and CBC have trumpeted on the fact that this speculative form of trading is a dangerous product to deal with. It is so risky that The Guardian branded it as the world’s worst financial product! 

But, suppose you’re still hell-bent on the idea of trading your hard-earned cash on this; know some brokers are pretty popular online:

  1. IQ Option
  2. Olymp Trade 
  3. RaceOption 
  4. Pocket Option. 


Please know that I’m not recommending any of these! 

To help you out on your journey here, you may use other charts and software packages that will give you the best signals.

One example of such software is the Binary Option Auto Trading, an automated software that will monitor assets and price movements to locate opportunities for adding your position. 

By using this, you don’t need to study a considerable volume of historical data about the prices, but you just sit back, relax, and wait whether there will be an attractive position.

Is Binary Option Auto Trading LegitIt was established in 2016, and it claims to give the most comprehensive alerts for options and cryptocurrencies. 


The red flag I found is that there is no honest company behind it, + I find it a bit shady that they are not adding anyone as a brand ambassador.

 In short, it is just a simple website, and upon signing up, you will be greeted by a video narrated by a so-called “Jerry” who says he is an experienced trader. 


But who the fu*k is Jerry? 

More importantly, if you check their website, you can see that the whole design seems like it is handled by a college IT student. It doesn’t look professional, nor does it brag with good content on the landing page. 

It looks overly salesy, but one thing that they are missing is that you cannot find any other platform/website/media entity praising them.

This is another red flag since why else will you invest on a platform that does not have any recognition!

For me, it is simple as this: if a platform is not reviewed by legitimate websites despite being free and promising you the world of wealth, I will not let my money be invested there.  

You see, while the Binary Option Auto trading is 100% free, it will require you to connect all your broker accounts, and you will need to pay a sampling cost of about $200 – $250, which you can also refund after you connect your accounts.

Another red flag I found is that the company is connected to some of the unregulated brokers with a history of complaints and shady cases such as the following:

  1. Banc de Binary 
  2. Binary Tilt
  3. Finpari
  4. RBinary
  5. Tradorax
  6. 365Binary

If you do some research, you’ll see that all brokers connected to it are either under investigation, shutdown, or blacklisted in countries. 

I think it is safe to say that users should be cautious if they still want to get the information signals from this platform.


How Does Binary Option Auto Trading Work?

When you visit the website, you will have to choose which type of membership you would like: the standard one, which is around $200-$240, or the VIP service around $500! They specifically say that you can withdraw this amount as this is only a sampling fee. 

However, based on reports of the customers, the contact address for the customer service does not exist at all. Seeing that there were many complaints about that, the company created real customer service. 

But guess what? The service is almost nonexistent, and they are not helpful at all, so if you ask me, I think they claim that the platform is free when it really isn’t. 

Once you have activated your account, you will need to connect all your brokers so that the software can perform an average of ten trade analyses per broker per day.

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It will give you automatic signals which you can use to position your trades using your broker. However, please note that the software seems to have lag issues, which means there is a possibility of delay! 

And if you already have experience in doing options trading, a minute of delay can make or break your trade! This makes it almost impossible to use, so I’d instead use the available RSI charts on the broker’s site.

Here’s how I see it. The company is indeed providing signals, but I do not believe that it is worth the exposure to risks. 

You see, in as much as I’d like to believe the noble aims of the company, I find their whole management a bit on the shaky side.

For instance, why are they only connected to unregulated brokers? Unregulated brokers are usually scams, which ultimately makes them a scammy option too!

Also, here are the things I further find intriguing:

  1. If your company is really “free,” why do you ask members to pay a sampling fee? It’s not as if they can crack your software because there really is no “software” to begin with. You can only access everything online.

  2. What is the difference between the VIP and standard service? The lack of transparency about their service and entity is a red flag.

  3. Why are you not offering a demo account? If your goal is to help binary traders, then the least that you can provide is a demo account like the one available in Option Alpha.

  4. Why can’t you provide a real-time clock within your platform to see whether the whole signal recommendation is updated by the minute or not? As someone who is experienced in this, I know for a fact that a single minute can give you a different result. What’s the point of the software if it is not updated at all?

  5. The Binary Option Auto Trading does not have a company running them, nor is it connected to legitimate financial institutions. It is not accredited by any governing body, which makes me wonder if it’s nothing more than a pure scam. 


Is Binary Option Auto Trading a Scam?

The Binary Option Auto Trading is a scam since it does not offer reliable information about the company, so it does not have an official BBB or Trustpilot account, and the quality of their service is pretty bad. 

More importantly, we must remember that it is connected to companies under investigation or permanently shut down.

Just as branded by Financial Times, the end of binary options trading is near, and countries from across the world are consistently looking for ways to ban or at least regulate it to ensure that consumers are protected. 

With this being said, I would like to remind all of you, my readers, that there is no such thing as easy money when it comes to trading. You can only earn through hard work and patience with the most legitimate solutions.

This is why our parents highly favor time deposit or savings account despite the low interests since at least they are ensured that the money is safe and sound in legitimate banks. 

If you want to try out trading, I still suggest that you try out dividend plays or blue-chip investing. Both still have their risks, but at least they’re not scams. 


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