Brave Browser Review

Is Brave Browser a Scam? Make Quick $$$ By Viewing Ads!

I’m pretty sure you’ll agree that for some of us, having additional earnings while doing something ordinary can be very fulfilling. 

Now, what if I tell you that you can actually make some genuine money and cryptocurrencies just by viewing a few ads using a new browser? 

Well, hang on tight as I present my review and answer the question of whether the Brave Browser is a scam or, in fact, a true game-changer?

You see, technology has changed how various facets of our lives work. Can you imagine how a single year has made us evolve from visiting coffee shops or meeting rooms to now just logging through a Zoom link? 

Even education has massively changed, and many more are becoming open to the idea of learning through MOOCs and tutoring platforms.


But here’s the thing. 🙂

The pandemic and technology itself have also made us realize how we can become so profitable in today’s world. 

Just as the lockdowns were announced, we see massive traffic towards online platforms that teach about the basics of trading (like Robinhood and eToro), micro-jobs (like Hive Work, Fiverr, and Lionbridge), and even freelancing (like Upwork, Aquent, and Toptal).

I suppose you can say it’s a positive thing because now people have become more aware of how important it is not just to rely on one income stream alone and find ways to diversify their portfolios.

I mean, you are very fortunate if you still have managed to keep your job during the pandemic, because in other parts of the world, especially where I’m from, companies have decided to lay off workers, terminate contracts, and even close their businesses.

Brave Browser ReviewLuckily for us, we have found some unconventional ways to get a few bucks rolling into our pockets in the form of mobile apps that pay, survey websites, and even some software packages that can actually make you money. 💰


Of course, you also must be aware that these may never amount to the same as what you are earning from your regular jobs.

If you ask me, there are still other opportunities that are much more consistent and easier to navigate for total beginners.

However, if you are up for a type of hustle that can make you some instant cash and even allow you to build a wallet filled with digital cryptocurrencies, then I am glad that you landed on this page. 

Perhaps, the reason why you are here is that you also want to know more about this buzzing platform that goes by the name of Brave.


You see, there is really not much to know about this software. 😐

I’m trying to say that it works like just some of the highly used browsers like Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Opera, or Mozilla Firefox.

It lets you search and surf the net; however, it is deemed as “innovative” so that you can profit just by simply using the software and becoming an affiliate under them.


Are you interested to learn more about this? 🧠

If you are, then buckle up and hang on tight as I present you my honest Brave Browser review and my recommendations on whether this is an opportunity that you should ride on with or not.

Before I get the show on the road, let me just put out a disclaimer here and say that I am not in any way, share, or form connected to the company, nor am I a registered affiliate under them.

Now that that is out of the way, then off we go! 🚀


Brave Browser Rewards Review

Cryptocurrencies have been on a constant roll for the past five years. 

Aside from the fact they’re highly volatile, the crypto world still has a lot of followers since people usually associate filthy rich people dealing with this alone like Changpeng Zhao, Vitalik Buterin, and Brian Armstrong. 

What makes it interesting is that it is perceived as a “scarce” asset with the highest potential compared to forex.

Some of the top coins aside are the following:

  1. Bitcoin / BTC (1 coin is around 35k in USD)
  2. Ethereum / ETH (1 coin is around 1.3k in USD)
  3. Litecoin / LTC (1 coin is around 150 in USD)
  4. Ripple /XRP (1 coin is around .29 in USD)
  5. EOS.IO/ EOS (1 coin is around 2.75 in USD)
  6. Bitcoin Cash / BCH (1 coin is around 502 in USD)

But before you dive into any of those, allow me to introduce you to the BAT, also known as the Basic Attention Token, integrated into the Brave platform. 

It is publicly held by millions of people and has been one of the easiest ways to tip your favorite website or content creator. 

Yep, you read that right. By using the Brave platform, you can directly show your support by giving monetary help in the form of BAT.

easily the best way to make money online!

best way to make money online

Since there is a rise in the use of Brave, records show that its on-chain transaction volume (as of writing) is at $152.54 million and is part of about 12 million cryptocurrency wallets. 

Using WalletInvestor’s conversion, it shows that 1 BAT is around 0.275689 USD which is definitely comparable to the prevailing rates of the coins mentioned above. 


It’s kind of exciting, isn’t it? 😃

Well, there is only one way to earn the Basic Attention Token, and that is by using the Brave browser instead of the plain old Chrome and Firefox. 

Two leaders actually founded brave in the ICT, Brandon Eich (the former CEO of Mozilla and software engineer for MicroUnity and Netscape) and Brian Bondy (the developer and engineer behind Khan Academy, Corel, and Mozilla).

The premise behind their dream of founding the platform is that they want to help real content creators get the most value for their hard work. 

As you can see, the internet is very saturated, and it only shows you ads from the top-of-the-line creators, right? 

Well, that isn’t fair at all because what if you have good quality posts as a digital influencer, but you only have a few followers? With Brave, you can earn from tips and even from your affiliate link under them. 

Is Brave Browser a scamAnother thing that sets it apart from other browsers is its unique ad and tracker-blocking feature that allows you just to go on and enjoy a site. It even blocks all the disruptive advertisements when you are watching YouTube! đŸ“ș❌😌


In the context of Brave browser, this blocking technology goes by the name Shields. The shields are there to protect your privacy so that your visits will remain untracked while also stopping you from seeing malicious code and scripts while surfing. 

For added protection, you can also block the cookies to anonymously visit websites and not leave your digital footprint at all, which is why websites load at a blazing fast speed.

If you plan to go in incognito mode, you can use its dedicated Tor mode for browsing even on the dark web! 

With this being said, you’ll finally be able to visit all sorts of sites without any restriction while maintaining some kind of safety net.

Another prominent feature is that it does not block torrent sites, and it comes with its own client. 

In this sense, if your country allows such use, you do not need to download additional software packages like uTorrent or BitTorrent to download off of the magnet links.


Suppose you have been using Chrome or Mozilla. 👈

In that case, you won’t find it hard to transition into this new platform since Brave is based on the codes of Chromium. 

This means that it’s as simple as Chrome yet much more complex in the sense that it combines everything you’ll find from Mozilla, too – even the extensions like LastPass, Grammarly, and Email Tracker.

In terms of legitimacy, it has a resounding C rating on BBB with only one complaint for the last three years! It has also been featured numerous times by legitimate media powerhouses such as PC Mag, Engadget, The Verge, ZDNet, Washington Post, and Nasdaq, just to name a few. 

They are all over the news, which has massively collected social media followers on Twitter (132k) and Facebook (50k).

Honestly, I really have nothing against the browser. I have tried it and was able to see how safe it is, especially for surfing on the dark web! 

I also admire its features as I have literally uninstalled my torrent software, VPN, and it has even further sparked my interest in cryptocurrencies. 

While cryptos may not be the most solid thing out there, I just find it nice to have a glimpse of how powerful they can be (to the point that you can see some websites using it as their currency).


Do Brave Rewards Work?

Starting up with Brave is pretty straightforward and free, as all you have to do is head over to their site and install the Brave Desktop browser. 

You can also add it to your mobile devices since it is free and does not really take much space in terms of system requirements. 

Please note that while it loads pretty fast for some, other devices may still have trouble with the speed since older versions of operating systems – OS – can really drag around all sorts of apps.

Once you’re in, you can import your bookmarks from other browsers, configure your Shield settings (like if you want cookies collected or not), set your preferred search engine, and enable Brave Rewards. 

Once you have Brave Rewards ready, your browser will automatically start analyzing the time you are spending on a particular site and give you push notifications for advertisements.

You have to watch these advertisements to earn BATs which will then be transferred to your browser wallet. You can also directly withdraw all your BATs to your cryptocurrency wallet if you have any. 

You can simply exchange it for other cryptocurrencies from your wallet or have it in your local currency using an Uphold account.

Usually, the BAT rewards will be made available on or before the 5th of the following month. You do not have to worry since you will receive an alert once your payments are ready to be claimed. 

And by claiming, I mean any amount! There is no threshold or a specific amount that you need to hit before withdrawing.


Is Brave Rewards Worth It?

Basically, there are three ways to earn from Brave browser:


The first method: 

By watching advertisements (around .01 to .05 BAT per ad depending on your country because some countries have specific campaigns that only focus on particular nationalities)

The second method:

Become a verified creator on Brave and earn from tips! 

The third method: 

Become an affiliate marketer by referring it to other people and have them download and use the platform.

Brave Rewards are definitely worth it, especially if you are a content creator or just merely using the browser from time to time. 

The rewards are plentiful because they allow you to earn a cryptocurrency and exchange these same coins for some real hard cash. 

Based on their website, they are also talking with some Tap to convert BATs into gift cards, certificates, and discount coupons.

But if your main goal is not to earn BATs, I still highly recommend it because it works a lot faster than any other browsers I have ever used. 

I am not trying to hype it up, okay? However, if you happen to try it out, you can see for yourself how great it feels to just watch a video on YouTube without any interruptions.

Brawe Rewards ReviewAdditionally, from the time I have used it, I have never encountered any malicious advertisements. In this sense, it is child-friendly, safe, and is perfect for offices or even home use. ✅


Since I tried stopping all the cookies from the websites, I saw how easy each site is loading and that I do not have to worry about clicking on some random space and be redirected to a sales page or something.

However, if your goal for using the Brave browser is to profit mainly by viewing advertisements (and you are not a content creator), I might have some sad news for you. 

While the company legitimately pays everyone without any delay, please know that the profit from mainly just viewing is not that big. If truth be told, it’s just around a few cents!


Is Brave Browser a Scam?

Brave Browser is most certainly not a scam! It is legitimate and proves to be profitable, especially if you plan to use the platform as a complete substitute to the general browsers.

In terms of functionality, it’s usable, flexible, and can indeed load websites in such a faster manner. I highly recommend it for those who are already working in the affiliate marketing sphere.

Of course, the only drawback I see here is that it does not have the same Basic Attention Token – BAT – equivalent. I mean, if you come from the United States, you can be paid as an affiliate for about $7.50!

However, if you are from countries like Latvia, Mexico, and Peru, your BAT equivalent for every referral will be around $2! If you are from Nigeria, Haiti, or Egypt, your rate will be about $1.

I just think it is a bit unfair. But of course, I cannot blame Brave since they never made any false promises that you can earn a lot from their platform.


I guess they are just really there to give some easy-peasy money. đŸ€‘

Now, if you are looking for something that is much more profitable and can give you better profits, I highly suggest that you try out my most recommended opportunity instead!


How I Make A Living Online

As you reach this part of the post, I know you are probably scratching your head and asking yourself if there really is an opportunity online that can give you enough profit to keep you and your family’s finances afloat.


I mean, don’t get me wrong. 😊

I like the idea of using the Brave browser to earn a fast buck, but I’m sure you’ll agree that it’s not enough to sustain your current living expenses.

I also believe that now would be the appropriate time to introduce you to what I think is one of the best business models out there and walk you through the exact step-by-step formula of how I make a living online.

It’s the opportunity that has changed literally every aspect of my life, and I’m deeply convinced that it does the same for you, but only if you put in the amount of time required and give it your utmost attention.

These success stories are just one piece of proof that what I do works, but then again, the people telling them didn’t get to where they are by just doing nothing overnight.

The money-making scheme I’m about to share with you does work, but it requires a little bit of elbow grease, and only then will you be able to rip the benefits it offers.

make money Brave BrowserSo, without any further delay, the best way to get acquainted with what I do and how I bring home the bread is to have a look at my money guide, as it clearly explains everything there is to know about my approach to making $$$ online. 


The guidebook is well-written, and inside I speak about some of the things that got me into this, the challenges I faced along the way, and even share what I believe is the best way to start for less than two bucks a day.

The entire thing shouldn’t take you more than seven to eight minutes to go through it, even if you’re a slow, detail-focused reader like myself.

There’s also a “completely” free route that you can take; however, you need to be aware that to make money, you’ll need to invest first in the majority of cases. Thank the stars that most of us can afford not to have that Starbucks coffee in the morning.

As I end this review, I hope I was able to answer the question of whether the Brave Browser is a scam and a complete waste of time or not.

Feel free to share it on social media or email it to your family and friends if you enjoyed this post! Who knows, they might be as interested as you are in giving this opportunity a chance. 👋



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