Q Sciences Pyramid Scheme

Is Q Sciences a Scam or a Profitable MLM as Speculated?


Is Q sciences a scam or a legitimate miracle pill distributor? đŸ€”

This question has bugged me ever since I first heard people around me raving about their medicinal range of products, and who wouldn’t want to get their hands on a pill that can make you feel better, right? 

However, I cannot put aside the thought that they are just another snake oil selling company with fraudulent and unproven supplements. If you’re reading this post, you are probably thinking the same. 


You see, this past year was an interesting one. 

Despite countries still, on a pandemic scare, most of us managed to navigate these challenging times by boosting our immune systems and spending as much time as possible working on ourselves. 

I guess this pandemic made us realize that there are far more important things than our careers and worldly things, and that’s our health. 

Due to this, there has been a sudden sharp increase in the number of searches for the term “boost health” on Google, and this means one thing: 

Most of us believe that having a robust immune system can significantly minimize the risk against this virus and keep our bodies healthy. 

And that is indeed true, which is why there was also a shift in lifestyle and food choices worldwide. Instead of junk foods, most of us, myself included, are becoming more open to prioritizing nutritious alternatives, many vitamins, and dietary supplements. 

Additionally, there is also a massive rise in demand for gym equipment, Asian herbal treatments, and online fitness instructors since almost everyone is focused on one thing: building a better health system.

I’m not saying there’s anything wrong with that, but what’s scary about this thought is the fact that because of the high demand for health-related products, people tend to take on excessive doses, which can easily lead to counter effects. 

And perhaps, you’ve also been looking at Q Sciences products, and to be honest with you, I can’t really blame you. 

Is Q Sciences a scamIn today’s Q Sciences review, I will answer whether there is some truth to this company’s “exceptional” products and actually give you my idea on whether they’re just being sold like crazy because of their MLM component.


I will also walk you through whether Q Sciences is a pyramid scheme or a legit financial opportunity you should consider pursuing.

Before we dive into it, let me just clarify that I am not affiliated with the company, nor am I being sponsored to write this post. 

So, if you do decide to purchase their products or become a member, I will not receive compensation or rewards of any sort. 

You will read my personal opinions here, which may be a lot different from what you can read from other websites since my goal here is to shed light and not actually lure you into selling or buying their products. 

Also, suppose you’re interested in finding the best ways to make money from home. In that case, please feel free to check out my number #1 recommendation, as it’s genuinely one of the best platforms to get started online. 

Q Sciences ReviewHi, my name is Gorjan, and so far, I’ve reviewed well over +300 money-promising online courses, apps, and programs and helped more than a few dozen people steer clear of scams online. 


If you wish to find out more about me, my story, past experiences, and how I can help you set up your first actual source of passive income online, then, by all means, don’t hesitate to say hi and get to know me better by reading my about page. 

Wisdom comes from experience, and my experience has taught me that building a lasting business online doesn’t have to be expensive, but at the same time, it requires a lot of perseverance and hard work. 

If pushing through and staying determined when the going gets tough is your idea of building a thriving business online, then my most recommended platform has everything you’ll ever need to succeed in this wicked, often-confusing online ‘biz’ industry. 

As they did for me, they can also provide you with the much-needed tools, tips, and support to go out there and crush it on your own. 

It’s fair to say that they transformed me from a complete newbie into someone that will likely always be able to generate income online, and I don’t doubt whatsoever that they can do the same for you too. 

Now since that is out of the way, let’s get this on!


Q Sciences Review

Just like Amway, Herbalife, and DXN, Q-Sciences, also known as Quintessential Biosciences, is a health and wellness company that is capitalizing on developing and promoting vitamin and supplement products under an MLM scheme. 

Their range of services goes beyond the essential capsules and tablets, where they also sell powder shakes, hemp-based products, meal replacements, and oral sprays with medicinal compounds.

This pharmaceutical company, co-founded by Darren Hoge and Marc Wilson, has been in the health care sector since late 2012 and has been consistently expanding its bases by doing operations for over 20+ countries. 

Back then, it used to be considered a “white coat company,” which means that you can avail of the brand through legitimate doctors and medical practitioners, and they used to only focus on miracle pills for mental health. 

Q Sciences products are registered under Health Canada, but please note that the Food & Drug Administration has not validated their information and promotional statements.

In terms of popularity, the company has around 27k followers on Facebook and 13.9k on Instagram, which is not on the same scale as what its main competitors have. Additionally, BBB does not accredit this company, but it has a dismally low F rating despite a 4.36-star customer review. 

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With almost the same rating, Q Sciences’ Trustpilot page also has 43% bad reviews, which shows that there really must be something sketchy. It has been on the hot seat after being sued in 2015, but aside from that, there are no other legal complaints about it. 

However, I find it a bit displeasing to know that the company or any of its products have not been featured or reviewed by any legitimate media companies, nor do we have big news around them. 

This is very different from its competitors, who are constantly in the limelight like Herbalife or even Amway. 

If you ask me whether it’s a bright idea to become a member of any company related to this field, I would honestly say that staying away is the wisest move since it’s easier to sell companies from known brands. 

To make matters a bit interesting, too, is the fact that institutions do not recognize the company. After much research, I found out they only won a few small-scale awards, including the Product Innovation and Legacy Award under DSMUtah and the 2016 Best of Pleasant Grove Award. 

Despite being established for a long time, it was not even part of the top 100 MLM companies from Direct Selling News, S4DS, Secure MLM, and Direct Selling Star list.


Q Sciences’ Products

Similar to the standards of multi-level marketing research, the studies backing the formula of each Q Science product are so-so. 

Most of the claims are creatively written by a copywriter. The FDA does not support them, and they were even regarded as inconclusive. 

Even if you check on social media, only a few actually know and use the products. Instead, the members are more focused on recruiting people to earn more commission from the expensive start-up fee.

The Q Sciences’ products are packaged as support for healthier and happier life due to its innovative scientific formulas. 

While their products may change from time to time, the current ones on their website as of writing this post include Hemp products (known as BioSynq), Nutritionals, kids-related unique blends, fitness and weight loss, energy products, and oral sprays. 

Is Q Sciences a pyramid schemeThey also have limited edition products, including the Q line for anti-aging creams and bating products. As you may have noticed, the company focuses on using ingredients that include certain minerals, fiber, vitamins, and extracts that have been riding the industry trends.


For instance, if you are looking for something that works like the Garcinia Cambogia, you can simply purchase their Q Trim product. 

For gut health, you can try out Q Biotics and Q Vitalize. While the names may sound alluring, it doesn’t mean that they’re worth the shot. 

Their products have not been recognized for anything, which makes me wonder if the “science” is really that good.

Several customers from Amazon, Trustpilot, and BBB seem to have mixed opinions about the quality of the products. 

However, I, for one, will caution you as I have tried many MLM products before, but they usually are just giving placebo effects or just plainly providing misleading advertisements. 

If I were you, I’d rather pay for a named brand prescribed by a qualified doctor and not just some salesperson.


Can You Make Money With Q Sciences?

If a star can make money by partnering up with this company, doesn’t that mean you can too? Absolutely yes. 

Since this is an MLM company, you can make money from this since they have a very elaborative compensation plan. 

Also, you can quickly force yourself to join as there are lots of positive reviews from its affiliates and ambassadors online.

According to the Q Sciences’ compensation plan, there are different ways by which you can earn, including the following:

  1. Quick start bonus – for new members (the rate depends on the promo per month, so I can’t give you the exact bonus. They also have some added freebies along with this, like a free product if you join on the first three days of the month.)

  2. Retail sales profit – depending on the amount and your level, the percentage changes between 15% to a maximum of 25%

  3. Team Bonus – since you can recruit distributors under you, it is your responsibility to ensure they remain active and close deals. By simply making sure they earn, the whole team will get a commission of around $50 per month.

  4. Ranking bonus – this is perfect if you can maintain and increase your sales volume as you reach higher levels. You and your recruits can earn better commissions.


Just like any other MLM company, they also have some seasonal or sudden programs and bonuses, but these all depend on the company when they issue these. 

For instance, there are special getaway tickets for top-performing distributors, generation matching bonuses, and free products if you hit specific targets per week. It’s actually fun and pretty competitive, and therefore I honestly think that Q Sciences is not a pyramid scheme.

But before you experience all these, you must first become a member.



Becoming a member is easy since there are lots of recruiters out there. 

If you plan on joining, I can suggest preparing at least $79.95 for the membership fee and around $125 to $400 for their packages. 

Like any multi-level marketing company, you have to buy the products you see and take care of all the heavy lifting: processing orders, shipping items, and securely packaging them.

Is Q Sciences LegitThey will send you the most updated suggested retail prices in terms of pricing, but you can amp it up if you want to earn more. 💾💾


Please note that selling MLM products can also be very problematic since you can find rogue members selling them online too for a much lower price than you probably have set up for your products. So, keep in mind to stay competitive and update your prices to attract people.


Is Q Sciences a Scam?

I firmly believe that Q Sciences is not a scam, and it is not a pyramid scheme since it does have a broad spectrum of products and limited edition items under its belt.

 While I cannot attest to the quality of those, I do agree that they are legitimate, but I’d caution you not to put all your trust in them. 

They are not on the same level as other companies, and I’d rather be a member of more prominent and globally loved brands.

As someone who’s genuinely passionate about making money online, I believe that selling their products is a bit difficult, especially since you cannot find comprehensive information about the quality and the trial research done for it. 

Additionally, I’m having difficulty swallowing the truth that one of its founders, Hogge, worked on a similar company sued by the FTC. 

While I’m not saying that he’s directly part of the scheme, it does raise some concerns. After all, you should not take anything related to health lightly. With this being said, I do not recommend the company at all, and I think that there are far better opportunities out there waiting for you. 

Suppose you want to sell products online without paying membership fees or worrying about shipping and handling. In that case, you might want to learn more about a promising opportunity by reading down below. 



How I Make A Living Online

The financial opportunity that I’m about to share with you in just a sec is much easier to understand than the complicated compensation plans of Q Sciences and other similar multi-level marketing companies. 

Here, you don’t have to directly contact other people or meet up with them to sell your products. You also don’t have to uplift people to join the journey with the hopes of making money out of their membership. 

All you have to do is embrace the power of digital marketing and promote products that you actually want to encourage and really believe in.

Is Q Sciences an MLMI hate to keep you waiting, so to better understand what I’m dealing with on a day-to-day basis, I highly suggest you take a look at my money guide, as it does a terrific job of explaining everything there is to know about this profitable opportunity. 💰💰💰💰


Whatever you do, just please don’t expect to make thousands of dollars upon starting because, unlike multi-level marketing schemes, this is a genuine opportunity and a real business you’ll be building. 

It’s a fun way of earning online by which you can earn commissions by simply promoting other people’s products in which you firmly believe. In other words, you are just an endorser of a product. 

The company selling the item you choose to promote will be the one handling all the concerns, customer service, shipping, and all the excruciating details on your behalf. 

The industry that I’m about to introduce you to has been a goldmine for many years, which is one of the reasons why it’s so competitive. 

Would you please not let rivals scare you? I know that some will have a hard time agreeing with me, but in my mind, competition is always a good thing since it’s only a clear sign that there’s money to be made. 

This is a perfect opportunity for those who are serious about building an actual, long-lasting, profitable business online and wish to do it from the comfort of their homes, all without a significant investment. 

It’s about time I end this Q Sciences review, so hopefully, I was able to provide you with a clear answer of whether this MLM is a scam or not. 

 If you have any additional questions or simply want to contact me, please feel free to comment down below. 👋👋👋



  1. Paul yadidi January 7, 2022
    • Gorjan January 8, 2022
      • Nina Waskevich January 19, 2022
        • Gorjan January 21, 2022
    • Nina Waskevich January 19, 2022
  2. Bob Roman January 3, 2022
    • Gorjan January 4, 2022
  3. Cshire December 19, 2021
    • Gorjan December 20, 2021

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