Strategic Trends Investor Review

Is Strategic Trends Investor a Scam or a 5G Miracle?

If one field has snowballed during the pandemic, that would definitely be the information and communication technology.Ā 

Are you ready to invest in some of the hottest companies? Please find out more as we answer whether Strategic Trends Investor is a scam or not.Ā 

Whenever we think about investing in the market, we usually focus on highflyers such asĀ HPQ,Ā AAPL,Ā MSFT,Ā TSLA, andĀ BABA.Ā 

Of course, itā€™s only natural that these are the companies on top of our heads as weā€™ve seen the massive increase in people willing to purchase their products even during the pandemic.Ā 

For instance, we have seenĀ a rapid rise in tech services, especially for online learning and remote work. The same is true for the demand for private vehicles as people become more cautious and avoid closed spaces and even private transport.Ā 

And if you have been on quarantine or lockdown, then there is a big chance that you found yourself ordering many things online.Ā So, yes, there is a reason why we only want to invest in companies that have become household names for us.

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However, if you have been trading for some time now, you probably know that you cannot make much money in a short time by investing in these.Ā 

Indeed, they are excellent but suitable for long-term investors looking to build a retirement fund or so in the next five to ten years.

At the same time, if youā€™ve been looking for massive appreciation for your investment capital, one of the things you should consider is investing in stocks that are still on the rise.Ā 

Usually, these companies are more volatile but have the most significant chance of giving you profit.Ā 

The types of stocks here are either penny stocks, emerging sectors, or technology-based companies connected to e-commerce, artificial intelligence, 5G, and virtual reality.


And perhaps this is the reason why you landed on this page. šŸ™‚

You are probably interested in investing in some top-secret companies that are still not gaining public attention and have an enormous opportunity to expand.Ā 

In the Strategic Trends Investor Newsletter, you can get monthly access to the names of these companies and industries.Ā 

Oxford Club Financial experts Matthew Carr and David Fessler offer it, and it has an impressive 4.6 rating based onĀ StockGumShoe.

But, will this really be a life-changing type of financial newsletter, or does it only recommend fishy companies? I will answer this by sharing with you my most honest Strategic Trends Investor review.Ā 

Please note that I am not connected to the Oxford Club Research, nor am I being paid to write this post. What you will find here are the cold hard truths and my personal take about their service.

By the end of this post, I will also be sharing my most recommended way of earning online so that you can have a reliable way to get more funds.Ā 

If you are up for that, off, we go.Ā 


Strategic Trends Investor Newsletter Review

The market is unstable, but that shouldnā€™t stop you from investing in specific stocks. We have this saying that you have to ā€œbe greedy when others are fearfulā€ because that is where opportunities lie.Ā 

If we look back onĀ historical data, you will see that the stock market is picking up steam from the surge of investors rallying up prices.

From the name itself, itā€™s clear that this financial newsletter capitalizes on following the ā€œtrendsā€ in specific sectors each month.Ā 

It is an ideal choice for investors who are looking to play with some companies that are still ā€œon the rise.ā€Ā 

Please note that the stock picks here do not have the same benefits as investing in a blue-chip company. Here are some of the benefits you will NOT enjoy when you choose to follow their suggestions:

  1. Big companies are generally much more stable and less risky than emerging ones, making it possible for them to navigate situations easily.

  2. You are not assured of the returns (well-known companies usually give rewards in the form of dividends giving you more opportunity to earn from your capital)

  3. You will not enjoy the same credit-worthiness (compared to new companies, established brands already have guaranteed procedures when it comes to their financial reporting and government obligations)

  4. Blue-chip companies have maximum potential to grow, making your investments grow more prominent on the long term horizon.


I am not trying to persuade you not to invest in their picks, but I would like you to know that you might be dealing with companies that are pretty much unknown and not hyped by anyone.Ā 

I mean, I, for one, have tried investing in a particular penny stock related to manufacturing technologies.

Do you know what happened? Unfortunately, I am still stuck, and my capital is definitely taking a huge hit. So, my advice? Invest only when you are confident and not because this newsletter recommends it.Ā 

The Strategic Investor Newsletter is a premium research-based service offered by the Oxford Club, the same publishers of our previously reviewed newsletter known as theĀ One Stock Retirement plan.Ā 

Is Strategic Trends Investor a ScamLike other publications under them, the overall pitch looks hype-y and is promising the investors all the riches in the world! šŸ’°šŸ’°šŸ’°


The Oxford ClubĀ briefly describes it as a ā€œgroundbreakingā€ newsletter with picks that will be the talk of the town on Wall Street in the future.Ā 

In other words, they are saying that you can be the first to know when it comes to emerging technologies.

Another thing that you should worry about is theĀ promotional videoĀ that almost guarantees customers that they will get up to 24 times of your invested capital.Ā 


Yup, you read that right!Ā 

It practically tells you that you can be a millionaire just by simply investing in the company producingĀ linchpin technology.

They are also giving a whole range of clues about the company but will not tell you what exactly it is, and in order to finally unlock the mystery company/companies, you will have to subscribe with them.Ā 

But I think I have an idea of it because if you consider all the hints in the advertisement, you will know that they are talking aboutĀ Inseego Corp. I find the teaser quite good and is narrated by David Fessler as if it was from some movie.Ā 

However, if you listen closely, you will find a lot of gimmicky lines related to how you will never have to worry about being in a retirement home because of this investment.Ā 

Also, a whole range of fear of missing out tactics by dropping popular names such as Warren Buffett, Jeff Bezos, and Bill Gates.


How Does Strategic Investor Newsletter Work?

Like any newsletter, the Strategic Investor Newsletter aims to help customers build a unique portfolio while protecting their capital.Ā 

It provides you with two stock recommendations each month, along with free e-letters and special reports about the marijuana industry, e-commerce, and technology companies.Ā 

They have managed to give great recommendations such as:

  1. Five9Ā (from around $7 to $105)
  2. Canopy GrowthĀ (from around $24 to $67).

So, here, all you have to do is read their advice, but you will still choose whether you want to deal with the companies mentioned.Ā 

Again, the purpose of this is to guide investors through research-based recommendations, and they are not forcing you to follow them.Ā 

Other pro investors even have subscriptions to many different newsletters to have a comprehensive view of the market, but that does not mean they invest in all of those.


Suppose you want to mimic the same results. šŸ“ˆ

In that case, you can subscribe to the newsletter for justĀ $49 for the basic subscription per year, including the digital newsletter and a bonus report, or go for a premium subscription with a price tag of $79 per year.Ā 

The premium subscription comes with a digital and print copy of the newsletter along with four bonus reports.Ā 

Once you are a member, do note that the renewals are automatic, and they will be priced at a standard amount of $79.

If you are interested in trying this out for a year, the company offers a 365-day money-back guarantee scheme which means that you can get a full refund if you find yourself dissatisfied with the service.Ā 

You can do this by emailing them your refund request or contacting them directly through the customer service line (provided in the membership email).


Is Matthew Carr a Scammer? How about David Fessler?

Matthew Carr and David Fessler are the minds behind this newsletter, and they have been in the financial scene for quite a long time.Ā 

Matthew is the Chief strategist and an expert when calling stock shots for markets such as emerging technologies, cannabis, cloud computing, and commodities like old and gas.

Before joining the financial field, he was a Harvard-trained data scientist, so we can say that he actually knows what he is doing.Ā 

In terms of online presence, he was even featured and interviewed byĀ Forbes,Ā Cannabis Tech,Ā Investing News Network, andĀ Benzinga. As of writing, I canā€™t really find anything shady about him or his practices.

Strategic Trends Investor Newsletter Review On the other hand, David is a contributing analyst and has been a reputable force since he has professional experience in sectors like technology, infrastructure, and alternative energy. šŸ”‹āš”Ā 


He has a range of experiences in terms of management as he was a vice president of LTX for 19 years and vice president of Quality Telecommunications, Inc for three years. He joined the Oxford Club in 2007 and has been there for more than a decade now!

In terms of online presence, he was featured inĀ Investment U,Ā US Funds, andĀ Seeking Alpha.Ā He has also written a book entitledĀ The Energy Disruption Triangle. Like Matthew, I couldnā€™t find anything terrible or pending cases about him or his practices.


Is Strategic Trends Investor A Scam?

The Strategic Trends Investor is not a scam, and they are indeed providing financial newsletters based on research and comprehensive market analysis.Ā 

It comes with stock suggestions and a complete report on why the team believes in the possibilities of a specific company.Ā 

They have been able to call good shots in the past, but that doesnā€™t mean that you should rely on this alone. But of course, this newsletter still has its pitfalls from my point of view:

  1. The advertisement is purely hype to ensure that it will attract beginners or seniors to its concept.

  2. They are not explicitly adding a disclaimer to show that not all the recommendations are correct since there are still other forces.

  3. The pricing is definitely on the good side. Still, for that same amount, given that you only receive two suggestions, you will find the stock picks ofĀ InvestopediaĀ to be a bit more comprehensive despite being available free of cost online.


With this being said, I still wouldnā€™t necessarily recommend this to you simply because I do not think it is worth the money.Ā 

You can get the same recommendations online, and by just doing a bit of research, you can easily get the information and charts you need for free!Ā 

I guess it really just depends on what you want at the end of the day. If you are after convenience, then this is for you.

Now that we have reached the end of the review, you are probably wondering if there is any way by which you can still earn on the side while you are looking for the best financial newsletter to sign up with.Ā 

Well, worry no more because I have here the most recommended type of online opportunity which can literally turn your life for the better.Ā 


How I Make A Living Online

You should seriously consider avoiding the stock market, especially if youā€™re prone to losing sleep over sudden price plunges.Ā 

Iā€™m saying this because Iā€™ve experienced its ups and downs firsthand, and for me, the drama involved in trading is not for everyone.Ā 

With this being said, I want to introduce you to a better and much more reliable way of profiting online, and this is what we callĀ affiliate marketing.Ā 

Basically, itā€™s a business model where you get paid for recommending and selling other peopleā€™s products and services. The commissions are pretty lucrative and often surpass the %40 marks.Ā 

Iā€™m an affiliate marketer myself, and over the past few years, Iā€™ve managed to build multiple six-figure income streams.Ā 

Is Strategic Trends Investor legitIā€™m telling you this because I want to shareĀ the exact step-by-step blueprintĀ of how I did it and tell you that you, too, can do the same. šŸ’øšŸ’øšŸ’ø


Please feel free to leave if you think Iā€™m just another ā€œguruā€ trying to sell you on yet another shitty, done-for-you system.Ā 

If youā€™re familiar with me and what I do on this blog, then you know for a fact that I donā€™t believe in those types of systems, nor should you.Ā 

The blueprint works like a charm, but that doesnā€™t mean itā€™s easily achievable. Like any other business, whether itā€™d be physical or digital, it requires a lot of work, and only will you be able to take advantage of the numerous benefits it offers.Ā 

So, without further ado, I suggest you take a look atĀ my money guideĀ as it clearly explains everything there is to know about my business line.Ā 

Inside, I mention a few of the reasons that got me into this online thing and share what I believe isĀ the best way to get started online!Ā 

My Strategic Trends Investor review is coming to an end, so hopefully, I was able to provide you with a clear answer of whether itā€™s a scam or not.Ā 

If you happen to have any questions regarding any of the topics we discussed today, feel free to leave them down below, and as always, I promise to give my best to reply to them promptly.Ā 



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