Playlist Push Review

Playlist Push Review: Earn $$$ Just by Listening to Music?


Are you a playlist owner with a distinct taste and real followers? 

In today’s Playlist Push review, you’ll find out whether it’s really possible to generate a stable income just by listening and reviewing some of the most popular songs from independent artists. 

After all, who wouldn’t want to be the first to discover new music, especially now that it has become our comfort during the pandemic? 

Also, suppose you’re interested in finding the best ways to make money from home. In that case, please feel free to check out my number #1 recommendation, as it’s genuinely the best platform to get started online. 

Hi, my name is Gorjan, and for the past few years, I’ve been solely focused on helping people steer clear of scams online. 

So far, I’ve reviewed well over +300 online courses, platforms, and apps, and by the looks of it, I’m not planning on stopping anytime soon. 

If you wish to get familiar with me, my story, what I do on this blog, and how I can help you create your first real source of passive income online, then by all means, please don’t hesitate to get to know me better by reading mine about page. 

Playlist Push ReviewGood decisions come from experience, and experience comes from bad choices. My experience has taught me that building a lasting, profitable online business isn’t as expensive as many portrait it to be. 💡


Assuming that consistency, scalability, and sustainability is what you had in mind when you said – “I want to build a thriving business online.” 

If that’s the case, then my most recommended platform has everything you’ll ever need to prosper in this often overwhelming, most-of-the-time confusing online ‘biz’ industry. 

It’s fair to say that it turned me from an average Joe into someone that will likely always be able to generate income online, and you’d better believe that it can do the same for you too. 



So, without further ado, let’s get this Playlist Push review started. 🙂

Music has always been part of our lives, and now more than ever, it plays a significant role in helping us relieve our anxieties about the world. 

Somehow, every beat, lyric, and tone has a way of connecting to our souls, and studies even found it to influence our behaviors, feelings, and attitudes about the things surrounding us. 

For instance, CNBC reported that consumers have better shopping experiences in stores with cranked-up music, and as unbelievable it may seem, it somehow makes them want to buy more. 

The same is true for our daily experiences, where we start doing something much better in the presence of music, whether it’d be studying, going to the gym, or simply relaxing after a rough day. 

Why? This is because our music choices can literally affect our brain chemistry and dupe our minds into thinking that we aren’t tired yet. 

There are also reports saying that you can even view a specific genre under the neuroplasticity lens. 

You can say that the pop and soul genre can be associated with emotional arousal, while rhythmic ones can help in emotion regulation. 


Who would have thought, right? 

With all these considered, perhaps you are wondering if you can also do your part and help other people to explore the field of music and help them unlock certain emotions and feelings from within.

You can do this by creating your very own playlists in a niche that you are most passionate about. 

While hyped-up artists are famous for a reason, there is something exciting and refreshing in discovering new songs or artists and helping them get their talents to be heard by other people.

I, for one, have created my own Spotify playlist and have filled it with tons of content from up-and-coming artists, and I even managed to get a few hundred authentic followers interested in my updates. 

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With this, I decided to try my cards on whether I could earn as a curator or not. If you wish to hear more about this, then let’s get it on. 

Before we continue, let me just clarify that I am not connected with Playlist Push, nor am I being compensated to write this post. 

You will read my honest thoughts about their service, and I sure as hell won’t sing praises if I do not see anything worth praising. 

I will also share how I generate a consistent paycheck from my purely online venture by the end of this post.

Now since that is out of the way, let’s begin, shall we?


Playlist Push Review

When was the last time you listened to a song? Was it today? Perhaps last night? Maybe it was even a few minutes ago. 

I bet that no matter where you are in the world, music is a part of your life, and it’s impossible to think that you won’t encounter it at one point throughout the day. 

Knowing that the music industry is a gold mine, Playlist Push positioned itself at the right time where there aren’t that many competitors.

Basically, their whole business is about catapulting independent artists towards success, may it be on Spotify or TikTok. 

How do they do that? Easy peasy! They hire music curators to pay and listen to the songs of the indie artists signed under them. 

If the curator adds a song to their playlist and hits the metrics, they will get paid directly to their bank accounts.

The premise here is that if you are a new artist with no real backing, you will definitely find it hard to make it onto Spotify or TikTok playlists. 

Usually, these artificial intelligence-curated playlists look not just into the song genre but also check the size of your fanbase. 

With this being said, only the popular ones can get the traction they need, while songs of new artists may not make it to those prominent lists.

However, if an artist is still looking for recognition, they can sign up under third-party platforms like Playlist Push which will collect all of their songs and promote them to the signed-up curators. 

This means that instead of just being buried into the thousands of other songs, they can be heard, reviewed, and be given a chance to be featured on other popular user-generated playlists.

is Playlist Push legit So, technically, Playlist Push is a distribution company for music promotion where artists will pay so that you would listen to them and hopefully become a fan and help build their fanbase. 📈


Its whole concept of getting better ear time is somewhat similar to how SubmitHub, Groover, and Musosoup works.

But before you get your playlist monetized, you should know a few particular things, and we will discuss them further in the next part of this post. But before we do that, let’s first identify the credibility of Playlist Push and whether it has a solid social media backing.

As of writing, Playlist Push has a resounding 4.1 rating on Trustpilot. While it does not have its own BBB profile, I found out that Clear Concepts, LLC manages the whole business, and this company has an A+ rating and has been in the industry for more than a decade.

While it has been mentioned here and there, there is not much information about the company as there really are not many competitors in this niche. They have been mentioned in Rolling Stone, Fortune, Indulge Express, and Digital Music News. 

In terms of legal issues, the company has no current or previous cases filed against them, nor are they part of any eyebrow-raising scandals, meaning that the Playlist Push is safe to use and is a legitimate brand.


How To Earn Money With Playlist Push

There are two ways by which you can earn money when joining their platform: being a curator and an affiliate marketer.

As a curator, you must pass specific requirements such as having a pre-existing playlist, having legitimate followers, and the featured songs on your playlist must come from a mix of local and international artists. And if you already have that, you are already a step ahead.

On the other side, if you want to become affiliated with them, you can quickly sign up on their site, but you must also have your own Spotify account, which you will connect upon signing up.

Unlike the requirements for curators, you don’t really have to worry much as you can start promoting the platform right after the sign-up itself.

Now that we know how the sign-up works, let’s dig deeper into how much money you can really earn by using the Playlist Push platform.


Become A Curator

Just to clarify everything, curators are experts and are not being paid to include all the recommended songs of the company. 

Instead, you are being paid to review the songs, and you can even leave your honest comments so that the artist may check them.

Becoming a curator is not as easy as it seems, as it really depends on your reputation score on Spotify. 

This means that if you want to become one, you must work on your playlist for at least three months before you apply. 

Why, you ask? Well, by having it set up and ensuring that you have active listeners, you can be sure that you can get into the program.

Is Playlist Push a scamOne of the top ways you prep your playlist is by ensuring that you focus on the aesthetics by adding a trendy cover photo, a title, and a bio that is interesting enough to get potential followers. 💡


Since there are no rules here, I suggest optimizing your bio by including keywords that will let your playlist be found easily.

Another tip is that you try to stock on only one genre as much as possible as this can mean the world to be part of the Playlist Push program. 

When you think about it, who would ever want the “What A Wonderful World” to be slated next to “Who Run The World,” right? 


So, yes. A seamless transition of music is a must. ✅

Last but not least, remember to grow your following by consistently promoting it on any platform that you can.

Remember, your willing listeners are out there in the open, and you just have to find a way to connect your playlist to them. 

Once you are set and ready to apply, you can do so by simply heading to Playlist Push and connecting your Spotify account. 

Once you are in, you must maintain the health of your playlist and consistently grow or connect more to keep up with all the recommendations of the Playlist Push. 


If not, Playlist Push might remove you due to inactivity. 🙃

As for the payment, remember that your reputation score is essential, which can significantly change the game for you. 

You see, if you have more followers and they are all active listeners, you can earn anywhere between $1.25 to $15 per song. 

The higher the number of followers and how active they are, the more you have to generate money out of your playlists.

Do you want my advice? Connect as many playlists as you can and focus on creating a list that is actually worth the time so that you won’t have any problems ensuring that the followers remain active. 

Also, try to connect playlists of different genres as you only receive recommendations from the genre that you connect with the platform.

As you log in, you will also see your own activity, track down whether you are paid, and withdraw anytime you want. 

There is no minimum amount needed, and you just need to transfer your money from Playlist Push to your bank account or PayPal.


Earn Through Affiliate Marketing

The Playlist Push platform has a straightforward affiliate program, and it’s one of the simplest ways by which you can earn. 

Just by signing up for free, you will get to have your own referral page where you can see three types of links:

  1. Refer a curator link.
  2. Refer an artist link.
  3. Refer an artist code. 

All of these offer different percentages commission-wise, and here is how much they are: 

  1. Curator = receive a 10% commission on their first three months of earnings.

  2. Artist link = Earn 10% commission for every artist that signs up and avails of the campaign service.

  3. Artist code = your referred artist, can use this code upon checking out their chosen campaign, and they will receive a 7.5% discount. You, as a referrer, will earn an additional 7.5%


Since this is an affiliate marketing process, you are free to promote your affiliate link on whatever platform you are most comfortable with. 

You can start your website, create a blog, promote it on social media, do an e-mail campaign, or start a YouTube video series. Whatever fits the bill! 

Since it is almost impossible to track down whether someone will use your link, you can sign in to your Playlist Push account and see your referral activity as well as the schedule for your payout.

And speaking of payout, let me just remind you that it is not as quick as you probably think it will be. 

Basically, if you refer an artist, they will have to run their first campaign, and the payment will only be processed four weeks after the end of the campaign. During this time, your activity will be on “pending” status.

how to earn money with Playlist PushYou can already expect your money to be available on your dashboard after the weeks mentioned above, or longer depending on when a campaign will end. 🏁


If you refer a curator, you can quickly get your commissions once they are on board and have passed the strict Curator requirements. 

Once you have any amount on your dashboard, you can withdraw it anytime without reaching a certain threshold amount. 

The payment can be processed via PayPal or directly to your bank account. Usually, the process is relatively quick and takes no time at all, or a maximum of three business days.


Is Playlist Push Legit?

The music industry is truly competitive, but with the help of websites like this one, we can make the field a bit more even for up-and-coming artists and allow these people to be recognized for their talents.

More importantly, it does not charge much on the artist’s side to run a campaign, which is a welcomed idea.

The Playlist Push is legit, and it definitely helps both artists and curators get more popularity and money out of their hard work.

For curators, please understand that you cannot rely on this opportunity alone since the number of recommendations or songs to review will fluctuate from time to time as it depends on the number of campaigns available and your choice of genre.

With this being said, this is only good whenever there is a campaign but do not be surprised if it is a total ghost town for some weeks.

I recommend the Playlist Push as it is easy to use, it pays well, and it can really provide you with $100 after some time.

Still, there are more consistent ways of earning online without relying on any campaigns such as these.


How To Make A Living Online 

As you reach this part of the post, you probably wonder if there are any better ways by which you can earn more without investing a lot of money. 

I totally understand where you are coming from, so I’m telling you to explore my line of business right away. 

I’m not sure if you know, but I’m an affiliate, and as one, my ‘job’ is to promote and sell other people’s products and services. 

As you can see from what I explained with Playlist Push’s affiliate program, you can seriously earn a good living just by promoting a product without actually buying it or caring about its shipping and handling. 


Please don’t get me wrong. 🙏

I’m not saying it’s a walk in the park, but it’s worth it in the long run, and as seen in these success stories, anyone from anywhere can do it. 

So, to better understand what I’m dealing with on a day-to-day basis, I suggest you look at my money guide as it clearly explains everything you’ve always wanted to know about making money online. 

Once again, although it’s significantly more profitable, it doesn’t come easy, so please don’t expect to make thousands of dollars upon starting. 

Playlist Push alternative Also, I highly suggest that you check out my #1 recommendation, as it’s, without a doubt, one of the best platforms for creating a successful, long-lasting business online, hands down. 🏆


As a member, you can access comprehensive video lessons and better understand the theories and tactics involved in today’s market. 

Another feature that I adore is the forum where you can ask questions and get instant responses from actual marketers with years of experience.

It’s about time I end this Playlist Push review, so hopefully, I was able to give you a clear answer of whether this platform is a scam or not. 

For questions, feel free to drop a comment down below. 👋



  1. Zah Krangar January 15, 2023
    • Gorjan January 19, 2023
  2. Erica Golding December 26, 2021
    • Gorjan January 4, 2022
  3. Champ December 18, 2021
    • Gorjan December 20, 2021
  4. recoveringroamers December 14, 2021
    • Gorjan December 14, 2021
  5. Dave December 6, 2021
    • Gorjan December 6, 2021

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