what is mailchimp

What is Mailchimp? Is it The Best Tool For Beginners And Startups?

If you wanted to know what Mailchimp is, then this article should answer any questions that you might have about the platform and help you decide whether it’s a wise choice to use it or avoid it altogether.

Mailchimp is undoubtedly one of the biggest household names in the internet marketing industry, and that’s why I thought that it would be a great idea to write this review, so I can show you some of the cool features this tool will provide you with if you decide to use it at some point.

I’ve also included a video that shows you how easy it is to set up your first e-mail campaign with Mailchimp and listed a couple of reasons why I think this tool is suitable for people or companies that are just getting started in the online marketing journey.

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What Is Mailchimp? 

As I said, Mailchimp is a great marketing tool that is used by thousands of users worldwide and is widely recognized by its funny-looking monkey icon.

I think that it’s one of the most suitable tools for beginners since it gives more-than-enough time to mess around with it and get the hang of it without wasting your hard-earned money. I know that this might sound confusing to you, but don’t worry because I’ve explained everything more thoroughly further down this post. what is mailchimpIt is amongst the most effective e-mail marketing automation platforms online with around six million e-mails circulating over their platform, which contributes to its popularity and makes it one of the top choices for marketers, especially up incoming ones. 


Do you want to know what makes it so suitable for up-and-comers’? 

The fact that they offer a permanent free trial that makes it possible for you to add up to 2000 subscribers and send up to 12,000 e-mails per month without paying a dime.

I don’t know about you, but I wish I knew this when I was at the beginning of my online journey. I probably would have saved up a ton of money that I could have invested elsewhere – probably on some worthy page builder or another top-notch affiliate marketing course. 


What is Mailchimp used for? 

People use it for all sorts of things like sending newsletters, creating regular landing pages, shoppable ones, managing follow-up and drip campaigns, promoting affiliate products, and what not to be honest. 

I’m currently using GetResponse for my e-mail marketing campaigns, but there was a short time frame in the past when I was hyped about using Mailchimp and wanted to see what it was all about. 

I tested it for a couple of weeks and it was quite easy to use, to be honest. The only thought that worried me at that time was if it’s capable of delivering my e-mails to my readers. (I stumbled upon a bad review on Affiliate Fix) 

It proved to work perfectly fine, but you need to remember that no tool works for everyone so it might be best to test it out for yourself and then decide whether you want to continue to use it or not. You literally have nothing to lose since you’re not even limited to a free trial.


What sets Mailchimp apart?

1. Great for Beginners and Startups  

Without a doubt, their “Forever Free” policy is what sets them apart from most e-mail automation platforms present today, which makes it the ideal pick for new businesses or those just starting in the online marketing journey. 


2. It’s Quite Easy to Use 

Another thing that I like about Mailchimp is its quite easy to use, which fits perfectly with my number one reason. Know that if you’re a beginner and you’re looking for an e-mail automation tool, then this might be the one. 


3. You Can Master it Without Going Bankrupt 

It will give you plenty of time to master it, and you won’t have to worry about spending a ton of money on a tool that you don’t know how to use correctly and that you’ll probably suck at when starting.  


The MailChimp Features Are Bad-Ass

I bet that you’ll find a ton of reviews online that claim that Mailchimp doesn’t work and it can’t be compared with other e-mail automation tools since it’s quite fundamental and unsuitable for more advanced users, and that can’t be further from the truth.

Firstly, most of the reviews that you’ll find are outdated, and secondly, Mailchimp has improved significantly since then.

There is a lot of cool stuff that you can do with Mailchimp. I strongly believe that you’ll make your life a lot easier if you find the time to look and learn to use some of the following Mailchimp features. Here’s a list of some of my favorite ones: 


1. You Can Segment Your Audience

I’m not sure if you’re aware, but you’ve probably lost a lot of money if you haven’t been segmenting your audience. And if you have, then you must know the importance of delivering the right type of content to the correct type of audience. 

Note that this feature is also available when you sign up as a free member and will enable you to push the appropriate pieces of content to your subscribers and send them relevant fragments of articles and promotional materials instead of random junk that won’t convert. 


2. Integrations 

There’s a considerable chance that Mailchimp won’t be the only tool in your arsenal, so that’s why I wanted to let you know that it offers seamless integration with many other applications and services.

You can easily connect it with WordPress, other landing page builders like Leadpages and Instapage, social media channels like Facebook, and you can even merge it with a third-party CRM like Clickfunnels or Salesforce. 


3. Automated E-mails Triggered by User Behavior 

This is one of the newest Mailchimp features, and it allows you to send e-mails to your list when they’ve hit a particular milestone like a membership upgrade, a download of something, a plan renewal, etc. 

I’m sure you can think of many ways to use this feature to your advantage and bump up the numbers in your bank account with it. You also need to note that it’s entirely automated, which means that you only have to set it up once and watch the money roll in. 


4. Recapture The Attention of Visitors on Your Landing Pages 

This would be a great resource to use if you’re planning to use paid traffic. You can make good use of tags and run ads with the same design, message, image, and products that your visitors will likely recognize in a blink of an eye. 


5. MailChimp Scheduling Just Got Easier 

Write your newsletters, schedule them, send them, enjoy. With this feature, you’re able to prepare all of your e-mail in advance and set them to go out whenever you feel like. This should give you plenty of time to think of a proper, high-converting e-mail sequence. 


MailChimp Pricing Plans  

There are many pricing plans to choose from when it comes down to using Mailchimp, and this is what frustrates most people who think of using it. It’s kind of hard to know how much your monthly membership would cost you since there are so many pricing variables. 

I’ll try to make things as clear as possible, but it might be best to see all the deals on their official pricing page. 

I already mentioned the Forever Free plan, so I’m going to skip that. 


Essentials – Starting at $9.99 

The second plan that is available to you is the Essentials one and is equipped with all the necessary features to help you send e-mails, and you’re also allowed to contact their support team. If you’re a rookie, then this is the plan that you should go for. 

Standard – Starting at $14.99 

The third plan is the Standard plan, and it’s the one that Mailchimp recommends the most. This plan provides an opportunity to use advanced audience insights, custom templates, retargeting ads, and a bunch of other cool features. 

Premium – Starting at $299 

This plan is meant to be used by big ballers. It offers the most advanced features like multivariate testing, phone support, advanced segmentation, custom branding, CRM, surveys, websites, custom domains, and whatnot.


Here is an estimate on how much money you would pay as a member if you have ↓

2000 subscribers – 0 

2,500 subscribers –$29.99 per month

10,000 subscribers – $75.99 per month

15,000 subscribers – $129 per month

20,000 subscribers – $159 per month

50,000 subscribers – $259 per month 


Is Mailchimp a Good Tool for Affiliate Marketers?

This is a question that might concern you if you’re working in the affiliate marketing sphere and you might want to skip it if you’re not planning on using affiliate links in your campaigns.

Since I’m an affiliate marketer and was curious to find out the answer to this question, I thought that it would be a great idea to spend some time researching it and made up an entire article about it. 


Should You Use Mailchimp?

Mailchimp might be the most appropriate tool for you if you’re just starting and you’re on the lookout for an instrument that gives you all the necessary features to launch a successful campaign without harming your budget. 

It does not matter if you are the owner of an e-commerce site, a blogger, a non-profit organization, or any business for that matter, you can benefit from this tool, and it can be a significant weapon in your marketing arsenal. 

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