Anton Kreil Review

Is Anton Kreil A Scammer? Is His Masterclass Worth $3499?

If you’ve been searching for popular stock investing courses, you must’ve come across PTM and therefore ponder the question of whether Anton Kreil is a scammer or indeed a genuine financial guru worth your time. 

And honestly, I can’t really blame you for questioning him as there are practically more negative reviews than positive ones regarding his educational service. To help you make up your mind, this post will feature my honest review of the masterclass. 

Also, suppose you’re interested in finding the best ways to make money from home. In that case, I strongly suggest you check out my number #1 recommendation, as it’s undoubtedly the best way to get started online

The field of finance has become a common topic for everyday folks like you and me. Come to think of it, who would have thought that almost everyone, young adults included, would know a thing or two about the stock market. 

Some people even willingly and confidently participated in the modified pump and dump scheme through Reddit, right? A handful of them lost a lot, while others were able to earn more just by trying out this field.


However, it’s not as easy as it looks. 🙃

If you don’t know the fundamentals, technical charting, and analysis techniques, then it’s more likely that you will lose money in the process. 

You see, most people think that the market is easy to handle as all you have to do is buy low and sell high, right? Well, it doesn’t work like that. 

Let me ask you this – at what point do we actually say that the price is at its peak or its lowest? If you don’t know the answer to that, I highly suggest that you stop on your tracks and let go of your current positions. 


Why, you ask? 

Because without proper knowledge, you might as well shoot yourself in the foot. I, for one, have tried this, and just within a few months, lost almost 35% of my capital because the only thing that kept me motivated was the fear of missing out. 

Is Anton Kreil A ScammerSince people were talking about this specific stock, I thought I should also ride the train and earn from it. 💰💰💰


Little did I know that these people online were just hyping up the stock so that they could exit while the price was at an all-time high. 


Can you guess what happened next? 🤔

The price went down, and even till now, it’s still on a flat line with no positive indication of a swing in the coming months. To at least save some of my capital, I had to swallow my pride and cut my losses. 

Now, if you are interested in trading but do not want to suffer the same fate, I highly recommend that you consider signing up for online courses to grasp better how everything works. 

To date, some of the top trading courses are Warrior TradingDay Trading Academy, and Bear Bull Traders. However, if you are after some certification and becoming part of a community, you probably are considering the Professional Trading Masterclass of Anton Kreil.

Could it be worth your time and money? Find out more in today’s post. Before we start, let me just put out a disclaimer here that I am not being paid to write this post, nor am I affiliated with their institute. 

You will read my honest opinion and recommendations, so you can rest assured that I will not sugarcoat my statements.

If you are up for that, then let’s get the ball rolling. 


Anton Kreil’s Professional Trading Masterclass

The Professional Trading Masterclass is one of the two top educational services under the Institute of Trading and Portfolio Management. 

The institute is branded as the “world’s premier education company” for the exciting field of finance, which is why they cover a rigid curriculum design and information-packed seminars. 

At present, there isn’t much information about this educational provider, only the fact that it was established in 2010.

I have to say that I was pretty surprised that despite being in the industry for more than a decade now, that school (is it even a school, really?) does not have a LinkedIn profile, nor was it featured by any media companies. 

Additionally, I found out that it has two websites, which is probably the reason many are having a hard time finding the actual website: 

  1. Instutrade – this one is no longer active. 
  2. ITMP

It doesn’t even have a BBB or a Trustpilot profile, which is alarming since other competitors, like Warrior Trading, have their own.

As for its offering, it provides several educational courses, but some are already delisted as of writing.

The backbone of this company is the two masterclasses: 

  1. Professional Trading Masterclass (PTM) – $3499 
  2. Professional Forex Trading Masterclass (PFTM). – $3499 

Both of the courses have around 25+ training videos that last between 13 minutes to over an hour, depending on the topic.

Both are pretty in-depth and perfect for total beginners, as Anton simply discusses each item without the jargon. 

He also ensures that everything is comprehensively tackled as he created the courses based on two things: 

  1. his actual experiences
  2. what his students want to learn. 

It doesn’t look fancy, and you even may find it a bit boring at times, but that doesn’t take away from the fact it’s packed with nuggets of wisdom. 

If you expect easily digestible content comparable to what eDx offers, I have to warn you that this is not at par with that. 

It has excellent content, but it can seem dragging, especially for lessons that are almost an hour or so. 

Who would ever want to hear someone discussing technical concepts for an hour, right? Even schools give gateway exercises mid-way. 

If you aren’t sure whether this is something you should try out, I highly suggest that you check out his YouTube videos and see for yourself whether you’d like to learn from him or not. 

He has so many videos on his channel, but note that some of these are pretty long, and I seriously found it hard to keep myself awake and focused on his insights.

Aside from the masterclasses offered, you can also try out their 3-month trader mentoring program for $7000, where you can unlock advanced trading techniques and ask your questions directly to the Institute trainers. 

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These trainers are everyday folks like most of us, but they are regarded as experts who have completed the training course and passed the certification examination. 

If you also pass the exam, you can also be given a chance to teach and inspire other people in the same program.

The company also holds regular live webinars and in-person seminars. Some are free and open for the public, while others come with a specific fee and are strictly for alumni or new members. 

I think the company is quite good, and I really admire the fact that they are focused on providing educational services in less risky instruments than crypto and such.

But the question still stands – is the Professional Trading Masterclass worth your time and money? 

Well, let’s find out in the next part of this post.


Is the Professional Trading Masterclass Worth It?

The Professional Trading Masterclass teaches the investment approach and mindset of a professional hedge fund manager. 

In a few words, Anton Kreil will teach you the principles and what motivates traders to position their stocks in such a way. 

He says that the best way to beat the market is by applying the top-down approach, emphasizing global sentiments.

This is quite different from what other traders like Warren Buffett do. Usually, they start by looking for stocks and then cross-checking their performance based on the local and global sentiments. 

Anton insists that his approach (he also fondly calls the WISH framework) is better as it is defensive and ensures a more robust and even more stable cash flow in the future.

The videos will also teach you tools for fundamental analysis, but the most notable one is the Kelly Criterion formula which dramatically helps identify possible gain and loss ratios. The videos will also shed light on basic statistical formulas such as the t-test, DFLCCA, etc.

As I have mentioned in the first part of this post, the PTM is on the pricier side, and given that price tag, not many can enroll under it.

Due to this, you can’t really find many reviews about how good or bad it is since most of the reviews are just on the negative side, saying that it is not worth the price at all because even the whole marketing website of the service looks quite outdated, which is entirely true. 

But suppose you’re not interested in none of that and are hell-bent on the idea of learning from Anton, then this is what you will get:

  1. Unlimited access to the 28 training videos
  2. Bonus videos
  3. PDF manuals
  4. Special spreadsheet – for stock price computation and analysis 
  5. Exam voucher
  6. Exam certificate
  7. Resume reference


I find it quite hard to understand why this amounts to $3499. 

Considering its steep price, I didn’t buy the course, but I was able to have a good look at some of the PTM videos that actual users uploaded (but got removed due to copyright issues), and I have to say that it looks ancient. 

I mean, the field of finance is ever-changing, and techniques used 5 to 10 years ago may not be suitable today. 

It defeats the purpose without a regular update on the training videos, as old content is usually never good.

On top of that, I seriously don’t understand why the company is producing certificates when the whole Institute and Anton, himself, are not accredited by any organization? 

Professional Trading Masterclass ReviewI mean, it’s good for you if you pass the exam, but you have to ask yourself – where will you use that certificate after? 📜


It’s not as if you can write it down on your resume as a good company with legal documents does not produce it.

What is even more stressful about this is that you will need to buy another voucher to unlock it if you fail the exam. Talk about being greedy. 

If I were in your shoes, I’d instead just try the Day Trading Academy or even subscribe to Motley Fool’s newsletter and get more value for my money due to its regularly updated content and ever-expanding list of resources. 

NoteAs of writing, please know that the PTM is delisted under the Institute’s website, but you can still find it when visiting Anton Kreil’s website. It comes at the same price, so you do not have to worry as you will get the same set of videos and experiences. 


Is Anton Kreil a Scammer?

Let me answer this right away, Anton Kreil is pretty popular, for good reasons. He is a big guy in his field, boasting a stellar career in Goldman Sachs, Lehman Brothers, and JP Morgan. 

Unlike other gurus out there, he walks the talk as he was able to handle trading for these companies and was even the host of the BBC show – Million Dollar Traders.

He is also a contributor for Marketwatch, where he wrote content related to investing. He has also been featured by Seeking AlphaBusiness Insider, and Marketwatch. 

While he does not have any cases against him, I was pretty surprised to know that he lives a showbiz-kind-of-life.

He does so to the point that he was the subject of significant scandals like when he said that “women are just commodities” or when he, along with his wife, dyed their dogs’ fur, causing animal rights issues.

Despite all those concerns, though, he is legitimate, but he does not seem to be really redesigning or promoting the PTM anymore. As for his performance as a trader, I think his previous experience speaks for itself. 


Is the Professional Trading Masterclass A Scam?

The Professional Trading Masterclass and Anton Kreil are not a scam, and they are most probably the most influential entities in the field.

Somehow, I believe that the course content is good, but what worries me the most is that there are newer ways to analyze stocks.

More importantly, the price offer is just way too high to think that the company does not offer usual features available today like stock alerts, chatrooms, and newsletters.

As much as I’d like to promote this, time is of the essence when it comes to the market. Given its pricing for already outdated content, I have to say that this is not worth your time at all. There is a vast range of resources available online, and most are free!

If I were you, I’d just watch his YouTube videos and sign up for other courses like those available in Coursera or eDX. At least these resources are new and are created based on rigid review by academicians.


How I Make A Living Online

As you reach this part of the post, you are probably wondering if there are other legitimate opportunities out there that will provide you with better ways of earning than the highly complex stock market field.  

Well, luckily for you, I have something promising, and it’s actually the exact same blueprint of how I’ve been making a living online. 

Although it’s entirely different from trading, that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s easy, so please don’t expect to make thousands upon starting. 

Please feel free to close this page if you’re in doubt that I’m some guru that’s trying to sell you on yet another overpromising DFY course. 

Is The Professional Trading Masterclass a scamIf you bothered to read my about page, you probably know that I can’t stand those types of systems as they are nothing more than piles of sh*t. 💩💩💩


I hate to keep you waiting, so I suggest you look at my money guide, as it clearly explains everything there is to know about my line of business. 

Also, feel free to check out my number #1 recommendation for making money online. With all the tools, training, live classes, and 24/7 support, I’m absolutely sure that it’s by far one of the best training and mentorship platforms for building a successful business online, hands down. 

My Professional Trading Masterclass review is coming to an end, so hopefully, I was able to give you a decent answer of whether the course itself and Anton Kreil are scams or not. 

If you’re interested in finding out more about him or simply want to ask a question or two, feel free to drop a comment down below and, and as always, I’ll get back to you as soon as I can. 👋



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