Capitalist Exploits Review

Is Capitalist Exploits a Scam or a Great Way to Earn $750 Per Sale?

Are you interested in signing up with a network where you can earn over $750 with just one sale? If you answered yes, this post is for you. 

Please read on as we answer whether Capitalist Exploits is a scam or a legitimate affiliate “middleman” for financial newsletters. 

Also, suppose you’re looking for the best ways to make money from home. In that case, please feel free to check out my number #1 recommendation, as it’s truly the best platform to get started online. 

My name is Gorjan, and up to date, I’ve reviewed well over +300 online courses and helped more than a few hundred people avoid scams online. 

If you wish to find out more about me, my story, and how I can help you create your first real source of passive income online, then by all means, please feel free to read my about page to get to know me better. 

Contrary to common belief, building an actual online business is inexpensive, but it does take time and a lot of effort, and that’s the only approach to take if you wish it to be profitable and thriving in the long run. 

If this is your idea of owning a booming business online, then my most recommended platform has everything you need to succeed online. 

Is Capitalist Exploits a scamWhether you want to believe it or not, it turned me from a regular guy into someone who will likely always be able to generate income online. 💰


It gave me clarity in every aspect within this often unclear and overwhelming online ‘biz’ industry, and as it did for me, I don’t doubt it can do the same for you as well. 

I also would like to congratulate you on researching, considering that scammers have gotten wiser, and it’s so much easier to fall for their encouraging fairy tales and bullsh*t type of lies these days. 

It’s surely a smart move from your side, given the fact that’s the only way to stay safe and find the best ways to make money online


So, let’s get this Capitalist Exploits review started. 🙂

The pandemic has moved us forward when it comes to thinking about our choices in life. Whenever we get home after a long day of work, most of us waste away time scrolling on social media until it’s bedtime. 

We sleep peacefully, knowing that we will still have a job by the time we get up. However, it all changed when the pandemic knocked us out.

Instead of restful nights of sleep and enjoyment, we are forced to see the reality that many people have lost their jobs in a matter of weeks. 

Smaller companies had no choice but to close down and let go of their employees. With this, we have seen a dramatic rise in unemployment levels, causing more people to become frustrated about the current situation and how they will survive in the coming months. 

Add to this the recent spike in the prices of essential items, commodities and the high tag price of technologies such as mobile phones, tablets, and laptops needed for online learning or remote jobs. 

I honestly hate to be the herald of bad news, but this is exactly what people from across the world are going through at the minute. 


The solution to this? 

Establish a profitable business and get a side-hustle!


Thankfully, nowadays, you do not need much to establish a business or land a high-paying remote hustle. 

By going on Google and signing up with a few specific sites, you can get your “career” started and earn a few dollars on the side within minutes. 

It may not be much initially, but it can seriously augment your finances than having zero additional cash when you need it the most.


Some of the most profitable side-hustles you can start: 

  1. Get a freelance job depending on your skills – you can start this no matter your age! You will have to be over 18 to sign up with Upwork or Fiverr, but some clients might consider you if you directly pitch your services through social media.

  2. Upskill and become an apprentice – if you think you have a flair for social media management or digital marketing, you can contact willing mentors on LinkedIn, Acadium, or social media.

  3. Sell your handmade items through Etsy – and maybe create an ultra-profitable full-time digital business.

  4. Sign up with websites providing micro-tasks – there are many sites out there, including MommyJobsLionbridge, and Appen.

  5. Join survey sites and get paid to answer questions online –  SwagbucksUserTestingSurvey Junkie, and Inbox Pounds.

  6. Do you consider yourself a good trader? – why not become a social market trader and let other people copy your stock moves on eToro.

  7. Start your website and monetize it.


Of all the aforementioned methods, affiliate marketing remains one of the best business models to make money online. 

You see, the concept of this online business is not a new thing since it works like a finder’s fee. Your task here is to entice customers to buy off your links, and then you will instantly get a predetermined commission.

The concept of how it works is quite simple, but please remember that you must find good products to promote. If you wish to learn more about this business model, please don’t hesitate to read my complete guide

The real question is – does Capitalist Exploits give you the best products, and is it really possible to earn at least $750 per sale? 


Please find out more about this in my review below. 👇

But before we dive in, let me just clarify that I am not being paid to write this post. What you will see here is my honest opinion and nothing more. 

If you are up for that, let’s get started. 


Capitalist Exploits Review

If you have been searching for the top affiliate networks, you probably have heard of Clickfunnels, JVZoo, or Clickbank, but I also bet that you haven’t heard much about Capitalist Exploits. 

This is because Capitalist Exploits position themselves more as a financial newsletter than an affiliate network where you will find tons of reviews online about the quality of their newsletters.

Unlike other companies, they specialize in investment newsletter products and are only offering two major products. 

That number is a far cry to Sharesale’s range with over 5,975 offers or JVZoo’s massive 57k products to choose from! 

easily the best way to make money online!

best way to make money online

But what makes this an attractive option for marketers is that the average commission is around $750 or 50% of the revenue, making it one of the most high-paying legitimate networks there is at this very moment.

As of writing, their two major products cost around $1575 to $3499. Therefore, it’s very possible to earn thousands of dollars each month as long as you effectively promote the products. 

As an affiliate marketer myself, I know for a fact that that the amount is indeed a big one as compared to the meager rates you can profit from: 

  1. Amazon Associates – $.50 per sale 
  2. CPAmatica – $2.50 per sale
  3. AdFly – $0.01 per click (very disappointing) 

Capitalist Exploits Review With this being said, I do think that you should seriously consider this in your marketing portfolio. At the same time, let me just point out that selling financial newsletters can be pretty challenging. ⚠️


More so, since the Capitalist Exploits are just saying that “asymmetric investment is the way to go,” even if they have no clear basis or a “persona” with credibility in the financial field.

Come to think of it, will you be interested in purchasing a product with no historical data of previous successes or no real name behind who the lead editor is/are? 

By visiting their site, you’ll see two names, Chris Macintosh and Brad McFadden, but they are only branded as the leaders behind the team. 

In newsletters, “leaders” are different from “editors,” and if the company can’t reveal who’s part of the “team,” then it’s likely a scam. 

For a $1575 newsletter, I will find more comfort in paying the fee associated with other ones like the following: 

  1. Strategic Intelligence – $199 
  2. Total Wealth Insider – $49 
  3. Stansberry Investment Advisory – $199 

At least in these three newsletters, you can see that the writers are famous in the industry, and a quick search online can land you on the official pages of the editors, where you can track their actual experiences.

So, if you will ask me, I think that the product is quite challenging to sell. And maybe this is the reason why the commission is so big. 

Add to that is that the Capitalist Exploits offer a 30-day money-back guarantee which can significantly affect your chances of earning. 

Like any affiliate network, you will only get paid for qualified conversions, which means that you might need to wait for a month to see if the customer you sent their way is an official one or “just trying it out.”


Is Capitalist Exploits A Legit Newsletter to Promote? 

But before you dive into the rabbit hole that is the Capitalist Exploits with the motivation of earning a minimum of $750, please know that joining their affiliate program is not as easy as you think it is. 

It is indeed free, but you are not just filling out some form and waiting for an acceptance e-mail. Here, you have to follow a comprehensive process where it feels like you are selling yourself and your skills.

Given that they have one of the biggest commission rates, they are gaining a lot of attention which is why many people are willing to try out their affiliate program, and businesses are after a corporate partnership. 

By going to their website and filling out the form, you can expect a phone or Skype interview from where they will gauge your capabilities.

Is Capitalist Exploits Legit Once you’re in, you can finally choose the products you want to promote on your website. On the other hand, if you buy their financial newsletter, please note that they’ll be upselling even after purchasing their service. 👎


Let’s cut to the chase – The Capitalist Exploits is an affiliate network masking itself as a financial research company. 

As you can probably see from popular YouTube videos related to this company, they are mainly focusing on the idea of selling investment services without actually discussing much of the flourishing affiliate marketing program of the company. 

I only found about four reviews geared toward discussing its affiliate platform, and I think these are the reasons behind that: 

  1. Affiliate marketers are trying their best to populate the internet with good things related to the company’s financial newsletters. Still, given its price, not everyone will be willing to spend on it.

  2. Not everyone is interested in the product selection (the Insider and Resource Insider) of Capitalist Exploits. Given that financial newsletters are challenging to sell, marketers see more affordable publication offers out there like those under Banyan Hill or Agora Financials. These companies may not be good but provide cheaper services.

  3. It is not as popular as you probably think it will be. As I’m writing this, Capitalist Exploits only has around 1k followers on Facebook and 10k on Twitter. It is much different from Clickbank, which has 99.4k on Facebook and 38.7k on Twitter.


Is Capitalist Exploits A Scam?

The Capitalist Exploits is not a scam, but many affiliates find it hard to tell whether their newsletter is worthy of promotion.

Their disclaimer, which you can find on their site, says that Capitalist Exploits’ are not licensed financial professionals, brokers, and bankers and that it is NOT a registered investment advisor or broker/dealer.

The disclaimer further states that the company may receive compensations from the companies or suggestions mentioned in their newsletters, which is pretty terrible as far as I’m concerned. 

I mean, I have read and reviewed tons of financial newsletters where most are bad, but at least, the opinions and analysis are solely theirs and not from “believed to be reliable” sources.

Having said that, I’m still not going to recommend this to you despite its 4.8 rating on Trustpilot, which seems to be paid given all the praises and only one bad review out of a 120. 

Remember that just because you see good reviews on a site doesn’t mean that it’s entirely true. Trustpilot recently removed 2.2 million fake reviews, and I guess they are still in the process.



  1. Sebastian Ephraim November 29, 2021
    • Gorjan December 5, 2021
  2. Ann November 26, 2021
    • Gorjan November 26, 2021
  3. Bernard Breytenbach November 24, 2021
    • Gorjan November 26, 2021

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