The Knowledge Broker Blueprint

Is The Knowledge Broker Blueprint A Scam? Whopping $1.9k!

Priced at exactly $1997 for six modules, is the Knowledge Broker Blueprint a scam, or is it the best masterclass available out there?

Before we dive into the review, let’s all take a moment and think back on the last time you taught yourself something.


•  Did you teach yourself about the language of your dream country?

•  Have you explored how to play the piano on your own?

•  Have you created your own website/mobile app from scratch?


You see, I am a complete supporter of the idea of investing in yourself. For me, it is the ideal way by which you can thrive and achieve the best in life. 

Becoming even more profitable in the future depends highly on how willing you are to learn for the sake of your personal and professional growth.

The pandemic has definitely changed how we keep ourselves busy and entertained during the past few months. According to Forbes, we presently see an intense surge in online education. 

I strongly sense that this change is because people finally realize that technology is a great tool to upskill themselves in something they are exceptionally passionate about.

As a response to this surge, online creators, coaches, and instructors look for ways to construct new skills-based curriculums for areas such as data science, leadership, and finance. 

I also love online learning because more and more hobby classes are being added each day! Gardening, crocheting, painting. You name it; there’s a class for pretty much everything in the internet sphere nowadays. 


However, is there a class for yourself? Well, there probably is. 🙂


If you are more determined to learn about the foundations and basic business concepts, perhaps you have come across Knowledge Business Blueprint or KBB by Tony Robbins, Russell Brunson, and Dean Graziosi.

I understand that if you are struggling to reach your business goals, enrolling in courses like this can surely help you navigate the unknown. But the real question is: 


Is Knowledge Broker Blueprint worth your time, effort, and money? 🤔


This article will share what I have learned about this highly publicized educational content online with you.

As a disclaimer, please know that I am not in any way affiliated with Tony, Dean, or the KBB platform. This review seeks to capture the truth and nothing but the truth regarding this tempting online course. 


In other words, I will not persuade you to commit to their online course. 🙃


Instead, I will dish out my comprehensive take on this self-study program as best as I can. So if you are ready for my review, suit up, and let’s get this party started. 


The Men Behind the Knowledge Broker Blueprint

Getting on the online course train is easy since some of the lessons are available for free, like in the case of CourseraeDX, and FutureLearn.

On the other hand, there are those programs that cost approximately $30 to $100. Despite the price differences, learners are still very much willing to pay because they deem that the better the price, the better the quality of the content.

But here’s the thing, the Knowledge Broker Blueprint is actually one of the priciest courses that I have ever seen online.

You see, the whole program comes with a whopping price of $1997! That price tag is exponentially higher than the course of the leading universities from eDx!

Based on the platform’s marketing, one of the primary justifications for that alarming price is that the course is made by three of the most prominent leaders in the knowledge industry- Tony Robbins, Dean Graziosi, and Russell Brunson.

Tony Robbins holds more than 30 years of experience in helping business leaders achieve their full potential under his belt.

He was recognized by Harvard Business Review as one of the top 200 Business Gurus today. Additionally, Accenture and American Express named Tony on the top business leaders and intellectuals in the world.

Aside from being an entrepreneur, he is also a life and business strategist and a motivational speaker who is very vocal about his support for the concept of self-education.

In 2014, Fortune magazine even dubbed him as the “CEO Whisperer” due to his excellence in the industry as a consultant to some of the world’s finest CEOs, athletes, and media practitioners.

He is the founder and chairman of Tony Robbins Holdings, Inc., a professional training and coaching company based in San Diego, California.

The company provides training and consultation services to diverse industries, from hospitality, media, business, to even education and medicine.

Aside from that, Tony is also recognized as the #1 New York Times best-selling author and co-author of about six notable books that are also translated into German and Spanish.

His book entitled Money: Master the Game holds a favorable rating of 4.5 out of 5 based on the Amazon listings based on over 5,215 reviews!

Dean Graziosi is more popular as a knowledge broker, success coach, motivational trainer, real estate expert, and investor. He is also known for his ten best selling books available in paperback and as an audio CD on Amazon.

Similar to Tony, Dean has always been very vocal about his passion for self-education for total transformation. He has over 20 years of unbeatable experience working with top-rated companies as a consultant.

Back in 2002, he founded Dean Enterprises, LLC, a real estate investing education company. The company’s core aim is to inspire and involve the rest of the country in investing in real estate opportunities.

A year after that, Dean also founded the production company arm of Dean Enterprises LLC. This one is more focused on the production of real estate materials for traditional and online marketing.

If you are an aspiring marketer, you have heard of Russell Brunson whenever one talks about funnel marketing.

Russell Brunson is one of the best-known internet marketers since he co-founded the renowned funnels company called Clickfunnels.

He has built an empire of his own by authoring three significant books related to the concept of online marketing. I have personally read his books, and they are nothing short of fabulous. 

For the past few years, Russell has been consistently contacted as a marketing consultant for top businesses. He has helped start and scale online businesses of aspiring entrepreneurs through his software company.

From the way I see it, the combination of these three legends alone is probably one reason why the course has its steep price. In the next part of the article, we will review what the KBB is all about.


What is the Knowledge Broker Blueprint about?

Being an expensive online course, you are probably wondering what KBB is all about. You see, Knowledge Business Blueprint has been updated and redesigned to respond to the online world’s needs.


Today, it is branded as Knowledge Broker Blueprint. 😊

Based on the platform’s website, KBB holds the most prominent online course launch in history, with over 250k live attendees from across the world!

I believe that this course quickly became a favorite since it is hyped and marketed by the “legends” in this field. 

I mean, I get it if you want to join the launch because you are a fan of these three. However, if you’re someone who doesn’t know who these guys are, then you’ll probably want to know more before shelling out that type of money. is the Knowledge Broker Blueprint a scamThe Knowledge Broker Blueprint is a training course for those who are aspiring to become entrepreneurs. 

I love the course because it consistently motivates learners to understand that we all have unique talents that we can share with the community and that there are people who are willing to pay to learn and acquire that talent.

This so-called “talent” is beyond the traditional lessons in the classroom. It deals more with things you are passionate about, gardening, cooking, programming, and more! (just assuming) 

The course breaks down the specific skills in the form of modules.

The KBB is marketed as a comprehensive online program that allows you to tap into your passion and expertise. Given that idea, the course is structured so that each of the six modules targets a specific skill.


What is inside the Knowledge Broker Blueprint? 🕵️

Is it an all in one platform? Well, that depends on what you are looking for. 

For the case of KBB, it comes with video tutorials from the legends themselves, specific exercises and resources, worksheets, and access to their private Facebook group for support.

Please note that the offers and bonuses change from time to time. As of writing, you will get the following for $1997 (or $597 for a 4-month payment scheme):

  1. The Knowledge Broker Blueprint (with six modules) ✔
  2. KBB welcome box (journal, mug, pen) ✔
  3. Access to private KBB Facebook Group ✔ 
  4. 6-months free trial for the Mindmint 2.0 software ✔
  5. Monthly online training ✔
  6. Video of Dean’s productivity secrets ✔
  7. 6-weeks of course walkthrough (1 week per module) ✔
  8. Closed-door KBB training with Jenna Kutcher ✔


From the way I see it, the course content focuses on aiding you with establishing effective and profitable training, seminars, and workshops. 

I like the fact that the course states that profitability is not just about getting clients to subscribe. Instead, it should be on getting clients because your service is actually worth paying for.

And let’s be honest here! There may be many online courses, but most of them are not worth your time, money, and most importantly, effort. 

So, as a word of advice, if you are seriously looking to earn from this industry, please be sure that you are an expert on what you will teach.


Have you ever heard of the saying, “You cannot give what you do not have?” 


Joining the self-education industry is really a profitable move since it is still not oversaturated. However, remember that as a professional, your focus should always be to impact others’ lives through your skills. 

 So, if you are a beginner, expand your knowledge and experiences first. 🙂


What are the 6 modules about?

As I have said earlier, the lesson is divided into six main modules. The titles for each are actually carefully worded, which means that they can already say a lot about the topic.


Module 1: Mindset Mastery 👈

The right mindset frames how passionate we should be to achieve our determined idea of “success.” Judging from the content of module 1, it mainly deals with four lessons related to psychological conditioning, transformational vocabulary, successful habits, and an overview of how to design a compelling talk or course.


Module 2: Extraction & Discovery 👈

This module deals with how you can process and discover your unique talent or expertise. The discussions start with narrowing one’s niche, extracting the lessons you want to teach, and a two-part lecture on how to teach.

I find this a crucial module for learners since it allows you to understand that your whole business’s success is based on your target lesson (and on how good you can teach).


Module 3: Marketing Mastery 👈

The third module is all about the science of marketing. They will take you by the hand, walk you through funnels, and show you how to masterfully craft your order page.

The last lesson on this module also gives you an overview of the secrets to a successful course launching online.


Module 4: Generating The Right Leads 👈

Finding leads is easy, but finding the “perfect” market proves to be a challenging endeavor.

Unlike most of the modules, this one is relatively long and has over five major lessons connected to marketing, reaching out to your first substantial set of “fans,” social media marketing, online advertisements, and how you can pitch your courses through email marketing.


Module 5: Running Your Event With Confidence 👈

The second to the last module deals with the psychology of running a mastermind course and on how to set up your virtual and in-person event effectively.

This also features the final words from the legends and the final walkthrough with the software included in the course bundle.


Module 6: Knowledge Consultant & Reporter 👈

Well, this one is not a module per se. It deals with the parting messages of the legends (again) and the short discussions on the winning strategies and what it means to be a knowledge consultant and reporter.


Is the Knowledge Broker Blueprint a scam?

No, the Knowledge Broker Blueprint is definitely not a scam. 🥳 🥳 🥳

You may have seen other reviews saying that the course is a total scam, but these comments are usually from people who purchased the system, knowing that they are not experts in a specific field. 

I mean, if you are mainly motivated to purchase the course as a beginner, then trust me, you may find yourself not profiting at all.

Contrary to common belief, teaching is actually a skill itself. That means that aside from your skill in gardening (for example), you should also have mastery of how to teach gardening effectively.

Unlike other reviews online, I do not recommend this course for those who are purely motivated to join the industry just to earn.

Because unlike other money-making opportunities online, this requires constant development, enhancement, and training based on the online learners’ standards.

Remember, developing a course is not just a matter of copying the methods of others. It is about tailoring the lessons and making an impact in the lives of others. 


How I make a Living Online & How You can Do the Same 🤑 🤑 🤑

With a vast number of potential opportunities online, I understand that it is hard to decide which one is the best based on your current situation. If you are someone who is:

  1. Interested in making money from home ✔
  2. Looking for a legit way to earn 4 to 5 figures online ✔
  3. Passionate about a specific niche ✔
  4. Interested in growing a source of passive income ✔


You might then want to check out my guide, where I detail the affiliate marketing concept and show you how to build a $6000 a month affiliate marketing blog in less than a year. 

Affiliate marketing is one of the best ways you can earn legitimately from commissions online, and it’s not some shady business where you have to invite others to sign up. 

The business models’ concept is quite simple to understand, and that’s why more and more people are signing up and going after it.The Knowledge Broker Blueprint Review Unlike selling courses, your pacing for earning depends highly on how much time you want to focus on your site through marketing. 

You see, the blog you’re currently on is a perfect example of an affiliate marketing blog. It may look simple, but it’s efficient, and it gets the job done. 

It helps me live my life on my terms, and it has allowed me to enjoy my day to day life without worrying about having any financial concerns. 


But why am I telling you all of this? 😃


Because I want to be your mentor and help you achieve the same results as I have. I want to take you by the hand and show you every little detail that went into creating this pretty-looking blog of mine. 

However, before I do that, I need to be completely honest with you. A couple of years ago, I knew nothing about building and managing affiliate sites. 

I was just a newbie like yourself, but I was lucky enough to stumble upon one of the best affiliate marketing communities you can come across nowadays. 


The community I’m referring to goes by the name of Wealthy Affiliate

Wealthy Affiliate is the same affiliate marketing platform that gave me all the training, tools, and support to innovate and thrive in this crazy online world. 


And the best part about it? It can help you do the same. (Get Started for FREE) 💯 👈


Some veterans inside this platform earn four, five, and even six figures of passive income, while others are just getting started and hitting their first $100 days.


It’s the perfect platform to become apart of if you’re interested in planting and growing online assets that will pay you for years to come. 

I’m not saying that it’s going to be easy. WA is far from a get-rich-quick scheme, and it requires a tremendous amount of input from your end. 


Do you want my advice? Don’t overthink it.  🤩


Just sign up for the FREE starter membership and see how you feel about the platform. I’ll personally welcome you on the other side and introduce you to some of the top affiliates in the industry. 

As I end this article, I hope that I was able to help you form a decision on whether you should push through with the KBB online course or change route.

Before you head on to your next online adventure, don’t miss out on my other reviews for what’s hot and what’s not in the online money-making industry. 

Check out my honest reviews here, and don’t forget to drop a comment and share your opinion with me down below. 

As always, stay safe and keep thriving. 👋 👋 👋


  1. Albert Stark June 17, 2022
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  6. Shyla October 29, 2020
    • Gorjan November 3, 2020
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  9. BRIAN S LEIST October 28, 2020
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  10. Yoana October 28, 2020
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  11. Mick Wosika October 28, 2020
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  12. Jason October 28, 2020
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  14. shalisha October 28, 2020
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  15. Ivan October 28, 2020
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