Accredited Debt Relief Review

Is Accredited Debt Relief a Scam? A Few Things You Should Know!

Thereā€™s no shame in admitting that weā€™ve all been in a sticky situation, and when things get a little out of hand, we instantly look for saving grace.Ā 


Could debt relief services be the key? šŸ”‘

Read on as I review this well-known debt settlement company and answer whether Accredited Debt Relief is a scam or not.Ā 

When we think about the concept of financial freedom, one of the first few things that come to mind are passive income,Ā starting an online business, side hustles, and, last but not least, the stock market.Ā 

Of course, all of these are integral in forming a future that is built around success. At an early age, some of us started diving into all the different schemes and online hustles that we could find, knowing full well that this is what freedom means.

The site youā€™re currently on lives and breathes all things financial, and my traffic unsurprisingly doubled just during the pandemic alone since most are looking for legitimate ways to earn online during their spare time.Ā 

Some of my readers have tried out tutoring withĀ Course HeroĀ andĀ WyzAnt, getting remote jobs fromĀ Liveops,Ā and some are even subscribing to investment newsletters like those fromĀ RickardsĀ andĀ McCall.

Additionally, just by spending some time on social media, you can instantly find some friends and connections selling off handcrafted items or baked goodies to make ends meet.Ā 


And to be honest, there is nothing wrong with that. šŸ™‚

However, thereā€™s one piece of the puzzle that almost everyoneā€™s missing, and that is the ability to call themselves ā€œfreeā€ without all the piles of debt pulling them down.Ā 

Young adults in America, for instance, have to pay off federal student loans, which can get quite significant to the point that fresh graduates find themselves living paycheck to paycheck, all while balancing adult responsibilities on top of their current student loans.Ā 

They are forced not just to look for ā€œa jobā€ but to look for one that pays well enough and stick with it until they can repay.

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While I am not saying that this is everyoneā€™s story, we all know that our expenses also grow as we mature, probably why some take outĀ personal loansĀ and even apply forĀ credit cardsĀ andĀ mortgage loansĀ to have more spending power.


And the sad part about this? šŸ˜”

Well, it turns out that without the right reasons and motivations for taking a loan, you might wake up one day with a pile of debt-related letters.Ā 

And while that is a scary thought to face, it turns out that you donā€™t have to go through this alone.Ā 

With the help of debt relief companies, you can let them negotiate on your behalf and pay less than what you actually owe your creditors.


Could this really be the solution to our problems?Ā 

Letā€™s find out more about this in my review of one of the top debt relief companies in America, the Accredited Debt Relief.Ā 

Before we continue, just a quick disclaimer that I am not connected with the company, nor am I being sponsored to write this post. What you will read here is just my honest opinion about their service, and nothing more.Ā 

By the end of this article, I will also share my most recommended way of earning online so that you, too, can get on the fast track to getting out of debt.

If you are up for that, then letā€™s get this started.


Accredited Debt Relief Review

Debt relief or settlement companies have been around for a long time, and they are built to help settle and negotiate a personā€™s creditor.Ā 

For instance, if you find yourself not getting much sleep and becoming depressed with all your bills, you can simply sign up with a debt relief firm and seek their service to see if they can reduce the amount you owe.

Basically, it works like this:

  1. You reach out to your chosen debt relief company.
  2. They interview you and prepare a plan.
  3. You open a savings account which they can track.

Once your account starts growing and you consistently add a specific amount every month, the debt relief company will negotiate if your creditors will take a reduced amount as payment, then nothing at all.

If your creditor happily accepts, you will process the payment in a lump sum or a monthly scheme. However, please note that not all will accept reduced payments!Ā 

With this being said, it is still highly possible that even if you are on board with a settlement company, that does not mean that you will have a guaranteed chance to pay less.Ā 

With the tag lone debt relief made easy, the Accredited Debt Relief has been around for quite a time now as it was established back in 2011 to provide expedited services in getting out of debt as fast as possible.


24 to 48 months.Ā 

Of course, this period is not guaranteed by the company since it still depends on you and your capacity to grow your savings account.

Their whole operation is based around the financial service known as the debt settlement, by which you will be asked to stop making payments once you are on board with them.Ā 


Yup, you read that right.Ā 

This means that when you sign up with them or any other debt settlement company, you will harm your credit standing, which will be on your profile for seven long years.

The premise here is that they will negotiate on your behalf and help you get a lower monthly payment.

Considering the risks, I think itā€™s safe to say that you should only consider this as the last option because it will have a detrimental effect on you.Ā 

Especially if they fail to negotiate, resulting in you having to pay late charges from your creditors and for the companyā€™s service cost.Ā 

Is Accredited Debt Relief A ScamLook, Iā€™m not saying itā€™s terrible at all, but trust me when I say that youā€™re only holding on to a ā€œpromiseā€ and not a guarantee if you sign up with companies like the Accredited Debt Relief.Ā 


I guess if you are hell-bent on the idea of resolving your debt quickly and are not afraid of the potential impact on your credit, then, by all means, try them out.

The company usually charges 14-25% of the total enrolled debt as a service cost after a settlement is agreed upon. So, this means that every member will have to pay varying charges.Ā 

Upon checking, that rate range is not bad and somewhat competitive with other settlement companies like Freedom Debt Relief,Ā National Debt Relief, andĀ Pacific Debt Inc.Ā 

Here are the requirements to qualify:Ā Ā 

  1. Have over $10k unsecured debt
  2. Have proven challenges in paying the debt
  3. Willingness to see a negative credit scoreĀ 
  4. Being able to make monthly deposits on the dedicated accountĀ 
  5. Have unsecured debt like a credit card, personal loans
  6. Payday loans, past-due medical loans, and private student loans
  7. They will not work on federal-related loans.

You need to understand that the willingness to see a negative credit score will likely lessen your chances of retaking a loan in the future.Ā 

The dedicated amount where youā€™ll make the deposits will act as your saving jar where the company will track how much they can negotiate with your debtors.Ā 

They have around 4k followers on Facebook, 500+ followers on Twitter, and 322 on Instagram on social media.Ā 

I am pretty disappointed with the social media metrics as this company is considered one of the most popular ones in the United States.Ā 

I guess that shows that with all the risks involved, not many may be considering debt relief as an option.


Is Accredited Debt Relief Legitimate?

Accredited Debt Relief follows theĀ FTCĀ mandated service, which states that you must only pay it once it has successfully settled an account.Ā 


This means that there arenā€™t upfront fees or hidden costs at all.Ā 

To start with them, they will interview you and create a viable plan based on your debt profile. Once done, they will track your savings account and start negotiating.


If, for instance, they could not settle, you do not have to pay them at all.Ā 

More importantly, as stated on their website, they are only allowed to track your account, and it is still you who will have direct power on how to manage it.Ā 


So, yes, in that sense, they are legitimate. āœ…

As for accreditations, the company is checked, regulated, and accredited by the American Fair Credit Council, featured by theĀ US NewsĀ as one of the best debt settlement companies, has positive reviews and stellar ratings onĀ Consumer Affairs,Ā BBB, andĀ Trustpilot.


Is Accredited Debt Relief a Scam?

Before I answer this, let me deal with the pros and cons of this company. First and foremost, I agree that having some sort of support can be one of the most excellent ways to handle debt.Ā 

They seem to motivate you to get out of debt quickly, and having that around is not a bad thing, especially since many studies show thatĀ negative ideationsĀ are more familiar to people with debt.

If you think about it, having a financial advisor like them by your side can help you out psychologically too.Ā 

More importantly, Accredited Debt Relief allows you to negotiate favorable terms without actually facing your creditors.

Is Accredited Debt Relief LegitimateIn other words, if you feel that you do not have the confidence, they will send professionals to negotiate on your behalf.šŸ’”šŸ‘


However, I feel like there are also some drawbacks to using their services. I am not saying you should not sign up with them, but I want you to consider the following.

For instance, by the time you signup with them, you will have to say goodbye to the idea of getting loans in the future.Ā 


And the worst part of it? šŸ¤”

Some companies alsoĀ check their employeesā€™ credit standing, affecting your chances of landing your dream job.Ā 

Lastly, although clearly stated on their website, the Accredited Debt Relief is not a magic pill that can solve all of your problems.Ā 

While they are one of the best in the industry, that does not mean that they can guarantee settlement.Ā 

And if they are not able to reduce your charge, that means that you have to pay additional late costs on top of your original debt.Ā 

In conclusion, I want you to know that the company is not a scam, and it is indeed a legitimate company that follows the FTC rules and has fantastic reviews online.Ā 


But if you will ask me if I recommend this, then there are two answers.

If you can still commit to yourself and regularly save up, you can do the negotiations yourself and not sign up with them.

However, if you are hell-bent on the idea of getting out of this Monopoly game, then I highly recommend the company to you.Ā 

At the end of the day, their promises seem to prevail since almost all of the reviews online show that the company could settle everything within just 24 to 48 months!Ā 


How I Make A Living Online

Just like yourself, I presume, I have always believed that financial freedom should always be the goal in life.

When we were younger, most of us believed that the only way to get rich was by landing a high-paying job with a corner office and a great view.

While itā€™s still a dream, I realized that not all of those big bosses up there actually have the time to live their dream lives.

But what if I tell you that there is a way to live life to the fullest and enjoy it in a way that most people donā€™t.

What Iā€™ll be sharing with you is the exact step-by-step process of how I earn a living online and introduce you to the very same business model that helped me escape the 9 to 5 rat race and made it possible for me to live life on my terms.

Please feel free to close this page if you think that Iā€™m just another online ā€œguruā€ whoā€™s trying to lure you into buying the latest, jaw-dropping, done-for-you system that never seems to work.

If youā€™re somewhat familiar with me and my blog, then you must know by now that I despise those kinds of systems as they are nothing more than overhyped pieces of garbage.

Accredited Debt Relief ReviewI highly suggest you read my about page to find more about me, my mission, and what I do, and in the meantime, Iā€™ll share with you what I believe is the best way to get started online. šŸ’øšŸ’øšŸ’ø


While the blueprint that Iā€™ll share with you in just a second works like a charm, you also need to be aware that it does require a little bit of elbow grease, and only then will you be able to enjoy the advantages that come with it.

As you can see from these success stories, success is very much possible, but it requires some work and patience. Just remove the thought that youā€™ll make thousands of dollars upon starting, and youā€™ll be quite alright.

So, without further ado, I suggest you look at my money guide as it summarizes everything there is to know about my business line.

It shouldnā€™t take you more than 6 to 7 minutes to finish the entire thing, and inside, youā€™ll get to know some of the reasons that got me into this, a few challenges that I faced along the road, and I even share what I believe is the best path to take so that you follow in my footsteps.

Please go through the entire thing carefully, ask questions along the way, and Iā€™m confident that youā€™ll thank me later.

I think itā€™s about time I wrap this review up, so hopefully, you liked what I had to say, and I was able to provide you with a clear answer of whether the Accredited Debt Relief firm is a scam or not.

By all means, please donā€™t hesitate to reach out to me if you have more questions or if you think thereā€™s some way I can help.

I want to thank you for sticking till the very end as we say farewell, and I hope to hear from you soon. šŸ‘‹šŸ‘‹šŸ‘‹



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